F*tanari Goddess and the Transformation

Their Past (plot)

glossary will be updated with the character art in a few hours to a days time.

Brain Dead Smut P - 7

“Stand up and face me Wrath” said Zerak calmly and gently.

Rudra stood up from his kneeling position and looked into his lord’s face.

It was an almost perfect face that has no blemishes. Only overshadowed by Lady Ciel’s face. Her face was so beautiful that no one in the three realms could ever compete with her in terms of beauty.

He had some questions in his mind, about why his boss was a woman and why an angel at that. About the boy on the bed and many more. But stopped and after standing upright, he then bowed into an almost perfect bow and spoke.

“I am heavily regretting trying to attack you and insulting you, My Lord. Please forgive this impudent servant of yours for his mistake and punish me as fit.” He said in a somewhat apologetic tone.

“It is alright Rudra. I understand why you tried to attack me and to be honest, I was fully expecting you to attack me on sight as that is how loyal you were to my past self, and completely expected you to not listen to me.” Zerak said in a calm voice.

He missed his old friend. The feisty one that went head first into any situation if he was alone, but was also an extremely competent strategist when he was with others.

What would have surprised him more would be Rudra not attacking him after hearing what the other two said. It was a reminder of his and the Sin's undying loyalty to him and his loved ones.

“So, umm, what should I be getting as my punishment my Lord, or uh, my Lady.”

“First of all what should I address you as Zerak.” Asked Rudra breaking his strict persona.

“I don’t care which one you call me by. Suit yourself to whatever you want to address me as. And besides, that is only for official purposes and personal, you can call me as you usually did.”

“Then I will call you my Lady” Lust chimed in with an enthusiastic tone.

“Me too.” Said Envy in a cold and emotionless voice.

“So, My Lady. About my punishment. So that we can go over other important stuff.” Wrath asked still in that strict commander character.

“Guard the Boy sleeping on the bed when I or the other Sins are not around. Guard him with all you can and don’t let him suffer. As for why. I will tell you that later.” The tone of Zerak’s voice is commanding and domineering.

Wrath once again kneeled to the floor and looked into Zerak’s eyes with a burning passion and said

“Understood, I, Wrath shall protect the boy with my life if so demanded.”

He could see a smile forming on Zerak’s face.

“Now that is the Rudra that I knew. How have you been friend?

Did you spend your time in the equizone well or were there any troubles?” she asked in a caring tone.

“Everything was well. In fact, I feel like I have gotten a lot stronger that when I went into the equizone. I still can’t even touch you in terms of strength but I think I will be there in about 5 to 6 thousand years.” Rudra said with a renewed vigour and a competitive spirit.

“But I do have a lot of questions that I need to ask.

I will start with the most important ones first.

Why in the Supreme One’s name are you a woman? An angel at that. What happened to the other sins, are we all not supposed to be released at the same time.

Why are we in this secluded cabin and not in the castle? What happened to the guards that I have assigned you?

And most importantly, Where is Lady Ciel and the little one?”

Rudra asked not waiting for an answer from his boss as he knew that all of his questions had a single cause.

But what he didn’t expect is the temperature drop in the room that followed the last question. He had more questions but didn't dare ask any one of them. His boss was angry. Angry at whatever caused the lady to not be with him now.

But she quickly recovered and gave a simple yet shocking answer.

“To all your questions, mine and Ciel’s bodies were destroyed and her soul is still trapped inside that boy. You can piece all the necessary information from that right?” she said in a cold tone. One that was not directed at them but they still felt the extreme killing intent in the last line.

But that only raised more questions in the mind of wrath.

‘Does that mean that there is someone stronger than the 4’ and the only two answers he could reach were The Supreme One or one of The Lawless.

“Who my lord, Who did this to you and the lady?” asked Wrath in rage as he reached his conclusion.

“Wrath, did you think that it was the lawless.” Zerak asked in a normal-ish tone.

“Yes, my Lady.” Wrath answered instantly.

“HAHAHAHHAHA” she suddenly went into a laughing, almost crazy laughing fit.

“Yes, Wrath. It is the Lawless. They have supported the Heaven to attack me and Ciel in the time of our weakest strength.”

“I- I don't get it, my lady.” Rudra asked while stopping his rage.

“I will explain it to you Rudra. I will.” Zerak said in a sad tone.


It was a beautiful day in the demon realm.

A peaceful day that its ruler, the Demon King loved.

“Honey. The weather is nice today. Shall we go out for a walk?” Asked the demon king’s loved and adored wife.

“Not yet Ciel. I still have more work to do. We still need to sort out the documents that were presented by the 6 demon families that were on the border of our realm right.” He said while not even lifting his head from the stack of papers that he was dealing with.

“Your majesty, we will deal with the paperwork. So please enjoy your time with Her Highness.” An assistant of his who was in the office suggested and all the others also nodded to his suggestion.

“No” he shot down the suggestion with a single word.

To those that saw his face, they could see a grin on his face as he thought that he was teasing his wife

“Hump. Fine then don’t come near me during our night sessions for a week.” She said while pouting and turning the other way.

Instantly the demon king, Zerak looked up from his sheets of paper and ran toward his wife.

“I- I didn’t mean to hurt you dear. The weather is beautiful outside. We should definitely go for a walk, my dear.” He said in a slightly panicked tone.

All the assistants and Ciel had smiles on their faces after seeing the terrifying demon king be so frantic as to rectify his teasing attempt.

“Please go your majesty, we will take care of all the work for you.” Said the same assistant that suggested the idea of going out with the lady.

“Thank you for your hard work.” Saying this, the king and his wife left for the castle garden.

The garden was a beautiful place filled to the brim with unique and never before seen flowers. But the beauty of the flowers was overshadowed by the gorgeous couple that were strolling through the garden.

“Darling. I think it is coming close to the time of my delivery. We should make sure that all those who hold important positions within the demon faction get the message of your absence.”

 “This,” he said while moving his hand onto her belly, revealing the child she has been carrying around while hiding her stomach with illusion magic. “The child inside you, our child. He will be the fifth member that will come to our family.” He said while pressing his forehead onto hers.

“My sister and the Supreme One can’t be invited, so the only other one left to invite would be your brother. We should send the invite as soon as I get the confirmation of the birth. He could just open a gate to the base and we can rest easy about informing him. Even though The Sins and The Virtues are currently in the Equizone. I can send ‘Anger’ to inform your brother and they can come back together.” Zerak said while slightly hugging her.

“I haven’t been in contact with my brother for quite some time. I don’t think he will keep me in the dark about anything holding him back from contacting me for such a long time.” Ciel said in a worried tone.

“I think we should call him after having a successful delivery. You know how venerable both of us get during the time of childbirth right.”

“Yes dear, I know of it, I can’t forget what happened the first time with my sister and your brother.”

----------Zerak’s mind-------------

I still remember it like it was yesterday.

Even though it was 2000 years ago.

It was when Seraph, I, Ciel, and Raxi (my sister, the planet core) were traveling above the Lawless border. Suddenly Raxi felt something weird. She felt like the baby was trying to come out. So we had to stop at a planet nearby and wait for what was happening.

It was then that we had to see what childbirth meant, and what it did to our powers.

The process of settling down on the new planet took us about a week and during that time we noticed some changes. For one, Raxi was getting weaker with each passing day. We were worried that something might happen to her.

Later we found out that it was due to her getting ready to give birth that drained her power to get a safe and healthy childbirth process. It also drained the energy of Seraph. But his draining was much faster and was only after the baby got out of Raxi.

All of the delivery process was done by Ciel herself and she allowed none of us to come even close to Raxi during the birthing process. Seraph was so weakened that he couldn’t even walk. It was due to the sudden loss of power.

But what none of us expected was for someone from the Lawless to come and attack us.

It would have been fine if there was only one origin-level enemy (same level as the sins). But there were hundreds of them.

It seemed that they can sense when and where another being that was of a similar level to us or someone that has the potential to get as strong as we were born.

So they tried to attack us and succeeded in their attack as they were able to hold us back long enough for one of them to reach my weakened sister. They couldn’t kill my sister. None of us could be killed in the realms created by the Supreme One. But what none of us knew was that our bodies are still destroyable and so were our newborns.

It was a hard lesson for all of us. We, the group of four had lost a member temporarily. Seraph and Raxi lost their newborn baby.

Raxi recovered her body as they were unable to touch her soul due to Ceil coming in time to save her. But the trauma continued. Both Seraph and Raxi were now absolutely opposed to the idea of having another child after their loss

Raxi looked herself in the planet’s physical core and only rarely interacted with anyone other than Seraph.

It taught us the lesson that we, the 4 must never be public about any of us having kids. It will cause people to notice us and cause the Lawless to come and attack us at our weakest. That is the reason for all this trouble of hiding that we were even having a baby.

Only the Sins, the Virtues, and Seraph know about Ciel even being pregnant. Currently, all but Seraph from the people that I mentioned are in the Space-time Equizone and will not come out for about 700 years.


-----------That night---------------

“Honey, I am starting to feel extremely fatigued for a few hours.” Said Ciel in a concerned voice.

“Hmm. It seems that we might need to send the invite to your brother sooner than expected. Also, Ciel, I think we should invite your brother before your delivery, as he is the only one that can currently protect us if another incident like the one that happened last time were to occur again.” Said Zerak in a concerned voice.

“Then you should send Anger to send the message to him. I think he should reach Heaven in about a week. Just enough time for the delivery.” Said Ciel.

“I will send him soon dear.”


---------------One week later------------

In a secluded cabin near a beach. A man was pacing around the room in a hurried mode.

“What is taking Seraph this long to come to his own sister’s delivery?” Zerak said this time sounding a bit angry at him.

He was still currently walking. But knew that he wouldn’t be able to after Ciel gave birth to their child.

‘Rage’ is currently watching the entire premises of the cabin to make sure that no one was trespassing onto it.

‘Libido’ is the one assisting with the delivery of His and Ciel’s child. She and Ciel were in another room and all he could hear were Ciel’s grunts of pain.

Suddenly, a dark blue coloured portal opened where was walking.

He didn’t react much to the portal as he knew who created the portal. It was Seraph.

But what he didn’t know was who else would step out of the portal.

Sorry for the irregular update schedule. But I decided to go for 2 chapter a week till I am satisficed with the story.(I am getting behind in my studies.)

I am going to go for 1 or 2 more plot chapters and 2 smut ones after that.

Once again thank you for your love and support.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.