F*tanari System

Kate Tabby

I again was emotionally lost. I enjoyed humiliating her and destroying that tiger-kin in front of everyone that weirds me out. I never thought of myself as dominant or sadistic. I have never been ordinary, and I never had the chance to explore my sexuality in my last incarnation. I don't know my feelings, and I have Doorknocker, and for some reason, when I use it, I feel alpha-like; everyone else should be under me. In my last incarnation, I only had sex about six times in total. I never wanted the relationships, and it was more about curiosity than me being horny. I had never really had Lust as I felt here. Was I always like this? Was this the trait the system came from to give this to me? I do not know.

The Night rolled on with my worries and questioning my sanity. The tiger-kin slept with Mally and Emily, basking in the post-orgasm, and I was meditating, bringing in more mana as I contemplated life that seemed to be happening with too much frequency. Was leaving my research life supposed to bring this many things to contemplate? Was I overthinking things and should just let things go as they are, and if they do, what do I want to do. This tiger-kin, who I still don't know the name of, is a pure exhibitionist with masochistic tendencies; they are not exactly a common type of person. Do I want that around me? I was struggling with this, and I disliked what my gut was telling me. I would never want people to see Emily and Mally's bodies, but the thought of fucking this tiger-kin woman in a crowd for her to cry out screaming in orgasm made my dick fucking hard. The same thought with Mally or Emily makes me pissed. My feelings were telling me to keep her around.

Fuck it; I thought I put my hand over her womb and checked to see if she was impregnated last night. It seemed that she wasn't fertile last night, and no ovum came was out to be impregnated. I put an enchantment to stop procreation and continued my meditating until sunrise.

My mana was almost full as I was working hard on it. It took a long time. I started to work on compressing it as the system gave me increasing my mana pool and making it stronger. Emily was the first to wake, and she smiled at me. I smiled back. I had known her for so long; she has just always been there for me. I paid so little attention to her while growing up, confiding and asking her questions, using her as a sounding board for some of my more enthusiastic ideas. I should pay her more attention. She was consistent; her fighting style was with two rapiers and all about dodging while dealing damage to the enemy, taking them out with finesse. It was a strange way to fight but made sense to me. I think a lot in the classical RPG sense, though. Maybe that was limiting me?

Mally woke next, and I received another smile as those sexy eyes looked at me. She was every bit a seductress. Those eyes just screamed that she wanted to be fucked, and I am sure If it touched her pussy she was wet. Then the Tiger-kin woman woke up, and everyone kind of paused, not sure what to do.

"Good morning," I say, simply starting with simply instead of anything eloquent, no need to act like a noble snob, although both the lifetimes I learned how to perfectly. I saw her look at me, then blush very deeply, then wondered where she could hide her head. I smiled at a very shy woman. She was the oldest of us, but we all watched her as she looked for a hole to hide in. Every action she did made me want to dominate her; I do not know what it was. Was it her muscle mass? Was it her demeanor? I do not know. To me, everything she did just screamed to tease me.

She continued to look confused and shy this woman, with her orange hair and orange and black striped tail, just couldn't seem to find where to place her eyes as we all watched her. It was cute, and I just couldn't help it; her muscles were defined as toned in each way her eight-pack abs shown to me it was sexy in its own way. She was an obvious warrior type, but she did not act manly, or at least to me. Her tail wagged happily though one thing I noticed was beast-kins tail tend to show their emotions more than their faces; that didn't mean they couldn't school them to cooperate Bunny-kin did not have that problem a little bushy tail can't give away much.

"Name?" I ask. I love the cute act, but you are acting like this in front of the person who ordered you to do that.

"Ah, Names Kate Tabby. Ummm, can I ask yours?" She introduced herself, and I smile.

"Chelsea." I simply say the woman rubs her thighs and looks at me, wanting to question opening and closing her mouth. "Well, you have something you want to ask?"

"Ah?! Yes, um, yes, can I um join your group?" She meekly looks up, and I can't fucking believe this girl and how nervous and adorable she is; she must be in her mid-twenties, but I fucking just want to tease her how adorable she is.

"Why do you think you can?" Asking like it's an interview, and my smile looks normal, but Mally's eyes narrow at it, Emily looks questioning by it too. This wasn't like me, and they both knew it. Mally just asked to join, and I let her in without much thought. This girl was begging to be tortured, and I wanted to so badly.

"Um?! I am a Berserker, and um, I can Stand in front of enemies for you while you do your magic?!" Oh my god, she's fucking adorable with all those nerves; how had she become an adventurer.

"Why are you so nervous?" I ask straight out, continuing to put her on the spot and watching her struggle.

"I ah... I Umm... I Like you!" She yelled, "I Loved last night The way you treated me last night the stares of the crowd as you humiliated me last night. It was amazing. Can I call you Master?! Master, it was amazing. I have had sex before, but you took it to a level I never thought possible! I can just imagine the looks of disdain when I go out for patrols with the other guards Hmmmm!" She hugged herself, and I was surprised, and now it cemented I was right all along. This woman was a masochist through and through exhibitionism came from that. "Those eyes were disdaining me. I love them. I never got why, but that look of pure disdain I don't know how to handle it!"

"Fine, you may join us; we will be traveling for years though who knows where we will end up." I simply say, and her smile was bright.

"Thank you, Master! I will not let you down!" She shouted in the early morning, and I remembered how much I miss coffee.

I told Kate to go away, and Mally expressed her approval, and Emily just called her a dumb slut and obviously looked down on her. I thought of her as a valuable tool to let out emotions that I normally hold in; she loved it when I treated her like a tool, so that's what I decided to do. I had no idea how this would change the dynamic of the group, but really, except Emily, we are just traveling companions. I never forced Mally to stay and the same with Kate.

With a new companion who was to the world, and us most of the time unless about sex was shy. However, when it came to sex, Kate was a deviant and held no want to be treated like a maiden or even close to nicely. I just compressed Mana working on that while we traveled. Two more times, we ran into bandits in the days leading up to the fortress manned by the goat-kin on the border.

The clean-up was simpler, and my newfound images with compressed mana struck down the small bandit groups with ease. There were no more than forty bandits between the two groups; it was amazing they thought they could even take the merchant train, but who am I to judge. I sat in silence contemplating the town in the fortress and asked the wolf-kin merchant the day before we reached the fortress what his plans are.

They were to take a full day and night rest there since we will be there tomorrow afternoon to take time to get through the gate. We then will take a two-night stay to let everyone loosen up after the bandit attacks and rest for a day. Then we would be in transit to a trade hub city known as Nogrod that is where I will help with the paperwork shit. Then we can go our separate ways. It sounded nice to me.

The Dwarven kingdom made me excited I was looking forward to it; we were about a week left after our rest. I was tired of the road a bit, and I had lots of sex with Emily and Mally; Kate was an interesting thing; she seemed to get off any mean thing I did to her, bringing out a more primal side to myself I didn't know I had. If I treated her nicely, she got turned off; it was unsatisfying to her to be treated like a lady, and she asked me to stop doing that to her. It was like a tease to her that didn't satisfy her like a good tease. Like an itch, you couldn't reach, and someone scratches it for you, but it was too light, just making it worse. That was the best way I can describe it.

The ride up to the Fortress was scenic. Two cliff edges in Tall mountains creating a natural canyon that looked amazing; it was like a fissure between the two mountains, and at the bottom of it was a Fortress wall that looked tiny in scope to those mountains. I wonder what happened for the canyon to be created; this would have been a geographical phenomenon that geologists would make careers studying. The train reached those walls, and I looked up into the sky as we were checked in. It was a beautiful day out, and I was hoping for a good inn tonight and probably a good fuck. I think I could just fuck Kate in the baths? I was questioning that as the train entered, I heard something as I went into the walls that worried me.

"You guys are either lucky or unlucky the Kingdom of Arlin and the Beasts of the mountains have just declared war against each other. As a trade Caravan, Be wary of getting to Nogrod; you need to pass some beast territory." I looked at the guard who warned us and thanked him for the information. "All adventurers should be given this information; you keep traders trading keeping us with taxes so we can live without you guys getting traders here unharmed; we would be destitute, so we help you you help us, kay?"

I nodded at the logic and thanked him again as we entered the fortress. It was built entirely out of stone with a wide main street; all the houses were packed together, but the streets are wide for at least two wagons or carriages side by side. It was well built, I thought. We made it to the Inn that was specifically meant for the merchants with a place for the wagons to be packed in a locked warehouse that fits most of them. This whole town seemed to be made for this and the soldiers to protect trade and stop an assault. It was a good fit for the country since it seemed most merchants went where the money was and only were taxed in places like these. I saw The wolf-kin merchant haggling with a higher-up-looking soldier, probably on the taxes on the merchant train.

The soldiers seemed to guard the merchandise but also counted it. When the soldier walked up to the higher up looking one, the haggling continued on. I decided to ignore it and went inside the Inn for some for and to learn where the bathhouse was. It was going to be a good night for me. I smile as I head inside.

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