Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 56 – Winterfell 07.

[Chapter Size: 2500 Words.]


Third Person POV

Winterfell, 292 AC, At the some moment.


As Jon continued his conversation with Wynafryd and Wylla, accompanied by his younger siblings, sharing superficial stories of their adventures in the Arctic and answering the curious sisters' questions, elsewhere in the castle, Lord Eddard Stark received the noble Wylis and Wendel Manderly in his solar.

"It's a shame Lord Wyman couldn't come, I hope everything is okay with him," Lord Stark said with a slight smile, aware of the Lord of White Harbor's reputation.

Wylis Manderly laughed amiably. "Yes, my father regrets not being able to be here. But as you know, Lord Stark, traveling has become a challenge for him lately," he said, pausing with a smile. "Our noble father's size has become almost as legendary as his business feats."

Joining in the light-hearted banter, Wendel Manderly added, "Indeed, my brother. Sometimes, I think the only army our father can't command is the one fighting against his waistline."

Lord Stark laughed with the Manderlys. "Well, his presence is always felt, even from afar. I hope he is well."

"He is, Lord Stark, and sends his best regards and support to Winterfell," replied Wylis. "Now, let's discuss important matters." Wylis, as the heir of White Harbor, started the real conversation.

Lord Stark nodded and continued the discussion. "Well... these past months have been challenging for the North. With winter approaching after a long summer, possibly the longest in thousands of years if it continues this way, we need to ensure our reserves and supplies are well-prepared."

Wylis Manderly agreed. "In White Harbor, we've been strengthening our trade ties. There are new trade routes being explored with Braavos, which has been promising for the economy of the North."

"That's good news," said Lord Stark, relieved. "Trade with the Free Cities has always been crucial for us, especially now."

Wendel Manderly interjected, "We're seeing an increase in demand for furs and timber from the North. The merchants of Braavos are paying good prices, which has helped strengthen our coffers."

Lord Stark nodded. "That's vital. With winter approaching, every coin will be important to ensure the North can withstand the hard times."

Wylis added, "And with growing stability, we're also seeing an increase in the number of merchant ships docking at our ports. This has brought not only wealth but also new trade opportunities and alliances."

"That's excellent," said Lord Stark. "We must seize these opportunities to further strengthen the North. We need to be united and strong, especially with the uncertainties that winter always brings."

The Manderly brothers agreed, and the conversation continued with details about plans to further strengthen trade routes and efforts to increase food reserves and supplies in preparation for winter. The discussion reflected the North's resilience and determination in the face of challenges, always prepared for the hardships winter might bring.

During the conversation, the subject inevitably turned to Jon Snow.

"He's also very interested in learning more about Jon Snow and his achievements beyond the Wall, after discovering the boy was here shortly before we left White Harbor," said Wylis.

Lord Stark nodded, knowing that news like this travels fast. "Jon has been a surprise to us all. His return to Winterfell brought many new things, some quite impressive."

The Manderly brothers exchanged curious glances. "I heard he brought a giant wolf, larger than any animal ever seen in the North, and stories of giants and lands beyond the Wall," said Wendel. "Is that true?"

"Yes, it's true," confirmed Lord Stark. "Jon has lived a life most of us can only dream of. He brought not only a giant wolf but also stories of a kingdom he founded beyond the Wall. Artica, he calls

it." Ned saw no reason to hide such a thing; the boy had already spoken publicly about it.

"Artica... That's fascinating, a kingdom among the wildlings? Hard to believe just by words, Lord Stark. No offense meant," murmured Wylis.

"No offense taken, Sir Wylis," Ned nodded.

The conversation in the solar continued with other topics, with Lord Stark and the Manderly brothers discussing political matters and even future marital alliances with his heir and the daughters of Wyllis.

The dinner that night at Winterfell turned into a small feast, an occasion to celebrate the visit of the Manderlys and to strengthen the ties between the houses of the North. The dining hall was filled with laughter, conversation, and the clinking of glasses. The delicious aroma of food filled the air, and the servants moved skillfully among the guests, serving traditional Northern dishes.

However, Jon Snow chose not to partake in the dinner. After his earlier interaction with the Manderly sisters and other conversations he had throughout the day, he decided he had engaged enough with the visitors from White Harbor. Jon felt his presence might be unnecessary, perhaps even unwelcome to some, especially considering the recent tensions with Lady Catelyn.

Instead, Jon spent the evening in the company of Ghost in Winterfell's sacred grove, reflecting on the events of the past few days. He enjoyed the tranquility of the woods as he had in the years he lived here, a contrast to the hustle and bustle and formalities of the party. There, he could be himself, free from expectations and the judgmental gazes of others.

"It's good to be here, isn't it, my friend?" Jon spoke, feeling the tranquility of the place.

Ghost just grunted softly. He was born with some vocal issues, but Jon healed him as soon as his magic grew stronger. However, it seemed the wolf liked being quiet, and Jon appreciated that.

"You know, friend, I haven't spoken to the gods in 2 years. I wonder if they're watching us all the time," Jon reflected, looking up at the sky beneath the sacred tree. Ghost just looked at him silently.

"Sometimes I wonder if what I'm doing is what they want, if I'm on the right path. But regardless, I'm happy to have left this place over 3 years ago. I had the chance to meet your parents and see your mother give birth to you. You've become one of my best friends, and that makes everything worth it." Jon smiled as Ghost licked his hand with his huge tongue. Ghost then got up and started licking his face.

"Hahahaha. Stop it, Ghost!" Jon laughed like a child that night until he fell asleep next to his wolf, unfazed by the cold of the night.

As the days turned into weeks at Winterfell, Jon Snow kept his distance from most of the castle's inhabitants. He limited his interactions to his closest siblings, Arya and Bran.

Jon spent most of his time in the company of Ghost, exploring the vast stretches of the Winterfell forests or training in the armory yard during quieter moments. His swordsmanship continued to improve with the visions he had received, and he found a certain peace in the routine of training and connection with nature.

Arya and Bran often sought him out, seeking his company and more stories that he shared not just about the Arctic, but about the past of this world, of heroes that the children loved. Some were just fantasies with their deeds being quite mediocre, but some Jon was proud to have known, and he emphasized these to the younger ones.

However, he continued to avoid social gatherings and the formalities of castle life, even as the Manderly sisters sought him out. But Jon noticed the nuances of jealousy and misunderstanding in some of his other siblings, like Robb and Sansa. Therefore, he chose to keep his distance, avoiding any unnecessary conflict.

After the Manderlys left, life in Winterfell returned to the same as the first week. After weeks since he entered Winterfell, Jon began to feel that his time in Winterfell was coming to an end.

He knew that sooner or later, he would have to return to Artica, the place where he now felt truly needed and where his role as a leader was unquestionable. Winterfell, despite being his childhood home, no longer held him with the same ties as before, and he personally did not like the place due to his old memories.

On one of Winterfell's peaceful mornings, Jon Snow met with Maester Luwin in the castle's library again. The atmosphere was filled with calm, with the morning sunlight filtering through the tall windows, illuminating shelves full of ancient books and scrolls of parchment.

Luwin, always an avid scholar and advisor, was excited, surprised, and impressed with a new, deeper conversation with the boy, the depth of Jon's knowledge. The conversation began with general themes of history and philosophy but quickly evolved into more technical subjects like agriculture and land management.

Jon spoke authoritatively about innovative agricultural techniques he had seen results from on his travels, especially those that could be adapted to the harsh climate of the North. He mentioned crop rotation methods, ways to improve soil fertility, and even irrigation techniques that could be useful during the long winters.

Maester Luwin, with his eternal desire to learn, was open-minded to listen to an 11-year-old boy and absorbed every word, making meticulous notes. "This is fascinating, Jon," he exclaimed periodically. "Such practices could significantly increase the efficiency of our harvests and ensure better sustenance during the winters, if what you say works in practice!"

Jon also discussed the possibility of introducing new plant species that could adapt to the Northern climate, bringing diversity to the diet of the Northerners. He talked about the importance of conserving natural resources and how education in sustainable practices could benefit both small and large landowners.

Maester Luwin was particularly intrigued by Jon's ideas about improving the lives of the kingdom's inhabitants. Jon suggested agricultural education programs, better access to quality tools, and the creation of local markets where farmers could sell their products directly to consumers.

At the end of the conversation, Luwin was not only impressed with Jon's knowledge but also inspired. "Jon, your ideas have the potential to bring great changes to the North. I will make sure to discuss them with Lord Stark. I can't guarantee about educating the smallfolk, no lord in Westeros would agree to that, but the matter of plantations and agricultural methods seems logical, and we can put it into practice in some places to see the results," said Luwin, clearly excited about the prospect of applying the knowledge shared by Jon.

Jon, in turn, felt a quiet satisfaction in being able to contribute significantly to the well-being of Winterfell and the North.

"I would be happy to help in any way necessary, Maester Luwin," Jon replied. "The experience I acquired beyond the Wall has given me a new perspective on how we can improve life here in the North. Since I apply it in Artica and it is yielding results, even though the lands are barren." With that, Luwin bid farewell to Jon and went to teach Jon's brothers, while Jon himself stayed in the library reading Winterfell's exclusive books.

On a sunny day in Winterfell, Jon Snow and Theon Greyjoy were in the training yard, both engaged in intense sword combat. The air was tense, as Theon, motivated by a mix of envy and challenge, wanted to prove his superiority over Jon. However, despite his efforts, Theon was defeated once again.

Frustrated and humiliated, Theon lost control and, in a fit of anger, insulted Jon vilely, attacking the memory of his dead mother. "Your mother was nothing more than a whore, Snow! So don't think you're better than me, you bastard!" shouted Theon, hoping to hurt Jon with his words.

Jon, despite feeling a wave of emotions, remained strangely calm on the surface. He did not respond to Theon at that moment, but the anger and pain caused by the insult were not forgotten.

The following day, during another training session, the tension between Jon and Theon was palpable. This time, Jon was more aggressive, his actions reflecting the resentment he had accumulated. During a critical moment in the fight, Jon saw an opening and, without hesitation, delivered a firm and precise strike to Theon's arm.

Theon screamed in pain, falling to the ground with his arm clearly broken. The injury was severe; it was evident that Theon would have difficulty fully recovering the use of his arm, permanently affecting his sword and bow skills.

Jon was immediately reprimanded by Ser Rodrick, and Robb looked at him fearfully. Jon just nodded and left the yard. Jon's action did not go unnoticed. Some spectators murmured among themselves, surprised by the sudden violence of the training. Jon, for his part, simply dropped his sword and left the yard without a word.

Later, when questioned about the incident, Jon remained reticent. He knew his actions had been impulsive and driven by a desire for revenge, but he also felt that he had defended the honor of his deceased mother, whose identity he did not even know.

Lord Stark was immediately informed about the incident. He wanted to reprimand Jon, but after hearing what Theon had said, he was torn. However, Catelyn Stark was visibly disturbed. Furious about Jon Snow's action against Theon Greyjoy, she confronted Ned Stark with a mix of fear and indignation.

"Ned, did you see what he did? He deliberately broke Theon's arm! This is unacceptable!" Catelyn exclaimed, concern marking every word. "What if he does the same to Robb? We can't allow your son to continue acting with impunity."

Ned, in turn, was deeply concerned about the situation. He knew Jon's actions could not be ignored and needed to be addressed to maintain peace in Winterfell. "Catelyn, I understand your concerns," he replied, trying to calm his wife. "What Jon did was wrong, and I will talk to him about it. He will not participate in the training in the yard again."

Catelyn seemed relieved by Ned's decision, although she was still clearly worried about Jon's influence in Winterfell. "I hope this calms things down," she said. "I don't want our children to take unnecessary risks with that bastard!" She spoke and before Ned could respond, she left his solar.

Ned nodded and went to speak with Jon. Jon simply said that he didn't need to talk, that he had already heard about his punishment through ears at the window of Ned's solar. Ned wanted to reprimand Jon but couldn't, not after Jon's question.

"Would you have defended her?" he asked.

"I... Yes, perhaps I would have done worse," Ned admitted, after all, he loved his sister who died in front of him. With that, he left Jon alone without another word.

A few days after the tension in the castle, Winterfell was surprised by an extraordinary event. In the distance, immense figures were seen marching toward the castle. The news spread quickly: a group with giants was approaching Winterfell.

Jon, who had been watching a bird in the sky, looked quickly at the group with satisfaction. "They have finally arrived," he murmured.


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