Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 79 – Artican Trade in Westeros 06 (Dorne 04).

[Chapter Size: 3000 Words.]


Thrid Person POV

Dorne, 295 AC.


Jon was led to his room with his entourage by the girls. Jon would stay in the room with his two wives, while Arya and his ministers would be in the adjacent rooms. He immediately placed various local animals on alert for anything unusual. He didn't trust the Martells, and even if he did, he would do the same to protect himself from any surprise attack against him and his people. 

"Jon..." Ygritte began to settle her things and broke the silence while Jon went to the window of the room to look at the Water Gardens, breathing in the warm air of Dorne. 

"What is it, Ygritte?" Jon turned to her.

"What was that, why were you looking at that woman in such a strange way?" She asked.

Seryna sat silently beside the bed, but she also awaited Jon's response. "It's strange, I don't know... I feel attracted to her, as if I have the same feeling I have for my relatives and others, like Arya, my father, Aemon... But with her, it's stronger, stronger than anything. It's strange..." He said, scratching his head.

"You know I don't mind having another sister." Seryna began. "But I've heard how libertine people are in this kingdom... I wouldn't like to share the bed with someone like that. You know that among the giants, we are strongly monogamous, as we believe that children become less pure the more partners the women have." Seryna spoke in a serious tone, and Jon knew very well what Seryna was talking about; there's something in genetics called microchimerism, where women accumulate throughout their lives, their children are born with characteristics of all the men they've shared the bed with, making them less pure.

Jon knew that his wives had agreed that if he were to find another wife, she should not be someone like those in Dorne typically live, however, he felt quite favorable towards Nyra Sand, hoping unconsciously that the girl would not follow her sister's path.

"Well... If she's not like that Arianne, she certainly is a libertine." Ygritte complained beside him, and Jon agreed. He had already felt how that guard, whom he learned was named Daemon Sand, looked at him in a very intense way.

"Let's set this aside, first let's get settled and see how our hosts treat us." Jon said, ending this discussion with his wives and looking around to make sure no one was trying to spy on them, "Be careful as well, we don't know this place and I noticed some passages between the walls, so the walls definitely have ears." Jon spoke in a serious tone.

"If anyone tries to spy on me, I swear I'll gouge their eyes out!" Ygritte declared.

"If anyone tries to spy on her, I'll gouge their eyes out myself." Jon said, and he turned his attention to the desert outside the city and even within the city.

'Let's see how the snakes deal with snakes if it comes to that.' Jon spoke in a very somber tone.

In the desert, all was quiet, but suddenly, the sand began to move, and a head emerged from the sand; it was a cobra that had been resting in the sand, it felt its mind being commanded and looked in that direction, obeying the command of its new master, it began to crawl towards the city.

This began to happen all around the area surrounding the city, snakes began to move towards the city, leaving some people who were in the area scared, but the snakes began to camouflage themselves, according to their master, they should be discreet and not draw too much attention.

Even in the city, snakes that were placed in baskets by the Dornish began to move, managing to leave the place and crawling in the shadows, heading towards Sunspear.

"A loose snake!" A man exclaimed in a corner of the city seeing the snake crawling through the street.

"AHHHHH!!!!" A woman screamed in fright as a snake fell on her head after missing a roof, but the snake did not attack her and just ran away from there.

"What's happening?!" A snake charmer was startled when he saw the strange behavior of the snakes in his depot, which he maintained to sell his species to interested customers, candles looking at him defiantly as they left through holes scared him.

The snakes continued to slither through the city, frightening many people, while sneaking into Sunspear and even onto the Artican ships. 

"I'm sending some snakes, let them roam free, I'll ensure they don't bite anyone, they will be used against the Dornish if they try anything foolish." Jon spoke to a bird perched on his window while the women were just watching. 

The bird made a sound and flew high; he was the warg captain of the main ship, wanting to organize his security in an unfamiliar land. 

"Finally, some privacy." Seryna commented, as she took off her dress. 

"We still have one more little friend coming." Jon said, and at his window, a snake emerged slithering towards him, placing his hand near, the snake began to run up his arm reaching near his face. 

"I don't like these animals..." Ygritte spoke, looking at the snake in Jon's hand with some disdain. 

"Every animal has its peculiarity, it's impossible to like them all, but to me, they are all beautiful." Jon spoke while looking at the snake staring at him with an excited gleam flicking its tongue at Jon, he had a preference for dragons and wolves, but still liked all animals, after all, he had the blessing of becoming friends with all of them. 

"You say that when you can control all animals..." Seryna murmured as she lay naked on the bed. "Now you can put that snake aside and close the window, your wife needs you here." She said while massaging her pregnant belly. 

Jon nodded, closing the window and carefully picking up the snake and taking it to a side of the room, where there was a hole into the wall. 

After watching the snake enter the place, his gaze returned to Ygritte still standing, looking at him shyly. "It seems my wife needs help undressing?" Jon teased her and approached, removing her dress before joining his two wives on the bed to kiss and make love to them, but his mind was also elsewhere now, after all, he was overhearing a very interesting meeting in the room he had just left. 

Arianne and Nyra returned to the room where Doran was waiting after placing the Artican company in the right rooms, while the royal guards stood at the door, protecting them. 

"You finally arrived." Doran said, looking at them as they approached. 

Meanwhile, snakes slithered around the place as they entered the Dornish castle of the city unnoticed with some rats spying on the meeting. 

"We're back, father, although I wish I hadn't returned." Arianne teased, while Nyra raised an eyebrow, Doran said nothing to his daughter's provocation and continued speaking. 

"What do you think of him?" He asked, but surely looking at Nyra. 

"I've never seen anyone like him. The stories and fantasies... all seemed like Northern foolishness... but now... Did you see those giants in the courtyard? In what world could such enormous things exist..." Nyra commented, still trying to comprehend who Jon Artica was, despite her attention to the king of the kingdom beyond the wall. 

"Just that... I saw the way you looked at him." Trystane teased. 

"He seemed to be looking at her in the same way, but does he think he could be worthy of someone like Nyra?" Quentyn said beside with disdain, annoyed as Nyra looked at that Northern bastard too. 

"I have to agree with Quentyn, if he thinks that a blood of that family would try to touch our niece after everything that happened." Oberyn spoke with venom in his tone, his daughters stayed silent. Nyra did not like how they spoke, but certainly did not contradict them here. 

"Silence, Oberyn! I've already said that you should not offend our guests, the same goes for you, Quentyn. I know why you're angry, but we've already talked about this." Doran spoke sternly, with Oberyn, the antipathy almost made the Artican company leave and almost caused a mess at the port, Quentyn was a different case, who asked to marry Nyra a few moons ago to his father, but Doran would never let that happen, Nyra was untouchable and she never showed interest in the opposite sex, until today at least. 

'If only my daughter was like that...' He murmured internally, knowing about the promiscuous life Arianne had throughout Dorne, a way to confront her after he declared her future suitors, some old, but this was done for his plans.

However, his mind was working on the combination of Nyra. "We must find out more about this kingdom and its strength, we may use them to our advantage. But we need more information, I want some spies watching the Articans, passing on any information they can get from them," Doran spoke, wanting to know more about the military force.

"This thing may have been made by a Stark bastard, but it is certainly very good," Oberyn spoke despite his older brother's warning, while enjoying a wine with ice now, loving the taste.

"Yes, these products are very good, we should close deals with them soon, I want to arrange a meeting with Jon Artica after dinner, Nyra, you will call him to dance, try to get any information from him," he spoke. And Nyra nodded reluctantly, while beside her, Arianne felt a bit jealous.

"And what they want is sand... We have plenty of that," Oberyn spoke up while drinking his whiskey.

"It seems we are in luck... we will get some gold out of this at least," Trystane spoke.

"It seems very profitable, something that will help our plans for the future," Doran commented and looked at Nyra, someone he wanted to place as a queen in the future, or at least make such a powerful alliance that would guarantee his blood and a Targaryen on the Iron Throne.

"Yes, we are getting closer to our revenge," Oberyn began. "After all, snakes wait for the right moment, be it the Lannisters, the Baratheons, and even that family that created that whore that started it all, the Starks," Oberyn spoke with a venomous tone and Doran did not contradict him this time.

"So they want to take revenge on my blood..." Jon murmured while being pressed into the bed.

He listened to the conversation and after Oberyn's statement, the topic only shifted to the dinner and other matters, he almost laughed later when some guards came to report the strange behavior of the snakes in the city, making the Martells frown.

'How strange... Doran did not act like Nyra was his daughter when they were in the family, and Quentyn showed passionate behavior for his own sister?' Jon thought, despite not liking Quentyn, and not because of his offense.

Jon quickly started thinking about Nyra. 'Stop trying to see under her dress and think, she even seems familiar...' Jon told himself, while the bed shook.

'That's it, her eyes are like Aemon's...!' Jon finally realized. 'So she is a hidden Targaryen, the daughter of Elia!' He declared almost speaking out loud.

'Aemon would certainly be excited to know that there are more of their relatives alive...' He thought, but soon felt someone pressing his chest.

"Jon! Stop thinking and fuck me!" Seryna wanted to hit her husband while jumping on his penis, while Ygritte was beside the bed masturbating, waiting her turn.

Jon shook his head, deciding to think about it later while grabbing Seryna by the buttocks, lifting both of them leaving him surprised. He began to push her onto his lap while standing up on the bed forcefully.

As the sun began to set over Dorne, the Martell family was making preparations for the banquet in the grand hall of Sunspear. Hurried servants moved back and forth, carrying silver trays filled with exotic delicacies and jugs of Dornish wine, known for its rich flavor and its ability to warm the blood.

In the center of the room, a long table had been arranged, adorned with red and gold silk tablecloths, the colors of the Martells. Tall candles and crystal chandeliers illuminated the space.

Jon, after composing himself from the intimate moments with his wives, was called to place his products and Jon asked a royal guard to do this task while he remained in the room preparing for the banquet.

"Good thing we brought our dresses, I wouldn't like to wear what the women of Dorne wear. Besides being quite open, they are even warmer than our dresses," Seryna commented while putting on a silver dress.

"That's true," Ygritte said putting on a red dress, after all, the fabric from Artica gave a coolness and a chilly sensation.

Seryna put on an earring while looking at the mirror and then turned back to her husband, wearing an exotic outfit, "I thought you would wear that outfit since you seemed to like it so much," she commented, analyzing him.

"I'll save it for the Reach, since it's an outfit for bigger business deals we'll have in Artica," Jon said, adjusting his clothing to not stand out too much from the other nobles of Dorne.

The door was knocked, and the guard spoke after a while, "My king, your sister is here."

"Let her in," Jon requested, and Arya entered in a black dress tailored to her size.

"I was getting bored..." Arya complained, after all, she had to stay in her room until her guard informed her that she should get ready for the banquet. She no longer seemed to disdain wearing more feminine clothes, after all, she learned that a woman's battlefield was more than just using swords and shields.

"Shall we go then?" Ygritte spoke, and Jon nodded, taking his wives by the arms while Arya walked behind him, and their ministers and guards followed a Dornish messenger to lead them to the hall, where the banquet had already begun.

In the banquet hall, where the hosts were already waiting, as guests began to arrive, the room filled with murmurs and laughter. Dornish nobles, dressed in their most extravagant attire, chatted among themselves, drinking Dornish wine while exchanging words.

"Have you heard the rumors?" a noble spoke.

"About the giants? We all saw them, they are there for everyone to look at, who could face one of those?" another noble commented, laughing.

"Not about that, I'm talking about strange snake behavior in the city."

"Oh yes, I saw some crawling through the garden, strange, I've never seen snakes moving so freely among us, we got scared and the guards had to throw them out," a fat man spoke.

"It's not just the garden," insisted the man. "I heard that in the city, they were running through the streets and roofs, even outside the city they were seen moving as if searching for something. No one has ever seen anything like it," the man spoke as if it were great gossip.

"Whatever, they are just snakes, I want to try these Artican products they've been talking all day about, I heard they are bringing ice from the north, can you believe?"

"Ice?! Nonsense. That's impossible," said a woman, waving her fan. "But I heard the chief of the giants is a very handsome man, I'd like to see him soon."

Meanwhile, at the main table, Doran sat looking over the hall while the nobles who were in the city socialized, "Where is our main guest?" he asked a servant.

"The messenger has already gone to fetch him, my lord," he spoke, and Doran nodded.

At the table were him, his daughters along with Nyra, and Oberyn with his daughters and lover, after all, they were in Dorne, and his bastard daughters shared the main table here.

It didn't take long for the herald to announce their new guests at the banquet. "Attention, everyone!" he called for attention as Doran had instructed.

The hall fell into a brief silence before being filled by the robust voice of the herald again, positioned beside the main entrance, standing out in his adorned attire, typical of occasions of high importance.

"We present, with immense respect and honor, the arrival of the Northern Delegation with the intention of creating a bond of friendship with Dorne, Jon Artica, leader of Artica, accompanied by the noble Ladies Ygritte and Seryna, his wives who also carry his name, and by the valiant Lady Arya Stark of Winterfell, followed by their ministers and guards!"

"May the doors of Sunspear open to welcome these distinguished visitors, whose journey through distant lands reflects their tireless search for friendship and strong alliances. May tonight be a milestone of unity and celebration between our peoples."

As the herald concluded his announcement, Jon's delegation advanced majestically through the hall, with Jon at the front, flanked by Ygritte and Seryna. Arya followed closely behind, with a posture that mixed elegance and readiness, while the ministers and guards completed the procession with dignity.

The gaze of all those present was turned towards them, some with admiration, others with curiosity, but all recognizing how this group was unique, for the interactions that would follow throughout the night.


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