F*tanari Goddess and the Transformation

The End

As her breath came in short, shallow gasps, it felt as though every nerve ending in her body was alive with a burning passion that threatened to consume her very being. With each thrust of her hips, she could feel the heat spreading throughout her body, consuming her with an all-consuming flame that left her shaking with pleasure. As she rode the waves of ecstasy that washed over her, she couldn't help but wonder if this was what Ciel felt like.

With a quick motion, she grabbed his head and pushed her cock all the way in. She released a load that was comparable to what she had done with the boys' ass.

The boy greedily swallowed all of her cum and didn't let a single drop go to waste. He felt some changes take place as this was happening. He felt his face warping and twisting. It was nothing major, but he did feel some changes happen to him. 

He felt his breasts and ass grow the tiniest bit bigger. He was becoming more into a woman, and he enjoyed everything about it.


After removing her cock from the boy's mouth, the goddess looked at the boy.

He had a face that felt similar to Ciel's childhood face. His hair was slightly growing and she saw it shift in colour. The shift was almost unnoticeable, but it was present. 

The goddess took the opportunity and went for his ass again. This time, she was like a predator pouncing on its prey. 

She quickly inserted her cock in and started to expand it while it was still in him. She then went for the boy's breasts, one hand supporting his back and lifting him, while the other hand playing with the boy's breasts. She also used her mouth to lick and pull on the nipples of the breasts.

The boy was shocked by the intense amount of pleasure that assaulted his body. All he could do was moan and push on the goddess. It was all the pleasure that he ever needed.

The goddess' touch was magic, her every movement bringing forth a new wave of intense pleasure that left him utterly enraptured. He had never known such delight, never imagined that his body could feel so alive.

And yet, despite the overwhelming joy that coursed through him, there was also a lingering sense of unease. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was being swept away by forces beyond his control, that he was no longer in charge of his destiny.

Still, he couldn't bring himself to resist her.

She was everything he had ever desired - strong, confident, and irresistibly sexy. Her every touch seemed to ignite a fire within him, leaving him weak and pliant in her grasp.

Despite his reservations, he found himself unable to deny her request.

He was broken out of his thoughts as he felt the ever-increasing cock of his goddess stop growing. She then started to move her hips wildly. Every thrust that she did, she made his ass more sensitive. She was breaking his male self, slowly but surely, and bringing out his female self. 

She rubbed and pulled harder on his breasts and all that he could feel was the pleasure. 

"Oh yes goddess, please don't stop", he begged her, wanting her to continue. He couldn't remember ever feeling this much desire before. It was almost like a drug that consumed his every thought.

"Good boy, you're doing great!" she praised him, seeing the tears streaming down his cheeks. She then leaned closer and whispered into his ear. "Do you want to know a secret?"

He nodded, curious about what she had to say.

She leaned even closer, her hot breath tickling his ear as she spoke.

"I can see your transformation firsthand," she whispered. "You're changing more and more with every intercourse that we are having. It won't be long now until you're truly mine."

Her words sent a shiver down his spine, and he felt a renewed sense of determination to please her.

After all, if he was going to be hers entirely, he wanted to be the best version of himself that he possibly could.

He blushed and smiled at her compliment.

He couldn't believe how much he had transformed since she had taken him under her wing. It seemed like only yesterday that he had been a shy, nervous young man. But now... well, now he was something else entirely.

She couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. It was a sign of just how deeply she had touched him, how completely she had captured his heart. And as she watched the way he moved, the way he looked at her, she knew that she had achieved something truly remarkable.

Without a second thought, the goddess released her biggest load into the boy's ass. All that the boy could do was squirm in pleasure as he was being filled with the goddess's cum. 

It started to overflow from his ass and spilled onto the sheets. The boy felt something that he shouldn't feel. He wanted the goddess's child. He wanted to be her mating partner. He wanted to be her slave, her pet, and a bitch that loved having sex with him on every occasion possible.

"Yes pet, suck my cock dry with your asspussy. Make it your life goal to be mine." the goddess said in a proud tone.

The boy couldn't even reply as he was too engrossed in the pleasure that came from their sex. He wanted his manhood to feel this pleasure and thus moved his hand to his cock. 

But right as he was about to stroke it, the goddess spoke in a commanding tone.

"Touch it and I will make you lose the pleasure of my cock filling your ass."

"P-Please goddess, I want it to feel good as well. Please give it some love as well." He asked in a pleading tone with teary eyes. 

The Goddess gave in to his request and spoke.

"I will give you that pleasure and make you cum just with your ass and breasts my love." saying that, she increased the sensitivity of both his asshole and breasts by many folds.

The boy immediately arched his back from the sheer increase in pleasure. He almost passed out, and seeing that, the goddess did something that made it impossible for him to fall unconscious during their sex sessions ever again. 

The goddess then stopped moving her hips and leaned over to the boy. She then started caressing his cheeks while gazing deep into his eyes. 

"How does that feel, pet? Tell me honestly, does it pleasure you, or am I being too rough?" she asked in a gentle tone.

He shook his head, unable to find the words to describe the intensity of the sensation.

All he could do was moan and toss his head back, letting out a cry of pure pleasure as the goddess's cock continued to fill him up.

It was a feeling, unlike anything he had ever experienced before. Every muscle in his body was tense with anticipation, every nerve ending alight with a fierce, burning passion that seemed to consume him whole.

As he lay there, caught in the throes of ecstasy, he couldn't help but marvel at the power that the goddess held over him.

She had the ability to reduce him to a quivering mass of desire, to transform him into something he never knew he could be. Despite his initial hesitation, he felt a sense of gratitude towards her. After all, it was only through her guidance that he was able to experience such intense pleasure, to discover a side of himself that he had never known existed.

But despite the joy that coursed through him, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something wasn't quite right.

There was a sense of unease that lingered in the back of his mind, a feeling that he was somehow being swept along by forces beyond his control.

Still, he couldn't bring himself to resist her.

She then pushed her rod deeper into him and finally released her cum inside his ass. The force with which she shot her load made him jump off the bed and land back onto it with a loud thud. He then moaned, feeling her cum stretch his ass further. She then put her rod back into him and started thrusting it gently.

He blinked back tears of happiness and pressed his hands against the small of his back. It felt like he was going to burst.

"Oh yes goddess, please don't stop," he begged her, wanting her to continue. He couldn't remember ever feeling this much desire before.

The boy felt himself being on the edge of Cumming and wanted to relive his pent-up desire. Unlike last time, the goddess allowed him to relive as she didn't stop the pleasure that reached his dick.

It became erect and immediately started to spew his seed over their body. 

All of this pleasure made him into a broken spamming mess. 

He knew that what he was experiencing was wrong, but he couldn't help himself. He was lost in the moment, overcome by the intense pleasure that coursed through him.

The goddess's eyes glinted with satisfaction as she watched him lose himself in the heat of the moment.

Her plan to turn him into a girl had worked better than she could have ever imagined. He was like putty in her hands, completely under her control.

She grinned, knowing full well that there was no turning back now. He was hers, and she would take him wherever she pleased.

She knew that he was unsure of where this journey would lead him, but she also knew that he trusted her implicitly. She had proven herself time and time again, showing him things that he never knew were possible. He was her faithful companion, and she was his guide. They were two halves of a whole, and they were meant to be together. 

As she looked down at him, lying prone on the bed, she couldn't help but feel a rush of pride and satisfaction. He was her masterpiece, and she loved him as he was Ciel's vessel. It gave her the confirmation necessary that he was Ciel. Just that her soul was either trapped or mixed with his, this boy's soul. 

And so, she will either change him and his soul to fit that of Ciel or awaken Ciel's dormant soul that is in this boy's soul

"My pet, from today, call me Zera. And I shall call you Ciel. Got it, pet." She asked in a demanding tone.

The boy could only think for a moment as he felt his breasts and ass growing hot, and the cock in his ass growing larger.

"Yes, hnnnnnnnng, Yess~ Mistress Zera, my name will be, Aghhh, my name will be Ciel from today onwards." The boy said moaning all the while. In an instant after saying that, the boy, now referred to as Ciel was filled with cum and experienced an orgasm that shook his brain.

"Good, Ciel, let us have a fun night," said the goddess.

Ciel smiled, happy that the goddess was willing to spend the night with him. He had always been fascinated by the goddess and her divine powers, and he couldn't believe his luck that she had chosen him to be her lover.

And so, they spent the rest of the night having their breeding session. Ciel was fucked by Zera in whatever way she pleased and he enjoyed it. His mouth and ass were filled with cum and his breast, the modest breasts were slightly swollen and had bite marks all over them.

By the next morning, Ciel was nothing but a brainless fucktoy that was used to its limit by Zera and they slept peacefully in each other's embrace, Zera's cock still inside Ciel's ass.

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