Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 47 – The Most Arrogant Folk! 02.

[Chapter Size: 3700 Words.]


Third Person POV

Somewhere beyond the Wall, 292 AC, A little later.


On an ordinary day at the Wall, while on guard atop the wall, he couldn't help but mutter, "Another day freezing my balls off in this place..." He murmured, but his voice was muffled by the icy wind of the wall at 700 feet high.

The ranger also reflected on his past, lamenting the decision that had led him to that cold and desolate place. It had been five years since he traded his freedom for trying to steal two measly silver coins, and each day was a reminder of the weight of his choice. Life on the Wall was an endless series of cold and dangerous days, hunting wildlings and facing the constant threat of death, while longing for simple pleasures, like the warmth of a human touch, tormented him incessantly.

As he sighed and looked beyond the North, where the wild lands lay. He was in his thoughts when he felt a sudden tremor that caught his attention. Even from the height of 700 feet of the Wall, he could see ice shards rising millimeters off the ground. The ground trembled continuously, but almost imperceptibly, and unrest took hold of him and his companions noticing the strange phenomenon. That's when he saw them:

Looking attentively beyond the North, an unprecedented spectacle unfolded before his eyes.

From the dense forest, colossal figures emerged, defying understanding and logic. They were men of gigantic stature, each measuring about four meters in height, dressed in armor that shone even under the gray sky of the North. They marched in an ordered formation, their firm and synchronized footsteps causing the slight tremors the ranger had felt.

He, taken by a mixture of admiration and fear, shouted to his companions, pointing to the extraordinary scene. "By the Seven, where did these giants come from?" His voice carried both the fear of the unknown and the surprise before the unimaginable.

More figures continued to come out of the forest, lining up in meticulous military formation. Each group, composed of 500 giant men, then a common group of people who began to wonder if they were still looking at the north side of the wall or if they were really wildlings with their armor and discipline, another group of 500 short men, but more heavily armed, was a spectacle of discipline and order. A sixth group, accompanied by giant wolves, completed the army. The highlight among them was a wolf of epic proportions, so large that even from the top of the Wall it stood out, with a figure mounted on its back.

The ranger, quickly, he blew the trumpet, a warning signal, and soon, the sound multiplied, echoing along the Wall. As more and more figures emerged from the forest, lining up in disciplined groups in front of the wall. There were 6 groups lined up, 500 giants, 500 men, 500 men, 500 short men and 200 animals.

Castle Black was already in turmoil with the trumpet from the top of the wall, with men running, weapons being prepared, and orders being shouted. The sudden appearance of this mysterious and formidable army transformed what was an ordinary day at the Wall into a moment of tension and anticipation.

"Weapons! Defensive positions now!" roared Mormont, his imposing voice cutting through the icy air of the Wall. The Night's Watch brothers, trained to react with discipline and readiness, quickened their pace, collecting weapons, shields, and preparing the bows.

Commander Mormont went to the battlements of the Wall, looking attentively at the advancing army. His eyes scrutinized every detail, trying to discern the intentions and nature of this mysterious group. "Archers, get ready! Do not fire until ordered!", he commanded with authority. The archers lined up along the wall, their eyes fixed on the army below, fingers tense on the bowstrings.

Beside Mormont, the First Builder and the First Ranger exchanged glances of concern, both aware of the gravity of the situation. "Maintain constant vigilance in all directions," Mormont instructed, "We don't know if this is an attack or a show of strength."

Meanwhile, below the Wall, the mysterious army maintained an impeccable formation, its presence imposing and undeniable. Mormont watched attentively the central figure mounted on the giant wolf. "Who are they? Wildlings? A new threat?", he wondered internally.

Castle Black was now in full alert, each man of the Night's Watch ready to defend the Wall against the unknown. A mix of fear, curiosity, and astonishment took over him and his brothers. "What's happening beyond the Wall?" he wondered, as the Wall, which had always been synonymous with protection and isolation, now seemed more vulnerable than ever before the unexpected and mysterious force lining up in front of it.

While the army of the North maintained its imposing and disciplined formation in front of the Wall, Jon, mounted on his giant wolf, 2.6 meters tall, Ghost, took the initiative to establish communication. In his hand, he raised a white flag, as a symbol of peace and truce. The immense figure of the wolf, combined with Jon's youthfulness, created an intriguing image.

The rangers of the Wall, maintaining their defensive positions, cautiously observed Jon's action. The tension was palpable, everyone awaited with anticipation the unfolding of events.

Jon Snow, mounted on his giant wolf, Ghost, raised his voice with authority and clarity, breaking the silence of the snowy expanse. "My name is Jon Snow, Son of the Protector of the North," he announced, surprising everyone with the volume and clarity of his voice which humanly should not have been possible, especially considering his youth. Ignoring the surprised looks of the rangers, he continued with determination. "I demand a meeting with the lord commander to negotiate!"

The name 'Jon Snow' echoed among the rangers, causing a murmur of recognition and surprise. "That name... isn't it that boy who passed through the Wall more than two years ago? Look at him now, leading an armored army in these frozen lands," they murmured among themselves, impressed with the young man's transformation.

Without waiting for a response from the rangers, Jon dismounted from Ghost and walked toward the gate of the Wall. His bold and decisive attitude made one of the rangers comment, admiringly, "That boy has courage." They knew that any attack on Jon could trigger an immediate response from the giants that made up part of the Arctic army.

As Jon approached the gate, the rangers watched, torn between apprehension and curiosity. The audacity of the child was undeniable, and his presence there, at the Wall, promised to be the beginning of an unexpected chapter in the history of the North.

The wolf, Ghost, remained still, his majestic presence exuding a sense of calm and strength. Jon, continuing to walk towards the gate, kept the white flag raised, symbolizing his peaceful intentions.

In the eyes of the rangers, distrust gradually gave way to curiosity, as they exchanged glances, questioning the identity and intentions of this young leader and his army.

Meanwhile, Jeor Mormont, commander of the Night's Watch, watched the scene from the gate of the wall, pondering the best way to respond. The presence of Jon and his army was unexpected and disconcerting, but the white flag and the posture of the young leader suggested he was not seeking confrontation.

After a brief moment of deliberation, Mormont ordered a delegation to meet Jon. "Let's see what this boy, whom I thought had died, wants," he murmured to himself, ordering the gate to be opened.

As the gate opened, Jon walked with a confidence that defied the tension of the moment. He seemed indifferent to danger, even with numerous arrows pointed in his direction. "Let them play their game," Jon thought, with an air of serene defiance.

When the gate fully opened, the figure who came to meet Jon was none other than his uncle, Benjen Stark. "JON!!! Two years, Jon, you disappeared for two years!" Benjen roared, his voice mixing relief and reproach.

Jon, who normally wouldn't allow such a tone toward himself, softened upon seeing his uncle. "I know, uncle, I'm sorry. There were things I needed to do," Jon replied, with an apologetic smile for his absence over the last two years. The reunion with Benjen was a moment of genuine emotion for Jon.

As soon as they saw each other, the air between Jon and Benjen was filled with a mix of emotion and surprise. Benjen, with a look reflecting both relief and concern, quickly advanced and hugged Jon tightly. "Two years... Two long years," murmured Benjen, still in shock at seeing Jon not only alive but transformed.

Jon returned the hug, feeling a wave of comfort in his uncle's arms again. "I'm sorry, uncle. I had no way to send news," he explained, his voice laden with a maturity that was not present when he left.

Benjen stepped back a bit, keeping his hands on Jon's shoulders, evaluating him with an attentive look. "You've grown, Jon. Not just in height, but... you're becoming a man, I don't know what happened to you, and how you have this troop or what happened to you, but I'm happy, happy that you're well, boy," he said, with a mix of pride and melancholy. "Do you have any idea how I had to explain to your father about how I had to let you go north?" Benjen opened a rare smile.

Jon smiled, a bit embarrassed by the compliment. "I still have a lot to learn, uncle. But I had good masters to teach me," he replied, thinking about the lessons and challenges he faced in the North.

Benjen looked curious at the boy with the mention of masters, "Let's talk, Jon. There's a lot to tell," said Benjen.

"Well, boy. We can talk first, I hope your men keep themselves behaved." The voice of Jorah Mormont was heard for the first time, and Jon looked at him.

"Hello, Lord Commander, it's been a few years since we've seen each other." Jon began and looked at his uncle. "Let's talk later."

Benjen understood and gave a small smile, "Alright, now the Lord Commander wants to know why you brought an armored army in front of the wall," he said, raising an eyebrow.

Jon shrugged and followed his uncle after Jorah Mormont. Benjen gave a last look at the thousands of armored soldiers of various sizes lined up and organized, unable to believe that this could belong to his 11-year-old nephew.

Upon entering Castle Black, Jon Snow, accompanied by his uncle Benjen Stark, walked with a posture exuding a combination of confidence and calm. His steps were firm, reflecting the maturity and responsibility he had acquired in the past two years.

As he crossed the courtyard, Jon noticed the fixed stares at him from all corners - looks that varied between anger, fear, curiosity, and even admiration. Some of the brothers of the Night's Watch recognized him, whispering among themselves, questioning the transformation of the young Snow and the origin of the impressive army that accompanied him.

Ignoring the murmurs and inquisitive looks, Jon proceeded to the Lord Commander's solar. Upon entering, he saw Jeor Mormont, accompanied by three guards, who watched him with an expression of surprise and caution. Without hesitation, Jon greeted the Lord Commander with casual respect, typical of someone who was not intimidated by authority or situation.

Upon entering the solar of Lord Commander Jeor Mormont, Jon Snow greeted him with a mix of formality and familiarity, reflecting the confidence gained on his journey. "Lord Commander! It's been two years, hasn't it? How are you?" Jon asked, maintaining a respectful but assertive tone.

Jeor Mormont, with an intrigued expression, raised an eyebrow at the young man before him. "Yes, two years, Jon Snow. Now, could you explain to me why you brought two thousand armored men in front of my gate?" questioned Mormont, his voice carrying a mix of caution and frustration.

Jon, sensing the tension in the room, responded calmly, "Ah, don't worry about the men on the other side of the wall, Lord Commander. They're not here to attack the Wall or anything like that. They're accompanying me on a mission in the West and at the Fist of the First Men. But, if that answer doesn't satisfy you, I can say I brought them to demonstrate some power and ensure that I won't be treated like an eleven-year-old child." Jon's response seemed to make the atmosphere even tenser in the solar.

The tension in the solar of Lord Commander Jeor Mormont increased after Jon's response. Mormont, with a cautious expression, narrowed his eyes at Jon, trying to decipher his intentions. "And what exactly do you want?" he asked, emphasizing each word.

Jon, maintaining his composure, replied with a mix of innocence and maturity. "I may not want to be treated as an 11-year-old boy, but I still am, and I miss my family. I would like to request a raven to Winterfell, asking my father for permission to visit the castle. I intend to come only with my giant wolf. You can write that I made this request personally," said Jon, with a sincerity that almost hid the weight of his words.

Benjen Stark, Jon's uncle, was perplexed. He wanted to scold the young man for causing such a stir in Castle Black just to send a raven. However, before he could speak, Jon continued, surprising everyone in the room.

"That's just one of the reasons. The other is Aemon Targaryen," revealed Jon, casting a meaningful glance at Mormont and Benjen. Everyone was surprised, wondering what the boy wanted with the maester.

Jon, aware of the surprise and tension that his presence and his army caused in Castle Black, decided to address the matter that had brought him there with direct sincerity. "I want to make a proposal to Maester Aemon. If he accepts, I would like to take him with me to the North," declared Jon, his gaze conveying the seriousness of his intention.

Before Jeor Mormont or anyone else present could protest, Jon quickly added details about his generous offer. "As proof of my goodwill, I brought wagons loaded with a year's worth of food, 500 winter clothes, 400 high-quality steel swords, and six months of products from my land!" The revelation left Mormont and the others surprised, considering the constant shortage of supplies in the Night's Watch.

Mormont, after a moment of reflection, responded with a condition. "If you speak the truth; the proposal will only be accepted if Maester Aemon agrees," he stated, intrigued by the young man's generosity. He usually would laugh off such a proposal, believing no one would have such resources from beyond the Wall, but seeing the army behind the gate in the North was irrefutable. "I will write the raven to Winterfell. And as for your stay, you can choose to stay here or with your men, as long as you don't bring anyone else into the Castle," said Mormont, setting boundaries for Jon's presence.

During the discussion, one of the rangers, skeptical and incredulous, intervened with a question that echoed the doubts of many in Castle Black. "How can we believe that a boy managed to accumulate so many resources beyond the Wall?" he questioned, looking alternately at Jon and Lord Commander Mormont.

Mormont responded firmly. "Even if it seems impossible, I will believe the boy and he will deliver these things before anything else, so I trust him." he explained and continued, "And, it's not wise to create a conflict with an army of 2500, especially when they are so well-equipped and organized."

The ranger, still skeptical, nodded and fell silent. "Thank you, Lord Commander. I will order my men to bring the supplies to the gate and then return to the army," Jon thanked, appreciating the Lord Commander's cooperation. With a nod, he left the solar accompanied by Benjen, leaving behind a Castle Black abuzz and filled with murmurs about the intentions of the young man with his small army.

Jon, eager to see the view from the top of the Wall, invited his uncle to climb with him. "Uncle, let's go up the wall, I didn't have the chance to go up last time," said Jon, excited about the idea, as there was no such high place in the North. Benjen nodded and accompanied Jon to the stairs leading to the top of the immense ice structure.

As they climbed, Jon took a cigar from his pocket and offered one to Benjen. With an agile movement, Jon lit both cigars using a small flame that sprouted from his hand. Benjen, impressed and slightly stunned by the display of magic and the unfamiliar object, accepted the cigar cautiously.

"Uncle, this is called a cigar. You draw in the air like this after lighting it," explained Jon, demonstrating the process. Benjen tried to imitate his nephew but ended up coughing violently, unable to handle the smoke. His botched attempt drew curious looks from the other members of the Night's Watch observing around.

Jon couldn't contain his laughter at his uncle's reaction. "Come on, uncle, pull the smoke right, hahaha!" He laughed, showing again how it was done, exhibiting an ease that only increased Benjen's embarrassment.

Benjen, still coughing, asked between coughs, "Jon, what the hell is this?" His voice mixed surprise and reprimand, still not believing what he was seeing. Jon, trying to ease the situation, offered a bottle to his uncle, who accepted it but almost immediately spat out the contents, surprised by the strong and unexpected taste of the drink.

Benjen, clearly irritated and still coughing from the cigar, glared at Jon. "Jon! Are you making fun of me? You may have an army, but I'll make you regret it!" he roared, shaking his head in disbelief.

Jon, surprised by his uncle's reaction but not shaken, took the bottle back from Benjen's hands. "Uncle, how can you waste vodka like this? It's the best alcohol for winter, warms the body from the cold, and gets you drunk. Don't drink it if it's to waste!" Jon retorted, showing a mix of frustration and amusement at the situation. Benjen, a bit embarrassed and surprised by his nephew's audacity, remained silent.

The rangers around observed the scene with curiosity, commenting among themselves about what might have happened in the Lord Commander's solar for Jon to now walk freely around the castle, apparently without worries, even after bringing an army to the gates of the Wall.

After a while, Jon and Benjen finally reached the top of the Wall. Up there, with the icy vastness stretching out before them, Jon looked at the horizon with a thoughtful gaze, while Benjen stood by his side.

On top of the Wall, Jon contemplated the vastness beyond the North, whistling in admiration at the immensity of the landscape. He looked down, observing his army, now reduced to tiny figures down below. Yet, it was still possible to distinguish the dwarfs, giants, and humans forming a disciplined and impressive formation.

"Wow, uncle, look at this view," said Jon, his voice laden with admiration and a touch of pride.

Benjen, observing his nephew by his side, reflected on the changes Jon had undergone in the last two years. The boy he knew had transformed into someone bold and calculating, someone who now commanded a formidable army.

"It's magnificent, isn't it, uncle?" Jon suddenly asked, breaking the silence that had settled between them.

Benjen nodded, looking at the army below them. "I don't think there's a force like this in the Seven Kingdoms..." he commented, his voice filled with a mix of admiration and apprehension.

The rangers of the Wall, about a hundred of them, watched the scene, equally impressed by the sight of the army and surprised to realize that the commander of those forces was there, next to them, on top of the Wall. They observed Jon with a mix of caution and curiosity, wondering about the true nature and intentions of this young leader.

Jon, noticing the attention he attracted, smiled and took a step forward, facing the landscape beyond the wall. "Hahaha, you think so, uncle? Just watch." With a mischievous smile, Jon took a deep breath and then let out a powerful and clear shout that echoed along the entire length of the Wall and beyond, demonstrating the strength and determination he carried within himself. Benjen watched, stunned.

Standing atop the imposing Wall, Jon contemplated the vastness of the North. By his side, Benjen observed his nephew, realizing how much he had changed in the last two years. Jon now exuded an aura of boldness mixed with a clear capacity for calculation.

"It's magnificent, isn't it, uncle?" Jon broke the silence, looking at the landscape beyond the Wall.

"I don't think there's a force like this in the Seven Kingdoms..." Benjen commented, his gaze fixed on the Arctic army below, which resembled an anthill of dwarfs, giants, and humans.

"Hahaha, you think? So, uncle, just watch," said Jon, stepping forward.

With a deep breath, Jon gathered his voice and shouted loudly enough to be heard throughout the region: "ÁRTICA, WHAT ARE WE?"

The response came in a powerful roar immediately after: "WE ARE NÓRTICOS!!"

Jon continued, his voice echoing with each question, "ÁRTICA, WHAT ARE WE?"

"WE ARE DESCENDANTS OF THE FIRST MEN!!" the answer resonated across the Wall, surprising the rangers.

"ÁRTICA, WHAT ARE WE?" he challenged again.

"WE ARE THE MOST POWERFUL PEOPLE!!" the third response came even stronger.

"ÁRTICA, WHAT DO WE FEAR?" Jon changed the question, attracting the full attention of Benjen and the rangers.

"WE FEAR NOTHING, EXCEPT THE WRATH OF OUR GODS!!" the answer left Benjen open-mouthed.

"ÁRTICA, WHAT DO WE DO WITH WHITE WALKERS?" asked Jon, capturing the attention even of the crows below the Wall.

"WE DON'T RUN! WE KILL THEM, WE EXTERMINATE THEM, THEY ARE THE ONES WHO FEAR US!" the final words were a roar of challenge and pride.


The 2500 soldiers, hearing the command, quickly mobilized, breaking formation to set up camp and deliver the supplies. The scene was a spectacle of efficiency and discipline, leaving everyone on the Wall impressed and somewhat perplexed by the leadership capability of this child.


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