F*tanari System


The baths here sucked. It was just a one-person tub, and that was it. It took an entire meal as well. It ruined the mood, and we all just used the water to rinse ourselves off. We couldn't really get clean, and we were not exactly happy with it. This was a disappointment, to say the least. We started to the room, and the bed was too small for us all. In the end, we pulled out all our bedrolls and made a makeshift mattress across the floor. With everything in the inn, we just were not in the mood. The Bath fouled my mood, and none of the ladies were in a great mood after except Kate. Kate was happy to get some action at the table.

Sleep was a bit rough over the night, and we all awoke in the morning a bit miffed at the accommodations when something hits me. I am traveling around; why do the accommodations matter so much to me? We have been in a comfortable carriage ride that scares most enemies.

So now we have been living in luxury even though I was supposed to leave it. How was this making me stronger? How was this supposed to accomplish what I originally set out to do? Learn and grow, becoming more powerful. I had grown comfortable; what have I seen so far? What had I learned?

I have learned, but I spent a year in the Dwarf kingdom and did not go far. Rarely did we travel out, and I went back to studying alchemy while making gold. Now I have my gold, and I have grown soft. Am I stronger? I think so, but my experience in battle and travel have not grown. I could have stayed in the tower if I wanted to grow stronger while not experiencing anything. No, I need more life and death situations. Those weak goblins are good to blood Tina, but that's about it. Two of our party were also out of commission because I fucked them to inaction. Mally was growing bored, I noticed in our fights.

This carriage and things are making me complacent. I have done nothing new recently. I Have fucked my women bought what will now be a test subject for me to try things on. That is it; I made more progress in my first month of journeying than I have in the next year. Edward, the trainer, taught us a lot, but we had not made use of it.

I felt disgusted at myself for the past year. I had gained but not made use of anything. I grew complacent. Even when I encountered Betsy and the bandits, they were scared shitless, but I looked down upon them. I was more caught up in my Lust and even purchased a person that I didn't look at them at all. Suppose one was even relatively powerful, even a high D-rank, they could have done something to me. My guard was non-existent. Had I grown so complacent? Was I working my way towards the same type of mode as I had in my previous incarnation? If I look back at it, the actions of others were obvious.

I grew to look down on other countries there. They all had their geniuses, Their own power. The Americans saw that our school was valuable and advancing too fast. We became a threat long before we noticed that we needed more defense. Then we made Obvious moves that showed we realized our weakness. They were letting us grow so that they could reap the rewards later and take our work. They played the game and lost in the end, but it made sense from other points of view. They didn't want to lose their top minds; They wanted their cake and eat it too. This phrase works perfectly. The only thing was they didn't expect a huge doomsday EMP missile capability. That alone didn't even kill them in the end, by god's words. No, the damage followed up by the leaking of research threw the world forward decades in technology. There was probably even more under the surface that I never even noticed.

I am so arrogant with nothing to back up this arrogance. This is the realization I reached while sleeping in Mally's breasts while holding Emily. My face became paler and paler as I looked back at my comfort, even my arrogant demeanor when facing five thousand against one. I could have accepted help maybe and not come so close to death. I had been confident in my abilities. But when does confidence become arrogance. I have strength, and my confidence is good. But I am arrogant.

When was the last time I meditated for more than four hours? I look back, and I see in my memory indulging in lustful pleasures. I wanted to continue too. I felt my body ache thinking about it. I liked the tightening of Emily's vaginal walls on Doorknocker. I like pressing my tip to their wombs knocking on the door. The dominance and superiority I feel. I love the breasts of Mally her subtle teasing. I love Tina's small vagina reaching the end and pressing slowly in more as she cries out. I love torturing Kate as I dominate her. I love pleasure. I love pleasuring women and hearing their cries. I now had doorknocker at full mast while thinking this.

I sacrificed things without thinking about it. Emily likes my neglect as well as attention. She wants to be the maid in the background, so I don't even think about it. Mally likes me Fucking her as long as I want. Kate likes me dominating her with all kinds of play. Neglect her; she just gets wet. I can tease her and use her as I want. Tina just loves my size, and I love her pussy and intelligence. They are doing things for themselves and making themselves more powerful lately when I am not paying attention, though I have done nothing but indulge.

The girls love to tease me while I meditate, which is fine; it makes me even better at concentrating. I have been mindlessly doing things now. Why? Because I am comfortable. I can take on most things with little thought and one last thing.


Everything came to that. I was Arrogant. In my previous incarnation, I was arrogant. In this life, I am arrogant. I was a Martyr cause I was Arrogant.

I am Arrogant.

I felt pale, realizing what it was. It is fine to be confident in myself. But arrogance killed me, and here I am, slowly driving me to the same place.

I felt movement around me as I contemplated what I needed to do. Emily noticed that I was pale, and Mally had awoken.

I was hugged but didn't notice as I was in my thoughts. I needed to change, and how I went about it needed to be planned. This couldn't happen again. This arrogance will kill my women and me. I am also a father and need to create a better place for my children. This arrogance must be snuffed out. I think it is a part of me, though. If it is a baseline of my personality, what can I change?

The more I look into it, the more I think that this arrogance was more or less instilled in my previous incarnation. My friends and I all knew we were the smartest. We built confidence in that as we drove the world forward with it. We created and built ourselves up from it. The only people who could compete in intelligence were our fellow students. As we became teens, this turned into natural confidence that became the baseline of our arrogance. We knew we were the smartest and became complacent. We drove forward while snubbing those below us. They gave us money, and that was it until we no longer even needed that. This was what got us killed.

The ladies were now looking at my pale face with worry, all but Betsy, who just watched and listened to them. I was lost in thought a bit longer before ending my thoughts with a knife.

I needed this arrogance, and I needed to change it at the same time. My arrogance was not unfounded; it was confidence in a worse form. But to get rid of this arrogance, I would need to rid myself of my confidence. No, I will create a reason that I can be arrogant. I will check I will practice without err. I will become strong, and this will be confidence and arrogance built up through hard work. I have talent and ability. I need to make use of it to further myself with hard work and effort.

I need to not fall into this baseless arrogance again. There are stronger people in this world. Countries would not have higher ranks without people being able to occupy those ranks.

"Girls, I am fine," I simply stated as they were looking at me worried, "I have come to a realization much like my mother woke me up to you a year ago. I have grown complacent. I think it is time to send the carriage away; that symbol on the side is allowing us a free ride on the road. We will walk on foot from now on. We shall take what we can carry on our backs and bags. Maybe we can purchase a pack animal. All I have done, though, is indulge lately. This needs to change. I realized we had a free journey. If you don't like this decision, you can leave with the cart. No, we will actually journey, ladies. We can travel on wagons and whatnot if we take an escort mission.

"Lately though, what was the last new thing we have seen on this journey. What detour did we make to see something we wanted to. We are nearly tourists right now doing nothing but going city to city. I want to indulge in you all as I love your bodies and personality. But I left home for a reason. I hope you will all understand and come with me on a journey. Not as tourists but as fucking adventurers!" I ranted, and I was greeted with smiles except Betsy's. I didn't care for her opinion, though.

"Well, about fucking time we journeyed. This Inn was a wake-up call with its shit service. Eh?" Mally said with a smile, "I was going to say something soon if you didn't wake up. I have been right bored with everything but the sex lately. I have a few new spells and illusions I wanted to try."

"Ya, I thought something like this a bit, but I thought you had reasons for the speed of movement. I mean, we really did piss off the Dwarves." Emily said, "Regardless though, Chelsea, I will follow you anywhere till death."

"I am fine with it." Tina spoke, "I am here to learn to battle. Not battling makes this hard to do." She smiled at the end.

"I will follow master as long as she wants me here. Her teasing is exquisite, and until I am pregnant, I will not leave her side." Kate said, and I felt a pang of guilt that I hadn't told her yet. I was delaying that too.

"I don't have a choice, and I don't think you will care, but my instinct that I always listen to tells me to join in," Betsy stated.

I nodded. "Let us grab some breakfast and head out on a journey, my lovelies.

We were all prepped and ready to go for breakfast quickly. We sat at the same table as more travelers were awake and eating. The kitchen area was full quickly, and we ate in peace for a bit. We talked to the driver and took out our things when the food was finished. I gave him a bit of gold and told him to return. If he told me it wasn't a problem and smiled. I felt a type of mana fluctuate. It felt like energy, and he smiled as I never realized he was a C-rank adventurer himself. I was talking down to him as well. The man had many times he could have killed me if I pissed him off or was an enemy.

This spoke to my arrogance and cemented my decisions. Something also told me that My father or mother was using this test. I was pissed at myself how long it took me to clue in. My father even stated in his letter that he was tired of my comfort. I was sent out for a journey, and I was going to do that.

With that, the ladies gathered around me with determined smiles on our faces we left.

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