Fulfilling Desires

Chapter 7: Escape

I am four years old now, time sure flies.


I am to begin my studies soon with everything including etiquette to history. Nobles sure have to know a lot. 

I am sitting with mother as she combs my hair. My blonde hair has grown a lot and some people mistake me for being a girl. No thanks to mother either with her putting it in different girly styles. I can not say anything as I am not supposed to know the norm. She keeps insisting this is male hair style but I don't think a man in this world would be walking around with pigtails. I could be wrong. 

A maid rushes in "My Lady! You need to get out of here" 

The maid seems breathless " Calm down Helda take a breath and tell me what happened" mother says to her.

After a few breaths "My lady there are imperial guards arresting everyone in the main building" 

"What? What is the meaning of this? Where is the Duke?" Mother asks

"They said he has been convicted of treason and that everyone is to be arrested to face judgment by the king" Helda replies

Mothers face grows pale as she looks at me.

"Helda I need you to get Allen out of here they don't know about him. I will come find you when things have been resolved" mother says to her then walks towards me.

She sits on the bed and takes my hands then looks at me "Allen I want you to go with Helda for a little while. I will come soon okay?"

"No mom, we can go together." I know if I let her go I might never see her again.

"Sweet heart please I want you to go with Helda." She takes off a necklace that I always saw around her neck. It has a very thin silver chain and an eight-pointed star at the end of it.  She then puts the necklace around my neck "this was your grandmother she gave it to me when I was small. I want you to promise to keep it safe"

"No, I don't want to go alone. You should come too" I cling to her tears start coming out of my eyes.

"Promise me, Allen" 

"I… I promise" I am having a hard time saying any words. My throat feels dry. 

"Good now be a good boy and don't make trouble for Helda" she picks me up and gives me to Helda.

I try to reach her but I am being held on by Helda very tight.

Mother takes off another necklace from her neck which is considerably heavier than the one she gave me and is full of jewels. She moves to the dresser that is located in the room, takes more jewellery and stuffs it in a small velvety pouch. 

"Helda take this and please keep Allen safe" she hands the pouch to Helda.

"No my lady I can't accept this"

"Helda it is not much but please accept it" mother looks at me then says "you need to go now before they come"

"Yes my lady, I'll take him to my village of Vitil" 

"Good I shall find you there then" 

I keep trying to get out of Helda’s hold but with just one arm she has me held down. She is really strong. Are all women this strong?

Helda turns towards the door and starts running. I try to say my goodbye to mom but it seems Helda is using wind magic to speed up and we are in the corridor before I even notice. 

Helda keeps running down corridors as I can hear commotion coming from outside. It seems like they found the Annex building. 

In no time at all we are in the kitchen on the rear of the building on ground floor. There are some kitchen staff there who look shocked when Helda barges in. 

"Helda! What are you doing? And who are you carrying?" One of the staff member asks.

 Helda ignores them and starts running again through the kitchen and into the garden. She takes me to the rear of the garden then puts me down 

"Stay quite young master, you don't want us to get caught now do you?"

"But mother" I ask

"Don't worry about your mother, she may not look it but she can take on an imperial knight all by herself" she answers.

How strong are imperial knights? They must be strong to be imperial right otherwise they would be ordinary knights no? Mother is that strong? Why does she need to be able to take on an imperial knight?

I have so many questions but have to let Helda do her thing as it doesn't seem like a time to citchat. 

Helda starts to moving leaves around the ground using her wind magic.

It doesn't seem like there is special spell involved in using magic.

When all the leaves are blown away there is a hidden door leading underground she opens it using a handle then pulls me back into her arm then starts to go down the ladder.

There is passageway leading into darkness. Helda closes it door above us using magic and starts running down the long passageway. As soon as I take a breath we are already through the underground passageway. It seems like Helda is quite good. 

There is a thick forest in front of us. I look behind to look at the opening we came through but it is already covered up with thicket perhaps Helda used magic. 

Helda runs through the forest and we find ourselves in a small village. Everybody looks at us funny perhaps because Helda is still in her maid clothes. Helda walks towards one of the shabby houses.

She opens the door. It seems to be empty. It is just one room house with bed in one corner and cooking facilities in another. There is not enough space to even call it corner rather sides. 

She puts me down on the bed.

"Young master you must sleep we have a long journey ahead of us" 

"Yes thank you Helda. What will happen to mother?" 

"Don"t worry about that for now we have to get as far away from here I'll answer all your questions later. I'll go and get everything ready so you should sleep." 

"Okay thank you again Helda." 

She walks out of the house and the door closes behind her. 

I don't hear her putting the lock on from outside. 

I just feel mentally exhausted and as soon as my head hits the hay bed I fall into slumber.

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