Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 153 – Artican Trade in Essos 08 (Pentos 03).

[Chapter Size: 4000 Words.]


Thrid Person POV

Essos, 296 AC.


Arya looked at the girl for a moment after hearing her question, before responding, but instead of saying who she was, she spoke about what had happened to this girl. "Who did this to you?!" Arya looked at the girl strangely, feeling surprised. She didn't know why, but with this girl being practically an older Lyanna Artica, Arya immediately cared and became angry, almost thinking about what she would do if someone did this to the little Lyanna, the girl she had grown so attached to in the last few moons. She would even compete with Jon to see who would kill the perpetrator of this madness.

"This is nothing..." The girl was hesitant and surprised by what seemed like strange concern from this girl, but she knew she couldn't say anything about it, and Daenerys continued.

"You haven't answered my question. Who are you, and why are you here? No one should come here, and you don't seem to be a servant of Magister Illyrio," the Targaryen girl commented with a bit of caution.

To Daenerys, this strange girl, despite being very beautiful, could very well be one of the assassins hired to kill her and her brother, after all, no one approached them so openly.

"Hey, calm down..." Arya spoke again, looking strangely at the girl, who was clearly afraid. "I can even smell your fear from here..." Arya couldn't help but mock the scared girl a little, but she also couldn't blame her, since she apparently suffered mistreatment.

"What do you mean by 'smell'?" Daenerys asked, increasingly intrigued by the nonsensical phrases being spoken by this stranger.

"You may not know," Arya said with a tone of pride as soon as she had the opportunity to introduce herself properly. "But what I said was literal, after all, I am a wolf." Arya complained, staring intently at the girl.

This left the girl even more confused, but before she could ask what that meant, Arya's smile grew even wider.

"I am Arya Stark. My name says it all," she asserted, after all, Arya considered herself a fierce wolf.

Upon hearing that name, the Valyrian girl immediately froze. Viserys had mentioned that he decided not to send her to the northern savages, opting instead to continue the deal with the Dothraki, which is why he was frustrated and took it out on her.

Viserys repeatedly said that he couldn't trust the northern savage being a Stark bastard and that he should kill him as soon as he had conquered the Seven Kingdoms with the Dothraki army.

Even knowing that she wouldn't be sent to the northern savages anymore, she knew they had come to the city, and she ended up not going to the port out of curiosity due to her condition. When she heard that they were coming, she was immediately invited to stay hidden in her room, and a little frustrated with everything, she came here to try to calm her anxious heart.

What she couldn't imagine was finding one of them here, especially someone like this girl, an enemy of her house, Stark...

A Stark was the last thing she could have imagined, and she didn't know what to say as she looked at Arya, still a little paralyzed. She felt fear, confusion, anger, but what she couldn't help but feel the most was jealousy, because the girl seemed so happy and excited... a complete contrast if compared to her and her life.

Despite being younger than Daenerys, Arya seemed happier, braver, and more beautiful than her, just by looking at the girl for a few seconds while still holding the cat.

Meanwhile, she had to flee from assassins, obey her brother in everything, be mistreated, and even be sacrificed like a breeding animal for him to get his army. She couldn't even express what she felt. Not that she could blame Arya for her family winning the war against the Targaryens and her having to flee when she was just a newborn from Dragonstone and live the rest of her life running.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Arya suddenly spoke in a harsh tone. 'Jon would disagree if he saw me talking to someone like this,' she thought, but she couldn't help but look strangely at the girl, who seemed more and more defeated after she introduced herself.

Daenerys finally emerged from her depressive state and looked at her cautiously. "Sorry about that... I'm just a bit unwell since I woke up," Daenerys made an excuse.

"You're not going to tell me who did this to you?" Arya still insisted.

"No..." Daenerys replied with a firm tone.

Arya simply sighed. "Alright. And you haven't introduced yourself yet. Who are you?" Arya asked.

Daenerys seemed to hesitate for a moment, not knowing what to say, but one thing was certain: she couldn't reveal her identity. As she tried to meet the eyes of the girl in front of her and come up with any excuse, Arya took the initiative, growing a bit frustrated with the girl's hesitation.

"You're definitely a descendant of Valyria, aren't you?" she asked. After all, this appearance wasn't exclusive to the Targaryens, so Arya associated her with being one of them. "You must have come from the southern cities, like Volantis and Lys, where your genetics have been passed down to people in those regions over the centuries," she said.

"Yes, yes," Daenerys responded with a little more confidence, seeing that the girl had given her a way out.

"I'm from Volantis," Daenerys finally replied. "Ah, my name is..." She almost hesitated. "Viktoria, just Viktoria," Daenerys said, recalling the stories Ser Willem Darry used to tell them when they were children, before he died and left them in Braavos.

"I see, Viktoria..." Arya murmured as she looked at the girl, not asking anything more. Arya still held the cat in her arms, which now seemed calm, as if it were listening to their conversation.

Arya took her first look at the sea behind Daenerys and couldn't help but be surprised. "This place seems to be beautiful," she commented as she gazed at the open space, seeing various corals and a large reef scattered throughout the crystal-clear water of that side of the shore.

"Yes, I come here when I like to think," Daenerys replied, while Arya, taking the initiative, passed by her and moved forward to look at the sea excitedly.

"It really is very nice, but I've seen more beautiful places," Arya said in the end with a slightly bold tone.

It was at that moment that Daenerys looked Arya up and down, seeing beyond her beauty, something more. The girl, besides displaying a beauty above any other woman she had ever seen, dressed well with a skirt adorned with metals—something she had never seen before—while also carrying a sword. Moreover, she spoke confidently, despite being quite audacious and bold, in Daenerys's first impression. She had to admit that the girl knew how to converse and mastered the common tongue very well. Being the first Artican Daenerys had spoken to, this one was nothing like she had imagined, as she had expected savages dressed in leather to protect themselves from the snow, as her brother had said.

"You carry a sword? Wait, I recognize that sword!" Daenerys couldn't help but be surprised when she saw the symbol on the sword's hilt. "Is that a replica, or is it the real one?" she stopped trembling as she asked this, after all, her brother used to read to her about their family from Ser Willem Darry's books.

"Hm?! Oh, that... that is Dark Sister. Of course, it's real," Arya said, confused at first but soon opened a proud smile as she drew the blade slightly from its sheath, showing the bright, magical metal to Daenerys, who looked stunned and, in a way, enchanted by seeing something she never imagined: one of her family's legendary swords now in the hands of a Stark.

Suddenly, the cat in Arya's arms meowed and began to struggle. With no other choice, Arya, with one hand on the sword and the other on the cat, released the feline, which began to walk toward Daenerys as if to comfort her, rubbing its body against her legs.

Daenerys was surprised and approached, picking up the cat, which started purring in her arms, seemingly enjoying her touch. She couldn't help but smile at that, feeling calmer.

"He seems to like you," Arya murmured in the end.

"Yes," Daenerys nodded as she petted the cat. Arya began to sheath her sword but noticed something on it.

"Wait, why is your sword marked?" Daenerys couldn't help but exclaim, surprised, and then she became embarrassed by her outburst, lowering her head as the cat meowed in her lap.

Arya suddenly started laughing at the girl's reaction, finding it quite amusing before deciding to respond. "Look, there are several names on this sword. The name of one of my favorite heroines, Visenya Targaryen, is at the top!" she spoke with a proud tone, showing the name engraved on the Valyrian steel, which was now being used by her almost 300 years later.

"You know her?" Daenerys couldn't help but be surprised.

"Yes, Viktoria, I'm a big fan of the dragonrider. She wielded this blade while riding her dragon, Vhagar, and conquered the Seven Kingdoms with her two brothers, Aegon and Rhaenys," Arya responded, then pointed to another famous name. "Here, this name is Daemon Targaryen, who wielded this blade during the Dance of the Dragons."

After that, Arya showed the next name. "Brynden Rivers also used it, fighting against the Blackfyres about 100 years ago." She seemed excited with every name she mentioned on the sword.

"The Blackfyres... a hundred years ago?" Daenerys murmured, feeling enchanted by each name being mentioned, even though the last one was a bastard, he still fought against the Blackfyres on behalf of his brother after their father, known as 'Aegon the Unworthy,' had left Westeros in chaos, and the legitimized bastards of House Blackfyre tried to take the throne.

But the names didn't stop there, as Daenerys was surprised by the next one. "The next is Jon, Jon Ártica, the most skilled man alive in this era," Arya responded proudly.

Daenerys was a bit surprised by this since her brother wanted her to marry this man, the leader of the people he called savages. "I've heard many things about what he's done in Westeros," Daenerys finally spoke.

"Yes, Jon faced the Red Viper, Jaime Lannister, the Mountain, Barristan Selmy—all warriors known throughout the Realm. He faced a few more, but none of them were as famous as these last ones. And Jon simply defeated all of them with ease! There's no one in this world who can beat him!" Arya responded with a smile. "Not even the king was enough to stop him, and he used this sword to do it all! And now it's in my hand, I hope to be worthy of it just like my predecessors." Arya said, showing the last name engraved on the sword—her own.

"Can you tell me what Ártica is like?" Daenerys, in the end, took the initiative to ask, thinking it was a wild place, but seeing this girl in front of her, she couldn't help but wonder if she was mistaken about her brother's tales while she kept the cat cuddled in her arms, with it purring passively at her touch. For some reason, she didn't mind it.

"Well, since you want to know about Ártica, I'll tell you a bit about what we can find there," Arya said as she sheathed the sword and opened a big smile, excited to start talking about her life in her home, as there was nothing more thrilling for her than talking about Jon Ártica's Kingdom.

While the girls conversed, Daenerys began listening to Arya sharing some details about Ártica. Of course, nothing too significant, but she talked about how beautiful the place was and that, despite being beyond the Wall and having received many tribes from the North, the new inhabitants quickly adapted and started to receive formal education.

Meanwhile, Jon was still in the meeting with all the magistrates, while Illyrio spoke and expressed his opinions on various goods, trying to secure a better contract.

But Jon was firm and didn't allow any of them to get different conditions from the other cities he had already negotiated with. The men from Ártica were waiting in the courtyard, while the royal guards didn't follow Arya because Jon had asked them not to, only keeping watch over her through Wars.

Jon wanted Arya to stay there, talking with her aunt, who was easily considered a sweet and easygoing person. She was a somewhat downtrodden, shy, and sad girl, which was no surprise given her difficult life. Knowing that she must have been frustrated after learning that her family was destroyed, and having to flee from murderous pursuers, even a violent brother who took out everything that had happened on her and wouldn't hesitate to turn her into a prostitute just to satisfy his desires to take the Iron Throne.

Not only that, but it also seemed that she was involved in schemes with those she seemed to trust. However, Jon noticed how Illyrio strangely acted against him, which made Jon realize that this man had contact with Varys, and they talked constantly after the raven he anticipated yesterday. They maintained a coded conversation, and Jon was trying to decipher some of it. It was strange that they mentioned someone in particular, who was in the desert of Essos at this moment.

He would try to look into it later. For now, he kept control of a cat, trying to comfort the girl, issuing commands to the feline to do everything possible to treat the girl well while caressing her arm the entire time.

Meanwhile, elsewhere, there was a man drinking alone in his room, emptying his fourth bottle that afternoon. He was drunk and frustrated, cursing anyone he could, even Jon, his uncle Ned Stark, and King Robert, who were the source of his anger. This was none other than Viserys Targaryen, his other uncle, more mad than the Sealord had described. Jon considered him one of the worst possible people, wondering how a madman could have been born without even being poisoned by the maesters, as happened to his father. Although Jon didn't excuse his actions, there was still some blame in the poisons the maesters gave him.

Time began to pass, and two hours had gone by when the negotiation finally ended. "King Jon Ártica, I am very pleased that we were able to reach an agreement. It's a shame we can't negotiate more at this time, but I'm sure that if you want to discuss the wood and grain you're supplying to Braavos, Pentos will be very satisfied," said Illyrio, trying to get rid of Jon as quickly as possible, even though these items were not even part of the negotiation.

"I understand. Very well, then we'll leave now. I'll go to my men," Jon said in the end, while Illyrio nodded. After greeting everyone, Jon went ahead with his guard until he was finally led outside. But when Illyrio went to escort him to the port, he saw only the royal guards, with no sign of the king, who maintained a calm look, almost laughing at Illyrio's confusion.

"Where is the King of Ártica?" Illyrio asked, clearly confused.

"He went to fetch his sister, then went ahead," the royal guard replied. Illyrio felt a bit suspicious and frustrated, not wanting Jon to meet the Articans in any way. He had even locked Viserys with several bottles of wine for him to drink, and when he tried to open the door, he would excuse it by saying he was too drunk to even open it. After all, Illyrio had locked it and did the same with his sister to ensure it. But Daenerys knew a way from her room to escape and go to that corner where she found Arya.

The conversation between Daenerys and Arya had finally come to an end after Arya had shared some things, like her training to become a warrior. Of course, she avoided mentioning details about Jon's power and how he had shaped Ártica from scratch, the Grand Weirwood, the Children of the Forest, the White Walkers, and Jon's dragons.

"I see," Daenerys couldn't help but feel very enchanted by what she heard. She had never met anyone from her city who could talk so openly, and despite Arya being a few years younger and a Stark, she had to admit that the girl had cheered her up a bit. She felt much better while keeping the cat in her lap the entire time.

Arya had heard that the fields of Ártica were blooming, filled with grains, fruits, and vegetables, while the people lived warm, well-fed, and even being educated. Daenerys couldn't help but think that she might have jumped to conclusions after hearing this, believing the words of the girl in front of her, who didn't seem to be lying.

Ártica didn't seem to be the wild place her brother always propagated, but she was still curious in general, whether about the kingdom or even the king, whom Arya spoke of as someone incredible, the person she admired most in the entire world.

And, as if called by fate, footsteps began to be heard in the corridor, and Daenerys became a bit frightened, thinking it might be her brother, who might try to attack Arya, especially upon seeing that she possessed such a well-known sword. He would certainly go mad.

But as the person appeared in the doorway, it was none other than Jon Ártica himself, wearing his eldenmetal armor and his swords at his waist.

"Jon!!!" Arya exclaimed as he entered the room alone, after telling his guards that he would do just that, passing by any sentry in the mansion without being caught.

"Arya, I came to get you," Jon said calmly as he approached.

"Yes, Jon, look! I met this girl. She is Viktoria; she comes from the region of Volantis," Arya began to explain innocently, with Daenerys maintaining her lie, although the Targaryen now felt guilty about it, already considering Arya a good companion, perhaps even a friend at that moment, while Jon smiled at this.

Arya wasted no time and continued speaking. "She looks so much like Lyanna! Will your daughter be like her, Jon?" Arya exclaimed further.

Although Daenerys was a bit confused by the mention that she resembled this Lyanna and was stunned when Arya mentioned that she was the daughter of the Artican king, she felt that Arya seemed very excited to meet her, speaking in such a friendly tone despite their vastly different lives.

Jon nodded, looking at the girl who was staring at him the entire time. Daenerys, upon seeing him, didn't even know what to say as she continued to gaze at Jon. He sighed and stepped closer, noticing all of Daenerys's injuries, and Jon couldn't help but feel even angrier now that he saw them in person.

Daenerys remained frozen, seeing Jon Ártica for the first time. Suddenly, she remembered her current appearance and was not at all proud to show such wounds, immediately lowering her head in shame, not wanting to seem like an unattractive woman.

Arya curiously looked at her newfound acquaintance, and Jon continued to approach, raising his hand to Arya, indicating that she shouldn't say anything as he stood in front of the girl, who seemed to tremble slightly with nerves.

Daenerys was surprised as Jon simply appeared before her and gently held her chin, lifting it so that she would look directly at him. Unable to say anything, she just stared at him with her violet eyes while he studied her.

"Why are you doing this?" was all she could manage to say, her voice faltering under the gaze of those strangely bright and firm eyes of someone in Jon's position.

Jon might have been many things, but he wasn't the savage she had imagined. He dressed like a knight, maintained a serious face and confident steps. He was also a man she couldn't help but internally remark as handsome, more so than her brother or any other man she had ever seen. This held her gaze, even with the shame of her depressed, beaten, and dejected appearance. Her heart felt a bit chaotic and confused while Jon, not looking at her with disdain, had a strangely gentle touch as he studied her wounds.

Even Arya, who was standing beside them, was confused by Jon showing such care for a stranger, making her think that he might see his own daughter in the girl, just as she had.

"Your wounds look bad, but they are only superficial. Your brother hasn't caused you any permanent harm," Jon said calmly, while Daenerys felt shaken upon hearing this. She felt the ground slip from beneath her at those words; after all, it was an indication that Jon knew who she was and what had happened.

Jon sighed and took something from a small pouch he carried, which contained his documents, contracts, and a jar of special ointment made by the Children of the Forest, something that could be considered magical.

"Take this and use it for a few days. You'll be fine quickly," Jon said as the cat finally left Daenerys's arms.

He held the ointment in front of her and placed some into Daenerys's hands with his free hand, maintaining a gentleness that only a man would show when seeing a relative suffer unjustly, especially at the hands of their own blood.

"You'll be fine after this," Jon said, still looking at her. "Let's go, Arya," Jon turned to Arya, who still felt a bit confused by everything and by the attention Jon was giving to that strange girl, as if he knew her. "You can wait for me at the entrance," Jon requested, and Arya nodded, a little hesitant.

Arya began to move, while Jon leaned down once more toward Daenerys, intending to say something without anyone else hearing, while Daenerys barely uttered a word since he had made her look at him.

"Listen, you'll be fine after this. And one more thing, if you want to leave, I can take you away from your brother's grasp and even from Illyrio, who is plotting to have you killed or to give you a very unpleasant fate alongside your brother. That's why I'm willing to take you away from here, but I don't want to do it by force. You have to decide. But I promise you that I will give you a much better life, where you won't have to worry about assassins, shelter, or food, and you will have the luxury of living like a true princess in Ártica," he said, looking at the girl, who was staring at him as if he were delirious or as if she couldn't understand or absorb everything she was hearing from Jon. But he continued.

"After all, you're not the only Targaryen alive besides your brother. The Targaryen bloodline still lives, and not all of Rhaegar's children are dead. Rhaenys is alive, and your older brother has another living child as well," Jon said calmly, while Daenerys just looked at him with wide, distrustful eyes, as if he were lying.

"Your brother was never the true heir to the Iron Throne. And even if he gathers an army here in Essos, he will never be able to cross the sea or conquer Westeros with a bunch of Dothraki. That's why I'm inviting you to come to Ártica. I'll be waiting for your answer, Daenerys Targaryen. I hope you make your decision because if you do, I swear by all my gods that I will give you a much better life than you've ever had." Jon said, and quickly turned away, leaving the girl there, paralyzed, still holding the ointment he had placed in her fingers, as Jon disappeared down the corridor.


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