Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 62 – Return to Arctic 05.

[Chapter Size: 3000 Words.]


Third Person POV

Beyond the wall, 292 AC, Some days after.


As Jon Snow's army, now bolstered by ancient giants forming a force of over 5,000 individuals, continued their westward journey, the landscape around them became increasingly wild and uncharted. They were advancing towards the Fist of the First Men, drawing closer each day.

The march was a remarkable spectacle. Jon's force, moving more slowly now, but their march was steady. In some areas, the density of the forests made the path nearly impassable for the large group. Without hesitation, the giants used their brute strength to uproot trees, clearing a way for the rest of the army. The roots tore through the earth with a roar, while the trunks were thrown aside, creating a wide path through the dense forest.

The men, women, and children of the group watched with a mix of admiration. For many of them, this was the first time they witnessed the brute force of the giants being used for a common cause. Immense pathways were created where there once were dense woods, making it possible for the group to cross.

Arya Stark, always by Jon's side, watched fascinated. Her childlike curiosity was fueled with each new discovery and experience. She saw the giants as friends and powerful allies, integral to the new reality Jon was building.

Meanwhile, Jon led the giants himself, asking them to do such work when necessary. Day after day, the group advanced, braving the biting cold of the North and overcoming natural obstacles.

Along the way, other tribes came to meet them from the East. Since the Arctic location was a mystery to many, they decided to find the group that had mentioned exploring this area, although this time it was Jon who found them, not the other way around. This tribe, composed of rugged men and women, had patiently awaited Jon and his group's arrival to join the newly-formed kingdom.

Meetings between the tribes and Jon's group were always moments of initial tension, but diplomatic skill and mutual respect quickly turned initial mistrust into strong alliances. After accompanying the group for the next few days, Jon had made sure to bring plenty of supplies, so hunger and cold were not something everyone felt as the group moved further west.

Arya had experienced things she had never done before, and things she never thought possible in her young mind. She truly experienced freedom in the last weeks with Jon advancing in this cold land. Even though she wasn't in the comfort of Winterfell, she was happier than ever, and this seemed to cover any homesickness she had for her home at that moment. The people of the Arctic quickly welcomed the girl, not just for being the sister of their king, but for her indomitable and joyful spirit.

There had been an intruder in the army since the Arctic, and Jon had known about her for a long time, but knowing the little girl, he just let her stay and continue the journey as long as she behaved. She was a daughter of the forest who wanted to go south with Jon and his group and ended up accompanying them. She was Wind, known for her mischief even against her sisters, as Jon had to give the girl a lecture from time to time.

Arya quickly formed a friendship with Wind, whose mischievous spirit matched her own perfectly. Together, they explored the camp and its surroundings with untiring curiosity, provoking laughter and sometimes headaches in Jon. The two young girls dared to ride on wolves and even on the shoulders of giants. Arya even taught Wind something that Jon didn't like, calling the camp inhabitants - the freefolks - "stupid" in their innocent pranks. But their energy and joy were contagious to everyone around, and Arya, with her wolf blood, proved to be as fierce and fearless as her brother, the king of the Arctic, despite Jon being much more mature.

Continuing the journey, Jon visited several smaller giant encampments, gathering an additional 500 of these imposing beings under his banner, reaching an impressive total of 2000 giants as they progressed. Jon was certain this number would awe any army on Earth.

At one point, another group crossed paths with them. A new group appeared on the horizon, led by a familiar figure at the forefront of what Jon saw as 5,000 people. This group was from Hardhome. Led by the man Jon had personally met more than a moon ago, it was Tormund and his people, who had left the coast of Hardhome, seeking the promise of a better life with Jon's words when he was there at that time.

Upon spotting the group, Jon ordered a halt. He approached Tormund, with Ghost by his side and Arya curiously a few steps behind. Tormund, a robust man with a flaming red beard, looked at Jon with a mix of respect and surprise.

"Jon Artica, the king of Artica," Tormund greeted with a hoarse voice. "It seems the stories about you are true. You really are gathering an army of giants and many tribes are joining too." Tormund glanced at Jon's group, which seemed like a crowd line moving forward, and the sight of 2,000 giants was quite intimidating even for him.

Jon nodded, observing the group behind Tormund. "Tormund, right? I see you've brought your people from Hardhome. Have you decided to seek a new home?"

"Yes," Tormund replied. "Hardhome is no longer safe. Many still wait for Mance there, but some don't feel safe anymore, and after your visit, we heard about your land that you're building and thought maybe there's a place for us there as you made the offer."

"Artica is a place for all who wish to live in peace and contribute to the common good," Jon said firmly. "But I need to know, Tormund, are you and your people willing to follow the laws of Artica and live in harmony with the other peoples?"

Tormund looked back at his tired and hopeful people. "We are willing to follow your laws, Jon Artica. We just want a safe place for our families."

Jon looked at Arya, who was watching the scene with interest. "Tormund, this is a one-way path. Once you join us, you'll be part of something bigger. You'll be under my protection, but also under my leadership."

Tormund nodded, understanding the seriousness of Jon's words. "We are prepared for this, Jon Artica. There's no doubt your army is powerful and everyone follows you, even the giants are doing so now, as their numbers have increased significantly, so we are willing to do the same. If they can, why can't we?"

Jon smiled slightly. "Then, welcome to Artica, Tormund. Gather your group behind our group along with the other tribes that have joined us and follow the main army, food and clothing can be requested from the supply wagons." Jon spoke and Tormunt laughed.

"Hahahaha that's great, we'll do that!" He said, laughing as he went back to organize the newly arrived people.

As Tormund walked away to organize his people, Jon and Arya continued at the front of the growing army, now with more than 5,000 people following them. The atmosphere was one of determination mixed with a sense of renewed hope among this new group, which quickly received resources from the supply wagons. They were quite destitute from Hardhome, and the abundant food was very welcome at that moment.

"What do you think, can we get around these rocks?" Jon continued the path and they came across a gorge that the group could hardly pass, so Jon went to ask Wallyk's opinion in the ancient tongue.

"It's not possible quickly with the giants trying to make a way, I believe going around would be easier..." Wallyk commented.

"I understand, let's turn east before continuing north." Jon gave the order, and they began moving again. As they resumed the march, a new voice was heard beside Jon. A young girl with bright red hair and curious eyes approached. She was about 11 years old and looked at Jon with a mix of admiration and questioning.

"You're Jon Artica, right? My name is Ygritte," she introduced herself with a confidence that belied her age. "How do you have so many powers? Are your eyes really green in a circle?"

Jon looked at Ygritte, surprised by her direct approach. "Yes, I'm Jon. My eyes are like this because of a special gift I possess and as proof that I was touched by our gods," Jon explained, keeping the explanation simple for the young girl.

"You lead all these giants? How is that possible? And what is Artica like?" Ygritte continued with her questions, curiosity shining in her eyes.

Jon smiled, understanding the girl's fascination. He was a busy boy, but he was used to being questioned all the time by Arya during the entire journey, so answering another young girl would be common for him, especially since Arya should be causing mischief with Wind at that moment. "Artica is a land of freedom and opportunities, where everyone works together for a better future. As for the giants, they follow us because they believe in our purpose and the promise of a safe home."

"Then, Artica is a place where everyone can be equal and live in harmony? That sounds amazing," Ygritte said, a gleam of admiration in her eyes. "We've heard many stories about you, are you really human?" She questioned.

"I believe so, I am still human... where are you from, Ygritte? And how did you get here?" Jon, though a bit surprised by the question, responded calmly, wanting to know more about this girl. There were many people who wanted to talk to him and even though some might be hesitant, no one could easily get here passing through thousands of soldiers without being stopped. Ygritte was the first.

"I'm from the Mormont tribe and I'm a good hunter! Of course, I managed to sneak in when your men stopped at that gorge before changing course." She said with pride.

"I see..." Jon was considering whether to send the girl back, but then thought it wouldn't harm to have her join them, and Arya would have another girl to talk to, especially one who carried a bow on her back and proudly claimed to be a hunter.

"That wolf is so big... it's the biggest I've ever seen!" She said, looking at Ghost. "What's that metal around him, like all those giants have? You have so many giant wolves around the place, it was very hard to get past them all, and there were those wargs too. Can you Warg all the wolves? That's really incredible, I've never heard of someone like you before!" Ygritte began to shower her questions to the point where Jon reconsidered his decision not to send the girl away.

*ROAAR!* At that moment, Eragon, with a childlike shriek, appeared against the white background, camouflaging his arrival with his equally white colors, startling Ygritte to the point of falling to the ground in fright.

"Are you tired, boy?" Jon asked his dragon, who landed calmly in his lap.

"What is that?!" Ygritte asked alarmed, seeing the creature she did not know what it was.

"Eragon is a dragon," Jon said without looking at the girl getting up from the ground while stroking his dragon.

"Dragon? What is that?" She asked curiously, looking at Eragon.

"You will know very well what a dragon is when he grows up," Jon said mysteriously, envisioning a gigantic Eragon leaving everyone astounded with his unique form.

During the rest of the journey, as Jon continued his trip circumventing the gorge, Ygritte asked so many questions that Jon eventually had to answer all of them, even detailing what a dragon really is. The girl looked at him suspiciously, saying she didn't believe him, which made him laugh with this girl, who in the end, despite being quite insistent, just like his sister, proved to be quite entertaining in the end.

"Since you're a human, can I steal you?" She asked at last.

Jon looked bewildered at the girl, while Ghost and Eragon reacted with a sound as if they understood those words.

"Well... I don't know, aren't you a bit young to be thinking about those things?" Jon asked, a bit lost.

"Of course not, our people marry very early, I have to think about the future father of my children, I want someone strong to give me many powerful offspring," She said firmly, looking at Jon like prey.

"That's why I still have to educate these people..." Jon murmured, trying to understand the logic they had on many issues. He had seen many women looking at him with desire, from young to old women, even being only 11 years old, but he had always known how to deal with it, now Ygritte made him a bit uncomfortable for some reason.

As Jon, Ygritte, Eragon, and Ghost continued at the front, Arya and Wind, with their usual mischief, soon joined them. Arya, with her eyes bright with curiosity, quickly noticed Ygritte and her confident posture with a bow on her back.

"Arya, this is Ygritte. She came with Tormund's group from Hardhome," Jon introduced. Ygritte looked at Arya with an evaluative gaze.

"Hi, Ygritte! You know how to use the bow, are you a hunter?" Arya said enthusiastically, "I'm also learning to use a bow!"

Ygritte smiled, clearly pleased to find another young girl with similar interests. "Yes, I'm a hunter. The bow is an excellent weapon, do you like hunting?"

"I do, but I'm still learning," Arya responded. "Could you give me some tips?"

"Sure, it would be a pleasure," Ygritte agreed. The two started talking about archery techniques, with Arya eagerly absorbing Ygritte's tips and experiences. Wind, watching the interaction, joined them with a mischievous smile, interested in learning more about human skills.

"You're a child of the forest! I've never seen one! I thought they were just legends," Ygritte said after meeting Wind, having the same situation as Arya, despite hearing Jon's stories in Winterfell.

Meanwhile, Jon carefully guided the group, circumventing the gorge and leading them northward, below the Fist of the First Men. The journey was challenging, but with Jon's guidance and the help of the giants, the group progressed efficiently.

The conversation between Arya and Ygritte intensified, and the two quickly became friends. Arya was delighted to have someone her age to share adventures and learn about life beyond the Wall. Ygritte, in turn, was fascinated by Arya's stories about Winterfell and her new life in Artica.

"You really lived in a stone castle of the kneelers? That must have been amazing!" Ygritte exclaimed, listening intently to Arya's stories.

"It was different, but I like it here more," Arya responded. "With Jon, I can be who I really am."

Wind, although not fully understanding the conversation, laughed and participated with her own mischief and stories, adding a magical touch to the group.

As the group approached the center of the western region, Jon was surrounded by girls' conversations, interacting from time to time with his army, travel companions, and his animals.

In the following days, Wind, Ygritte, and Arya became inseparable, and their presence brought a unique energy to the group. Jon, initially worried about the consequences of Arya and Wind's mischief, couldn't help but rejoice seeing his sister so adapted and happy in her new environment.

Thanks to Ygritte being with Jon, Tormund approached him looking for the lost girl. She had no parents, having died a long time ago, but Tormund knew them and had the responsibility of taking care of the girl. Incredibly, the big man with red hair proved to be a pleasant friend, albeit quite boisterous. Jon appreciated the man's humor; after conversations, laughter, and a few shared drinks, a friendship and mutual respect were born between them.

The journey west was also beneficial for the older members, especially for those whom Jon had personally invited. Old Nan and Maester Aemon proved surprisingly resilient. Thanks to the rejuvenating potions provided by Jon every day, both seemed to have regained a lost youth, embracing the adventure in the true North with a vivacity reminiscent of teenagers.

Jon managed to unite seven more tribes under the banner of Artica in the region over the next few weeks, recruiting everyone they could. While some tribes did not agree with his terms, he rejected a tribe of cannibals, after all, such people would have no place in Artica. Some did not like this and tried to retaliate, but were treated like slaughtered animals.

From the tribes that joined them, an additional 2,000 people joined and 300 giants were recruited. His group was a combination of Jon with his 2,500 soldiers, plus his successful recruitments: over 9,000 freefolk, 1,800 giants, and many packs of giant wolves encountered along the way.

The boy looked at his group quite satisfied, as he could save all of them from the army of the dead, which were hunting everyone in the North of Artica and some tribes in the southern region beyond the Wall. Jon had no idea that his group had caught the attention of one with bright blue eyes, and a large group of the dead were marching towards them at that very moment, trying to surprise them from the northern region.


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