F*tanari Goddess and the Transformation

WRATH (plot)

The goddess sat on her bed with her fatted one beside her and slept comfortably. She saw her beautiful face and gave a pleasant smile in the direction of her love.

She didn’t want what happened to them to happen again. The betrayal, the pain, and the anguish they had experienced. Their loss and despair will be given back to those who caused it to them.

With a flick of her fingers, the room was now moderately lit. Well, enough for her to talk to the ones concerned. She went to bed and gently caressed her love’s head. She planted a kiss on his forehead and spoke in a loving tone.

“I will protect you with my life and soul my dear. This time I will not let anyone ever harm you, my dear.” She was so distraught with what they went through that she went into great trouble hiding his current state from the outside world.

She snapped her fingers again and there, on the floor were three glowing circles that seemed to connect to somewhere else in space. The glow started to intensify and three figures soon appeared in front of her.

Of the three that appeared, two of them were wearing clocks that completely hid their appearance. The last was a tall, 6’5” man with two horns protruding out of his forehead. He had a dark skin tone with many scars on his exposed forearms, possibly from all the battles he had gone through.

He was dressed in an almost military-style, black with gold contrasting lines, uniform with two medals pinned to his chest pocket. His dress and hair were slightly messy looking like he had just woken up from a deep sleep.

The second they noticed her, the two clocked figures instantly knelt on the ground and started a greeting.

“We greet the primordial, the origin of all of the demon race. “ They said in a unanimous and synchronized tone.

The Man was at first confused that he was summoned by someone other than his boss, their ruler. But after hearing the greeting from the other two, he got angry. The only one that deserved that greeting was his boss, ‘The True god of chaos and destruction’ the one dubbed the great evil by the angels.

A being that took the role of evil even though to the ones closest to him, he was just kind and cheerful. He ruled the race to prosperity and its golden age.

But after getting married, he wanted to stop this ruling fiasco and decided to retire. He was a great man. One that put the lives of his people in front of his own. But love changed the man. He started to care for himself and his love more and realized that he now has something of value to protect.

But he couldn’t just give up on us as he was our ruler and to match the heaven’s order faction, He and his army, sins were required. Each one in the Sins can go toe to toe with any of the angels that are the Virtues or below.

We, the sins, only report to him and take orders from him alone. We all owe our lives to him, our Saviour.

But to see the same greeting, used for him and only him, used to address this woman was rage-inducing to him. And the worst part of it was that it was his colleagues that were addressing this woman in such a manner.

They were his boss's best and most loyal troops, his closest friends and family. They were molded from useless trash into the best in all three realms by him and as a show of gratitude, he and the others swore their absolute soul-bound loyalty to him.

But to see that show of gratitude and devotion towards their king gone from his partners, he was furious at them.

He wanted to turn them to pulp and stains on the floor right that instant but decided to think about their reasoning for the said decision of switch of loyalty.

He needed answers and he wanted them out of the woman's mouth.

He knew that his colleagues couldn’t turn on their loyalty toward him. So he thought of other ways of shifting someone as strong as the sins to change their loyalty.

He could only think of two possibilities.

The first being that someone had killed his boss and thus the shift of loyalty. But he immediately ruled that option out as that would mean someone as strong as the 4 originals would have to kill him.

This was impossible as that would mean that someone broke the absolute rule of the world. Something that can never happen even if the 4 wanted it to change.

The second being that just like the other sins, his master and his wife were also in suspended space-time for the past thousand-ish years and still couldn’t come out yet.

That meant that this woman not only found the sin-summoning magic, exclusive magic of his master. But also found two out of the seven sins and was able to use mind magic strong enough to change their minds.

Although the second required a lot of coincidence, he believed that would be the case over a literal impossibility.

He was thankful that he didn’t outright attack his partners and waited a few milliseconds to think about the situation.

Knowing what to do, he immediately tried to jump and kill the woman. Her appearance suggested that she was someone from the angel race. If she was strong enough to control the sins, then she must be a virtue or something very close to it.

He knew all the virtues from his time, so he thought that this woman must be a new generation virtue.

All of this hypothesis led to him believing that the woman in front of him was the one that was controlling his partner.

What he forgot was that beside him was the best and most competent mind mage in all of the three realms. A master of illusions that no one, not even the 4 can hope to defeat in a match of illusions. But only in illusions, in a natural fight, they would wipe the floor with her if she even dared to fight them.

He immediately tried to charge and kill the woman. But what was he being restrained by shining adamantine chains that locked and wrapped all around his limbs. His movement was inhibited but due to the inertia of the charge, he unceremoniously fell to the floor.

He knew what happened and immediately shouted in anger at the one that restrained him.

“ Release me at once ENVY you fucking bastard, I will break you and her out of this fucking virtue’s mind control in an instant. Just let me kill her and you will return to normal.”

He struggled against his restraints but couldn’t do anything against the strongest barrier mage of the chaos faction and the best sealing mage in the realms.

All he could do was grunt and stare an angry gaze at Envy before he heard a soft, mocking, and feminine-toned voice questioning him.

“ Do you really think that you can kill me that easily boy? I have seen and fought enemies much stronger than you could ever hope to become.”

She said while lifting him with a single hand.

“ Let me out of these restraints and then we can find out, who is the stronger one out of us.”

After he said this sentence, he heard a loud laugh from his behind as the other clocked figure was now laughing while holding onto her stomach. He could also see Envy slightly holding in his laughter.

This sent him over the edge as he was now fuming from anger.

“ Oi LUST, what is so funny about me being restrained and mocked by this virtue, that is clearly controlling you? Can’t you snap out of this weird mind control that you and Envy are in?”

He said while glaring at her with such a sharp gaze that it could probably kill someone.

But immediately after hearing what he had spoken, the girl was now in an even higher laughing fit as she was about to fall to the floor from laughter alone. But before he could even speak up, Lust spoke while suppressing her laughter.

“Do you think that will someone will snap back to reality if you just ask them to get out of a controlled state, let alone talk to you? Pffft~ And do you pffff- really think that someone could control me, “The” Master of illusions. Pfft~ hahaha. And, and besides, you acted exactly as master, or now Mistress, I guess, told us like you would act. Pffft~~~”

His mind went over all the things she just said at an extremely fast pace but was stuck on the last sentence. So he decided to ask his question.

“ What do you mean by Mas-” but before he could finish his question, he was stopped by the woman as she spoke something that shook him to his core.

“It has been a long time since I last saw you, chief commander of the demon army and the elected leader of the Sins, Primal Anger, WRATH.

“ Or should I call you Rudra, my best friend, battle mate, and my first subordinate.”

She spoke with a kind and melancholic look on her face.

He immediately knew who it was that the woman in front of him is. He was regretting the decision to even attack that person but stopped mid-contemplation and stood up. His restraints were now gone as Envy no longer saw a need for them.

As soon as he stood upright, he went for a proper kneel this time and greets the woman in front of him with a compassionate and energetic tone.

“ I, Wrath of the Sins, Supreme commander in chief of the demon army, first retainer, greet my lord ‘The God of Chaos and Destruction, The first demon king, lord Zerakeel.

“ And I, Rudra greet you my best friend Zerak.

It has been a long time Zerak.”

sorry for the short(1700 words) chapter but I really wanted to end this chapter on a high note I think I have done it

also what do you think of me writing my first non-smut chapter of the series.

would you like more store, more smut or a healthy balance of both.

also here is wrath(ai gen)


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