Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 54 – Winterfell 05.

[Chapter Size: 3800 Words.]


Third Person POV

Winterfell, 292 AC, Next Morning.


The following day, Jon rose before the first meal and headed to the gate. He passed the guards, nodding to the few already on duty, who allowed him through, and made his way towards the forest to visit his wolf, Ghost, in the Wolfwoods.

Upon entering the forest, Jon felt a sense of calm and familiarity. The air was fresh and the sound of birds created a gentle melody that morning. He didn't call his companion through their link; he wanted to enjoy a morning walk, leading him deeper into the forest.

After a few minutes of walking, he found Ghost. The giant wolf lay there, his white fur under his armor shining in the sunlight filtering through the forest canopy. Sensing Jon's presence, Ghost lifted his head, his red eyes glowing with recognition.

Jon approached and knelt beside Ghost, gently stroking his soft fur. "Good morning, friend, it's been a few days since I've seen you," Jon said softly. Ghost responded with a soft growl of contentment, his tail wagging lightly in front of the tiny child.

Jon spent time there, simply enjoying Ghost's company, away from the complexities and tensions of the castle. He talked to the wolf, sharing simple thoughts, as if Ghost could understand every word. Their bond was strong, transcending the usual relationship between a human and an animal.

After some time, Jon stood up, knowing he needed to return to the castle. He had already missed the first meal, so he wanted to return before his father became worried. Jon looked at Ghost and began to exchange a few more words with the wolf. "Ghost, we'll stay in Winterfell for a few more days," Jon explained, looking into the wolf's red eyes. "I think it's best to take off your armor for now. You'll be more comfortable without it here."

The wolf seemed to look grateful at these words, and Jon had him stand up before mounting him. "Let's go," Jon said, and he and his wolf started towards the forest exit.

Jon emerged from the forest with his wolf and guided him to Winterfell. His presence understandably unsettled the gate guards, but Jon didn't enter, just waiting for his father to clear the way. Having discussed this with Lord Stark the

day before, he asked to bring Ghost to the castle stable to remove his armor. Despite people's fright at the wolf's presence, Ned knew how controlled Ghost was by Jon and trusted Jon's abilities after all he had seen in recent years.

As Jon led Ghost, the giant wolf clad in his imposing armor, through the castle gate, the reaction from the castle folk was immediate and palpable. Workers, guards, and servants stopped what they were doing, staring at the majestic creature they had seen a few days ago. Some quickly moved away, their faces a mix of fear and surprise, while others stood still, simply stunned by the sight.

Children peeked from behind doors and windows, their eyes wide with wonder. Murmurs and whispers spread quickly among the gathering crowd, filled with speculations and stories about the giant wolf and its owner.

Jon led Ghost to the stables. Upon their arrival, Hodor, who was arranging some tools, looked up and jumped back, dropping the tools with a clatter, his eyes wide at the sight of Ghost, startled by the presence of the giant wolf. "Hodor!" he exclaimed, a mix of fear evident, and ran to hide inside the stable.

Jon quickly tried to calm the giant man. "Hodor? Are you okay? Sorry for the scare, but don't worry, Ghost won't hurt you. He's a good wolf," Jon said, trying to soothe the gentle giant.

"Hodor?" the giant uttered, still looking out from inside the stable. The horses were also a bit nervous at Ghost's presence, but Jon used his warg abilities to calm them all.

"I need help to remove the armor. Can you do that with me? I promise Ghost won't hurt you," Jon assured, trying to calm the nervous Hodor.

"Hodor..." He spoke cautiously.

Jon approached him and brought him to Ghost, before placing his hand on the wolf's neck, even larger than the giant, under the gaze of many who had followed Jon to continue seeing the magnificent creature.

"See, Hodor, Ghost is really nice, and he likes you!" Jon said smiling, as Ghost seemed to enjoy Hodor's touch.

"Hodor!" Hodor, still very cautious, accepted this and lost some of his fear.

"Listen, Hodor, I need help to remove his armor, can you do that with me?" Jon asked, Hodor's strength would be very welcome.

"Hodor!" He said and Jon nodded.

"That's great, Ghost, stay still, while I remove the straps fastened around your belly." Jon went under the wolf where there were straps holding the armor and began to remove them, then Ghost sat to start removing all the parts made of EldenMetal.

Jon began to undo Ghost's armor with Hodor's help, who, despite being initially scared, soon started to help with a shy smile on his face. While they worked, Arya and Bran appeared, running towards them, excited to see Ghost up close. "Jon, can we help?" Arya asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement at seeing the wolf.

Jon looked to his father, who was in the castle, and nodded, indicating it was okay for the children to participate. "Sure, Arya, Bran, come here. Just be careful and make gentle movements," Jon instructed, showing them how to pet Ghost and help remove the armor pieces. Bran, a bit hesitant at first, soon joined Arya, fascinated by the wolf.

While Jon, Hodor, and the children were busy removing the armor, Robb Stark watched from a distance. His eyes reflected a mix of envy and contemplation. He couldn't help feeling some resentment for the attention Jon was attracting, especially with such a magnificent creature as Ghost.

"The bastard really knows how to draw attention, Robb," Theon commented mockingly beside him.

"It doesn't matter, he's still a bastard," Robb spoke with resentment.

"Yes, but look at him, he has Valyrian steel, a valuable armor with dragons and wolves, a giant armored wolf... everyone is talking about how the bastard is a

true Stark," Theon continued, his voice laced with venom.

"It seems people have forgotten about that thief," Theon smirked.

"We were the ones who stole the servant, Theon, the bastard had nothing to do with it," Robb at least admitted that, even as he felt extreme jealousy towards Jon and his stories.

"But you never admitted it to your father, you always wanted to blame the bastard, Robb. Admit it," Theon said.

Robb clenched his fist tightly, and Theon continued.

"Remember, Robb, bastards are evil and envious beings, I'm sure your mother has told you that. Be careful, everything he's doing here is to steal Winterfell from you," Theon whispered into Robb's ear.

On the other side of the courtyard, Sansa and her friends, including Jeyne Poole, also observed the scene. Sansa, trying to maintain an appearance of disinterest, commented, "That wolf is a monster, I don't know how Jon can walk with him and how Bran and Arya can get close as if it were a pet."

Jeyne Poole, on the other hand, was clearly impressed with Jon. "But Jon is so cool, he's the cutest boy I've ever seen," she said admiringly, looking at Jon.

Sansa, feeling a bit surprised by the attention Jon was receiving, quickly responded, "He may be cute, but the prince is even more handsome, and my mother says I will be his queen."

"Do you think it's true about Jon being a king? Whoever marries him wouldn't they be his queen?" Jeyne insisted, looking dreamily at Jon.

"Do you believe that? That's just Jon's invention, a kingdom beyond the Wall? Mother told me that's nonsense made up by the bastard. Jon is a bastard and his status will always be that, no matter how he has a wolf and Valyrian steel weapons, it doesn't change the fact that he was born out of wedlock," Sansa said with some venom and walked away, her friends quickly following her.

The presence of Jon and Ghost at the castle had created a mix of emotions among the Starks and their friends - admiration, envy, fear, and fascination. Jon, however, remained indifferent to these reactions, focused solely on his bond with Ghost and his siblings.

The scene attracted even more attention from other castle dwellers, who approached to observe the interaction between Jon, Hodor, Ghost, and the children. Piece by piece was removed from the wolf's body, Holdor and even Jon showed ease in lifting the metal plates, although EldenMetal is naturally light. Meanwhile, Ghost was relaxing while Bran and Arya scratched his white neck.

"Hahahaha. He seems to like it!" Bran exclaimed.

"Yes, yes! Look at him, Jon? Can I have a giant wolf too? Please, please, please!" Arya shouted with joy and pleaded with Jon.

"I don't think that would be possible here, my little wolf," Jon said, patting Arya's head.

"Then take me with you! I want to go to Artica!" Arya implored again.

"I don't know if your parents would be happy with that..." Jon admitted, though in Artica, Arya would be much better under his guardianship.

While Ned looked on with amusement at his children, Catelyn approached him frowning.

"How can you let our children be near that monster?! Ask them to get out of there immediately!" She had been doing her chores in the kitchen when she heard from the servants that the giant wolf had entered the castle, which already alarmed her more than Ned being there, but when she learned that Bran and Arya were removing Ghost's armor, she ran there to confront Ned and stop this madness.

"Look at them, you need not fear, so you will not demand anything, Cat," Lord Stark spoke authoritatively.

"I swear, Ned. If one of our children

gets hurt by that wolf, I will have its head cut off and put the bastard in a cell!" She yelled in frustration.

"Get out of here, Cat, this is the last time you will speak of Jon like that in front of me. The next time, you will regret it for the rest of your life here in Winterfell," Ned growled angrily.

Cat knew she had reached the limit of her husband's patience and it wouldn't be good to provoke him further. So, she turned and left, frowning. Despite her desire to remove Bran and Arya from the 'monster,' nothing could be done.

Later, Ghost, now without armor, seemed more at ease, closing his eyes and relaxing under the caresses of Jon's siblings. Arya and Bran laughed and talked with Jon about adventures beyond the Wall, completely captivated by the presence of the giant wolf.

"We need to give him a bath, he has sweated a lot in these last weeks with that armor," Jon said, and Hodor began to prepare buckets of water from the well.

"Can I scrub too?!" Bran shouted, and Jon nodded.

As Bran filled buckets with water, Arya began to scrub the wolf with contagious enthusiasm.

Ghost, despite his size and intimidating appearance, proved to be surprisingly patient with the children and even played with Jon's siblings. He remained calm and even rolled like a dog for the children's amusement, enjoying the extra attention he was receiving.

Jon watched the scene with a gentle smile. He couldn't help but notice Ghost's expression while Arya and Bran laughed and played, carefully scrubbing every inch of his white fur. The giant wolf, closing his eyes from time to time, seemed to savor every moment of the bath.

"He really likes this, doesn't he?" Jon commented, addressing Arya and Bran. "I think he thinks he's being pampered."

Arya, stopping for a moment to look at Ghost, said excitedly: "He is so cool, Jon! I wish I could bathe him every day!"

Bran, as he splashed water on the wolf, agreed: "He is amazing! Do you think he would let me ride him one day?"

Jon laughed at the idea. "Maybe, Bran, but only if Ghost agrees. He is a giant wolf, after all, and has his own will despite being bound to me as his master. I have to respect his wishes."

As they continued with the bath, the atmosphere was light and full of joy. Jon felt warmth in his heart seeing his siblings so happy and close to Ghost, despite all the changes in his life and his new responsibilities. He was still an 11-year-old boy, and some simple moments still brought great satisfaction.

After a pleasant and fun bath, Jon decided it was time to store Ghost's armor in a safe place that his father had organized. He chose a reserved space in the stables that he could lock, a place where the armor could be kept without the risk of being damaged or stolen. Jon also placed many rats in the area to watch over and drive away any thieves.

With the armor properly stored, Jon called Ghost, now with his fur shining after the children's bath, to put on a small saddle. He took his most valuable sword and placed it in the holster, which was done for a reason.

There had been an incident while Jon was walking around the castle. Knowing that Jon no longer used his small armor and the Valyrian steel sword, some servants tried to steal his things by trying to enter his room. However, this was thwarted by 10 rats attacking those thieves who quickly fled while bleeding from many bites of the rodents, which was not pleasant. Jon knew who was behind all this, but he couldn't do anything about it and even laughed at the attempts of the fish trying to get his things. The incident left her even more afraid of Jon, and the servants involved in the thefts began to see Jon as a monster, and rumors that no one could reach his room soon spread throughout the castle.

Jon didn't care about these rumors, as long as his things were safe. Now placing his swords with Ghost, he would be better off, since Elden Metal armor was easily forged in Artica, only the Valyrian steel was still unique. So, he made this decision to avoid any trouble. The sword would be safe and within Jon's reach when needed.

"I'll take Ghost to the forest, you've helped me a lot, siblings," Jon smiled at the children, a bit sad as they would have to say goodbye to Ghost, who was leaving.

"Why don't you leave Ghost here!?" Arya exclaimed.

"I can't, he needs to live in his natural environment anyway, he's happy there," Jon replied truthfully. Ghost enjoyed living in nature, and even in Artica, he spent a lot of time in Kingdomwolfs. But Jon also didn't trust 'the fish' to not do something to his wolf, knowing that it would force him to take drastic actions against her out of her uncontrolled and foolish jealousy. He wanted to avoid that, as it would bring him a lot of trouble.

Jon accompanied Ghost on foot, watching with satisfaction as the wolf moved easily among the trees. For Jon, it was a moment of connection with his faithful companion, an opportunity to leave behind the complications of life in Winterfell and simply enjoy Ghost's company.

Jon mounted his unarmored wolf and left the gate under many watchful eyes, returning to the forest to spend time with Ghost and have his meal there, as he didn't often enter the Stark's hall. He used this time to eat elsewhere. Jon spent the rest of the day in the forest with the wolf, and in the evening, when he returned to Winterfell, his father invited him to go hunting.

The next day, Jon joined Lord Eddard Stark in the forest. The atmosphere was peaceful, with the fresh morning air filling the surroundings. Ned took the opportunity to talk with Jon at his side, interested in knowing more about his experiences beyond the Wall and the responsibilities of leading a new kingdom.

Jon, in turn, shared his stories and learnings to a certain extent, speaking about the challenges and joys of commanding Artica. He spoke with a maturity that belied his years, showing a deep understanding of the duties of a leader, always impressing Ned.

Robb Stark, who was accompanying them from the other side, remained silent, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. Jon's presence, now recognized as a king and surrounded by legends and achievements, made Robb feel insecure and somewhat resentful. Jon's transformation was not just physical but also in knowledge and prestige, something that Robb struggled to accept.

As they walked through the forest, the conversation between Jon and Eddard flowed naturally. Eddard showed genuine interest and pride in his son's achievements, while Jon appreciated the opportunity to reconnect with his father and share his experiences. The hunt served as a backdrop for a meaningful reunion between father and son.

During the hunt, Jon felt a bit bored. After all, with his enhanced abilities and his connection with nature, he could easily track any animal in the forest. However, he saw an opportunity to have a little fun at the expense of Theon Greyjoy. Jon, discreetly using his mastery over animals, guided a magnificent deer near the group.

"Look at that animal! It's mine!" Theon, seeing the chance to stand out, prepared to shoot his arrow. However, at the last moment, as he released the arrow from the bow, the deer magically dodged, avoiding the arrow impressively.

Theon was stunned and confused, while the guards around couldn't contain their laughter.

"Hey, Greyjoy, you're getting bad at..."

"You must be drunk, right, boy?"

"Looks like our squid is losing his skills... Hahaha!"

Some of them openly mocked the young man, teasing him about his lack of precision. Jon, on his part, tried to maintain a serious expression, but couldn't deny the internal fun of having played a trick on Theon.

Hearing the guards mock him, Theon Greyjoy's frustration grew. Determined to hit the deer, he prepared arrow after arrow, but, as if by magic, the animal skillfully dodged each one. The deer seemed to anticipate Theon's movements, performing surprisingly agile evasive maneuvers with each shooting attempt.

"How is

this possible?!" Theon, increasingly irritated, couldn't understand how an animal could exhibit such cunning and reflexes. His repeated and fruitless efforts became the center of attention, with the guards and even Robb Stark barely able to hide their smiles.

Eddard Stark, although initially amused, began to feel pity for Theon. "Perhaps we should leave the deer in peace, Theon," he suggested, trying to diplomatically end the scene.

But Theon, stubborn, refused to give up, until finally, after several failed attempts, he lowered his bow, taking a deep breath, defeated and confused. The hunt, meant to be a simple leisure activity, turned into a display of the deer's almost supernatural abilities and Theon's persistence, albeit futile.

Watching Theon walk away, frustrated with his hunting attempt, Lord Eddard Stark raised an eyebrow at Jon, indicating he knew Jon was behind the deer's strange behavior.

"Jon, I get the impression that deer was a bit too cunning," Ned commented.

Jon just gave a mischievous smile, neither confirming nor denying his father's suspicion. "Maybe the deer in the North are just smarter, father," he replied, keeping the tone light.

The deer left the group before anyone else could attempt to hit it. The rest of the hunt proceeded without further incidents. They eventually found a wild boar, and this time, without any interference from Jon, they successfully hunted it down. It was a moment of pride for Robb, who led the group in the boar hunt, and a moment of unity for everyone.

With the prey secured, the group began their journey back to Winterfell. The walk back was peaceful, with sporadic conversations and silent reflections. Lord Eddard occasionally observed Jon, still noting how different he was since he had been in Winterfell three years ago.

Upon arriving at Winterfell, the boar was handed over to the cooks, and everyone prepared for the dinner that would be served in the evening.

That afternoon, Jon dedicated his time to teaching Bran and Arya the art of archery. Under the shadow of ancient trees, he patiently showed them how to hold the bow, aim, and breathe correctly before releasing the arrow. Arya, always eager and full of energy, absorbed every word from Jon, trying to imitate each movement with enthusiasm. Bran, on the other hand, was more calm and methodical, focusing on every detail Jon explained.

"Relax your shoulders, Arya," Jon instructed, while adjusting her posture. "And keep your focus on the target, not the arrow."

Arya nodded, taking a deep breath to concentrate. She raised the bow, aimed, and remembering Jon's instructions, released the string smoothly and controlled. The arrow flew and hit closer to the center of the target than before.

"Well done, Arya! That was much better," Jon praised, his voice conveying pride. "Now, try again and remember to breathe."

The girl prepared another arrow, this time more confident. She closed one eye, aiming carefully. "Breathe," Jon reminded her softly. She inhaled deeply and, as she exhaled, released the string. The arrow cut through the air, hitting even closer.

"Very good, if you keep this up, you might even surpass Theon in a few years," Jon said with a smile.

Jon spent the rest of the day with his siblings, and in the evening, they feasted on the boar. Jon's presence in Winterfell continued to divide the Stark family. Robb and Sansa kept their distance, avoiding any interaction with their bastard brother. Robb, in particular, seemed to struggle with complex feelings of jealousy and resentment, while Sansa, influenced by her mother's opinions, stayed away, saying that Jon had a status too low for her to speak with him.

Catelyn Stark, for her part, still harbored a deep dislike for Jon. She watched him from a distance, her expression laden with discontent. By Ned's order, she was instructed to keep her distance from Jon and avoid confrontations, under the threat of losing her status as Lady of Winterfell. Reluctantly, Catelyn complied with the orders, but her dissatisfaction was evident in every look directed at Jon. She felt fear after hearing what the boy could do but couldn't do anything about it with him here.

Despite the divisions within the family, Jon was happy to spend time with Arya and Bran. Their joy and genuine interest in his stories and teachings brought a feeling of satisfaction and belonging to Jon with his siblings. Being with the family that loved him was something he couldn't have in Artica, no matter how powerful he became.


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