Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 120 - Destination location, departure!

Chapter 120 – Destination location, departure!

But how could Xing Yu and the Sky Palace be hit by a car? Just as the two cars were about to hit the two, Xing Yu and the Heavenly Palace quickly grabbed hold of the front of the cars. As the cars were speeding up, their feet kept rubbing against the ground.

Immediately after, the four of them rushed over from who knows where. The Ash Wolf and Blaze collaborated with Xing Yu to grab a car, and the two of them also cooperated with the Heavenly Palace to grab a car. After that, the two people, Yan Tian and Harris, pushed upwards from the bottom of the car, and the two SUV successfully flipped over.

“Ah… “Who are you?”

The overturning of the two vehicles naturally didn’t cause any problem for the trained mercenary raptors. They hurriedly opened the door and got out of the vehicle. The mercenary leading the group was also carrying the box with the reagent. It was obvious that this box was very important to them.


As soon as the leader of the mercenary said this, Harris gave him a heavy kick and knocked him to the ground. He then spat out a few bloody teeth.

“Ah… Bandits, fuck them! ” The leader of the mercenaries was so angry that his face turned purple when he saw the teeth that came out of his mouth. He quickly took out a gun from his waist, and the surrounding mercenaries raised their weapons as well.

But how could Yan Tian and the rest give them the chance to open fire? Although they would not attract any police here, but if they were to open fire, Yan Tian and the rest would only be able to dodge and hide. They had a few guns, and if they were to all shoot at Yan Tian and the rest, that would be enough for Yan Tian and the others to eat.

Moreover, there were eight of them in total. The eight of them had too many targets, so it was hard to dodge them, so they could only be considered live targets. Therefore, the moment the group of bird mercenaries raised their spears, Yan Tian and the rest quickly rushed in front of them, and followed up with kicks and punches.

In just a few seconds, a group of well-trained mercenaries fell to the ground. They had their necks broken or their heads kicked off. It waorrible sight to behold.

“You all … Who the hell are you? You can’t be their people, they won’t be that strong. ” Seeing his subordinates killed with bare hands by Yan Tian and the others, the mercenary was filled with terror. He looked at the eight Deathgod like people in front of him with fear, and even forgot to pick up his gun.

“They? You’re talking about the people you just traded with right? We don’t know them. ” Yan Tian and the rest walked towards the mercenary as they giggled.

“Then… “Then who are you people?” Although Yan Tian and the rest’s footsteps looked ordinary, to the mercenary, their footsteps were the footsteps of a demon. He knew that he would be killed by them later, so he was very afraid, he was terrified, he was terrified, he was truly terrified!

After walking up to the mercenary, Yan Tian arrogantly lit a cigarette, took two puffs, then pointed at Xing Yu and said: “I am Hong Mei K, and he is Silver Feather.”

What … What? You’re Red Peach K, he. He killed God Silver Feather? ”

Hearing Yan Tian’s words, the ferocious bird mercenary’s face was filled with shock. He himself was a mercenary, if he had not heard of the names Red Peach K and God Slayer Silver Feather, then he would just be playing for nothing.

In recent years, the Red Peach K character had become a celebrity in the world of assassins and mercenaries. Without the quest that he couldn’t complete, he also had another habit, which was to leave behind a card with many points for the Red Peach K after killing someone.

Many people felt that this Red Peach K was very arrogant, and wanted to give it some trouble, so they killed people everywhere and then left a card with a number of cards nearby. But for some reason, those who wanted to blame it on it disappeared withourace, and by the time they were discovered, they had already turned into a corpse.

Ever since then, no one had ever killed anyone who dared to blame themselves to the King of Hearts because the King of Hearts was too strong. If they dared to blame the King of Hearts, they would become a cold corpse.

As for this Silver Feather, he had been famous for many years. No one knew his real name and no one knew what he looked like, because anyone who saw him would turn into a corpse. Of course, the people around him were an exception.

Silver Feather came and went withourace when he killed people. As long as it was a prey that he had his eyes on, then it was impossible for them to escape from his hands, and no one had ever escaped from his claws before. Silver Feather had killed countless people, and was known as the god of death, Silver Feather.

“Hehe, you’re right, it’s us.” As expected, his name was known by everyone in the assassination world and the mercenary world. He had only completed a few difficult missions, but he had never thought that he would become so famous.

“Can you tell me why? “I remember that I’ve never offended anyone before.” After the bird mercenary confirmed the identity of Yan Tian and the rest, he was confused. He had no enmity with them, why would they come to kill him? Besides, he wouldn’t dare to offend these big shots of the assassination world even if he had a few more guts.

“You want to know the reason?” “Okay, I’ll tell you why.” Yan Tian looked at the bird mercenary and laughed: “You stole our weapon.”

“What?” I stole your weapons? How is this possible? “Ah …” Hearing Yan Tian’s words, the bird mercenary started to argue for himself, but halfway through his words, he could not continue, because this afternoon, he actually brought people to rob some weapons, could it be … Could those weapons belong to the big bosses in front of him?

“How is it? Do you remember now?” Yan Tian smiled as he looked at the mercenary.

After knowing the reason, this mercenary collapsed onto the ground. He was finished, this time he had kicked the steel plate, no, he kicked the nail board, he was regretting it now, he never would have thought that the weapons would belong to these people. If he had known, he would not have tried to kill them, but it was too late to say anything.

“By the way, what’s this thing in your box for? You bought it for two million dollars. ” Suddenly, Yan Tian’s gaze stopped at the chest that the bird mercenary was holding, snatched it and opened it, but no matter how Yan Tian looked, he could not see anything.

“Sorry, no comment.” Although the bird mercenary was very afraid of Yan Tian and the others, he did not say what the purpose of the box was.

“Don’t say it? “If you don’t want to say it, then go to hell.”

Once the bird mercenary said that, he kicked over with his leg and smashed the bird mercenary’s head. His brain was all over the floor and he looked extremely disgusting, but Yan Tian and the others did not have any special reactions, they had already gotten used to it.

“Alright, let’s go.” After shrugging their shoulders, everyone picked up the weapons on the ground. Now that the weapons were back, and they didn’t pay any other money apart from the collateral they had paid, it saved a lot of money. This made Mike very happy, and he also didn’t waste a single bullet after the weapons were taken by the mercenary birds.

After picking up the weapons, they flipped the two off-road vehicles over. When they got on, Yan Tian did not forget to carry the boxes filled with reagents, although he did not know what they were used for, but it was worth 2 million USD. They were definitely good stuff, and it might even be useful in the future.

… ….

The next day, just as dawn broke, Yan Tian and the rest woke up early. Now that the weapons were back, it was time to do some serious work.

After purchasing some supplies, they left for their destination in the SUV. In fact, they had gained quite a lot last night. Not only did they get their weapons back, they even got two SUVs for free.

They waited until ten in the morning before arriving at the forest of Sea Wolf Mercenaries. Now, Yan Tian and the rest did not dare to continue driving, they believed that if they continued to walk deeper, there would be Sea Wolf Mercenaries’s hidden sentries.

Therefore, Yan Tian and the rest had to go through the forest to reach the Sea Wolf Mercenaries’s lair on foot. Furthermore, they could not discover anything along the way, nor could they kill the hidden sentries directly, because once they killed these sentries, the Sea Wolf Mercenaries’s headquarters would immediately be on guard. Because they could not contact the hidden sentry, so something must have happened.

Therefore, not only did Yan Tian and the others have to walk to the old lair of the Sea Wolf Mercenaries, they couldn’t be discovered either. This was undoubtedly a huge challenge, since the enemy was in the dark, they had to be cautious if they wanted to not be discovered.

Sure enough, after walking for about 10 minutes, Yan Tian and the rest discovered two hidden guards, one had to say that the hidden places of these guards were indeed very well-hidden, ordinary people would not be able to find them after walking for a long time, but Yan Tian and the rest were not ordinary people, they were just ordinary people.

It was only around one in the afternoon, and they had met with many Sea Wolf Mercenaries sentries along the way. Right now, they were finally looking for a safe place to replenish their resources, when they saw the map, Yan Tian was so angry that he started cursing. After walking for an entire morning, they had only walked a quarter of the distance, he still had a long way to go.

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