Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 40 – Journey Beyond the Wall 7!

[Chapter Size: 4500 Words.]



A few meters beyond the Wall, 290 AC, the same moment.


Before approaching, his group settled in the area, setting up camps and preparing to explore and study the sacred tree and its surroundings. Jon knew that this place could be more than just a stopping point; it could be the site of a new kingdom, a place where his tribe could settle and thrive for years, perhaps generations. He began meticulously planning the creation of a fortress, envisioning imposing walls that would not only protect them from the darkness lurking beyond but also from other tribes that might envy or fear the power that Jon and his people had accumulated. The area around the heart tree was vast, much larger than the area of Winterfell and WinterTown combined, offering enough space to build, cultivate, and live. With his unique magical ability, Jon had plans to transform the landscape from icy white to flourishing green. He was inspired by the sacred grove he had seen, a place where life thrived amidst the frozen forest, a miracle of greenery and vitality. Jon spent months reflecting on how that place worked, developing theories and plans. If he was right, he would only need to channel his magic to strengthen the heart tree, making it the pulsating heart of his new kingdom, transforming the frozen land into a warm land.

Jon, sitting majestically on Ghost, his giant wolf companion, convened a meeting with all the leaders of his growing tribe. Giants, members of the free folk, and even the animals that accompanied him were present, all attentive to the dominant presence of the young Warg King. Ghost, at 1.8 meters tall, already commanded respect and admiration, and Jon knew that, with continued strengthening through his magic, the wolf could reach up to 3 meters, becoming a true legend among giant wolves, the King of his species.

Jon was accompanied only by Ducken and Vashid that day. Vashid was a trusted free folk, known for his skills with the blade and his ferocity in battle, someone Jon had met a few moons before and quickly gained his trust. The three headed towards the gigantic tree, a symbol of power and mystery that many of the free people considered just a legend.

As they approached, the group began to climb the base of the tree, moving toward its immense roots. The tree was a wonder of nature, its imposing and ancient beauty resonated with an almost palpable energy. Jon, moved by an impulse, approached to touch the tree, to feel its energy and wisdom. But before he could, a small green figure emerged from a hidden entrance among the roots.

The creature's eyes were wide, fixed on Jon with penetrating intensity. It was a Child of the Forest, beings that many believed had disappeared millennia ago. Jon smiled, an expression of pure joy and admiration on his face. "Are you a Child of the Forest, aren't you?" he asked, his voice laden with reverence and curiosity.

Ducken and Vashid, witnessing this extraordinary encounter, were astonished, speechless. The existence of these mythical beings was something they had never considered possible. The presence of the Child of the Forest confirmed that the world still held secrets and magics beyond their understanding, and that Jon, their leader, was somehow connected to these ancient and powerful mysteries.

The revelation of Leaf left Jon intrigued and somewhat disconcerted. The creature before him, an ancient and mysterious being, looked at him with a mix of curiosity and confusion. "Yes, my name is Leaf," she began, her voice sounding like a whisper of the forest itself. "And who are you, child? And why do I feel so strange in your presence? My companions and I felt you 2 kilometers from here, it's as if you were a green beacon of nature."

Leaf's words were loaded with surprise and a slight touch of fear. She continued, explaining that not even the greenseer, the seer of her species, knew who Jon was. His powers were somehow blocked by Jon, a phenomenon that prevented the greenseer from seeing the past or future related to him. It was as if Jon was the cause of a great blockage, a mystery that not even the ancient and wise Children of the Forest could unravel.

Jon, hearing Leaf's intriguing description of his presence and the effect it had on the greenseer's powers, smiled slightly. "My name is Jon Snow," he responded, his voice calm and steady. "And I have come to this tree by the command of the gods themselves to, somehow, train. I am tasked with saving the free folk and building a nation in the true north. The gods asked me to find this place, as it would be here that everything would begin, the hope against the evil that haunts these lands."

Jon's words left Leaf visibly surprised. She pondered for a moment, her wide eyes fixed on Jon as if trying to decipher a complex riddle. His presence, the mission he carried, and the block he imposed on the greenseer were pieces of a puzzle that not even the ancient Children of the Forest fully understood. Leaf looked at Jon with a mix of caution and curiosity. "What do you plan to do with us?" her voice carried a questioning tone, but at the same time, there was a hint of anxiety. Her eyes slipped back to where Shadow and Ghost were positioned, huge and imposing. The sight of the giant wolves, larger than any wolf she had ever seen, made her question the power and intentions of this unusual human.

Jon noticed Leaf's gaze and understood her concerns. "Tell me, Leaf, do you like life as it is?" he asked, his voice soft yet firm, seeking to better understand the reality of her and her species. Leaf responded with a sigh of sadness. "Of course not," she began, "I and the last of my species are forced to live in these tunnels around ice, we have lost our reproductive ability, and we cannot get close to nature here with the dead walking over these lands. In the South, we would be hunted!" Leaf's words revealed an existence marked by fear, loss, and longing for a world that once was theirs.

Jon felt a pang of sadness upon hearing about the fate of the Children of the Forest. He lamented the greed and cruelty of humans that had led these magical beings to the brink of extinction. Leaf, observing the genuine empathy in Jon's eyes, was surprised. Humans rarely showed such feelings for her species.

"Observe, Leaf," said Jon, descending the hill to an open space. With a gesture of his hands and intense concentration, he summoned his magic. Before the astonished eyes of Leaf, two apple trees sprouted from the cold and icy ground, growing rapidly and fruiting before them. The red and juicy apples hung from the branches, a miracle of life amid the white wasteland.

Leaf's reaction was immediate and emotional. She ran to Jon, embracing him with tears in her eyes, deeply touched by the act of generosity and power. Soon, a flurry of movement erupted from the nearby caves. Thirty Children of the Forest, followed by twenty more, came running out to see the miraculous trees. They surrounded Jon, each picking an apple, a tangible sign of hope and renewal.

Ducken, Vashid, and the others at the distant camp, who had come out to investigate the commotion, watched with a mix of astonishment and admiration. Jon, now surrounded by green creatures who cried and laughed while eating the apples, appeared as a healer, a creator, a symbol of new life. In that moment, he was not just a human leader; he was a catalyst for change, a beacon of hope for all species, promoting a vision of a world where magic and nature could flourish side by side. After the emotional reveal of the apple trees, Jon was surrounded by the Children of the Forest, who guided him along a narrow and winding path to the entrance of a hidden cave. As they walked, the little beings surrounded him with a surprising gentleness, as if he were made of glass, about to break with the slightest touch. Jon, reflective, thought to himself about what it might be like to be cared for like this by a mother. "But I am a child," he thought ironically, despite carrying the weight and responsibilities of a leader.

The murmurs and whispers about the greenseer residing within the depths of the cave echoed in his mind as he entered the sacred space. The Children of the Forest spoke of a being capable of unraveling mysteries and riddles of the gods, someone who might clarify the path Jon should follow. He had many questions: about his destiny, how to build a nation, and how to confront and destroy the darkness threatening the region.

The cave was a place of ancient magic, its walls pulsing with an energy that Jon could feel on his own skin. The path led him to a chamber where the soft light of the tree roots intertwined in a mystical glow. There, he met the greenseer, an ancient and frail man whose body was entwined with the roots of the great tree. The greenseer's life seemed to hang by a thread, his existence sustained only by the constant energy provided by the sacred tree.

Jon could feel that, despite the vital connection to the heart tree, the greenseer's life force was waning. He estimated that the man had thirteen more years before his life flame would be completely extinguished. Jon's presence seemed to momentarily revitalize the greenseer, as if the proximity of the young Warg King brought a breath of life and curiosity to the elder.

Jon approached cautiously, respectful and curious. He knew that the greenseer held answers, knowledge, and visions that could be crucial for his mission and for the future of his people. With a heavy but hopeful heart, Jon prepared to speak with the greenseer, to ask about the enigmas of the gods, about his destiny, and how he could use his powers to bring light and hope to the lands haunted by darkness. It was a pivotal moment, a meeting between the ancient and the new, between ancestral knowledge and the potential of a future yet unwritten.

As Jon approached the greenseer, the man known as Brynden Rivers watched with an expression of perplexity and restlessness. The presence of the young Warg King was an enigma that defied his understanding and his powers. "I see that Leaf treats you very well, boy. Can you tell me who you are?" Brynden asked, his voice trembling, not just from advanced age but also from the uncertainty that Jon represented.

Inside Brynden's mind, a profound confusion settled. He, who had once been able to see the future and the past with his green sight and warg powers, now found himself in an unprecedented block. A year ago, these abilities had inexplicably ceased, leaving him in the dark about the happenings of the world and depriving him of his connection with the ravens, his distant eyes, and ears.

Brynden's inability to sense or see anything about Jon was disturbing. He, who could unravel the deepest secrets of a person with a simple focus of his attention, now found himself blind in the presence of the youth. The agitation among the Children of the Forest only confirmed the uniqueness of the situation; they announced Jon's arrival as that of a powerful entity, something they hadn't felt in ten thousand years.

Even without his powers, Brynden tried in vain to reach through his ravens, seeking some glimpse or understanding, but all in vain. Jon's presence was like an impenetrable veil, a force that blocked his perception and left the greenseer fearful of the unknown.

Now, with Jon before him and the Children of the Forest treating the young man almost as a deity, Brynden felt alienated and disoriented. The reverence and respect that the ancient beings showed for Jon only amplified the mystery and importance of the boy in front of him.

Jon Snow, before the greenseer and the Children of the Forest, began to reveal the truth of his mission and his identity. "My name is Jon Snow, the bastard son of Eddard Stark, protector of the north. I am here sent to destroy the darkness of the true north and save the descendants of the first men, guide them to build a powerful nation," he said, his voice resonating with unwavering determination. "In the riddles of the Old Gods, they asked me to find the great heart tree, where my training to become a ruler for my people would begin."

Jon's words caused a mix of surprise and admiration among those present. Brynden, the greenseer, listened attentively, his perplexity growing with each word. He recognized the importance of Jon's training at the heart tree; with green sight, the young man could learn from the experiences and knowledge of all who had set foot in the world before nine years ago. Despite his own powers having recently failed, Brynden still retained the ability to see the past up to that strange point in time when everything turned white for him.

Jon's revelation shed light on the blockage that Brynden was facing. Since a year ago, when he lost the ability to see the present and have glimpses of the future, he wondered about the cause. Now, before him, was Jon Snow, clearly the key to this mystery, the epicenter of a significant change affecting even the oldest and most powerful powers.

Brynden pondered the idea of transforming that land into a great nation. Why did the Children of the Forest react with such joy to this declaration? Jon's promise brought hope, not just for humans but also for the ancient beings who had lived in secret and shadows for millennia. For the first time since becoming a greenseer, Brynden felt that he did not have control of the situation. He, who once was the observer of all times and places, now faced the unknown.

Despite his uncertainty, there was a spark of hope in his heart. The prospect of a better future, different from what he had seen in his darkest visions, was something Brynden could not ignore. Jon Snow, the boy before him, might be the key to a new dawn, to a world where light finally triumphs over darkness. Brynden knew he needed to help Jon, guide him on his path, as the fate of all now depended on this young bastard from the North, who carried the weight of a divine mission on his shoulders.

Jon spent an entire day in deep conversation with Brynden Rivers, the man rooted to the tree. As the hours passed, Jon discovered the remarkable story of Brynden: a Targaryen bastard who rose to the rank of Lord Commander and whom everyone believed had been long dead. This revelation created a bridge of understanding between them; Jon felt an affinity with Brynden, a familiar sensation he had already experienced with Aemon, his uncles, and his father. Upon mentioning this, Brynden speculated that Jon might be attuned to others of magical blood, a special connection with the Targaryens and the Starks.

Brynden shared stories of his own powers, and Jon was amazed at the potential for learning that this connection represented. He would be able to train with the greatest minds that ever existed and see their mistakes. But there was more: Jon learned that he could receive knowledge directly from the great tree, not just through Brynden and the green sight. The tree was a source of ancient wisdom, providing him with a basic understanding of advanced mathematics, navigation, astrology, civil construction, and engineering. These skills would be crucial for observing how great minds acted and learning from their mistakes.

With this newly discovered knowledge, Jon knew that this was where the construction of a great nation would begin. Jon knew that before he could start his training and truly absorb the knowledge of the tree, he needed to organize his people and establish a solid base near the heart tree. This would be a major undertaking, as it involved moving thousands of people, animals, and resources to a new location. With determination and clarity of vision, he began planning and executing the transition.

Firstly, Jon created a map of the path to the heart tree and returned to his already established base with all his people 100 kilometers away, after arriving at the location already fortified with a wall by the people while everyone worked to mine dragonglass and iron from the region.

Jon convened a meeting with the leaders and wise, including giants, the free folk, to discuss the move. He explained the importance of the heart tree he had finally found in his destiny and the role each would play in building the new nation in that place. Jon emphasized the need for an organized and planned transition to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone.

After the meeting, Jon divided the tasks among the groups. The giants and mammoths would be responsible for transporting large loads and building materials. The wolves and panthers would help protect the people during the journey and in hunting to maintain the food supply. Engineers and builders began drafting plans for temporary structures that would be set up around the heart tree, offering shelter while the permanent construction was not completed.

Jon also organized scout groups to map the safest route to the heart tree, identifying potential dangers and resources along the way. These scouts, composed of experienced members of the free folk skilled in wilderness survival, would be crucial in ensuring a smooth journey.

Moreover, Jon gathered the forest witches, known as healers and herbalists, to collect and prepare medicines and medical supplies. The health and well-being of his people were of utmost importance, and he wanted to be prepared for any eventuality.

When everything was finally ready, Jon led his people in a grand caravan toward the heart tree. The journey was marked by a sense of purpose and determination. With Jon at the forefront, followed by a diversity of creatures and people, the tribe moved like a wave across the landscape, ready to start a new life and build a nation around the sacred tree, where Jon would become not just a leader but a true king to his people.

The move to the new location near the heart tree was a massive operation that required meticulous planning, coordination, and the unity of everyone in the tribe. The journey to the sacred tree and the establishment of the new base took three intense weeks, during which each member of the Arctic Tribe worked tirelessly to ensure the success of the transition.

During the first week, the tribe began their journey. The giants and mammoths carried the heaviest load, moving slowly but surely under Jon's command. The scouts were constantly ahead, mapping the terrain and ensuring the path was clear of dangers. The wolves and panthers kept vigil, protecting the caravan from any threat. At night, people gathered around fires, sharing stories and keeping morale high despite fatigue and uncertainties.

In the second week, they arrived at the new location, an area surrounding the heart tree that emanated a sense of tranquility and strength. Work then began immediately. Temporary structures were erected to provide shelter, and engineers and builders started planning the permanent constructions. The herbalists and healers set up a designated area for medical care, while hunters and foragers sought local food and resources.

The third week was one of intense activity. The temporary structures transformed into more stable dwellings, and streets began to take shape. Jon oversaw everything, ensuring each task was carried out effectively. He also took time to talk with each group, listening to their concerns and offering encouragement. As the new base was established, Jon felt the hope and determination of his people growing.

At the twilight of the third week, the new base of the Arctic Tribe was formed, a mosaic of tents, shelters, and structures emerging from the land like sprouts of a new era. The sense of community and purpose that permeated the air was almost tangible. Children played among the constructions, the wolves and other animals rested peacefully, and adults worked together, strengthening the security of the new home. Jon watched everything with a sense of pride and responsibility, feeling the trust and hope his people placed in him.

With the people safe and the base established, Jon knew it was time to begin his own training. He approached the great heart tree, whose roots and branches seemed to stretch infinitely in all directions. The ancient and powerful energy of the tree pulsed in the air, and Jon felt he was about to connect with wisdom that surpassed millennia.

Brynden, the greenseer, was already waiting for him, his ancient eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and respect. With Brynden's guidance and the unwavering support of his people, Jon was ready to dive deeply into the mysteries of the past and present, to learn and grow. He knew that the path ahead would define his destiny and the future of all those he had sworn to protect.

Jon dedicated six hours daily to studying the past, immersing himself in the visions the tree provided. He witnessed the construction of King's Landing by Maegor the Cruel and his engineers. He observed how Braavos was raised from the waters and how Brandon the Builder erected the Wall with the help of thousands of giants and founded Winterfell.

In engineering, Jon absorbed knowledge about the main aspects of how the world's greatest structures had been built. He focused on learning about plants, organizations and men, structure, planning, and architectures, understanding everything from the sewers of a city to the tallest tower of a castle. Each day was an opportunity to accumulate knowledge that would shape the foundation of the great nation he was destined to build.

This journey of learning went beyond the construction of physical structures; it was about forging a strong community, a just society, and a lasting legacy. Jon was preparing to be more than a leader; he was becoming a visionary, someone capable of shaping the destiny of his people and forging a future where light would triumph over darkness. Under the shadow of the great heart tree, Jon Snow was preparing to emerge not just as a king but as the founder of what would be known as the greatest nation in the world, a place where the true North would shine as a beacon of hope and prosperity.

With his tribe now established around the heart tree, Jon dedicated himself to a vital task: ensuring a constant and sustainable supply of food for his people. With his ability to invoke nature, he spent an entire week creating a vast forest of fruits and a cultivation garden. The trees sprouted from the ground, growing rapidly under his command, laden with various nutritious fruits. This garden would be the heart of the tribe's nutrition, a place where the women of each group could gather and provide for their respective groups.

With food security established, Jon turned his attention to an even more ambitious project: the construction of a city that would eclipse King's Landing in size and grandeur. If King's Landing occupied 10 km², Jon planned a metropolis of 100 km², designed to house a population of up to 10 million, a figure that represented one of the Seven Kingdoms in a single place. He dreamed of a long-term city, structured and planned to avoid the problems that plagued King's Landing, such as unpleasant odors and overcrowding.

Jon envisioned the great tree at the city's center, with the royal palace a few kilometers away, symbolizing the connection between his government and nature. To realize this dream, he mobilized 1000 men to work with iron, 500 with steel, 500 with gold, 500 with dragonglass, and 200 with coal. Under Brynden's guidance and with the knowledge acquired from the past, Jon began constructing revolutionary structures, using these materials in innovative and efficient ways.

The population of the Arctic Tribe saw these efforts with enthusiasm and pride. They devoted themselves to their tasks, knowing they were building not just a home but a legacy for future generations. Each stone placed, each tree planted, was a step towards a promising future under the leadership of Jon Snow.

Understanding that building a city of this size would take decades and that he had plenty of time to strengthen its defenses against the darkness, Jon continued seeking allies and knowledge. It was then that the Gods revealed to him the existence of an unknown race, exiled in the nearby mountains. They were the Dwarves, men, and women of short stature but incredibly strong and endowed with a natural passion for construction and forging. Jon realized that these beings could be valuable allies in his construction and planning efforts, bringing skills and knowledge that would complement those of his own people.

With this new perspective, Jon Snow prepared to reach out to the Dwarves, seeking an alliance that would benefit both parties and further strengthen the foundation of the nation he was destined to build. It was a time of growth, learning, and unity, under the protective shadow of the great heart tree and under the determined and visionary leadership of Jon, the future king of the greatest nation in the world.


In the narrative, Brynden Rivers faces a peculiar limitation in his green sight powers. He is unable to see the birth of Jon Snow and any aspect of his existence, including events related to Lyanna Stark after her pregnancy, which is why he is not certain that Jon is a Targaryen. This is because Jon was specially protected by the gods before his birth, even from the observational abilities of the greenseer.

This divine protection becomes even more evident after Jon acquires exceptional magical powers in a sacred grove one year before the present moment of the story. After this event, Brynden loses most of his abilities, particularly his capacity to spy on the South and events directly related to Jon. This suggests that Jon's rise as a significant figure of power is intrinsically linked to the diminishing abilities of the Three-Eyed Raven, marking Jon as a unique and protected entity in the universe of the story.

Furthermore, the gods play an active and selective role in the distribution of magical powers. They chose to withdraw magical energies from their various creations, except for the weakened Children of the Forest, and concentrate them in Jon. This transfer of power not only explains Jon's divine protection but also the origin of his newly acquired powers. Jon thus becomes a vessel for the world's magical energies, endowing him with abilities and a predestination that surpass those of any other character in the story.



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