Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 75 – Artican Trade in Westeros 02.

[Chapter Size: 2800 Words.]


Jon Arctic POV

Northern ocean, 295 AC..


The Artican fleet continued heading south, the routine remained the same, now with them limited, Jon continued spending his time training, with his family, and studying.

"What are you doing?" Seryna entered the room looking at her husband on top of a desk with a pen and ink in hand.

"I'm drawing a maritime route." Jon said, still writing without taking his eyes off the paper.

Seryna approached and looked a bit surprised at the very detailed drawing. "Is that... are you seeing through that kraken of yours?" She asked quite admirably.

"Yes, Serume is helping me, I'm looking for gaps in the sea that indicate currents, this will serve to move the ships in the future when we have our own trade routes." Jon said calmly.

"Can I stay with you for a while?" She asked in a sweet tone.

"Of course, find a place to sit." Jon said, still scribbling his lines.

"Okay." She said with a mischievous smile as she jumped into his lap, causing Jon to startle, but catch his wife and look at her with a questioning gaze.

"What's wrong? Don't you like your wife's ass?" She teased him, moving her hips in his lap.

"I do, and I can enjoy it more later, but you will stay like this until I finish." Jon commented with a small smile and returning to the drawing.

While Seryna pouted, Jon continued making the map, he wasn't using Serume's real vision, but his memories to see what he was finding at the bottom of the sea as the fleet moved south.

At one point, Jon finally finished and looked up at Seryna. "You really like to tease me, don't you?" He said calmly.

"What, didn't you like it?" She joked, in the last 20 minutes, Seryna was gyrating occasionally on Jon, trying to distract him, but he was focused on the drawing and wasn't affected by his wife and her mischief.

He put down the paper and picked up Seryna by the waist. "It's time for me to take care of my wife then." He said, taking her to the bed, while taking off her dress and showering her with kisses while Seryna did not stay behind while leaving Jon naked and kissing his intimate parts to give pleasure to her husband. Jon spent his next hours making love to his wife while the room filled with moans.

Not far from that place, a merchant ship was in the middle of the sea.

"Come on, the wind is good and must be taken advantage of!" Said the captain.

"Dad, aren't we too close to White Port, are we?" A boy asked next to his father watching the captain lead the sailors of the ship.

"No son... We are already in the northern waters, and soon, we will be meeting your mother." He said with a smile.

"Did we make a lot of money, didn't we?" The son asked excitedly.

"Yes, son, the business we did with Braavos went very well, we are coming back with a lot of gold." He spoke.

But the moment of the merchant father with his son was interrupted by someone shouting from the mast. "Captain!!! There are ships ahead!" His voice seemed alarmed.

"Ships ahead? How many are there..." The captain looked at him.

"I... don't know... I can't count from here, but there are many! All heading south!" Said the sailor quite scared.

"Many?! What is this now..." The captain murmured.

"Are we in danger, dad?" The 13-year-old boy asked quite scared.

"I don't know son, but let's pray to the old gods that nothing bad happens to us." The merchant spoke.

It wasn't long before the ships appeared on the horizon, 10, 20, 30 shadows, and they kept appearing one after the other.

"This..." Even the captain lost his calm seeing that.

"What are we going to do captain? There are at least 100 of those ships heading south!" The merchant asked worriedly.

"Chief, they don't seem very concerned with us, it's better to reduce our speed to not get too close and wait for them to pass without noticing us." The captain spoke, and his boss nodded.

"As long as we're not caught by those strange ships, it's fine."

"You heard him, sailor? Lower the sail, let's slow down!" Shouted the captain.

The sailors obeyed, making the ship lose speed, but still moving forward, when the entire fleet was closer, they could see 200 ships moving south as a closed unit.

"Who are they...?" Said a sailor.

"I don't know, I don't recognize that flag, but their ships are gigantic! At least 3 times larger than ours!" another spoke.

"May the gods protect us!" spoke a third.

"It seems they didn't even bother with us..." said the captain with some sigh as the fleet passed with the last ships on the horizon and headed south.

"If they are to attack someone, at least it's not us," said the merchant.

"Let's continue our journey, hoist the sails again!" The captain gave the order, and they headed for the northern port.

"Just a merchant ship, don't bother with it," said the captain after seeing through his birds as it landed on the ship that had slowed down not to approach them.

"The southerners surely told tales of our great fleet!" said another articulated next to the captain.

"Let them tell, we'll surprise those cunts!" Tormunt joined them but soon felt a pain in his heel.

"Ahh!" He cried out in pain and turned to whoever had kicked him.

"I've told you, don't say those words when I'm nearby, you idiot!" Arya declared before walking away with her wolf beside her on the deck.

Tormund stood there scratching his head. "Hahahahahaha. You always manage to get the king's sister's wrath with your statements, Tormund..." said a royal guard mocking the red-haired man.

"Tsk, I have to be careful with that girl, she's not afraid to kick and hit others..." Tormund murmured as the others laughed at him.

The journey continued, taking advantage of favorable ocean currents found by Serume, and with ships being lighter models and in a shape that cut through the sea better, the fleet quickly reached the line of the valley.

"My king, wouldn't it be more useful to start with the valley?" The trade minister requested an audience, and Jon agreed.

"I understand your doubt, but I want to start with Dorne, the people of the valley are quite religious with the seven, so I want to start with a more open-minded land, this will give us a reputation in the seven kingdoms with our products and will help us to facilitate our entry into these lands, moreover, we will go to the Reach after Dorne and the West, let's leave the Valley for when we return to the Arctic." Jon commented, he did not need to have a sequence in his stops and wanted to start with Dorne just to start his first business.

The fleet continued, and its imposing presence at sea did not go unnoticed. Merchant ships that were returning from Essos and going to major ports on the continent, like Gulltown in the Vale kingdom, and ended up sharing the same waters with Jon's fleet, slowed down with their crew watching with a mix of admiration and fear the fleet heading south.

Questions about who belonged to those ships and what they were planning going south, questions about whether a war had started were raised and what that flag meant.

Those ships, like that from the north, arrived at the port of their lands and spread that a huge fleet was traveling the sea, alarming many people, mainly nobles who had their city and received ravens from other places confirming that the fleet was seen in the north while descending to the south.

This happened in several cities on the east coast of Westeros while the Arctic fleet continued to Dorne, even some ships tried to follow the fleet, however, they were left behind when they saw the superior speed of those 200 ships.

"My king, there are pirates a few kilometers from here, but I doubt they try anything with the number of our fleet," the captain spoke with a spyglass, even though he had already put his birds out to see 4 ships and saw that they were pirates making raids in these waters.

"They don't intend to attack us, but that doesn't mean we'll let them continue with their illicit activities. We don't need to move the whole fleet, send two galleys that way and destroy all of them," Jon commanded, and two warships left the fleet heading towards the 4 pirate ships.

Meanwhile, on the pirate ships, they had already spotted the Arctic fleet. "Captain, what should we do?" said a pirate.

"Nothing, we can't fight against that fleet, which is a shame with such a large number of ships, how many goods we could have stolen from there..." He lamented.  

"Why are there some birds here, that's odd..." Another man said, looking at a crow watching them, in fact, there were at least about 12 of them circling the ship.  

"I have a bad feeling about this..." Another man spoke.  

"No matter, let's turn around and wait for some commercial ship to appear..." The captain spoke, but another man interrupted him.  

"Captain! There are two ships coming in our direction!" The man above the mast said.  

"Two ships?! Do they want to confront us?" The Captain murmured and turned back to his crew. "If it's two ships, let's take them and flee before the fleet tries to capture us!" The man spoke disdainfully.  

As the ship approached, they saw that there was something strange, they had never seen a ship so fast as it approached.  

"I've never seen a faster ship, but get ready to destroy them! Let's take those ships!" The captain shouted, and they prepared for the encounter.  

"Captain!!! There are giant men on those ships!" The frightened man on top of the mast said again.  

"What do you mean by giant men? Are you drunk?" The captain said, raising an eyebrow.  

"It's true, I'm seeing him handle a type of weapon at the front of the ship!" The pirate continued shouting.  

On the Artican galleys, the giants were preparing the harpoons, "Hahahaha. Let's bet how many minutes they last!" A dwarf on the side of the ship shouted.  

"I bet 5 minutes!"  

"And I bet my best beer it's 2 minutes!"  

They shouted at each other, watching the giant preparing the weapon, placing a kind of spear with a cylinder of wildfire.  

"Hey, Jkty! Let me light the fuse!" Shouted an excited dwarf. Jkty just sighed and agreed as the dwarf struggled to climb the weapon and take his cigar, before lighting the fuse of the cylinder.  

The fuse caught and began to burn, the dwarf quickly jumped from there to join the other ships, Jkty prepared the machine and aimed at the ship hundreds of meters away, this modern machine created in Artica worked with balls and pressure, making a giant launch this weapon almost 1 kilometer depending on the projectile.  

The harpoon exploded towards the pirate ships, just like a second on the other galley next to that ship, the two harpoons rose in the sky and even the pirates heard the explosion wondering what it was, but when they realized something was coming in their direction, they felt the ship rock as harpoons hit 2 of those 4.  

"What was that?!" One of the pirates shouted.  

"They managed to hit us from that distance!?" Another shouted scared.  

They quickly went to see what hit them. "What is this, why is it catching fire with a blue liquid?"  

"I don't know, but it seems like the fire is already reaching the liquid..." A pirate murmured as the fire reached the liquid.  



The next moment, the man was startled, but without time to react when an explosion happened the next moment. The explosion happened covering the whole area immediately, and expanding while the pirates turned into ashes as their bodies were instantly incinerated.  

The entire ship exploded while all the other ships that were left were also affected, in the fleet, Jon and the others could see the explosion from far away at sea.  

The pirates didn't stand a chance and the giants of the Artican galleys didn't stop there, quickly placing another harpoon and lighting its fuse. Launching at the other ships that were still left.  



The pirates didn't have time to process what was happening while their other ships joined the explosions to reap the lives of those who were left.  

"2 minutes! I won!" The dwarf celebrated atop his fellows, the two galleys after finishing here, they turned around and returned to the fleet not leaving any pirate alive to tell the story of the harpoon attack.  

Jon smiled satisfied with that and they continued heading south. One day a storm launched against the fleet, giant waves cut through the sea while lightning and rains with winds came from the sky, but the fleet continued firmly, despite some ships hitting one another, at the end of the next day, they finally emerged with no losses, a result of the more unstable ship models for eventualities. It had been 2 moons since they left Artica, and they finally reached the southernmost part of the continent, approaching Stepstone.

Stepstones is an infamous archipelago known for being a melting pot of pirates, smugglers, and all sorts of maritime danger, but Jon wasn't too worried about that. They were already prepared to face anything, their ships were swift, durable, and

"We are approaching the islands, my king," said the captain.

"Well, we can't enter with the whole fleet, so let's stick to the plan of entering in smaller groups, each group with an adequate number of galleys, and let's do this during the night," Jon said, to avoid attracting attention, he didn't want to start a war before stopping at the first port as a trading company.

So they started to separate the groups at the first hour of the wolf, where there was no moon in the sky, giving them more invisibility as they began to pass, Jon instructed Serume to protect any ship in the area, and he remained at the bottom of the sea in the middle of the way.

The fleet managed to pass through the most dangerous area undetected, but that couldn't be said of other areas, but where pirate activity was less active, the island inhabitants and ships sailing through the waters finally saw the huge fleet now reunited again as it headed south.

"This is a good place to conquer, we could command trade!" Arya said, approaching Jon with a map of the area.

"I know, but that would require time and many soldiers to control the region, something we don't have the luxury of, not at this moment..." Jon commented, it wouldn't be bad to control this area or set up Arctic bases, but nobody outside of piracy had managed before, and Jon still wondered if he could do it one day.

"You're not afraid of Westeros, are you?" Arya teased him, and Jon shook his head.

"Of course not, but we must do one thing at a time..." Jon commented and continued. "Speaking of the continent, soon King's Landing will know about our fleet, since many of the ships we passed are heading to its port. How will they react to our news?" Jon murmured.

As the Arctic fleet skillfully zigzagged through the waters around Stepstone, inquisitive glances from sailors, pirates, and traders were often directed at the Arctic ships, whose sails bore a mysterious symbol, signaling a new variable in the world, a kingdom unknown to all and now emerging on this first voyage.

So a week later, they finally left the archipelago and entered the open bar next to the coast of Westeros, their goal was almost being reached as they approached the desert lands of Dorne. Jon still wondered what impacts they would have on the world just by stopping at the first ports, he could not know the future, but he certainly thought very positively about this trip.

He could never imagine meeting a ghost that he didn't even know how he would have a deep connection with this person, more than any other.

Raccoon here:

As you know, Rhaenys Targaryen survived the rebellion.

Some women who did not become wives of Jon ->

There won't be Sansa for obvious reasons

There won't be Margaery Tyrell (Too greedy, doesn't match this Jon)

There won't be Daenerys (She needs to be in character for the final arcs of the story.)


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