Futile Love

Chapter 98

Chapter 98: Chapter 98

Her body was all of a glow when he expressed his lust in such explicit language.

“Oh, when I slipped in the bath, Bipaan held me. ”

As soon as she was done talking, he grabbed her wrist.

“Like this?”

“Yes, sort of.”

When she nodded awkwardly, he pulled her wrist. She was quickly dragged into his arms.

“I’m going to repeat what he did to you.”

He grabbed her hands after hugging her from behind. Then he kissed each of her fingers.

“What should I do now?”

He sighed suddenly.

“What’s wrong?”

“Because I want to hug you so much. I really can’t stand it.”

“You are already hugging me, aren’t you?” she asked innocently.

As he was not sure if she didn’t really understand what he said, he looked at her again.

But she was just blinking her eyes.

With a smile, he lowered his head toward her ears and said, “What I mean is I would love to hug you just like couples do.”

“Oh my god..how dare you … ”

When she understood what he meant, she instantly blushed.

But he did not stop. He wiggled his lips as if he was biting her earlobe that turned red.

“You know why? Because this is the first time I have seen you in so long. I just kept missing you while I was away.”

He touched her lips with his fingertips. His fingertips now went up and down her whole body.. She pressed her eyelids closed her eyes and bit her lip.


The waves of the hot spring water submerging them became more and more rough. The splashing sound continued, and the water overflowed the bath to the outside.

Although the hot spring water slowly cooled, the steam was getting hotter.


Ruhae walked slowly down the hallway of Kyosul’s place in the villa.

As the nanny ordered all the court ladies stay away from her place, there was nobody there.

It was fortunate for him because he had to sneak into her palace, even though he was a prince in the imperial palace.

Nevertheless, he had to watch out. He was careful not to make any noise when he walked in the hallway. He even muffled his steps not to make any of the hallway floorboards squeak as he carried Kyosul who was asleep in his arms.

His touch in the warm hot spring water was stimulating. She felt dizzy when she was exposed to the hot spring water that relaxed her whole body and the heat of the steam, along with his warm touch. Besides, she was so overwhelmed by the joy of meeting him that she had been waiting for so eagerly that she let her hair down and fell asleep before she knew.

“Aren’t you too defenseless?” he whispered, placing her on the bed.

She fell asleep like a child while taking a hot bath.

He laid her on the bed and covered her with a blanket.

Looking down at her sleeping face, he stood by the bed.


He called her name. He always felt sweet when he rolled her name in his mouth.

But it was a name he couldn’t call freely.

“It’s just amazing that you are asleep right here before my eyes.”

He never knew he could spend such a comfortable time with her.

At this moment he could freely enjoy the moment of being together with her in her cozy room without being conscious of others and without being pressed by the passage of time.

He carefully held out his hand. He swept her hair back from her forehead. He wanted to touch and caress her, but he was afraid that he would disturb her sweet dreams.

“I feel sorry because you fell asleep at this precious moment, but at the same time, I am grateful because you are sound asleep by my side.”

He felt her defenseless posture showed her trust in him.

Looking at her for a while, he sat next to the bed. Though he could sit comfortably with his back against the bed, he turned his body towards her.

Putting his arm on the bed, he laid his head on it and looked at her endlessly.

Even though he just looked at her, he smiled before he knew.

It was early dawn.

She opened her eyes. Her memories of the hot spring water and sweet moments with him disappeared when she woke up.

She looked around blankly. It was dark everywhere. The moonlight was shining faintly through the paper window. She heard the sound of faint grass bugs instead of splashing sound in the hot bath through the quiet night air.

She woke up, concentrating on all kinds of sounds everywhere.

“… Ah.”

She brought back her memories last night.

While she got carried away with his soft touch in the hot bath, she fell asleep. When she remembered that, she blushed.

She was in the hot spring bath before she closed my eyes, but she was now in her bedroom when she woke up, which embarrassed her.

She raised her upper body quickly.

“Are you awake?”

As if he was waiting for her wake-up, he spoke in a sweet voice.

She turned her head. Next to the bed, he was looking at her, leaning against the bed.

“What are you doing there?”

“I’m looking at the bridge.”

“… why?”

“Because I like it.”

He reached out his hand. Only after she woke up, he could touch her cheeks.

“As I was so happy about looking at your beautiful face, I just kept looking at you for a long time.”

She was flattered by his romantic words. She blushed and changed the topic.

“By the way, how did I get here? Did you bring me here? ”

“Yes. I held you in person and carried you here.”

Did she bring up the wrong topic?

She blushed when he mentioned that he carried her to her bedroom.

Looking around, she noticed the bedspread, her hands on it and her silk sleeves.

She raised his hands in surprise and checked her body.

Fortunately, she was dressed properly, with a thick satin jacket. Obviously, she was dressed in a hot bath silk gown right before she jumped into the bath.

“This dress I’m wearing is… ”

“Oh, I changed your clothes.”

While she was at a loss for words in embarrassment, he spoke confidently.

“I dried you off thoroughly and put the clothes next to the bed on you. It took a long time as I had to put them on you cautiously, so you would not wake up, but I think you were in deep sleep.”

When he explained, she instinctively wrapped her body with both hands as if she wanted to cover it. She felt ashamed of herself for what happened last night.

He laughed as he watched her feeling embarrassed because he felt she was so cute.

Then he brought up a different topic to save her face.

“It is dangerous to fall asleep while you’re taking a hot bath. Be careful as you may pass out.”

“Got it. I’ve never fallen asleep before, but you….”

She couldn’t finish her words. Though she slurred, both of them recalled what happened between them last night.

Splash, splash, splash.

She could vividly remember that splashing sound.

Though they didn’t say much at that moment, they were having a deep and private conversation deep inside.

Looking at each other, both of them opened their mouth first.

When her heart began to beat fast, and her breathing sounded awkward, he said first, “I think I had better sleep on the mat outside.”

He stood up suddenly, but he looked at her with eyes full of passionate feelings, as if he didn’t want to go out.

Her eyes trembled as she couldn’t take her eyes off him.

He stayed beside her bed until very late at night. Then he said he wanted to move out to sleep on the mat outside, which she thought rather strange.

So, she asked, “Why do you want to sleep outside?”

“Because you’re so precious to me,” he answered with a serious and adorable look.

At that moment she grabbed his hands and said, “Don’t go! If you think I’m precious, please stay with me here.”

Whenever she said, his heart beat wildly, with his lips dry.

She continued to say slowly and calmly, “My bedroom is large. I’ve been waiting for you while you were away in the southern areas.”

She felt so lonely during the long night every day.

And she had been waiting for him during those long, long nights.

She just realized that. When she became firmly convinced, she tightened her grip on him.

“If you hold me like this now, I may not stand it anymore.”

He looked down at her grabbing him tightly.

In fact, he endured lust for her for a long time. Even today he stopped the strong sexual urge many times. Controlling it, though, he wanted to stay with her as much as she wanted.

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