From The Strongest Job of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes are Depending on Me

Chapter Volume 4 2

Volume 4 Chapter 2: In a Desert City

Translator: “Pink Tea” Editor: ”Ryunakama”

Morning, a stall somewhere in the City of Raging Sands 『Eniado』. Three people were standing at the counter.

「You two, have you heard already? It seems that majin and monsters are getting more active lately.」

One of them, a man with a small harp in his hands, asked the two others, a youth with a staff and the other is a middle-aged man in an apron cooking on the other side of the counter.

「Yeah, I also heard such rumors going around. From what I’ve heard, at least sand slimes somewhat increased in numbers. Owner, you should be careful as well.」

「Yes, yes. This place is quite removed from the central areas, so if monsters were to attack you won’t see help coming for a while. 」

「Yeah. But, well, I can more or less deal with monsters myself.」

Though it was concealed by the apron, one could catch a glimpse of a sword hanging on his waist.

Seeing how the old man ran his hand over the sword the man with a harp nodded.

「As expected of a stall owned by a war veteran. Reliable. ……And speaking of reliance, pour me more wine, owner. I want to quench my thirst before I sing.」

「Ah, pour me some as well. This weather gets on my nerves. So I’d like to get drunk and make it peaceful at least inside my heart.」

「Sure. …Ah, but, my stock of wine ran out and the new stuff is yet to arrive, so drop your pace a bit. You guys are regulars, but if you drink up all I have left I won’t have anything for other clients.」

The two, who were called regular, wryly smiled at those words.

「Roger. …Which reminds me, it’s about rumors again, but have you heard about the flying carrier? It seems that he is now in this town.」

「The hell is that? Flying carrierー Some kind of circus troupe?」

The stall owner titled his head, but the youth with a staff replied with a nod.

「Ah, I heard about him. The one with terrific stories about him, flying around with a transportation bag at his hand, that one, right? If I’m not mistaken his name was『Axel the Flying Carrier』 There are talks about him in the guild and even in the nearby settlements.」

Finding another person who heard the same rumors the man with a harp nodded to the youth with a staff.

「That’s him. As they say, he is getting rid of monsters and bandits with overwhelming power. Some say that he chased off or as some claim even killed a pack of grey wolves, huge monsters as you know. And it seems he came here. 」

The stories were so crazy that they just stuck in the head. Thinking so the man with a harp continued talking, butー

「Huh? What’s that? From what I’ve heard he is a carrier that runs faster than sound. And then there also were stories that he is a free-spirited person, that travels around the cities like wind, not held down by anything……」

Such words come from the youth with a staff.

「Hmmm? You know, all those stories sound kind of convoluted. Are those different people?」

「But, what I’ve heard was surely about 『Flying Carrier』. And I never heard about two of them existing. So everything should be done by the same person…… Is that even possible?」

「Well, to be honest…… I hope it isn’t. Even though my source was pretty credible……」

「Same here.」

While having such an exchange the duo in front of the counter tilted their heads quizzically.

「Hey, hey, you guys. Sorry to butt in, but wait just a bit.」

The stall’s owner said.

Hearing what the guys in front of him were talking about, the store owner spoke up with a wry smile.

「I’ve been listening from the side, but isn’t this just too strange?」

「Hm? Strange? What exactly?」

「I mean, it’s a《Carrier》…… Right? The job of the guy from those stories?」

「Yeah. He has a transportation bag, so I think it certainly isn’t some high-tier job.」

「Yeah, it was the same in every rumor.」

「ーThen, a reasonable question comes. Can a carrier fly through the skies with its abilities?」

「Well, you are right.」

A carrier has extremely low ability scores. The skill 『Transportation bag』is indeed useful, but this usefulness exists basically to cover those abysmal abilities. A carrier cannot possibly fly through the skies.

「The speed as well. If it was about the high-tier transportation job 《Imperial Courier》that’s one thing, but a carrier…? Faster than sound? That’s just ridiculous, isn’t it? 」

And combat is an entirely different topic, the owner says, looking at his sword.

「…Fighting bandits or even some random monsters and winning as a carrier, that’s difficult, to say the least. On top of that, a pack of grey wolves? I fought them a number of times, but taking down a single one in a one-on-one fight is the best I could manage.」

I also encountered grey wolves. One or two can be handled even with a low status if one employs magic tools, but a pack is impossible. That’s how strong they are.

The man with a harp replied with a nod.

「True that. Those magic-using wolves can’t be beaten unless you form a party. Which means that his combat abilities are exaggerated?」

「But you know, I’ve got it from a trustworthy information broker in exchange for a significant sum, so there shouldn’t be a mistake. 」

「I can say the same. I can’t imagine that information brokers would lie all at once…」

Hmmm, the trio tilted their heads in contemplation.

That moment.

「Do you have a moment? Swordsman-san behind the counter.」

The stall owner heard a voice from somewhere behind the customers.

「Nm, by swordsman you meanー」

Guessing that they probably meant him, he replied raising his head, butー


He was startled. That was because he saw a man with a transportation bag at his waist and a giant barrel, several meters in diameter, on his shoulder. And carrying that giant barrel like it’s nothing, he asked with a smile.

「This is the bar called 『Oasis in the sands』right? The one with a swordsman for an owner.」

Not a single hint of strain could be felt in his casual and relaxed tone.

「Ye-yeah, it… is. I’m the owner of this… Stall.」

「I see. Then, this is a delivery from the merchant’s guild, please receive it.」

Saying that he put down the barrel in a smooth movement.

Easily and yet carefully.

That moment, a faint sound of a liquid shaking inside could be heard. And looking at the tag plastered to the barrel.

「Thi-this…… This is the wine that I just ordered from the guild……」

「That’s why I carried it here. Receiving the request to deliver it to the hands of the owner. A special wine in an enchanted barrel, correct? With the condition not to put it into the transportation bag, to avoid possible deterioration to quality.」

「Ye-yea, everything is correct. …The quality also seems unchanged.」

The owner confirmed contents through the transparent plant installed on top of the barrel.

If quality changed that plank would’ve immediately darkened. But, the plank on the barrel in front of me was most definitely transparent. It’s the same wine that I usually serve at my stall. No doubt here. And stillー

「Si-since you have that transportation bag on your waist, it means that you are a carrier, right?」

「Hm? Yeah, but as I mentioned earlier, there was a condition, so I didn’t use the bag.」

「Ah, no, that I can see myself, I mean, how did you carry such heavy stuff……」

This huge barrel is full of liquid.

Of course, it has just that much weight and is usually carried by several adult men with somewhat advanced jobs, yet this carrier was carrying it on the shoulder.

The two regulars, that knew how heavy it is from being asked to help from time to time, also were gaping in shock. It’s clearly weird, such were their thoughts, butー

「Hm? Well, it’s reasonably heavy, but I’ve learned a couple of tricks on how to carry it from the people at the merchant’s guild. Barrels of this town have a handle in the lower part, so it’s easy to carry holding onto it. So I could carry without a problem.」

「A, a, a trick to carry. The weight still stays the same, you know…?」

「Ye-yeah. Or rather, when we were helping with it we barely avoided injuries no matter how we carried it… And to think a carrier would be walking around with it……」

The regulars were even more shocked. Right. The guy in front of us is a carrier.

The whole situation was too bizarre, way beyond what you’d expected to see in your daily life.

Is what I thought whenー

「Well, I’m glad that there is no problem with quality. Then, your sign on this request form please.」

Saying that he gave me the request form the merchant’s guild. That was the request form for the goods that I just ordered from the guild, the one that I should be signing. And so I did, but the question that plagued my mind just slipped off my lips.

「H-hey. Though I said that this is urgent, not even ten minutes have passed since I sent the message. Walking to the guild will take at least 15 minutes no matter how you cut it, and you even had such heavy baggage…… Just how fast you are……」

「Hm? It’s not like I was going that fast. I’m still not that familiar with this town. I just came in a straight line.」

「Straight, line……?」

「Yes. ……Thanks for the signature, owner-san.」

「Eh? Ah, ye-yeah, same here, you really saved me with such fast delivery, carrier-san.」

Saying that, I recalled the conversation I just heard.

「……H-hey. Sorry for asking you out of blue, but could it be that you are 『Flying Carrier』Axel…san?」

「Hm? Well, yeah, I’m Axel, though it seems that some also call me 『Flying Carrier』. ーThen, I’ve delivered my package, so I’ll be going back.」

With those words carrier Axel put the request form into his breast pocket andー


And in one go completely disappeared from sight.


He completely disappeared. Only his voice could be heard coming from above.

「Goodbye then, Owner-san.」

Looking there, carrier Axel was in the sky.

Landing on a nearby building he then jumped even higher, flying away in the direction of the merchants’ guild. Looking at his silhouette, the stall owner muttered.

「Hey, you two.」

「What, owner.」

「You know, a minute ago, I said 「That’s just ridiculous?」. I take that back……」

The regulars nodded.

「Yeah, I also thought that I should take back my words about the rumors exaggerating.」

「Yup. How should I put it, an amazing carrier arrived in town……」

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