Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 10 – Adventures in the North 07.

[Chapter Size: 4116 Words]

**Helman Tallhart POV**
Kingdom of the North, Torrhen's Square, 289 AC, three days after Jon left for the north.

The current lord of the southwestern region of the kingdom sighed as he looked ahead, his men exiting the main castle gate. He was with his escort and a small battalion leaving Torrhen's Square and heading north.

He had heard rumors in the past week, and they were too strange to believe. First, a harvest from a poor farm to the north, where many people claimed it grew overnight, and with a 100% yield from the entire harvest, the largest and most beautiful ever seen in the North.

Helman didn't believe these rumors at first; however, they started spreading throughout his territory, and everyone who dared to go there came back confirming it was all true. Then, the rumors shifted from everyone talking about how the Old Gods blessed that farm. The whole region was in an uproar, vying for a spot to pray at the remaining heart trees in his land. This began to bring a headache to this lord since his audiences doubled with requests for people to use the Weirwood still left in his castle.

Finally, a new shipment was requested by some members of that farm with a request for carts to collect another large batch in the transport of the season's harvest. My trade administrator ended up accommodating the request.

Afterward, more rumors surfaced from the farm. A boy no older than 10 namedays appeared at the farm with a peculiar look in his gray eyes, dark hair, and a long chin, but with incredibly beautiful features, due to his noble blood. With just this description, he thought of his lord's bastard son in Winterfell, who mysteriously disappeared on the way to the Wall when Lord Stark punished him with the penalty of staying a year with his uncle at the Wall, for stealing under his roof.

Lord Stark was making a fuss in the North to find the boy, but the description also mentioned that the boy had green circles in his eyes. So, he couldn't alert his lord until he saw the boy for himself, but even so, he now had the obligation to confirm these rumors as the lord of this region.

He tried approaching some members of the farm in the city, but they had already left when he asked them to. Two days after they left, when Helman was preparing to go to the farm personally, there was another uproar, an absurdity spreading through the city. That farm was attacked by 12 bandits a few days ago, a group that Lord Tallhart knew personally after reports from his men, the same ruffians who were attacking the coast. The men of House Tallhart had been trying to kill them while hunting them for months.

And when he heard that they tried to loot the farm with only 5 farmers and a boy, who defended the place, the absurdity came from the result. People spoke of how all 11 bandits were killed and with no loss on the farm's side, that the child killed half of them alone, a horse killed 1, and 4 giant wolves appeared and killed the last 4 of them. One last bandit from the group remained as a prisoner on the site.

'Absurd! How would a child kill 6 bandits? Who is spreading something like this?' He shouted in thought. There were rumors that the boy used magical powers to control the bandits' horses and knock them all down, killing 2 of them in the process.

Helman knew he had to see all this with his own eyes; the city was already in an uproar, and many people wanted to go to that farm to meet this child, as everyone claimed that the growth of the harvest was due to the presence of the mysterious boy.

They were even saying that the boy was, in fact, a child of the forest, as from the ancient legends. The lord of Torrhen's Square couldn't help but imagine the headache when these rumors reached other territories and soon after spread throughout the North. Imagining the amount of letters he would receive to report what happened in his lands.

After these shocking news, he quickly ordered them to get ready in 1 hour. It was mid-morning when they left. On the way, his group encountered many travelers, and all confirmed the events, making the man sweat even more.

'Absurd, what is there on that farm for people to believe in this whole story?' He only had this thought. They even met some bards who played a new song, called "[Little Jon, and the 12 bandits!]", a song full of fantasy, one where a boy was killing half a dozen men and controlling animals to kill another half.

'Little Jon... Little Jon...' He heard and thought of the name for the first time while listening to the ballad's chorus.

So, as if a bucket of cold water fell on his head while he was dying in the Dornish desert, he remembered that his lord's bastard son's name was JON SNOW, and with the description of the appearance without the circles in the eyes, he was now sure it was him. So, ignoring the travelers, his group ran with the crowd to the farm.

It had been 5 days since the attack, and with the bards and this new song, the news was already starting to spread to new regions. Meanwhile, Helman finally spotted the farm.

"By the Gods! What am I seeing?" He murmured, while his men were in the same state. They stopped to see what they had in their shocked sight; the farm had a precarious situation in its structures, but this was overshadowed by the view of its lands in the field, how beautiful they were in color, and its barns were so loaded that they had to open part of the houses to store the rest of the grains.

He looked in disbelief at that amount of grain; it was surreal for a farm of this size to have that ton with the small planting field. The land was practically screaming to plant more. Helman Tallhart discovered in this instant that the rumors were not as false as he suspected. Without wasting any more time, he trotted to the farm accompanied by his men, passing many visitors; all greeted them with respect. There were bards singing for the children on-site, neighbors with jealousy on their faces, traders trying to negotiate the grains to make some profit, and even some wanting to buy the lands themselves.

Helman couldn't help but be somewhat jealous of these lands too, but he wouldn't do anything, not even thought of doing, for he was sure now, this place was blessed, and he didn't want to provoke the anger of the Old Gods with his greed.

He would have to do the opposite now, he would have to protect this place since it would be one of the main grain farms in his region, even though much smaller than the large farms. Imagining the uproar in the North that this would cause and the large number of people his lands would receive in the coming months, he went to the family, who were now waiting for him. Helman hoped to find out everything and find the Stark-described boy on this visit.


**Eddard Stark POV**
Kingdom of the North, Winterfell, 289 AC, One week after Helman Tallhart visited Icehill farm.


Ned had been happy to receive the news of his new fifth child, who would be coming into the world in a few moons; he wanted to solve the mystery of Jon, but he was also concerned about his wife's pregnancy. After seeing the state of the boy, he had to keep the boy out of Winterfell for a while, and he only had Benjen to trust with the boy, who was also his relative and never treated Jon poorly for his low birth.

Benjen would never mistreat Jon or fail to protect the child, but his plan was destroyed, a few weeks ago came the news that a mysterious storm caught the escort when they were still in the middle of summer, and Jon disappeared.

When the news reached him, it was as if the ground beneath him ceased to exist, and he was nervous as never before, thinking only of the well-being of his missing nephew/son. Even with his wife's protests, he ignored her or even shouted angrily at her when she crossed the line with her comments and demands; he himself went several times in search of the boy in the last few weeks, his brother Benjen did the same, the Lord of Winterfell desperately sent letters to all the major houses of the North to find the boy and any information about his whereabouts appearing in their lands.

He even offered rewards for any information about his location, and a reward that was 100 times larger than the amount Jon had "stolen," and this left the entire castle speechless about his actions; he even expelled Catelyn's servants when he caught them talking about how the storm made the boy disappear as a punishment from the Seven against evil children, silence settled in the castle after that.

Even after Catelyn's protests, he distanced himself a lot from her in the last few weeks; he was worried about Rickon or Lyarra, which were the names they decided for their future son/daughter. Ned couldn't even sleep at night anymore, as whenever he closed his eyes, he heard Lyanna making him promise; there was the image of Jon with a lifeless look and the news that he disappeared; Lord Stark seemed 10 years older. He first imagined that the guards killed the boy, and just thinking about it, he thought about mutilating them until he found out who ordered them if it was the case of someone asking for that kind of service, making the life of the instigator a hell.

But Jack was a trusted guard of Jory, and he confirmed the whole story, so he could only wait for news from all over the North, which was also surprised by the actions of his lord protector regarding his bastard; his troops were also being sent from all territories of the North. His family was in chaos as well, aside from distancing himself from his wife, Bran was crying and missing his older brother. Sansa was less affected, but her eyes showed some guilt, Robb was silent all the time and with guilt in his eyes, he hardly even spoke to Theon after the disappearance, and the worst was Arya, who started to insult even her mother; openly, she didn't even go to the septa's classes to cry in her room.

We were having dinner today, since all the mess started, every week, we hired a bard from Wintertown to play in the banquet hall to try to cheer up our family a bit by Cat's idea. Even though it had no results in the last few weeks, Catelyn hired a famous bard from the southern region of the North tonight; she wanted to cheer up the darkness that had settled in her family somehow and had good performances, even by the standards of the Lord Protector of the North, but he didn't care much about the music.

Ned was having dinner absentmindedly with my thoughts when the bard was making his presentations; the only ones excited were Catelyn, Sansa, and Bran with the show, of course, some guards and servants were happy listening to the songs, which were famous songs and some new versions of old tales; Sansa's eyes were shining, listening to the melody. As soon as it ended, everyone clapped, of course, not even Ned, Arya, and Robb joined the crowd.

The bard then, for the next song, made his introduction. "NOW! For the next song is a new tale from the North, a new legend has emerged in the Tallhart territory!" The bard announced loudly. This caught Ned's attention, 'musicians are good sources to pass on information about what happens in their lands,' he thought, while listening to the bard continue.

"The name of the song is, The Little Jon and the 12 Bandits!" This was an attack for those around him, which even scared the bard a little with their sudden reactions. Why shouldn't it? Everyone in the castle knew Jon Snow, Ned's bastard who disappeared and now a bard telling a song about a new legend in the southwest of the north called Little Jon? Ned got nervous; he needed to hear this song, he had to confirm if it was his Jon, he had all his attention on the bard at this moment.

This was the same with his children; Arya seemed like she was going to jump on the bard at any moment after those words, Catelyn was somehow uncomfortable with it with a pale face, while her children had total attention on the famous singer. The Bard noticed the family's reaction, it was part of his job to notice how people reacted in his performances, to see if the audience liked it or not while doing his job.

"I see I have everyone's interest! hahahaha. Well, the story is this, even though I wasn't there to see, I met my colleagues on the road to Wintertown and was approached by my colleagues, where they told me about the song and the story, all of them confirm that it's real..."

He spoke slowly to pique everyone's interest, but Ned and Arya were already getting impatient with the man; Ned really wanted to get his hands on that neck and demand that he speak everything without all that slowness at this moment.

".... For almost two weeks now, mysteriously, a boy blessed by the Old Gods with only 8 namedays, appeared on a farm north of the Torrhen Square territory, seeking a map and information about the North...". The more he spoke, the more Ned and his family seemed uncomfortable, 'Boy of 8 days? It was certainly his Jon!'. Even the servants started to murmur at this moment like goats in a meadow in the Reach.

"... After talking to the families on-site, he made a deal with them, in exchange for a map, which was very expensive for such humble families on that small farm, he used his powers and blessed the farm, giving the largest harvest ever seen in the territory, attracting the attention of many people and many of them were unwanted..."

Ned could feel his finger tapping on the table at each slow word this man spoke, even noticing his little Arya tapping on the floor.

"... Because among all the people who heard about the farm, a group of bandits became interested in the place and decided to go raid the farm, the boy found out 20 minutes before the group came to do it..."

'Was Jon really in all of this? He was just a child, how could he fight with a group of bandits?!' Nervously, Ned shouted in his mind. Arya was equally nervous, as well as Bran, Sansa. Robb was in thought while Theon was mocking the story, it seemed like he already found it ridiculous somehow, his wife was nervous since she heard the name Jon.

"... And he did it by seeing through the eyes of his eagle in the sky, like a warg from the legends, and quickly, the defending group prepared for battle, in short, IT WAS 5 FARMERS AND A BOY AGAINST 12 BANDITS!" He practically shouted the last part.

Everyone was nervous, but the part about being blessed by the gods? It all seemed like a big fantasy, and the agreement to make a plantation prosper? It was like a magic bedtime story for children. Lord Stark couldn't believe it, and now Jon with a group of 5 facing 12 bandits? He quickly emphasized again that Jon is only 8 namedays old! Ned refused to believe in the fantastical story, despite knowing that his Jon is in it.

"THIS IS ABSURD! WE WON'T LISTEN TO SOMETHING SO RIDICULOUS!" Catelyn practically spat, Ned, even though he didn't believe in this introduction, wanted to hear the rest of the story and looked with a scowl at his wife, who in turn shrank under that angry gaze and turned, waving for the bard to continue.

"PLEASE CONTINUE! SING THE REST OF THE STORY!!" Arya was now the most excited and was yelling at the bard. Seeing the nod from the Lord of Winterfell earlier, the bard continued.

"Yes, honestly, I don't even believe in this story, but it's a hit in the south of the kingdom, people just talk about it, and the rest of the story gets even more unbelievable! Hahahaha," he laughed at his comment, then looking at the family's expressions of expectation and Lady of Winterfell's discomfort, he continued.

"...So even against all odds against the farmers, the boy rode to the opposite side of the attack, many would say he fled at this moment, but no, he used his powers to find a soldier's body buried over time, he took his bow and sword, which he quickly ran back to the farm. Arriving there, he used his powers once again and controlled the 12 horses of the group of wrongdoers, who were 100 meters away from the farmers, and commanded them to fall to the ground, they say the boy almost died from using his powers while making the bandits lose their horse advantage. Hahaha."

He laughed eloquently once again finding the story absurd, but as it gives him many coins, he didn't care and sang whenever he could and then continued his introduction:

"Now I'm going to tell the song! If not, the melody will be without mysteries! Hahaha," he said and started playing. Then everyone without exception in the place wanted to hear this song, even if it seemed to be a fantasy, they did nothing more than put all their attention on the song.

North of Torrhen's Square,
Where winter makes everyone endure.
A small family lived,
With their harvest, so pure,
They still had hope in life.

An unexpected situation, one day,
A lost child, with mastery.
His appearance enchanted, magical eyes,
Green charm, imploring Gods' blessing, mesmerized.
The boy negotiated for a map,
With eyes turned north, in a trade that shook.
A pact made between the families,
With hands in the earth, a harvest would start,
Green and vast, larger than rumored.

Ow! Little Jon!
With a hand in the earth, wealth would come!
Ow! Little Jon!
Even before the situation, eagle eyes saw him as a flame in the dark!
Ow! Little Jon!
With his small stature, nothing stopped him!
Ow! Little Jon!
With courage and effort, he protected those he loved!
Ow! Little Jon!
With a bow, wrongdoers wept.
Ow! Little Jon!
Blessed with horse, eagle, and giant wolves, his claws haunted,
His legend made any bandit tremble in their pants!
Ow! Little Jon...

With great surprise,
The farm celebrated.
But faced with abundance,
Danger appeared, a disaster.
When the boy showed his swordsmanship,
His eagle screamed, threats approached.
Jon was frightened by something so horrible,
Thus was born,
The battle of 12 bandits, 5 farmers, and a boy.

The boy was scared,
While farmers asked him to flee,
But Jon refused to depart.
With a horse,
To the east, he moved,
Farmers hoped that, in the future, it would be said that the boy survived.

12 bandits in ecstasy,
With the farm in sight, they ran.
Facing fatally trembling farmers,
The leader of the bandits smiled wickedly.
12 horses trotted toward the farm in a singular manner,
The ground feared as farmers sweated, fearing for their home.

But not all was lost,
In the face of danger, something happened.
The euphoria of the bandits ceased,
Their horses fell to the ground, surprised.

In the situation,
All stunned, without reaction!
A horse's laugh echoed,
And a boy at the feet, revealed himself.
With eyes near death, they announced,
Strength and magic finally unveiled!

Ow! Little Jon!
With a hand in the earth, wealth would come!
Ow! Little Jon!
Even before the situation, eagle eyes saw him as a flame in the dark!
Ow! Little Jon!
With his small stature, nothing stopped him!
Ow! Little Jon!
With courage and effort, he protected those he loved!
Ow! Little Jon!
With a bow, wrongdoers wept.
Ow! Little Jon!
Blessed with horse, eagle, and giant wolves, his claws haunted,
His legend made any bandit tremble in their pants!
Ow! Little Jon...

With 3 bandits out of the fight, now 9 remained.
They showed themselves enraged,
With Jon, determination and mind they strained.
Grabbing his bow,
He would show with mastery that he could handle.
The bandits attacked in fury,
But an arrow interrupted them with bravery.

At 80 meters away,
An 8-nameday-old boy would cause nausea.
For, even a boy, he hit the first one who deserved.
Scared, the anger continued,
But the boy did not stop.

With arrows he launched,
2 more, he hit precisely.
Attacking another 1, his arrows ran out,
In danger, his animals helped him.

His eagle saved him from death,
And his horse led the bandit to fate.
Without energy, the boy stood,
But seeing his friends in danger, he did not stop.

With his horse, he mounted,
Seeing distracted enemies, he trotted.
In a leap, with his little sword, another, he killed.
Without energy, his end was certain,
But the magnitude of the giant wolf, from the ancient legends of the North, revived, clever.

Ow! Little Jon!
With a hand in the earth, wealth would come!
Ow! Little Jon!
Even before the situation, eagle eyes saw him as a flame in the dark!
Ow! Little Jon!
With his small stature, nothing stopped him!
Ow! Little Jon!
With courage and effort, he protected those he loved!
Ow! Little Jon!
With a bow, wrongdoers wept.
Ow! Little Jon!
Blessed with horse, eagle, and giant wolves, his claws haunted,
His legend made any bandit tremble in their pants!
Ow! Little Jon...

Everyone was stunned by the music, just as Ned couldn't help but be. His nephew/son involved in such a fantasy? A boy killing a grown person? Jon is just a child! I didn't kill anyone in the Vale until I was almost twice Jon's age!

Still, practically killing six grown men? Shooting from over 80 meters away and hitting the targets? Not to mention, he controls an eagle, a horse, and 4 giant wolves. Giant wolves? The symbol of strength for House Stark throughout its history.

For many generations, the Starks had their own wolves and rode them into battle, lost by the Starks in a bygone era. If all this were true, Jon would bring more glory to House Stark than all 20 past generations combined. But it can't be true, Ned refused to believe the whole story, but now, he knew one thing: Jon is in the southwest of the North, and his hope returned.

Ned didn't wait for the others to snap out of their stupor and stood up. "Jory, as soon as you finish dinner, prepare to leave at the first light!" Ned thundered in the hall. "Now I'll rest, for I have a long journey tomorrow!" He added.

Lady Catelyn glared at him, and the Lord of Winterfell knew they would argue as soon as she went to the room, but he didn't care how much she would complain about it. He would go south, regardless of what she thought of it.

Before leaving, he also instructed the castle steward, "Pay the bard double for his services." It left everyone stunned and the bard very happy with the declaration.

Meanwhile, his children were in chaos. Arya and Bran were bombarding the bard with questions about the story, Sansa was silent along with Catelyn, and Robb was looking in disbelief at Theon, who shared his gaze, probably not believing that Jon was killing bandits at only 8 namedays from 80 meters away with a bow.

Thus, the next morning, Ned set out to the south with the goal of discovering Jon's whereabouts.

Soon, in a few days, the story spread throughout the North through songs and traders. Of course, no noble believed in such a fantasy, but it was different with the common folk. They sang their song and prayed for the gods to bless their lives like the farmers the boy helped. Children played, fantasizing about a fight atop a giant wolf battling against evil men.

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