Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 45 – The Beginning of a Nation! 05.

[Chapter Size: 5100 Words.]


Jon Snow POV

Somewhere beyond the Wall, 292 AC, At the same moment.


As Jon continued to walk through the city, he came across the square where he had once gathered all the people of the time. The place was as always, bustling with inhabitants carrying out their outdoor activities, friends and families strolling early in the morning. However, unlike last year, there was now a large structure in the center of the square. An iconic large stone with the symbol of Ártica and something written in the ancient language stood there. It was Jon's declaration, etched into the rock tower, a constant reminder of the promises and values that upheld Ártica.

The citizens walked past it feeling a kindled pride, a sense of belonging to something greater than themselves. Jon's words were not just a speech; they were a commitment to the present and the future, a promise that Ártica would always be a place of strength, resilience, and freedom. On the stone was the same phrase Jon had spoken to his people and later carved by the dwarves:

"The people of the true north are carved by the cold, forged in resilience, and hardened by millennia under the most brutal winters. We, the people of this relentless land, stand unyielding and unbending, we bow to nothing and no one, not even to the throne of Ártica. To the King of Ártica, mere respect is enough!"

Jon smiled as Eragon made some sounds at the stone, after greeting more of his people who stopped him on the streets of Ártica, Jon continued his path through a part of the city under construction.

"Hey, King Jon!" A dwarf working saw Jon and called out to him.

"Hello Hyji!" Jon greeted the old dwarf with a smile.

"You're strolling through the city so early, where's that giant white ball of fur of yours? I see you're only with this terrifying thing!" The dwarf said as the others just laughed.

*Roaarrr* Eragon seemed to understand the dwarf's words and growled at him as best as a young dragon could, making a rather childish and annoying sound.

"Ghost is in the forest today, and don't talk about Eragon like that, he's a very fiery dragon," Jon said, scratching the dragon's head, which was enjoying Jon's affection.

"Say that when he grows up and starts spitting fire," the dwarf grumbled.

"How are things going?" Jon asked.

"Everything is going as planned, we'll finish the royal palace in a few years," he said. This place would be a giant castle for Jon's throne, they started excavating to create hidden chambers, depots, and a royal vault with strong security. Jon didn't just stick to mining iron and dragon glass, he had found at least 4 other mines with his powers, 3 within the lands near the city, and the other would be something irreplaceable in the kingdom, the dwarves started excavations with the free people. Ártica would soon have so much gold that it could rival the rich houses of the South with their mines found in just 2 years.

Of course, the gold wouldn't just be royal; with the opening of trade, Jon planned to inject gold into the population because he couldn't make them rely solely on the kingdom, he wanted a self-producing people, who created their own businesses, only then, the kingdom would progress without depending solely on Jon's powers. And Jon was preparing for this in the last years and would take a few more before starting to shock the world with his products and a new way of doing economy.

Jon left the place after bidding farewell to the dwarf and went to another place where there was another reconstruction, his then bank of Ártica, which he had mentioned before that despite taking a little while to compete with the iron bank, they surpassed in less than half a decade, becoming the world's largest concentration of wealth in the future.

"Hey, Stony!" Jon left the bank construction and walked through the small garden to find a forest child hidden in a corner.

"Jon!!! Have you seen Leaf? I'm hiding from her!" The forest child exclaimed.

"What did you do this time, Stony?" Jon rolled his eyes, knowing how terrifyingly childish this child was, despite being about 5,000 years old.

"I didn't do anything! Well, almost nothing! I just threw eggs at Leaf's face, she's furiously after me!" She admitted under Jon's intense gaze.

"You should stop these pranks, and Leaf is pregnant! You need to be careful with your kind at this time!" Jon reprimanded her.

"I guess you're right..." She admitted.

"Go to her and apologize." Jon instructed, and the forest child nodded.

After leaving Stony, Jon continued on his way, but not without reflecting on how the forest children seemed happier. The children of the forest began to multiply, and in 2 years there were already more than 100 of them. Jon stimulated their reproduction with his natural energy, as he did with all animals, and potions to encourage their fertile lives.

It wasn't just the children who had multiplied; the forest that Jon built a few kilometers from the city, which he called Wolfkingdom, was self-explanatory and now boasted more than 500 giant wolves.

The wolves not only reproduced but grew larger than they used to be. Now they measure 2 to 2.5 meters, a notable size compared to the 1.8m the species could reach before. Ghost was around 2.6 meters, but as he was still young, Jon estimated he would reach 3 meters, making him the largest wolf in history.

The only problem was that although not at the limit, it would soon come with the increase in population not just of wolves, but all animals, as food might become scarce with many animals, he would need to create a sustainable system in the coming years after buying animals for high meat production and feeding them.

Jon continued walking through the streets past some animals that live peacefully among the population and found another dwarf excavation.

"Look Eragon... This place will be one of the most important if not the most important in Ártica," Jon commented.

"Roar?" Eragon made a confused sound.

Jon was at the site where two enormous constructions would be; he called this area the district of knowledge. Here would be what he called in the project a University and next to it, the construction of the largest library in the world.

"My people will not only be the most powerful in the world," Jon began with a tone of pride. "Ártica will be the most literate and intelligent people in the known world," Jon commented joyfully.

Jon didn't leave the district before meeting a peculiar group of Artican citizens who quickly noticed him.

"The king is here!!" The children with a bird on their shoulder, possibly a warg and in training with other older and more experienced wargs of the free people, exclaimed. Jon made it a point to open groups to train children with an affinity for this. He not only did this but also stimulated all the wargs of the kingdom with the development of alchemy, imitating how the forest children usually did to increase the power of some green seer with the bark of the weirwood, or as they call it, the juice of the sacred tree. Jon strengthened the formula by studying other plants and adding the right dose.

This created a new horizon for all the wargs of the kingdom; his formula had been a success that greatly increased their capacities. They are part of the culture of the true north and of Ártica now. All future generations were stimulated with great potential never reached before among the free people with great potential. If a warg could have 1 or 2 animals before, an adult at his peak reached 8 bonds with animals at the same time.

This was until now the second largest after me. Even Sixskins, who is quite famous in these lands, would be envious that his position fell to sixth, as there are two more in Ártica with 6 animals also, while Brynden had.

"King warg!"

"Incredible! He's here."

"Look on his shoulder! They say that strange creature is called a dragon, when it grows up, it will be the most powerful creature in the world, it flies and spits blood, I heard the adults talking with the dwarves!" A child exclaimed, leaving everyone terrified.

"Children, that's not something to talk about in front of our king." An adult who was a warg, surrounded by 3 wolves and a crow, scolded the children.

"But I'm not speaking ill of the king! He's amazing, he's the warg king!" A child protested, and Jon laughed.

"It's alright, teacher, carry on with the lesson. I'm just passing through and I'm leaving," Jon said with a friendly smile.

People called him various things, among them the Warg King, and some even foolishly said he was a kind of god, which of course he didn't like the latter part, as he wasn't foolish enough to claim he was on the same level as the beings who had bestowed so much power upon him.

But Jon could understand, as while a warg could bond with up to 8 animals, he couldn't improve his capacity with the same formula he created, but that didn't make a difference when he had over 2,000 animals bonded. There was no one like him in the history of this world, he even took 2 dozen mammoths, the giants didn't seem to like this initially, but what could they do.

Jon had a surveillance system throughout the kingdom, in the air, forests, the city, and even outside Artican lands, 24 hours a day, with his field of vision, nothing went unnoticed by him, always anticipating any attack or theft in the kingdom by outsiders.

"Good morning, King."

"Goodbye king! Goodbye dragen!"

"It's dragon, not dragen."

Jon walked away with a proud Eragon on his shoulder after hearing from the children how much he was admired. Jon continued greeting everyone who spoke to him, as was customary for the young Artican king of just 11 namedays. Although Ducken was training with the royal guard and Luffy was well protected by aerial eyes, today he was alone because he always had Ghost by his side. The only attack that could threaten his life was from the people themselves, as nothing entered Ártica without him noticing, and also, the majority adored him, and no one wanted to awaken the wrath of the gods by hurting Jon.

Of course, Ducken didn't like this, but Jon was one of the most powerful human warriors of the nation at just his 11 years. How is that possible? Jon created a body strengthening potion to help him develop strength far beyond his age in the first year, with daily doses he developed superhuman strength that could throw an adult several meters if he put in the effort.

To train, he often didn't just train with humans; the dwarves were a huge challenge, their strength was even stronger than Jon's. He lost most of the time, but as he was only 11 namedays, there was still much growth in him, and everyone knew it wouldn't be long before he would have sparring against giants without using any more potion. With the use of his potions that temporarily increased his strength, Jon could even fight giants, winning many times, depending on the dose he took of his potions, although the side effect of intense pain was not pleasant.

In the last two years, Jon didn't actively seek tribes; instead, they sought him, attracted by the promise that the land of Ártica demonstrated. Now, having established his nation sustainably as it is, he could afford months of absence to start the next phase of his ambitious plan. His focus was on further developing the population and starting the construction of monumental defensive structures: a wall and a naval canal, grandiose projects reminiscent of the works of his legendary ancestor, Brandon the Builder, and he would have not only the help of giants, humans, and children of the forest, but dwarves would be an addition to create something even more grand.

But even though he already had thousands of dwarves, giants, and the free folk in large numbers, to raise the wall with the speed and efficiency he desired, Jon knew he needed more giants, those imposing creatures whose strength was unsurpassed in carrying stones large enough for its construction, as Jon knew it was only a matter of time until the real war began in these lands, and he had to prepare his people more than ever.

Although nomadic giants had also begun to settle in their lands, attracted by the safety and stability that Ártica offered, it still wasn't enough, as it was a very small population compared to the others if we remove the Children of the Forest from this equation. He also initiated a treatment to increase the birth rate among the giants, and it was successful. With more than two hundred giant babies born, it was a clear sign that they could indeed multiply and have their own families.

Now, with a thousand adult giants under his leadership, Jon pondered how to further increase this number, which made him consider leaving his isolation of the last 2 years. His primary goal at the moment was clear: He needed to complete the wall and strengthen the defenses of Ártica in the coming years.

He had held a meeting at the great weirwood, and took the entire council of Ártica to Brynden, where they discussed their plans. Even the giants could now enter that room after their increase. Jon still remembered his last meeting there.

Ten members of the impromptu council of Ártica, representing the diversity of Ártica, sat around a large wooden table: humans, giants, dwarves, and Children of the Forest. Among them, notable figures like Brynden, rooted in his spot and participating from a corner of the room since he still depended on the roots to live, but this was something Jon was already trying to resolve. Meanwhile, other members were Ducken, Thor, the leader of the dwarves, Wallyk, a giant of few words who had become the leader of his race after defeating all the other tribe chiefs, and Leaf, representing the Children of the Forest, among them were a few more humans that Jon found interesting enough to have by his side.

Jon began the meeting with an air of determination. "We need to talk about the future of Ártica and the construction of the wall. But more immediately, about the possibility of me venturing beyond our borders to seek allies and resources."

Ducken, always loyal and as his royal guard, was the first to speak, "Jon, you are the soul of this kingdom. Your safety is our safety. If something happens to you out there..."

Thor interrupted, slamming his mug on the table with his usual humor, "He's not a child! Jon has proven more than capable. Maybe it's time for Ártica to extend its branches."

Wallyk, with his booming voice, added, "We need to save more of ours out there. If Jon thinks he can bring more giants to strengthen our ranks, then I support him."

Leaf, with a soft voice that resonated with ancient wisdom, spoke, "The forest and its children have benefited from Jon's vision. If he feels this is the way, we should trust. But, Jon, nature has taught you balance. Remember that in your travels."

Brynden, with his voice coming from afar, warned, "Jon, you carry the future of Ártica. Be prudent. Your actions echo not just here, but across the land, I couldn't accompany you much, as my powers continue limited."

Others expressed their opinions for and against, but the decision was made, and Jon would venture beyond the lands of Ártica because only he could do it. But Jon listened to each one, weighing their words. "I appreciate your concerns and advice. I do not take this decision lightly. Ártica is my life, but I feel this is the next step to ensure our future. I will seek allies, knowledge, and strength for us. I will have powerful men accompanying me, as well as a selected and armed group. I will keep Ártica informed of every step, and the wargs of the kingdom will be able to find me with ravens, so our communication will not be cut off." The council continued to discuss details, preparations, and potential risks, but one thing was clear: Jon would leave the kingdom.

A few days after that intense meeting, Jon continued walking through the city after leaving the district of knowledge towards a specific place. He was still thinking about his journey as he walked. Jon planned to travel in the coming days, with him, accompanied by Gury — the dwarf who had not only become a great friend but also a trusted advisor — would lead a robust group of 2,000 Artican souls. They would be equipped with everything necessary for an expedition into the unknown: armor of eldenmetal, weapons forged from the same metal, and enough provisions to sustain a small army against the rigors of winter that extended beyond their lands.

The destination? The grand Wall to the south, Jon hoped to reunite with his uncle Benjen and possibly go to Winterfell to see Arya, Bran, and his father, a longing that still weighed heavily on the young king's heart.

Although the chances of entering Winterfell were a bit slim for him, the Wall offered the possibility of a negotiation or a bridge for him to contact his father. Jon yearned for another promise he had made to a wise man, a promise made to Aemon: to show him Eragon, the dragon that was a symbol that his belief and hope were correct. Moreover, Jon nourished the hope of curing Aemon's blindness with the magical abilities he had honed over the years.

And possibly, to invite Aemon to Ártica, was something he would negotiate fiercely, as having people who could teach was something needed in this young land. The elder's presence could illuminate the path to an even brighter future for Ártica, educating a new generation of wise men and leaders under the protective shadow of the great weirwood.

Shifting from his thoughts and focusing on his morning stroll, Jon headed towards a well-known brewery among the inhabitants of Ártica. It was a robust establishment, with thick stone walls and wooden beams, which exuded an inviting aroma of malt and hops. Frequently, it was a lively meeting point, filled with laughter, songs, and shared stories over worn wooden tables.

As he approached, the cheerful sound of folk songs and the buzz of warm conversations leaked through the open doors and windows. The brewery, with its welcoming atmosphere, acted as a social heart for the community, where everyone, from dwarves to humans, gathered to enjoy moments of camaraderie and rest.

His entrance into the brewery was always an event. While the dwarves and humans celebrated, clanking their mugs and chanting songs, William, among them, drank and laughed to the music's beat.

Inside the rustic brewery of Ártica, the air was charged with the warmth of celebration. Dwarves and humans gathered, their voices joining in a robust melody, a song that spoke of mountains, courage, and the joy of a good beer. The wooden tables were filled with mugs brimming with golden froth, and the floor vibrated to the rhythm of feet tapping and dancing.

"In the heart of the mountain, under the torchlight,

Dwarves sing and stomp their feet, joy approaches.

With mugs full of beer, they laugh and feast,

'Long live Ártica!' they shout, in the night that never ceases."

"Hey ho, to the mine we go,

With a swing and a strike, oh, how we glow!

At night, we drink and dance till dawn,

In Ártica, our home, where we are strong and united!"

"Each dwarf with his beard, a story to tell,

Of precious stones, adventures, and how they are so shrewd.

They forge and fight but also know love,

For Ártica, they raise their mugs, under the moonlight."

"Hey ho, to the feast we go,

With a toast and a song, let our spirit shine!

The night is ours, filled with laughter and song,

In Ártica, our land, where every heart belongs!"

"Under the starry sky, our dreams soar,

With each beat and step, our legend survives.

United as one, dwarves, giants, and humans,

Ártica, our kingdom, where all are brothers."

"Hey ho, now together we go,

With a toast to our dreams, may they always grow!

For Jon, our king, who united us like never before,

In Ártica, our glory, forever flourishes!"

"So raise your mug, my friend, and sing with joy,

In Ártica, our home, where courage never dies.

By the light of the torch, by the forge and by the stone,

We are Ártica, strong and free, till the end of time!"

In the center, a group of dwarves had formed a circle, twirling and stomping their heels with a synchrony only they possessed. Their long, well-kept beards swung to the rhythm of the dance, and their eyes sparkled with an indomitable and festive spirit. William, a somewhat taller figure amidst the dwarf crowd, spun with one of them, holding a mug in hand, while he laughed loudly, his laughter blending with the songs and conversations around.

The stone walls of the brewery echoed with the sound of celebration, while hanging torches cast a soft, warm light, accentuating the dancing shadows of the revelers. With each new verse of the song, more people joined the dance, their bodies moving freely, expressing the joy and unity that Jon had inspired in his kingdom.

It was in this vibrant and enchanting setting that Jon made his entrance. The door opened to reveal his silhouette against the daylight, with Eragon resting calmly on his shoulder. For a moment, the music seemed to grow even stronger, as if greeting the arrival of their king. All eyes turned to him, and a series of toasts and warm greetings filled the air. Jon, the young king of Ártica, had arrived, and the party, already lively, promised to become an unforgettable night for all.

And as the song ended and they saw Jon and Eragon smiling, they raised their glasses in salute and joy, welcoming him as one of their own, the young king who had brought unity and hope to such a diverse people.

The dwarves, known for their festive spirit when they generally didn't show their bad mood, always welcomed him warmly. The race not only had admiration for the young leader for creating this kingdom, but Jon, at just 11 years old, had established himself as one of the most skilled craftsmen of the kingdom, creating weapons and armor that impressed even the most experienced dwarves and their master.

"The king has arrived!!!!" shouted a robust dwarf from the back of the room, raising his mug in salute.

"A toast to the king!!" echoed another, his deep voice resonating through the stone walls as everyone raised their drinks in unison.

Jon smiled, nodding in acknowledgment as he made his way through the room. His gaze passed over familiar and new faces, feeling the camaraderie and respect that had grown among them.

"Come on, king, let's drink and sing a bit!" called a dwarf with an intricately braided beard, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Just keep your dragon under control, king of Ártica!" he joked, provoking laughter around.

Jon laughed along, nodding. "Eragon promises to behave, right?" He looked at the little dragon, who snorted lightly, releasing a small cloud of cold steam. The room erupted in laughter and applause.

Approaching the bar, Jon was greeted by William, who welcomed him with a warm smile and a gesture to join them. "You've arrived just in time, Jon! We were about to start the next song!"

"Ah, I wouldn't miss it for anything!" Jon replied, accepting a mug of beer that was passed to him. "Let's celebrate then, for Ártica and its people!"

As the music began and voices rose in chorus, Jon felt at home, surrounded by laughter and good spirits. "Damn, I love being the king of this country," he thought, sipping his beer. He had the respect and friendship of the people, he could walk the streets, and everyone respected each other. Even considered a monarch, he could be the same, a young man who loves a bit of fun and mischief, after all, he was still only 11 namedays old. Amid the buzz and music, Jon savored the sweet reality of being more than a leader; he was an integral part of a vibrant and welcoming community.

After several hours of singing songs, the dwarves began to demand his voice, Jon revealed his singing for the first time a year ago and was met with enthusiasm and admiration. Initially shy and apprehensive about harsh criticism, he was surprised and relieved to find that his voice was celebrated as one of the best in the kingdom. Although he wondered if the praise was due to his status or genuine talent, he chose to simply enjoy the moment. He had created his own instrument, which he called a guitar, which he considered much superior to the traditional lute, and composed songs that spoke of the dwarves, freefolks, Children of the Forest, and giants, capturing the essence of each culture in his melodies.

His art quickly became something that the people of Ártica loved and always looked forward to more. That morning, like so many others, Jon was not just a king with the maturity and responsibilities that transcended his 11 years, but an artist who found joy and connection in his music. His ability to sing and share his art provided him with a deep sense of happiness and fulfillment, a rare escape from the demands of his royal role, and a way to touch the hearts of his people.

Jon accepted the invitation, picking up the guitar that was already a fixture of the bar, and sat atop a table under the watchful eyes of everyone. Eragon hopped off his shoulder and settled beside him as Jon prepared to play the song, which was met with a silence of anticipation in the tavern.

Jon firmly held his guitar, breaking the silence with the first chords. The melody was soft and melancholic, reflecting the long nights of the north and the resilience of its people. With a clear and moving voice, he began to sing, each word touching the hearts of the listeners.

"Under the northern sky, where the stars shine,

We walk together, through time and clime.

Dwarves and giants, with stories to tell,

Children of the Forest, with magics to spell."

The chorus echoed through the room, filling it with a sense of unity and hope. Jon played more intensely, the steady rhythm like the beating of the hearts present.

"Ártica, land of dreams and challenges,

Where every step is a new beginning.

United we are strong, free to fly,

In the dance of life, we continue to stride."

The song continued, narrating the bravery of the freefolks, the kindness of the giants, the skill of the dwarves, and the wisdom of the Children of the Forest. The music was a tribute to the diversity of Ártica, a celebration of the many intertwined stories that formed the fabric of their community.

"And here we stand, under the same moon,

Sharing songs, in the land that's yours and mine.

Hope resonates, in every heart,

Ártica, our nation."

As Jon concluded the last verse, the room erupted in applause.

Jon finally left the tavern after lunching with everyone and headed back to the great weirwood a bit drunk from the beer. He had someone waiting for him, and it was his girlfriend.

Jon would always remember the day when Serena, previously known for her imposing stature as a giant, surprised him in a way that defied comprehension. Five moons ago, a girl with dark hair and blue eyes suddenly appeared in his bed, embracing him with a strength that belied her delicate form. Jon's wolves, already familiar with her, showed no surprise, but Jon, astonished, initially struggled to free himself from the tight embrace, only to discover that she possessed surprising strength, surpassing even his own enhanced strength.

The revelation came when she spoke, her voice sweet and familiar. It was Serena, but not as the giant everyone knew. She explained with a mix of reverence and joy that her daily and fervent prayers to join Jon as his wife were finally answered. For nearly three years, she prayed devotedly, until, in a divine act, the sacred tree under which she made her prayers emitted an intense glow. When the light faded, she found herself transformed, no longer a giant but a young woman of striking beauty, appearing 15 years old. The transformation was a miracle in the eyes of Serena and Jon, a testament to the power of the gods and the unwavering faith of a giant who loved beyond the bounds of her own nature.

He was so shocked, but they quickly understood each other after a conversation, and Jon knew the girl was in love with him, and she was 18 namedays old. Her previous appearance was indeed a challenge, but he was happy that the deities granted this to her, better than marrying her as a giant in size, and not to mention she was the most beautiful woman Jon had ever seen. He decided with her that they would start slowly. Neither of them had experience with this and planned to have the wedding after 2 years, and he did not intend to dishonor her before then.

Jon also gave a small condition that he would marry more than one woman, as he wanted a large family. Seryna didn't seem to mind this, being a giant, her people always respected strength, and the strongest always had more wives, so she easily accepted, provided that Jon take care of the couple's children. Jon clearly didn't want a life like the one he had in Winterfell; he would be a loving father and made Seryna promise she wouldn't hate any of his other children born from other wives, as he wouldn't forgive one of his women being a Catelyn Stark to his children.

Apart from the establishment of the relationship, Jon was surprised that despite Seryna becoming a human girl, she continued with the strength of a giant, making Jon still suffer from her exaggerated hugs that never changed since he met her. Jon became a man who at night, someone might invade his room and suffocate him with love, completely crushing him.


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