Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 71 – Kingdom 01.

This chapter is exclusively about the kingdom and its structure.

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[Chapter Size: 3000 Words.]


Jon Arctic POV

Arctican Realm, lands beyond the wall, 295 AC. Some moons after.


Jon spent his next moons getting involved with his wives, particularly enjoying married life, to the point where even Arya complained about how he lives in his room now.  

However, he also focused on Arctica, the city had grown larger after 3 years, with colossal buildings being developed and schools installed for the first batch of teachers after Jon created his own; it was being run, and some of them would move on to teach new teachers and so on to create a cycle that continued until all people could have access to a minimum education.  

He approached one of the giant entrances in the grand weirwood alongside Eragon, he looked out over the city satisfied, and saw Eragon, who was in a bad mood.  

"Almost 4 years and you've gotten so big, Eragon..." Jon couldn't help but think how his son had grown huge, the sacred tree had also somehow helped with this growth during that time.  

*Sigh* Eragon turned his head towards his owner and gave a cold puff, making Jon have to clean his clothes.  

"You're more rebellious now, you used to be quite cute when you fit in my lap... now..." Jon couldn't help but complain to the dragon with a tone of humor as he brushed off some of the ice the dragon had thrown at him.  

The dragon looked at him indexing with his sapphire eyes before turning his face and snorting.  

"Great, you're getting grumpy..." Jon commented softly, he approached the dragon's neck and touched its white scales with blue spots, the dragon was sitting like a cat with its 4 legs folded while looking out over Arctica.  

"I, my son, how about we fly a bit..." Jon commented while caressing the animal, Jon had shared some plans with Eragon and this had left him quite in a bad mood, since the animal would not be able to accompany his father next year. Jon tried to cheer Eragon up, he didn't want the dragon to be sad, but unfortunately, he couldn't take him on his next trips.  

Eragon looked at him a bit, showing his bad mood, but in the end, he began to get up, if he wouldn't see his father for several months, then he had to enjoy his last moments with him more.  

Jon saw this and began to climb a wing that Eragon left for him to climb, there was a saddle and even Jon was building armor for the dragon, but it was taking time, since, this amount of Elden Metal would take a while to be ready. However, most of the time Eragon didn't like wearing his saddle, only on some occasions and Jon could ride him without it. So he climbed onto the dragon's back and adjusted himself.  

Seeing his father comfortable, he bent his legs as well as his wings and jumped through the wing opening, crossing it and turning his body to comply with gravity, Jon felt the thrill he always had when flying above Eragon, he saw the sacred grove approaching as the dragon dove to the ground in a dive.  

The sacred grove approached until Eragon steadied his wings, opening them and tilting his body to glide.  

These movements created a wind in the weirwoods below. "Eragon, you scared the children of the forest with that!" Jon complained in Valyrian to his dragon, and the latter snorted and seemed to laugh with that.  

Jon just sighed as Eragon began to gain height and rising before approaching the city outside the sacred grove.  

The dwarves were coming out with their tools from one of the shops while chatting, but this was interrupted when a shadow passed over them, making them even stumble as Eragon flew over them.  

"That damned dragon!" said a dwarf in a bad mood looking at Eragon in the sky.  

"Will he ever stop growing! The city in about 10 years won't be able to accommodate that creature!" the other spoke approaching his companion and helping him to get up to return to another day of work.

Jon felt the wind against him, and he saw people like ants pointing at him from various places in the city as Eragon continued to fly over the place. He looked at the city and its expanse and had a glint of pride in the air. The university, one of the first constructions, was almost finished. Jon turned Eragon towards the structure, knowing it would fit thousands of people. Some students were already on campus with books and notebooks that Jon had designed to be created from his wood, placing humans to work on the teaching materials.


The dragon passed by the place and headed towards another structure, the great library. Unfortunately, it didn't have even 0.1% of the books it could support, as it could fit books in the millions. However, Arctica would solve this on future trips, at least in part. Jon dreamed of making it the worst library in the world there, and before he left this world, he would achieve something like that, perhaps even much sooner. He liked what the dwarves had built; he ended up creating a blueprint of Yi-Ti architectures, extensive and spanning hundreds of meters across the city.


Jon continued flying while Eragon flapped his wings to gain even more altitude. He loved flying and loved having his father with him; together, they flew connected, as if one could feel the other's emotion. Jon saw other colossal structures under construction across the city, things he planned for the future while the most important for the city's operation were prioritized. In the northern part of the city was a colossal rounded structure, the senate, built especially for debating laws in Arctica. Jon had the council, but there was a group of people who discussed some laws and what would be good for the kingdom, as Jon did not want to leave all the power centralized in one place only. He did not want dictator descendants who would end his kingdom and legacy in the future. He would raise all his children not to be like that, but he would not be here for the next generations. Arctica was built to be a kingdom that values its people's freedom, as long as they did not harm others' lives, and it would remain so.


On the north side, there was also his own house under construction, a castle made directly to house the royal family, but it was still under construction, and Jon would have to wait a few years to finish it. However, he was proud of how he had designed his own house.


Near the site were two enormous event arenas that would gather the entire kingdom, one could fit 100,000 people, and the other was five times larger but still under construction. They were colossal structures that made Jon smile just looking at them.


Jon turned Eragon and went to the south side, where all sides of creation were concentrated. Forges, greenhouses, lumber mills, and many constructions that Jon wanted to create in the future were reserved here, spanning hundreds of meters now under construction for personal use. He would use this to further develop the kingdom. Unique plants were being created there, a large quantity of Elden metal, and he was even studying Valyrian steel. He knew the recipe but had to wait for Eragon to grow a bit more since a dragon was crucial for its creation, hoping Eragon could start helping him in about a year. Even his project to illuminate Arctica with glowing crystals made from plants was in its first prototype there.


Jon turned his attention to the east side now, where there was the large lake stretching for kilometers. The port was supposed to accommodate thousands of boats, yet there were only 200 of them ready in the last years since the labor had gone into constructing the wall surrounding the kingdom. Most of the rivers passing through the city ended there, which was the water line connecting the kingdom and the sea. Jon and the dwarves had designed countermeasures against sea changes and waves caused by storms at sea.


Jon descended, tilting Eragon, and the dragon approached the lake. He was insignificant compared to the entire expanse of water.

"Do you like this, Eragon!?" Jon spoke as the dragon flew over the lake, creating an effect against the water, even dipping its claws in it.

*ROAAARRR* Eragon roared, beginning to flap his wings and rise high, tilting his head downwards.

"Dracarys!" Jon said as his dragon awaited his command. He could have just thought the command, but where was the fun in that at the moment? Eragon emitted his element from his throat and blew a white light onto the water, his breath of wind instantly freezing the water below him as he continued to move across the large lake.  

Some boats doing some exercises from afar, learning navigation and having the next mission in the kingdom, Jon had created a group to quickly learn how to handle them.  

"Hey, look at that!" A young man on the boat shouted to the other sailors as he pointed to the middle of the lake.  

There was Eragon flying at high speed while spitting his white breath, freezing everything and even creating spikes as he made a line in the middle of the water.  

"It's the king's dragon. He must be flying on him too, because this only happens when our king asks the dragon to do..." The captain said to the novices.  

Jon felt the cold wind, but it didn't bother him; he told Eragon that was enough. The dragon stopped but began to flap its wings and rise.  

"Hey, what are you planning?" Jon asked on its back, seeing the dragon act on its own and seem quite excited. The dragon climbed 1 kilometer from the lake and tilted its head down, performing a kind of somersault as it began to descend again.  

"You're going to do this now?" Jon complained, but it was already too late.  

The dragon descended at high speed and began to spit its breath again on its own, but instead of ice, it was intense red flames. The flames descended, and Eragon quickly began to cut through them while not stopping to spit fire.  

He did this to take a hot flame bath while descending in the air, a kind of therapy for the dragon itself, and he found it pleasurable. However, Jon was with him this time; the fire didn't burn him, but that couldn't be said for his clothes, which were being incinerated at that moment.  

Jon couldn't see anything with his own eyes, since everything in front of him were intense lights from the flames, which also didn't bother him; everything that could harm him from the fire had no effect on him.  

The birds nearby were startled, even Caraxes, who was flying with his mate, looked at the flaming meteor leaving a trail of fire, screamed displeased and even with some jealousy of Jon, not that Jon didn't fly with him from time to time.  

The line of fire finally ceased, and Eragon emerged from it with Jon.  

*ROAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRR!!!* Eragon roared with emotion so loud that his sound was heard throughout the east side of the city that morning.  

"You seem satisfied, and now I'm naked." Jon looked in a bad mood at his son; he wasn't wearing armor, so this little prank from his dragon left him in that state, and he would have to stay like that until returning to the grand Weirwood.  

The dragon seemed to have enjoyed doing that and seemed to laugh at Jon. Jon sighing, "Let's follow the canal now." Jon gave the order and led the dragon, opening its wings to glide and follow to the east side of the kingdom, where the canal went towards the sea.  

There were the farms, kilometers and kilometers of fields full of harvest with another field of trees used for the construction of ships and city structures. He wanted to make a ship of Elden Metal, but he hadn't had the chance yet, as he gave priority to arming the Artican soldiers.  


The fields were always the part Jon appreciated the most, the smell of the field that morning did not disappoint him either. It was here that supplied all the families of Arctica, and Jon had designed and modified the land so that the people north of the wall would never know what it was to go hungry. Thousands of people worked that morning as Jon flew over the fields, his attention turned even more to the east, even small from that distance, since this was one of the largest regions of the kingdom. He could see the statue that the dwarves were building, a titan at the entrance of the canal of Artican lands as a gate. The wall being built next to it was nothing compared to the size of that titan.

Jon continued flying and began to see the structure more clearly. Initially, it was supposed to be a titan representing the Artican people, but the dwarves played a trick on him. Instead of the titan, Thor and the others ended up creating a statue with the image of Jon himself in an older version. Jon didn't realize it until he started to see similarities with himself in the structure under construction. When he asked what it was, the dwarves came clean and laughed at him. He even tried not to do it, but the dwarves blackmailed him; their agreement was that they had the freedom to make their own creations. With no other choice, Jon had to settle with the giant that would be an image of him in time, which made him a bit embarrassed, but he had to accept it. In the end, it made sense; after all, he is the founding king, and it would be very difficult for someone greater than him to appear in this kingdom in the next millennia.

He approached the statue that would be 400 meters tall in the end, its feet on each side of the 100-meter wide canal. It was like a huge gate, something that would make braves and their Titan ashamed.


Making a maneuver and startling some dwarves below, Eragon circled the statue and went to the south and east side, where there were the forests of animals with open fields for people to ride out of the woods.

There were the 3 great forests and some special ones where Jon was creating new species of animals that he genetically modified to appear magical and could reproduce in a natural habitat. No one could enter these forests, but many beginner Wargs could try to create a bond with the great forests. Of the 3, one was focused on giant wolves, which was forbidden since the giant wolves only accepted Stark blood, Arya was proof of this when she got her first giant wolves. Meanwhile, bears, normal wolves, and shadow cats could create bonds. Jon had numerous of them in the forests but could not dominate all the thousands of them now, leaving many for the new Wargs of Arctica.

In these regions, there were also the mountains and volcanoes. The dwarves received the mountains that were demanded when Jon made the agreement, and they transformed them into a work of art by placing many structures on them while fetching lava from the volcanoes. The volcanoes were used to supply the city with their heat, as he had planned. Houses and public bath areas were heated, used as forges by some brave dwarves, but only Jon could really reach the volcano and mine dragon glass for the next war his people would fight.


His attention then turned back to the north side of the kingdom outside the city, where there were the training fields, large structures to house the arsenal of weapons and equipment, places to execute fights, training, and even domestication and formation of Warg squads with their large animals like bears and shadow cats.

He could see that morning that Ducken was already summoning the human army for another war simulation. Arctica might have a large part of it focused on the country's construction, but there were always men training for the kingdom's protection should a crisis arise.


Satisfied with his morning flight, Jon returned to his dragon. "We've circled Arctica, let's go back now, I need to put on my clothes, since I'm naked thanks to you..." Jon said somewhat dissatisfied.

Even though he was amused by his father's situation, Eragon obeyed and returned towards the GrandWeirwood. Meanwhile, Jon seemed satisfied with the kingdom. His next plan was to open the borders of his country and start negotiating with other kingdoms and places. He thought about this while looking at the lake on the east side and its small ships, but 200 military and commercial ships that would be his first bridge to the world, a bridge that would truly start introducing this kingdom to everyone.


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