From The Strongest Job of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes are Depending on Me

Chapter Volume 4 9

Volume 4 Chapter 9: Selection of Strategy

Translator: “Pink Tea” Editor: ”Ryunakama”

As Michaela deeply bowed, Berzela, Saki, Daisy and I exchanged looks.
Looks like the archeology guild is at the end of their wits.

I thought, looking at my comrades, then—

「Ah, I’m fine with this, Master. I already know what you want to say.」

「Yeah, as your wife, I already know everything from that expression of yours…… So I think it’s fine to do as you wish. I will fully support you.」

「That’s right, my friend. There is no need to ask what are we going to do.」

They said.

As expected of comrades who know me for a long time.

It took them only a few seconds to understand what I think.

Furthermore, they even knew what I would answer.

……This is nice.

Though during the time when I was wearing that cursed helmet, they still managed to read my mind quite often despite obvious problems in conveying my thoughts that come with the inability to use facial expressions.

For better or worse, they can still do the same. I’m truly blessed with comrades.

Thinking so, I put my hand on Michaela’s shoulder and made her straighten up.

「Michaela-san, no need to bow so deep. That request, we will take it.」

When I replied like this, Michaela raised her head and once again bowed, this time in gratitude.

「Ah, thank you very much. Accepting such a sudden request. And moreover, despite it looking like I set you up to do this……」

「Don’t worry about that…… Besides, we already owe you one, so I just want to repay that.」

「Eh? Owe……?」

「Yeah, when we came here with the abrupt visit, you sheltered us from the sandstorm, didn’t you?」

「Ah…… B-but, even if I didn’t do anything, with your abilities you should be able to easily resist any sandstorm inside the city…… It wasn’t much of help……」

「Even so. You were worried about us. In that case, I want to repay that…… Didn’t you say yourself, helping each other is only natural.」

If people are in trouble and seek help, I want to give it to them.

All the more so if that’s a person that helped us.

So to repay her, I’d like to do what I can.

And it seems that Berzelia and others knew how I felt.

「That’s the case, I will help as well!」

「The work of my husband is my work as well. Yes, I will do it as well.」

Saki and Berzelia said, nodding with soft smiles.

「Michaela, my friends are super reliable.」

Added Daisy, who knew Michaela for a long time.

Hearing such words Michaela first had a slightly surprised look but then smiled.

「Thank you very much. It’s a relief to hear this from the heroes, people of real ability.」

「Well, I think being relieved comes after we finish the request…… So, I’d like to confirm, what is the current situation? Can you give us the details?」

「Of course. I will bring the materials, please wait here for a bit.」

Saying that Michaela brought a few scrolls from a shelf a part farther into the office.

Then, spread one of them on the table.

The map looked like several ellipses put on top of one another.

In the right part in had written『Eniado』. Considering what lies around the town—

「A map of the desert?」

Michaela nodded.

「Yes. We already mobilized the exploration team and adventurers, searching through the area using this map.」

「I see…… What are those circles here and there?」

Several areas on the map were marked with red circles.

「Those are sites we specially arranged in case return became difficult due to injury or some other reason. The desert is huge after all, so we have a few of them.」

「I see, I see…… Then, several of those circles have human silhouettes on them, what are those?」

「Yes. Those are areas where we already dispatched personnel to investigate.」

I look at the map while receiving an explanation.

There are quite a few red circles on the map, but most of them already had a human silhouette attached to them.

「Which means, that there are three spots that are yet to be checked?」

One slightly away from the city. And at about the same distance is another unvisited location.

「Yes. We covered most of the spots near the city. But being undermanned we couldn’t cover some areas…… This one over here is particularly dangerous.」

Michaela pointed to the red circle most removed from the city.

「It’s very deep into the desert and the distance there is also considerable……」

「I see, the more you have to travel through the desert the bigger the damage from the sandstorm grows.」

「Yes. But even without sandstorms, going that far into the desert demands sufficient strength. This limits the number of people. Normally, it’s the area that even the head of exploration department can only somehow brace with full equipment……」

Sighing dejectedly, Michaela added that they were unable to find anyone among the adventurers able to travel that far.

「Even so, since the possibility of them being there exists, though I don’t want to believe in it, we have to check it. But…… It is the farthest and the most troublesome spot after all. So it would be best to send someone with high mobility. Is there anyone among you who might be able to go there?」

With that question from Michaela, I looked at the map and then exchanged glances with Berzelia, Saki, and Daisy.

Though not to the same extent as earlier, looking at their eyes I could tell what they wanted to say.

「Hmm…… In that case, it would be better if I went.」

I said. Then—

「Eh……? Axel-san?」

Michaela raised her eyes, surprised.

「Not other heroes?Axel-san, a carrier, will go to the most distant location?」

She asked once again, but the answer was already decided.

「Of course. Most likely I’m the best suited for this task among those present here.」

「Ehm…… Mind telling me the reason?」

「Sure. First of all, Berzelia, being a dragon is the most mobile here, but…… She isn’t good with traveling through sands.」

As I said this, Berzelia shrugged her shoulders a bit apologetically.

「Yup. I don’t like sand… It’s fine around this area. But if I turn into a dragon and fly, a lot of stuff will be sent flying…… I think it will make control even more difficult.」

In her dragon form, Berzelia isn’t good with moving through the air containing obstacles.

And if she screws up her control in her dragon form, she might even plunge into the ground full speed. And if someone were there, they, of course, would be splattered.

If I provided her with support as a dragon knight, she might be able to overcome those difficulties to some degree, but unfortunately, I’m currently a carrier, even if I transported some of the skills from the past, it’s questionable if it would be sufficient.

……Considering that, it would mean that Berzelia will have to act in her human form.

And if she has to do a search in that form, it would be better if she didn’t go too far. With that, she is off the list of possible candidates.

「And then. Saki has mobility…… But in the environment with no water, I would be faster.」

「Right. Or rather, regardless of water being there or not, I don’t think Axel can fall behind me in speed……」

「Well, ice surfaces are your forte, not mine…… That aside, with what was said in mind, Saki also would be better off checking the point near the town.―― And Daisy isn’t suited for long travel with her physique.」

Daisy repeatedly nodded after hearing my words.

「That’s my friend. You know me well. Or more precisely, it’s dubious if I’m even suited for rescue missions in the first place. I actually wanted to discuss the future work with Michaela, being fully sure that you will have no problems finishing this request. 」

「―That’s how it is. So I seem to be best suited for going there.」

I have a long history with my comrades. Of course, I’d know their strong and weak points.

That’s why I replied in such a way, I said to Michaela, then—

「I-I see…… Ehm, then, I’m looking forward to working with you. If you find the head of the exploration department or the snake god, please rescue them. In case it would seem impossible, please return and give us the coordinates.」

「Yeah. Roger that. Should we go right away?」

「Ah, no, before that. I will give you the equipment for desert exploration. Please, follow me. It will be too late to supply you after you leave into the desert, so properly ready yourself here.」

「Oh, you had something like that? Then I will gladly receive it and then depart.」

Thus, my first work with the archeology guild was about to begin.

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