Game of thrones Infinite loops

Loop 1



Harry sighed as he sat in the train. “Well, once again, we find our magical hero inside an outdated train on his way to the first year of Hogwarts.”

Looking around, he noticed that in this Loop at least, he hadn’t shown up before the train.He was once again in the train carrying him to Hogwarts an event not at all uncommon in his Loops. The difference was... There was an Looper in this loop

Harry had... bad memories of looper awakening in a train from mild inconvenience like Natsu Dragneel to Godzilla (that was one crazy loop) but as the main anchor and one of the older loopers he had an obligation to deal with the interloopers

“A Wolf bloody hell there’s a wolf in here!”

He better get going fast


The last thing Bran  remembered was watching the flames, Bran had decided he would stay awake till Meera came back. Jojen would be unhappy, he knew, but Meera would be glad for him, He did not remember closing his eyes.

Then he found himself here inside this thing and his face in intimate contact with a strange feeling rug when a lady with a metal cart nearly ran over him

After that it was pure chaos


“Bloody hell” Harry Potter the Boy Who Lived the Boy who lied the Mad Alchemist etc etc cursed as he forcibly yanked the direwolf from a whimpering Malfoy

This was the tenth worst interloopers train incident he had to endure especially considering that this wolf had some sort of magic resistance

Somewhere below him Bran  groaned

Harry was once again grateful for Luke Skywalker for teaching him how to use the force


“I take it this is your first time coming to another world,” said Harry dryly. “Take a seat, and welcome to the Everlasting Loop of Hell.”

“You … you mean I am dead and stuck in the seven hells?” asked Bran  frightened out of his wits.

 “Not really...let’s start from the beginning” Harry sighed


Bran  looked pale looper,admins universes magic were a bit too much for him to take in

“It’s hard aye,but don’t worry you will get used to it” Harry sympathetically told

“Now let me officially welcome to what we in the Loops call the ‘Hogwarts Fused Loop’. I am Harry Potter, your guide through the next seven-to-eight years of your teen lives through a magical school, civil war, and the Land that Common Sense forgot.”

Harry with a smile … a devilish smile. It was always fun to watch newbies go through Hogwarts loops.





Jon fell to his knees. He found the dagger’s hilt and wrenched it free. In the cold night air the wound was smoking. “Ghost,” he whispered. Pain washed over him. Stick them with the pointy end. When the third dagger took him between the shoulder blades, he gave a grunt and fell face-first into the snow. He never felt the fourth knife. Only the cold ...

“GHOST!” he said weakly, almost a whisper, then his eyes shot open. He was in a room which was extremely familiar to him, yet for him it felt like it was so long ago. ‘Another lifetime,’ he thought. It was still dark, although he somehow knew the sun would be up in an hour or two.

But, there was someone else in this room as well, “Gods Jon, go back to sleep, will you?” a boyish voice said from the other side of the room. Jon froze in his bed, for Jon,he knew that voice, he had not heard that voice for years. He yearned and hoped he would hear that voice again for was his brother’s voice.

 “Robb?” Jon croaked, his throat was dry and his voice was different too. He was breathing heavily and trying to understand what was happening.

Suddenly, everything came back to him as memories flooded his mind. Castle black, Craster’s keep, the Fist of the first men, Lord commander Jeor mormont, Sam, Pyp Edd Tollett, Yigritte, Stannis, Ramsay Bolton, Arya.

 “The Others,” he thought out loud.

“Yes, the Others take you ,Snow,” Robb said from other side of the room, in that queer boyish, sleepy voice. It was so familiar. Now, Jon somehow knew where he was. He was back in Winterfell. Back in the room that he and Robb shared when they were boys, before Lady Stark...

“I am dead” he whispered slightly louder, ‘I tried to save them, and they killed me for it’ he thought

“Jon calm down” a voice spoke into his head

“Bran  !?”

Am I dreaming of Winterfell? Why the past? Seven hells “

“you need to sleep Jon we shall speak ‘morrow”

“Wait Bran !?” Jon tried to speak but no voice came darkness was descending on him again slowly...

He could hear some whispers, but it was too dark and too far for him to make out what was being said. He continued to walk in the dark. Finally, Jon stopped and he just stood there in darkness for a few heartbeats and then he heard a soft voice, almost a whisper.

Jon jerked up-right, his heart hammering in his chest. He looked around and for a few seconds he was back in the common room the one where he and Robb would sleep before they got their separate rooms

“Glad to see you are back brother” a childish voice spoke

Jon looked down to see Bran small and thin with wavy red auburn hair, wearing brown tunic and breeches that came to his knees.

‘Before you ask this is not a dream and I am currently five namedays old ‘ Bran ’s voice spoke in his head ‘We are currently in the past’


It felt strange to walk through the halls of Winterfell once again.It was just like he remembered from his childhood. It felt like the home that it hadn’t been after he left for the wall

He felt peaceful, after a long time

 ‘No Castle Black, no Night’s Watch , no Lord Commander duties, no Bowen Marsh...’

“Traitors, the whole lot of them,” he whispered as his mind filled with rage, grief and sadness

The great hall was as he remembered his father sat at his usual place and was laughing at some antic of Arya’s Robb was conversing with Theon Greyjoy, while Lady Stark, who was pregnant with Rickon, was talking with Sansa.

It was strange to see them all again, when he left for the wall last time, he thought he would never see any of his family members again. But here they were, they were all younger than last he saw them.

Robb was a ten-year old again and there were no whiskers trying to grow on his face. The last time Jon had seen him, was when he had left Winterfell for the wall, Robb had been smiling at him and he had snowflakes in his hair. Theon Greayjoy No, this Theon Turnclock Jon clenched his fists

Lord and lady Stark looked a few years younger than he had last seen them,

Arya was as always the willful little girl he had known, she had to be around six-years old now.

Bran was changed, now he was on the outside a energetic little boy of five but he was a different Brandon Stark one more powerful and terrifying than ever

Oh and Sansa looking disdainfully at Arya

Jon took a deep breath to gather his nerves and walked quietly to the table and sat down between Robb and Theon

“You are late, did you have a late night Snow?” Robb asked with a cheeky grin.

Jon gave a weak smile. “Sorry, just nightmares.” He replied, hoping that Robb would drop the conversation and talk about something else.

“What about?” Robb pressed

“The dead coming back to life beyond the wall coming to kill us all ” Bran  replied for him the silence following that statement was deafening. Jon looked around and everyone was staring at Bran . He forced a small smile on his face.

“It was just a dream, nothing to worry about...Bran ”

“Jon had the same dream too” Bran  replied easily

“A coincidence nothing else” Jon answer quickly internally cursing Bran  for acting too hastily

“I think you have been reading to many of the old legends before sleep.” Robb said with a laugh.

“Aye that must be it” Jon forced himself to laugh with him .

Everyone turned back to their own conversations. All except one, his father was staring at him in suspicion. Jon hurried to finish eating, and then he followed Robb and Theon outside to the training yard. Jon had the feeling that this would be a long day.


“Seriously Bran  I still do not understand why I have to let you fall to your death “Jon spoke agitated

“I am not falling to my death Jon trust me it’s necessary “ Bran  replied “I need this to happen “

“Getting yourself thrown out of a tower ,never being able to use your legs again, getting killed by Theon!”

“Theon never killed me and I am perfect capable of repairing my legs and I survived the fall before and will do so again “ Bran  sighed “Look Jon we both know that the long night is coming this is the only way for me to become a greenseer otherwise we all die “

“So you want to let the Lannisters get away with it “

“Seven bloody hells no”Bran  stood “I will never forget not will I forgive them for what they did to,I have a plan”

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