Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 142 – Jon Arctic and Lyanna Arctic.

[Chapter Size: 3500 Words.]


Thrid Person POV

Westeros, 296 AC.


Arctic was finally spotted after a few hours, as Jon flew north again, unnoticed since he left Winterfell. Jon entered the city silently, but everyone saw the dragon flying over the city while wondering what had happened earlier with the confusion in the morning, where no one could say who it was and why the king had disappeared flying out of the kingdom while returning in the middle of the day again.

Eragon was circling the Grand Weirwood, looking a bit hesitant with his gaze toward the castle. But, quickly, Jon moved his dragon downward as he approached and landed calmly in the castle courtyard.

It was no surprise as Seryna approached, her hand on her belly, looking at Jon with concern. Arya was with her, accompanied by guards, while Ygritte stood at the bedroom window looking out. Since she couldn't move much, being the most affected by the pregnancy, Jon could see her worried look toward him too.

Jon sighed, he still had his book in his clothes and dismounted from Eragon, landing on the ground, before looking at his dragon, which began to take off with a mental command.

He was quickly greeted by the women. "Jon... Are you alright...? What was that?" she asked cautiously.

"Where did you go? You've never left Arctic with Eragon and what was all that snow about?" Arya also came closer asking curiously.

"I had to sort out some things in the south..." Jon spoke, but not wanting to talk much about it here.

He saw Seryna and Arya looking at him. "We will talk about this in private," Jon finally said, giving Arya a glance, looking at him suspiciously. She was no longer his sister, which made him think about his true sister, the one he had lain with and taken her virginity. He wondered what she would do if she knew he was her brother by their father and that Lyanna was his mother, wondering if she would blame him for the disgrace that happened in their family...

Jon soon pushed that thought aside, thinking it would be a problem to deal with another time, and walked up to Seryna, giving her a kiss on the forehead, as the girl looked at him suspiciously, clearly not pleased about him disappearing all morning and returning at midday.

"Let's go inside. I need to tell you something," he said, and turned back to Arya still looking at him intently. "Can I talk to you later, Arya? It's important," Jon said.

While the girl remained dissatisfied, he accompanied his wife to the room where Ygritte was quickly questioning them, but Jon took out the book and sat on the bed, asking his wives to join him, then began to tell everything he had discovered thanks to that book, telling his true origin and how his life was different from what he imagined.

"So you're saying you are a son of an ancient king from the south...?" Ygritte said with a tone more surprised than intended. "And that you are heir to that southern throne where southerners would kill to sit?" She said, looking at him cautiously.

"Yes..." Jon murmured.

"So, that means Nyra is your sister..." Seryna commented while Ygritte grimaced at that.

Jon just nodded sighing, he knew the people might not react well to learning he was sleeping with his own sister. But he couldn't change the past. In fact, he felt even more guilt knowing he still loved that girl in Dorne, and the first thing he wanted to do was to take her away from there and bring her to him as quickly as possible.

"What do you plan to do, Jon?" Seryna asked, worried, knowing this could change many of their plans, but Jon shook his head.

"As much as this is surprising and almost drives me mad to the point of almost having killed my uncle a few hours ago, or that I have a right to that throne, I'm not interested. I have Arctic and you all, something I must continue to take care of. I will continue with the plans I have as usual, and focus on this country that the old gods guided me to build, and the most important thing in this world is the war against those who want the destruction of humanity and it will happen here, and I have no time to deal with a chair in the south, full of arrogant nobles who I honestly, feel like strangling half of them," Jon said. He could not simply worry about the south, even if he was the legitimate heir.

"Well... now we know how you deal with many things, this explains your relationship with the dragons..." Seryna smiled, seeing that her husband would not abandon Arctic to pursue his rights.

"And Arya?" Ygritte asked.

Jon thought about how he would explain this mess to his sister or cousin at this moment. "I'll talk to her later. For now, I just want to rest a bit, I need to sleep after all this..." He said, just wanting to lie down and try to forget for a few hours everything that had happened from the moment he opened this book until his return from a break here.

The wives ended up accompanying him, and he slept for about 4 or 5 hours until he woke up again to have a meal, while his women accompanied him the whole time.

It did not take long for him to go to the sacred grove to meet Brynden and Aemon, before placing the book in front of them. "So that's why there was this commotion this morning," Brynden murmured, reading the documents about his parents' marriage, and how Jon was the heir to the seven kingdoms.

Aemon remained silent, but still maintained a surprised look. "As you can see, it seems we are relatives, but something tells me now that you already knew this," Jon looked hawkishly at them.

"Yes, even if you have the powers you do, it's not easy for someone to simply bond with a dragon like you did. Moreover, the absence of your mother's name, plus the gap that you could be Lyanna Stark's son was evident," Brynden said.

"I always knew that Rhaegar would never kidnap or rape a woman... But I am surprised and very happy that you are a legitimate son... heir to the Iron Throne..." Aemon commented with a melancholic tone.

"However, you never thought to talk to me about this...?" Jon accused with a tone of dissatisfaction, ignoring the last part from Aemon.

"We wanted to tell you when you reached 18 years old or if Arctic was quite established, after all, we did not know how this might affect you," Brayner confessed.

"And now, boy, what do you wish to be?" Aemon asked with a curious tone.

"I am what I am and will always continue to be, until the end of my days," Jon said firmly.

He was no longer a Snow, a bastard son living in misery in Winterfell; he would not be a Stark and he would not be a Targaryen. He was what he built, what he would leave in his legacy; a legacy, what he did with the chance the gods gave him: this city, this kingdom, with the intention of fighting against the darkness that approached and threatened all of humanity. He was Jon Arctic , and no one else, no matter who his father was, or what he would inherit with his parents' names.

"I am glad you choose this, my boy. You will be the best of us all, you achieved something greater than Aegon when he came to Westeros with his sisters..." Aemon said with a melancholic tone, but had a gleam in his eye the next moment. "And what will you do about your sister in the south? And I must remind you that there are also Rhaella's children hidden in Essos..." he murmured, waiting for Jon's response.

He talked about Rhaenys in Dorne and how Aemon was happy to hear that a daughter of Elia survived, last week. "I know, it's just complicated. I don't know how she will react towards me when she finds out I am Lyanna's son and her father...." Jon murmured, wondering what the girl's reaction would be.

Brynden looked narrowly. "You slept with her, didn't you?" He said, knowing how to read someone when it came to sleeping with another person, as Jon nodded.

"Yes, I didn't know we were related, but something connected us and we ended up spending a night together," Jon admitted.

"Do you love her?" Aemon suddenly asked.

Jon ended up thinking a bit with this question, wondering if the feeling was merely carnal or if he truly loved her. There was passion, though he didn't think love was something created in just a few weeks. Jon certainly felt a passion and connection with that girl.

"Yes," he replied, confirming that he loved her.

"Well, then that's not a problem," Aemon said. "The Targaryens always married brothers to sisters," he mentioned.

"And Arctic , would she accept this?" Jon couldn't help but ask... like it or not, he also had to worry about public opinion, and his counselors were better at giving him advice.

"You built a Kingdom for them; you took them from a miserable life to bring them here. Everyone sees that you are blessed by the old gods, my boy. No one will dare to say anything against you. Besides, knowing your story, the story of your family, the Targaryens, it won't be as uncommon as you think," Aemon spoke, and Jon nodded.

"It's good that our family didn't completely die out, my boy..." Aemon continued to speak. "It makes this old man remember having dead hopes before meeting you, and you changed all that. You are your father's son and the one who will lead the family from here on, and even if you choose not to want the Iron Throne or even to dominate the South. You are grand, greater than any other. Remember that," he finished.

"Yes... Uncle Aemon," Jon spoke with a small smile. "And we will rescue our family," he said with the intention of seeking out the others. "We'll get the uncles from Essos and Nyra from Dorne..." He said with a firm tone.

Aemon approached Jon as he accepted a warm hug from the older man, but the next moment he felt something while hearing a strong howl coming from the castle and another from the sky.

"They're being born!" Jon immediately exclaimed and left Brynden behind as he headed for the entrance of the grove while Eragon landed right there.

Jon took off with his dragon and quickly went to the castle, landing at the entrance and running inside. "How are they?!" He asked the first person who came to greet them.

"My king, both exclaimed that the water broke and all the midwives in the castle are running to the room and are preparing them for the birth." The royal guard gave his report as Jon nodded entering the place. He looked aside while also feeling that the Wolf with Ghost was about to give birth, but it continued happening.

"Jon!! My nephews are being born!!" Jon found the door full of guards while Arya appeared anxious at the entrance.

"Yes... I'm going in." Jon playfully slapped Arya on the head and immediately entered the room. The bed was surrounded by some midwives that Jon had trained in the Arctic hospital and with a child of the forest, Leaf, they were already here because Jon requested their stay at the castle last week.

This day was getting stranger and stranger, but Jon didn't have time to think about it and quickly approached. "Did both of their waters break at the same time?" he asked, surprised.

"Yes, the gods must be intervening for their children to be born together," Leaf said.

"Jon," Seryna saw him and smiled.

"I'm here..." He said before also looking at Ygritte as both occupied the two ends of the bed, for it was very large.

A woman looked at him cautiously... "My king, will you stay in here?" She couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, I will help them," Jon said as he approached his wives, beginning to gently touch their heads.

Ygritte was more nervous than Seryna. "Let's start getting them out!" Leaf said while both women were at the lower part of the women, Jon touched both bellies with outstretched arms in the middle of the bed. "It's going to be okay. I'm here. I will make sure nothing bad happens," Jon spoke as the palms of his hands generated some green light to help them both with the hemorrhaging and the delivery of the children.

It didn't take long for the midwives to get organized as the queens began to labor, pushing the babies out, with Jon there generating healing power for Seryna and Ygritte. The first child began to emerge in less than 20 minutes without any problems as Jon quickly healed any internal damage in the women.

The first to come out was Seryna's son, a boy, who let out only a weak cry. The midwife quickly picked him up and wrapped him in a cloth, cleaning him and bringing him to his mother where Seryna was eagerly waiting. Jon watched, mesmerized by his first child, placed next to Seryna.

The boy had dark hair and slightly opened his eyes, seeing the world for the first time through his small eyes, showing two different colored eyes; while the left had an amethyst color, the right had a green as bright as Jon's.

Seryna quickly grabbed and hugged him with the ease of a mother holding her child for the first time. "Look at him, Jon, this boy really is a carved copy of you and will be even more so as he grows." Seryna commented, and Jon could see this boy being him all over as he grew up.

While he had one green eye like his, showing that the gods had also touched him, and the other purple eye represented his father's family lineage.

"He is blessed by the gods!" Leaf exclaimed, looking as if the child were something precious.

Jon leaned down, giving a kiss on both Seryna's forehead and that of the baby, staring curiously not minding being crushed by his mother. Jon still kept his hand on Ygritte, who was still pushing the almost-emerging child.

A minute later, another cry filled the room as a little girl had much more voice than her brother. She also ended up with Targaryen features, with her white hair as she quickly opened her eyes faster than the little boy, showing bright purple eyes. Jon couldn't help but smile, despite the evident Targaryen genetics in both. He felt his wolves reacting to this as he saw live from the window, even Eragon landed near the Window and climbed the castle to look through the window.

"She is like the dragons of the south, Jon," Ygritte picked up the girl and hugged her tightly.

"She is, but as scandalous as her mother too..." Jon murmured, despite none of his first children taking the color of his Stark eyes. And feeling as connected with them as much as his main animals, as if they were part of him in this world.

"You are here... finally..." Jon couldn't help but murmur as he finally finished healing the wives with both children being held by their mothers. His first heirs had finally been born.

"AHHHH!!!" A scream from one of the midwives suddenly alerted him "What is that?!" She pointed behind Jon as he immediately looked back, feeling shells cracking.

"They are being born...!" Jon said with satisfaction, but surprised to see all 12 eggs cracking at this moment, and they quickly began to be destroyed, as little heads began to emerge from the debris, in various colors.

"Jon... what is this?!" Ygritte asked, unable to see properly while lying down.

"Just the companions of our children..." Jon commented as the little dragons began with small cries and seemed to be learning to scream louder immediately. Jon also gave a kiss to Ygritte and his daughter, while he approached the dragon hatchlings, which seemed to be looking at him curiously, shifting their gazes between him and his children on the bed.

Jon could hear Eragon roar, flying over the castle again, as the sky began to darken while the women began to light candles to keep the room illuminated.

"Is that a dragon?" one of the women approached, but as she was about to touch the dragon, it growled angrily before attempting to bite her finger, making the woman jump back.

"Don't touch them, be careful, dragons do not accept just anyone touching," Jon warned, while he picked up the first dragon, which was bright red, looking at him curiously, which quickly began to run up his hand and along his clothes until it settled on his shoulder. None of the dragons had a problem touching him, and Jon began to pick up all of them.

"Jon, what are you doing?" Seryna murmured while laughing, seeing her husband covered with dragons all over his body.

"I want a new bed brought in here immediately and remove this one," Jon requested, and the women exited promptly, bringing in a new bed while there were clean clothes since they needed to change the blood-soiled bed.

Jon began placing the dragons on the new bed and then moved his wives and children. While he made them comfortable in the bed full of little dragons, Seryna found it amusing, but Ygritte didn't seem too comfortable with all those creatures around.

"You can all leave now," Jon asked everyone who was still in the room as soon as the cleaning was complete. He now needed this time with his wives.

As he sat on the bed full of dragons, with them still curiously looking both at the children and him as if they were learning, Ygritte looked at him cautiously. "These are 12 dragons, are you really sure about this?" She asked cautiously.

"Don't you see? They are here for our children, don't worry, they will take care of them as much as we will," Seryna answered, noticing that her son also kept a curious gaze on the dragons.

"Now let me pick him up," Jon requested as he picked up both children and stood up, leaving just the bed with Ygritte, Seryna, and the dragons fixing their eyes on Jon and the babies.

Both children seemed calm, even the noisier girl fell silent at her father's touch. "How did you do that?" Ygritte murmured.

Jon swayed them with a smile while they opened their eyes fixed on him, curious, and as he walked swaying them, the dragons continued to follow with their heads swaying from side to side.

"So this is Jon..." Jon murmured, looking at the boy with two-colored eyes.

"Yes... Jon..." Seryna immediately responded, having decided the boy's name a long time ago, and Jon did not disagree.

Jon looked at Ygritte, "I'll name her Lyanna," he decided immediately.

"Lyanna?" Ygritte murmured, but she wasn't displeased with Jon naming the girl after her grandmother.

"Jon Arctic and Lyanna Arctic... They will be the future of this kingdom, siblings of many others out there," Jon said, as the women broke into small smiles.

"My king," a voice emerged at the entrance with the door closed at that moment.

"Yes?" Jon huffed, as he was in a moment he did not want to be interrupted.

"Your wolf is here... he's got a pup in his mouth and wants to come in," the voice of the royal guard replied while Jon raised an eyebrow, he was so focused on his children that he hadn't seen Ghost calling him.

"Let him in," he requested, before the door opened, and his wolf actually brought two small pups there, held in his mouth, entering the room as the door closed again.

"It seems our children will have more than just dragons," Seryna couldn't help but comment.

Jon put the baby pups back on the bed between the mothers and picked up the wolf pups before placing them together, one black and the other grey, who quickly began to walk among the dragons unafraid, but having difficulty walking as they fell and stumbled on their own paws until they reached the children, who cuddled into them and lay down.

"Thank you, buddy," Jon murmured to Ghost, as he returned to look at his first litter, while the Arctic family had a magical and unique moment at that time.


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