Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 257: Stories Of The Past Part Two

"I don't understand." Ah Chun had no idea what Misaki was talking about at this point.

Misaki thought for a moment before making an image of a girl sleeping in bed with a full dive headset on. She then made a bubble showing an image of the same girl fighting a slime. "You see the equipment on the girl's head is creating the world she is dreaming about currently because she has full control of her body within her dream, with the game functionalities that are being implemented in the game, it allows her to use the game mechanics within her dreams. " 

"I see... I think I understand." Ah Chun nodded her head now having a better understanding of what Misaki was talking about.

"Well, the thing about this game was that the creators used a special power source that used brain waves creating a symbolic link between the players and the artificial intelligence that was in charge of the game. The issue that came about was that monsters that should only be seen in the game began to pop up in the real world causing havoc. Then one day it happened. Millions of monsters appeared in the real world and began killing all the humans. 

"Sometime before that, I had found a weird bug with the Ai system that enabled me to upload the programming for the game into my brain. From then on my body changed to that of what my character looked like in game, even my race had changed. I ceased to be human any more. But even still, with the friends I made both in and out of the game, we formed a group of people to fight against the monsters called full divers. 

"The company responsible for creating the A.I. couldn't stop what was happening either and decided to try to take over the world instead. From there many things happened. But the biggest event was the day I lost my faith in humanity. Our personalities were already changing to match that of our race. So after losing my faith in humanity I only began to trust those I considered my kin. Those who were in my follower's list in my system menu. 

"Then one day people from the gods realm came and said Earth was undergoing a test to allow Earth to Ascend to the gods realm. That was when it happened. I began my purge of the world of humans until finally, I was its sole ruler." As Misaki told her story, Ah Chun was on the edge of her seat as she heard the details of all of Misaki's past battles. Misaki told Ah Chun every detail about her past not leaving a single thing out. Her good times and her bad times. Even her first experience with another girl. 

While she talked Ah Chun listened and Qian Yan had long fallen asleep as the time of day slipped by. Ah Chun was finally dragged back to her immortal cave and told to go to sleep. Although reluctant, she said goodnight to Misaki before running off. Misaki smiled watching Ah Chun's retreating back before gently scooping Qian Yan up into her arms and placing her on the bed correctly. She then stripped Qian Yan of her clothes leaving only her underwear on and then stripped her own clothes off before sliding under the covers pulling Qian Yan close, snuggling up to her. 

The next morning was to be a busy day. Misaki woke up early to see Qian Yan staring at her. This made Misaki smile as she rolled on top of Qian Yan and kissed her lips. Their tongues intertwined and Misaki did not want to stop kissing her but she had to go help Ah Chun get ready for the wedding.

Misaki got dressed and washed up, she then personally helped Qian Yan get dressed and even washed Qian Yan's face for her. The entire time Qian Yan was blushing away especially so when Misaki would kiss her every few seconds. But although she was slightly embarrassed she did not hate it one bit. 

After getting Ready Misaki walked over to Ah Chun's courtyard, only to hear her yelling "It's finally time!"

"Chun'er, if you shout like that you may scare him off." Misaki teased. She had already arrived and was helping Ah Chun get ready, along with Meimei, Qing'er, Yu Yan, and Zhi Ruo. 

"But, you have no idea how long I have waited for this day. Shen'er has always waited for me. And now I can finally officially become his wife." Ah Chun argued. She did not care who heard her. She was just happy that it was finally time.

"Alright, I get it! Today is your day so I won't tease you anymore. But I must say you are very beautiful. This dress suits you well." Misaki commented with a smile.

"Thank you!" Ah Chun was happy. Everyone she cared about was here to celebrate the happiest day of her life.

Misaki had a weird feeling within her as if she was sending off her own daughter to be married off. But she had to admit the redress looked very good on Ah Chun. She wondered if her wives would wish to have a proper wedding as well. She knew once she finally made it back and Qian Yan said something about her wedding they would all complain to her. Just thinking about it was giving her a headache. Misaki quickly decided before disaster befell her on her return she would make sure to say something first. She did not want to be refused sex for not doing something she should have in the first place. 


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