Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 59 – Return to Arctic 02.

[Chapter Size: 3600 Words.]


Third Person POV

Winterfell, 292 AC, Some days before.


After Jon Snow's departure, Arya felt an immense void in her heart as she fled from her brother whom she would not see for the coming years. Moving away from Jon, she soon regretted it, she shouldn't have said goodbye to her beloved brother like that, but it was too late, he had already left.

"Sorry brother... I shouldn't have done that..." She started to cry when she realized he was no longer in Winterfell.

She entered the broken tower and sat in a corner to cry, her heart heavy with regret and sadness. The days passed and she continued to flee to cry alone, until she began to take refuge in the sacred grove.

She looked at the tree as soon as she entered and approached, she cried again alone in that place, at a certain moment, she stared at the tree, remembering that the old gods had given all of Jon's powers according to him.

Arya, with tears in her eyes and her heart still heavy from fleeing Jon's farewell instead of embracing him one last time, knelt before the weirwood. Her eyes fixed on the red eyes carved into the tree with its sculpted face, feeling as if they were watching her, understanding her pain and hope.

"Please," she whispered, her words mixing with the wind that danced among the branches. "The same gods who blessed Jon, who gave him strength and a grand destiny, hear my plea. I want to go with my brother. I want to be by his side in the Arctic, to learn and grow strong like him."

Arya spoke with fervent sincerity, pleading to the ancient gods - those who witnessed the oaths and struggles of countless Starks before her. She clamored for a chance, for a sign, for anything that could take her close to Jon, away from the constraints and expectations she always felt in Winterfell.

As tears ran freely down her face, Arya felt a strange sense of calm. It was as if the gods were listening, as if the tree in front of her shared her pain and determination.

"Ancient gods," she whispered again with a trembling voice, "hear my plea, I ask for your help to follow him. I want to be with him, learn from him, and become strong like him. Please, show me a way to the Arctic, to be by Jon's side."

'Child... take a horse from the stables at the first star in the sky.' Arya opened her eyes as soon as she heard a distorted voice.

Arya did exactly that, she told her father that she would not go to the hall, as she was not feeling well, her father nodded and understood, since the girl had been depressed lately, she looked out the window as the night covered the sky and was surprised that there were no stars in the sky. Then a star shone in the dark sky, feeling that this was the sign, Arya took the bag she had prepared with food and supplies and left the room, she had the strange sensation of not encountering any guards, as if the path was open for her.

She left the castle and went to the stables, there was a horse for her and she still had the sensation of not encountering any guards, leaving even through the main gate and riding north all night long.

In the following days, she went north day after day, stopping only to eat what she brought and sleep in places she found on the road, she was sure she would soon find Jon, one night, a storm in the middle of summer appeared, and Arya found herself in the midst of it, unexpected and brutal. The previously clear sky quickly darkened with heavy clouds, and snow began to fall in thick and fast flakes. The wind howled among the trees, causing the branches to shake violently and her to lose all visibility of what was in front of her.

The horse that accompanied her, frightened by the fury of the storm, ended up breaking free and fleeing, leaving Arya alone in the vastness of the forest. Not knowing exactly where to go and with everything painted with snow and darkness, she sought refuge in a large hollow trunk of a fallen tree - an improvised shelter against the biting wind and penetrating cold.

Trembling, with stiff and icy fingers, Arya took some of the things she brought from Winterfell and tried to light a fire to warm herself. Using the little wood in the trunk she managed to gather and with the help of a metal and blade she carried, she focused all her energy on lighting the fire. After several failed attempts, a small flame finally emerged, bringing some immediate relief against the cold that seemed to freeze her bones.


As she tried to warm up by the fire, Arya thought of Jon. Her brother was somewhere beyond the storm. She murmured his name, a silent prayer that he would reach her like a foolish dream, somehow he could find her, because she knew the way she was, she might not end well.

Lost, alone, and scared, Arya clung to the image of Jon in her mind, using it as a beacon to keep her strong as she trembled with the wind outside the trunk, even with the small fire, she felt her nose changing color.

At the height of the storm, a shadow approaches in the middle of the darkness, and a large form makes Arya recoil in fear of it so suddenly, but when the shadow approaches, fear turns into joy, as it was Jon riding his giant wolf, Ghost, advancing against the cutting winds and the dense snow. The voice calling him, subtle and persistent, guided him to where Arya was hiding.

When Jon found Arya, she was huddled inside that hollow trunk, shivering with cold, her eyes wide and frightened reflecting the faint light of the fire struggling against the wind. Seeing her there, so vulnerable and alone, Jon felt a mix of surprise, relief, and worry. Quickly, he dismounted from Ghost and ran to embrace her, transferring his warmth to her in a brotherly and protective gesture.

"Jon..." Arya murmured, her voice weak but filled with relief upon seeing her brother.

"It's all right now, Arya. I'm here," Jon assured, while wrapping her in his thick coat and helping her to stand up. He carefully placed her on Ghost, making sure she was safe and comfortable against the cold and icy wind.

Arya, still shaken and exhausted, snuggled against Jon, seeking refuge in his presence. Jon, in turn, mounted Ghost, holding Arya firmly with one arm while guiding the wolf back to the camp up north from there.

Ghost, with his agility and strength, made his way back through the storm, his bright eyes cutting through the darkness and snow the same way he arrived. Jon, focused, kept Arya protected against the cold using his magic to warm her in his arms before hypothermia, his concern for his sister's well-being overriding everything else.

Upon reaching the camp, Jon quickly dismounted and carried Arya, quickly crossing the camp to his tent, facing the fury of the storm. Inside the tent, Jon carefully placed Arya on a bed of furs and blankets, ensuring she was comfortable and safe while he cleaned her with a towel. Arya felt safe and protected while still having some remnants of freezing in her body.

"What are you doing here Arya? How did you end up here alone?" Jon spoke with a tone more worried than angry.

"I-I came to find you..." She said with a bit of difficulty while trying to warm up and Jon passing a towel through her hair gently.

"You shouldn't have come, Arya. It was dangerous," Jon said softly, but without reproach.

"I just wanted to be with you," Arya replied, her voice still trembling a little.

Jon nodded, understanding her feeling. "You're with me now. We'll take care of you," he said to first see her health situation before anything else.

Quickly, Jon used his magical ability to warm a drink, preparing something hot to help Arya recover from the intense cold. He handed the drink to her, watching as she drank slowly, the warmth gradually returning to her pale cheeks.

Once Arya began to feel a little better, Jon couldn't contain his worry and frustration. "Arya, why did you do this? Why did you come so far from Winterfell alone? You're just a child, you could have gotten lost, or worse, if I hadn't found you, how do you think this should have ended?" he said, his voice mixing concern and reprimand now.

Arya, still recovering, looked at Jon with wide eyes. "I didn't want to stay in Winterfell... I wanted to see the Arctic, I wanted to see your world, to be by your side," she explained, her voice still weak but firm in her determination.

Jon sighed, running his hand through his hair in a gesture of exasperation. He knew that scolding Arya wouldn't change what had already happened, but he couldn't help feeling responsible for her. "Arya, you don't understand the dangers that exist out here. This storm... it's just one of many things that could have gone wrong," he said, looking at her seriously.

"I know... but I had to try, Jon. I feel so trapped in Winterfell. With you, I feel I can be more than just a lady," Arya confessed, her eyes shining with a mix of adventure and a desire for freedom.

Jon looked at Arya, seeing in her the same indomitable spirit he himself possessed. The boy sighed, he had to be delicate at this moment. "Arya," he began in a calm voice, "I understand that you want to be with me, and I am flattered by that. But taking you to the Arctic... that's not a decision I can make alone. You are a Stark of Winterfell, and your family would worry."

Arya, with tears in her eyes, pleaded fervently. "Please, Jon, I need to go with you. Winterfell... I feel so alone there without you. The old gods helped me escape, I asked for their help and heard a voice in the weirwood! They are the ones who helped me leave Winterfell, they must want me to go with you. I will do anything, learn to fight, to hunt, study, and even be a lady, but please, don't make me go back."

Jon felt a pain in his heart seeing his sister so distressed. He pondered for a moment, aware of the weight of his decision. "Arya, the Arctic is not an easy place. It's wild and dangerous, very different from Winterfell. You will have to be strong, more than ever. And our father... your parents... They will be worried."

"I know, Jon, but I can be strong! I want to learn, I want to be useful. And as for mother and father... they have Bran and Rickon. I'm just a girl, and they always have Sansa and Robb," Arya spoke, imploring Jon to take her.

Jon took a deep breath, realizing the unwavering conviction in his sister and if the gods helped her, she might have a place in the Arctic. "Alright, Arya," he finally said, "but it will be on my terms. You will learn and work like anyone else in the Arctic, not less than anyone. And we have to write to father explaining your situation."

Arya nodded frantically, a smile of relief and happiness forming on her face. "Yes, Jon, I promise, I will do whatever it takes. Thank you!"

"I know father might hate me for this, but I'm doing this for you," Jon admitted. He knew Arya was different from Sansa; she would never conform to the traditional lady role that Catelyn wished for her. Arya had always been wild, independent, and full of an adventurous spirit that didn't fit the conventions of the southern lady model.

"You'll never be like Sansa, will you, Arya?" Jon said, more to himself than to her. "And maybe that's good. In the Arctic, you can be who you really are, free from the expectations of being just a lady or a piece in political games."

Jon knew that, in the Arctic, Arya would have the opportunity to develop in a way that Winterfell never would allow. There, she could learn to be independent, to fight, and to survive on her own. She could become a strong and capable woman, master of her own destiny.

"In the Arctic, you will learn to be more than just a 'lady', but you won't be exempt from the tougher studies you were learning from Maester Luwin, you hear? You will learn to be a warrior, but also learn to be a lady and be impeccable at it, remember these are my terms," Jon said and continued speaking.

"Are you ready for this, Arya?" Jon asked, looking into her eyes. "Ready to learn and grow in ways you never imagined, even though I'll still make you a lady?"

Arya, with a glint of determination in her eyes, nodded firmly since even though she hated the idea of being a lady, she would be with her brother regardless. "Yes, Jon. I'm ready."

"Little she-wolf, you'll stay with me now. But promise me you won't do something like this again without thinking about the consequences," Jon said, extending his hand to hold hers.

Arya nodded, a shy smile appearing on her lips. "I promise, Jon. And thank you for letting me stay."

Jon then looked at her and asked, seeing her still somewhat poor condition. "What did you eat during your journey, Arya?"

Arya hesitated for a moment before answering. "I took some provisions before I left, but they ran out yesterday. I... I haven't eaten anything since then," she confessed, a bit embarrassed by her lack of preparation.

Jon felt a pang in his heart upon hearing this. "You shouldn't have gone through that," he said, getting up quickly. He went to a corner of the tent where he kept some supplies and picked up some food - bread, cheese, and a bit of dried meat.

Returning to Arya's side, Jon placed the food before her. "Here, eat. You need to regain your strength," he instructed, watching as Arya began to eat, first hesitantly, but then with more enthusiasm.

Arya ate in silence, her face gaining a bit more color with each bite. Jon watched, relieved to see her eating.

Jon carefully pondered the situation, knowing that taking Arya to the Arctic would have its complications, especially regarding how to explain his decision to Lord Stark. However, the mysterious storm that surprised them could be an opportunity to devise a plausible plan.

"This storm... it's strangely opportune," Jon murmured, forming a plan in his mind. "Maybe it's the work of the gods like what happened with Seryna. If it continues like this, it will be impossible for my father to send a search team, especially with the unfavorable weather conditions."

He knew that the storm would also hinder communication with Winterfell, limiting his father's ability to send messenger ravens. Jon could use this to his advantage, manipulating the ravens to ensure that no unwanted message reached any lord of the region they were passing through, at least to delay the discovery of Arya's escape.

That night, Jon let Arya rest comfortably in his bed while he settled in a spare bed he had in his tent. Ghost, Jon's faithful giant wolf, lay down beside Arya, offering her warmth and security. Jon couldn't help but smile at the scene, teasing the wolf: "Traitor, switching sides so easily, huh?"

Arya, even exhausted from the journey and the experience of being lost in the storm, still showed a childlike enthusiasm. "Jon, can I also have a giant wolf in the Arctic like Uncle Benjen??" she asked with eyes bright with expectation while hugging Ghost.

Jon looked at her with a fond expression and pondered the question for a moment. "Well, Arya, giant wolves are creatures that naturally bond well with the Starks. But they're not something you can just 'have'. They choose their companions, and it happens in a very special way. But I believe that soon you'll have your own."

"So... I just wait and see if a giant wolf chooses me?" Arya asked, a bit disappointed but still full of hope.

"Exactly if it's an adult, pups are easier to bond with, like what happened with Uncle Benjen." Jon confirmed with a smile. "And who knows? The Arctic is a place full of surprises. Anything is possible there."

"That would be so cool!" She couldn't help but exclaim with a bit more hope.

"You know, Arya," Jon began, reflecting aloud, "I was thinking about leaving some giant wolf pups in Winterfell for our father and Bran. Maybe even for Robb." He paused, pondering his next words. "But I still don't fully trust Catelyn. I'm not sure how she would react or treat a wolf."

Arya, listening attentively, nodded in agreement. "Yes, I think Bran and even Robb would love to have a giant wolf. And our father too. But you're right about mother..."

Jon nodded. "Anyway, let's rest, little she-wolf. Starting tomorrow, we'll resume our journey north, so rest well." Jon advised and went to sleep, and Arya did the same next to Ghost.

The following day, after the storm had passed, the camp began to stir with preparations for the continuation of the journey. The sun shone again in the sky, bringing relief after the tumultuous and icy night. Jon and his men, efficient and accustomed to the climate's adversities, dismantled the tents and prepared the horses and wagons for departure.

The unexpected presence of Arya among them caused surprise among the dwarves. They watched her with curiosity, whispering among themselves about the young Stark who had suddenly appeared in their midst.

"Look, it's the little sister of our king!" exclaimed one of the dwarves, a broad smile on his face as he approached Arya.

"Hello, little Miss Stark," greeted another dwarf, making an exaggerated bow, which made Arya smile.

"Hi," Arya responded, a bit shy but clearly delighted with the attention she received. Arya explained why she was there, and everyone was quite surprised.

"You're as brave as your brother, venturing out in a storm to find us," commented a third dwarf, laughing.

Arya, gaining confidence, replied: "I just wanted to be with Jon and see the Arctic. And maybe have my own giant wolf!"

The dwarves laughed with joy and admiration. "You'll do well in the Arctic, little girl. We dwarves know courage when we see it," said one of them, giving her a light pat on the back.

Jon, observing Arya's interaction with the dwarves, felt a mix of worry and pride. He knew the journey for Arya would be challenging as they were heading west beyond the Wall, which was unexplored, but he also saw in her the same determination and adventurous spirit he himself possessed. He approached, ready to lead the group on their continued journey north.

"Everyone ready?" Jon asked, looking around at his men and Arya.

"Ready, Jon Snow!" responded the dwarves, men, and giants, with Arya nodding affirmatively.

With a signal from Jon, the caravan of Articans, now with the addition of Arya Stark, departed from that point, heading towards the unknown and fascinating destination that was the Arctic for Arya.

The journey northward continued with Arya Stark riding a horse next to Jon, who rode majestically on Ghost. The young Stark was full of enthusiasm and curiosity, bombarding Jon with an incessant stream of questions about his kingdom and its possibilities.

"Jon, in the Arctic can I have more than two giant wolves? I want one as big as Ghost!" Arya asked, her eyes shining with the idea.

Jon, surprised by the question, laughed. "Well, Arya, one giant wolf is already a big responsibility, but who knows? We'll see when we get there."

"Can I learn archery there? And fencing? I want to be as good as you!" Arya continued, barely giving Jon time to respond.

Jon looked at her, slightly lost amid the flurry of questions. "Of course, you can learn all that. The Arctic has many skilled masters now, but you have to study other things too."

"And can I explore the forests? And climb mountains? And..." Arya continued, each question followed by another, quicker and more excited.

Jon just smiled, watching his sister's energy and passion. "Arya, in the Arctic, you'll have the freedom to learn and explore everything you want. Just be careful, and obey everything I asked you to do there."

After several days of travel, Jon and Arya, accompanied by Ghost and Jon's group, discreetly crossed the region of the Umbers, one of the great houses of the North, without drawing attention. Jon's ability to move silently and avoid detection was crucial at this stage of the journey, especially since he was with Arya, and this could be bad for him. Arya, although still young, proved equally capable of staying discreet and following Jon's instructions.

As they approached the Gift, the area of land donated to the Night's Watch by Queen Alysanne Targaryen, the landscape began to change. The vegetation became scarcer and the climate colder, heralding the proximity of the Wall.

Arya, fascinated by the change in the landscape and the proximity of such an iconic place as the Wall, continued to ask Jon incessant questions, which he patiently answered, explaining the importance of the Night's Watch and the role of the Wall in protecting the Seven Kingdoms over thousands of years. After a few days, the Wall finally appeared on the horizon.


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These are my new projects for when I stabilize the frequency of all current fanfics. Give me your opinion! 

- House of Dragon - North Dragon. – Daemon Targaryen has a bastard with a Stark; the boy finds himself in this world, but he is fortunate that his father does not know about him and explores the world after leaving Winterfell, where he was kept hidden.

- Star Wars - Galen Marek Model. – A Self-Insert with Cal Kestis while he was hiding from the empire that was hunting down surviving Jedis from order 66. He was working in a junkyard when his soul is filled by a mind from another world and gains the abilities of Galen Marek (If you know him, he is so powerful that he isn't even canonical, since he could take down a Imperial Star Destroyer just by using the power of the force.)

- Harry Potter - Legacy. Waking up as Harry Potter with the power of his character in the game, Hogwarts Legacy.

- Cyberpunk - David Martinez SI. – Waking up as David Martinez, V realizes he is in a different time after he had died after living 6 months with Panam. However, he is not alone, Jonny Silverhand continues to accompany him on this new journey.

- Game of Thrones - King of the North – Eivor from the game AC – Valhalla, is born in a world different from his own, he was named Eddard Stark, son of Rickard Stark!

- Avatar – Senju Hashirama! The young man wakes up in the world of Avatar with a unique element in the world, the wood element.


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