Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 308: The Making Of Legends Part 2

"You idiots, what are you doing!? How is it that in a matter of days, we have lost over 1000 galaxies!?" The leader of the death race yelled out in anger. 

"Sir, they are moving too fast. Our forces are stretched thin in the outer areas. Even if we gather them, the enemy is able to attack from light years away! We have tried everything, but once we start gathering near them, they take us out and then take the galaxies with them. " 

"Humph! If they are able to detect us within short range, then fucking make it so they can't detect us!?  The middle section is full of our forces. Move them out and wipe out the enemy! You are making such stupid mistakes that our death race will become a laughing stock!" 

"Sir, I am afraid that with the enemy's current strength, even if we send a force, we will sustain heavy losses leaving us open to the…." The man did not get to finish before his head exploded. 

"Anyone else not want to obey orders? Just do it!" 

"Yes, sir!"


"Seems they stopped trying to gather forces near us." Alicia said as she stood next to Misaki.

"Mmm… It was bound to happen. Just keep an eye out for the ones who will appear near us. We can just wipe them out then. With our current pace, we should be done in a few years. If they wish to keep sending their forces after us even after we already killed so many of them, its fine by me. It just means we can wipe them out faster." Misaki was looking at these forces as if they were ants. "But even a few years is a bit much… I think we should speed things up a bit."

"You have a plan?" Ah Chun asked.

"Mm… I will wipe out half of this section of space at once. "  Misaki smiled as waves of undulating demonic energy burst out of her body.  After her evolution, she had gotten a new spell called The Realm Of Damnation. It created an area of a given size and pulled everything into a gravity void that crushed everything in existence. Once something went in, it could never get back out. 

The power radiating off of Misaki caused Ah Chun to need to hide behind Alicia as her cultivation was still lower than the rest. She watched in awe as a black void spread out in front of them, covering billions of light years of space in a matter of seconds. With a clench of Misaki's fist, the entire space that her spell encompassed was gone, just like that, sucked into the void. Nothing escaped, all the galaxies, their planets, and suns were all gone in an instant. Once the spell was over, Misaki had sweat dripping from her brow. "Ahh! That was a bit much!" 

"Big Sister, you shouldn't over exert yourself! Let my people do the clean up. I know you wish to get to your family as soon as possible, but if you overexert yourself, you might end up hurt." Alicia scolded.

"Mmm… You're right. I really overdid it. But I have been thinking. There is a planet with the machine race on it in this universe, right?" Misaki asked.

"Yeah, there should be. I do not know which one though." Alicia answered.

"We should search for it. Send a crew out to search for their homeworld here in this universe. If we can make contact, we can get sent to my universe much faster. If I can get to the homeworld of the machine race there, then I can meet up with my family in secret and use their world as a base of operations to begin wiping out the entire gods realm." Misaki wanted to do things slowly once she reached her universe.  She wanted to torture those who killed her family and kin. She would not feel satisfied if they had easy deaths.


"Sir report! Half of our domain has disappeared all at once!" 

"What!? How!?"

"From what we can tell, it was the creator on their side. They cast some kind of mass extinction spell."

"Have we not heard back from those bastards!? Are they not supposed to be keeping their own in check!?"

"Sir, we have not heard from the creator council itself, but we have heard from our mother planet, who has contacted us. They said if you fail to protect our domain then die…."

"Shit!" The leader of the death race for this universe had a bad premonition. "Gather all our forces from every planet. We will pour all our resources into protecting this world. We will begin preparations to move this world to another section of the universe."

"But sir, that spell..."

"Don't worry. Such a spell is not something they can cast easily. It will be a while before they can do it again if they do it again. Hurry and follow my orders. I want all of our remaining fleets in our skies by tomorrow!"


"Alicia, we got a report." Blake appeared at Alicia's side.

"What is it?" Alicia asked.

"The death race has begun moving all their forces towards one planet. That same planet is also radiating a strange energy signal." Blake explained.

"Big Sister, what do you think?" Alicia was not sure if the enemy was trying to make it so that one world was their last stand or something else.

"We should go and welcome the present they are preparing for us." Misaki answered.

"Big Sister, you have a silly grin on your face." Ah Chun teased as she saw the wide smile on Misaki's face.

"It just means they are finally taking us seriously. My guess is they think I can not cast that spell again in a short time. Sadly for them I can easily cast it whenever I please. Ai, I promise you I will not let a single one of your people die in this war. I will protect everything. Let them gather. They are doing me a favor by doing so." Misaki's eyes turned cold. She would wait for them together and then accept the present they had prepared before sending them all into damnation. 

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