Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 82 – Artican Trade in Westeros 09 (Dorne 07).

[Chapter Size: 3400 Words.]


Thrid Person POV

Dorne, 295 AC.


Jon returned to the party after the negotiation, leaving the Martell family still quite wary of him after his display. 

It didn't matter what they would call him now, likely a sorcerer, but that wasn't relevant as he saw his wives still seated at the table with no one bothering them, the guards making sure of it. 

"You finally came back, how did it go?" Jon approached and Seryna asked quietly. 

"Shall we go back to the room?" Jon asked, already wanting to rest. 

"Please." Ygritte spoke, wanting to leave. 

"I want to as well... I don't want to see the prince of sleep inviting me to dance." Arya spoke with dissatisfaction, Jon looked at her for a moment. 

"Didn't you like Dorne?" Jon teased his sister. 

"Do you think I'm going to live here." She spoke leaving no room for further questions, after all, Arya wasn't foolish and knew about political games, but she didn't want to leave the north and she would do everything to stay in Ártica. 

After that, everyone got ready to return to their rooms, Jon asked the ministers to continue at the banquet, as they would still be quite useful with the Dornish nobles getting to know their products and placed some guards to advise them not to speak important matters of the kingdom if they drank too much, Ártica was a mystery to all there and Jon had to dodge many questions when he talked with these people. 

So they began to withdraw, returning to their rooms. "Finally, I couldn't stand listening to that Dornish music anymore," Ygritte complained as they settled into bed. 

"Well, you'll have to endure it for a few more days, since we need to pick up some materials as we negotiate over the next few days," Jon said with a sigh. 

"Anyway, I'd like to try my husband one more time," Seryna spoke, approaching Jon with a seductive tone. 

"You guys can have sex, I'll just be sleeping today," Ygritte spoke, indicating she would sleep due to her nausea. 

Jon looked at Seryna as he kissed her forehead. "Alright, your husband has a lot of energy... But..." He spoke and turned back to the wall. "We need to deal with the intruder." 

On the wall, there was a servant who had been ordered by Doran to spy on them before the banquet, he hoped to see something interesting there, but unfortunately, he didn't notice the snake at his side while darkness covered it. 

"I can see those naked women!" He said to himself, but heard something next to him and his face turned surprised, coming face to face with a snake showing its tongue, he didn't have time to react as the red viper sank its fangs into his neck. "AHH!" 

Seryna looked at the wall hearing the scream. "These bastards," She murmured angrily. 

"Don't worry, it was just an easy rat to deal with," Jon spoke, and now seeing that he was alone with his wives, he began to take off his clothes. 

The night passed while Jon and Seryna made Ygritte not sleep properly, and at dawn, Jon went out with all of them to join Doran for the first meal, wearing more casual clothes in the Arctic style. 

The Martells' table was filled by the whole family, many looking at Jon with much caution after what happened yesterday with the snake, while Quentyn was oblivious to the events while looking at Jon with disdain, unlike the others. 

"I hope you had a great night," Doran asked politely. 

Jon settled in with his group in the chairs. "It was a pleasant night, however, there's a certain odor coming from the wall, I could swear there's a corpse in that place," Jon said laughing a bit at the end, but the atmosphere was not in line with his joke because Doran became somber at this moment, like most of the Martell family members becoming tense. 

"Really? I'll ask someone to take a look, there must be a dead animal, perhaps a rotting rat," He spoke with a forced smile while Jon nodded. 

The rest of the meal was eaten in silence, until Arya decided to speak, "Is it true that Dornish women are incredible warriors?" She may not be excited about the idea of living in Dorne, but she certainly wanted to prove her worth against these people from the south. 

"Of course, we are, Stark girl, do you know how to fight?" One of Oberyn's bastard daughters returned Arya's comment, Tyene Sand, said with a quite hostile tone.

"You're known as the Sand Snakes, aren't you? I'm from Ártica, I know how to fight! I'd like a fight later!" She spoke excitedly while Jon sighed. 

"Hahaha. I want to see what you can do against a girl of 10 or 11 years." Obara laughed, finding Arya's courage amusing. 

Although Jon didn't like the tone, he said nothing and continued eating, feeling the gaze of a pair of purple eyes from across the table, which kept staring at him, but still ignoring it this time. 

The meal continued as Doran exchanged some polite words with Jon. "Prince Doran, I would like to spend this morning exploring the water gardens with my wives and Arya, if you don't mind." Jon said, wanting to spend time with them in this place and not just seeing it through others. 

"Yes, you are welcome to, and I can assign my daughter to accompany you if it pleases you," he said, pointing to Arianne, but Jon declined. 

"I don't want to delve too deep, just spend some time alone with the mothers of my children and my sister," he spoke calmly. 

"I understand... That can be arranged without any problems," he said in the end while Arianne looked somewhat disappointed. 

After the meal, they left the place, as Jon led his group to the water gardens, a large area of the castle cared for with beauty as the waters ran through the place with many palm trees, Jon just wanted to appreciate this space without caring for anything else. 

Meanwhile, inside the castle, the Martell family gathered as servants brought in a corpse, the dead man that Jon had eliminated for trying to spy on them. 

"His death was by snake venom..." Oberyn spoke, examining the body. "And from the red viper," he concluded. 

"That bastard... he's some kind of sorcerer!" Obara spoke angrily. 

"Silence, Obara, I don't want to hear that tone, especially since you are offending an important guest," Doran spoke calmly. 

"But he killed a Dornishman, inside this castle! We can't let this go without doing anything," Nymeria spoke. 

"Have you seen what's in our gardens? Do you think only a Dornishman will die if we attack the Dornish entourage?" Nyra spoke, raising her eyebrows. 

"We can kill them all!" Tyene spoke. 

"SILENCE!" Doran spoke with a severe voice as his tone echoed throughout the place. 

"He may have killed a Dornishman in my house, but he surely did it to someone spying on them at night, which I can't blame him for, even if I wanted to. Now, if I hear anything more about harming this group of visitors from the north, I will expel them from this place. Sorcerer or not, dangerous or not, remember that we have very important trade agreements with them now and I would not like to lose them due to your anger," Doran spoke severely. 

"Oberyn, I know you taught them with hatred against the Starks, but harming the Articans will be something I will not tolerate," he spoke in a very angry tone. He did not want to lose the chance of losing a great trade partner and ending up picking a fight with this Ártica, a place still very unknown and even the north. 

Politically, it would be foolish, after all, Robert Baratheon has a very strong connection with the Starks, this could even lead to a war, a very high price to just avenge a servant he had put to spy on them. 

Oberyn looked at him for a while. "Alright, brother. But if we fight, can I let loose a bit against the snake charmer?" Oberyn asked with a mischievous smile. 

"As long as it's fair, just don't kill him," Doran spoke, and Oberyn nodded with confidence that he could handle Jon Ártica. 

Meanwhile, even unknown to the Martell family itself, the sound of chains was shaking on the shoulder of an old lord, this was a maester who was responsible for this castle sent by the Citadel, Doran had paid for all his decades of study in the city, however, something that Prince Martell could not imagine was that this man had developed a loyalty to something greater than himself, after all, the Citadel was a place of strong doctrine, all maesters had their loyalty first to the Citadel, before their lord or even their own family. 

He entered his room, where there was nothing but his things, opening a drawer with papers and a pen with ink, he began to write on the paper like a scroll after putting ink on the tip of the pen.

"Grand Maesters... I am saddened to say that there is a sorcerer in Westeros... Jon Snow, son of Eddard Stark whom we have heard of many years ago, appeared in Dorne, with unique beings, giants, dwarves... wealth and unique products from his lands with one in particular, ice. And something even more alarming is that the boy of 16 namedays can control animals with his mind, according to what I have heard and how, my lord, came to me asking for explanations, he is a warg like the First Men..." He began to explain every detail of what he was witnessing and hearing, making two sheets to explain each of the points, in the end, he needed to add a special note, so he began to write it. 

'He follows the old gods and denies the seven, is traveling with two pregnant wives, as a user of magic... he is a threat and must be eliminated, I cannot act against him here, but he will travel to other places in Westeros in the coming days.' This was the final paragraph on his scroll, after that, he started to roll it up and took a raven that was there, a special one that he did not put together with the others in the raven tower, because this one had a special destination, it would fall directly into the hands of an order within the maesters' organization, one that aims to protect the world from magic and maintain the mind as supreme. 

They had been very successful in the past, after all, killing the dragons was one of their achievements in the dance and even the fall of House Targaryen had their hands in the shadows. The maester placed the scroll on the bird's leg and threw it to fly out the window, rising in the air, while the maester looked attentively at it with a malicious gaze. 

Jon looked from the garden at the raven leaving one of the windows, but didn't care much, not knowing that his downfall was already being planned by enemies he didn't even know he had. The morning passed as he spent his time with his family in a high place where they could see the sea, eating Dornish grapes, with the sun in the middle of the sky, he decided to go to lunch that they would have again with the Martell family. 

Joining again at a large isolated table, they ate and Oberyn addressed Jon. "Lord of Ártica, would you like to accompany me to the training field, your sister was interested in our fighters, we can show something more of Dorne than our wine, parties, and gardens." He said, Jon noticed the others looking a bit uncomfortable and Nyra seemed quite hesitant at her uncle's words. 

Jon broke into a smile. "It would be a great pleasure, we should go as soon as we finish." Jon did not refuse, he wanted to see what Prince Martell could do, since he eavesdropped on the entire conversation with one of his rats, it was hilarious to Jon how these people were confident they could beat him in a fight. 

After lunch, they joined the training yard, the place was filled with Dornish fighters while they practiced sparring with spears in a circle. Jon and Arya donned leather armors that the Dornese gave them to wear. 

Jon's group was not the only one to accompany him, Nyra, Arianne, and Trystane watched from afar. 

"Do you think Uncle Oberyn will go overboard?" Trystane asked. 

"You know him, the lord from Ártica will soon be on the ground, which is quite an unpleasant scene." Arianne commented. 

"You have a lot of confidence in Uncle Oberyn." Nyra spoke and Arianne looked at her. 

"You're in love with that northerner, aren't you? It's okay that he's the most handsome man I've ever seen... but you? You know you can't... and he seems to have lost interest in you." Arianne spoke in a surprised and serious tone. 

"It's not that! Look at everything we've seen so far. Do you think a man who controls giants and manipulates snakes, can lose so easily?" Nyra spoke trying to appear rational, though she was a bit hurt by her cousin's last statement. 

"It seems it will not be the Lord of Ártica who will fight first, but his sister." Trystane said, making the girls look surprised at Arya picking up her sword to fight against Obara, as she entered the circle.

"The girl is so brave," Arianne commented with a bit of disdain. 

Jon crossed his arms to watch Arya getting ready to face her opponent, as she drew her thin sword of elden metal from its sheath. 

"I promise to go easy on you, little Wolf," Obara said with an amused smile as her sisters laughed beside her, she took a spear and approached Arya entering the circle they used for sparring. 

Oberyn watched with a small smile but looked at Jon as his prey, while Jon didn't care, even knowing about the eyes of the red viper on him. 

Arya looked at her opponent who took a fighting stance, but certainly didn't expect much from the little Stark girl. "I heard that in the North women also fight, I hope that's true," she said. 

Arya positioned her thin sword in front of her and spent 5 seconds in silence as both stared each other down for the beginning of the clash with Arya launching a frontal cut, Obara seeing this just placed her spear in defense to block the attack, however, her smile froze as she found herself stepping back from the force of the girl's sword while feeling the weight of her blow. 

Her sisters also looked surprised at that. "I expected a better stance from someone who likes to talk a lot," Arya commented with some disdain. 

Obara remained silent for a while after hearing that, then shook her head despite being surprised as she approached while swinging her spear. "Very well, it seems I underestimated your strength, even though it seems impossible for a body of your size, but now I will show you why they call us the Sand Snakes," she said with some frustration as she approached Arya to fight more seriously. 

Ellaria was also watching with an attentive look and saw her daughter attack the Northern girl, who also moved quickly, launching a small duel between a spear and a sword, with both delivering side, vertical cuts while moving their feet against each other. 

This left everyone surprised, even Oberyn had to look at the fight with a skeptical look as his 15-year-old daughter was fighting a speed battle with an 11-year-old girl from the North with the fight being tied, the other Sand Snakes fell silent without their mocking smile and the Martell family seemed quite shocked by this as well. 

"You wanted to court that girl, Trystane? I doubt you could beat her in a fight," Arianne mocked, but also surprised by the girl's agility. 

In the fight, Arya proved to be quite fast and acted, she saw Obara spin the spear and try to hit her on the side, but she moved her foot to absorb the impact while raising her sword for the attack. 

"Jon... Isn't this getting intense? They shouldn't be fighting with real blades..." Ygritte spoke beside him. 

"If they seriously hurt Arya, everything we negotiated will be over, so I don't think they will be foolish enough for that, even Oberyn's impulsive daughters," Jon spoke. 

In a moment, Arya showing she was stronger than Obara, threw her weight against her spear, opening a gap in the girl while kicking one of her legs, making her lose balance and end with the eldenmetal close to her neck. 

"It seems this Northerner has won," Arya spoke with a satisfied smile. 

The place fell silent. No one believing that this little girl really beat one of Oberyn's daughters. 

"Well... this is unexpected," Oberyn murmured. 

"She really lost..." Nymeria commented. 

"To a Stark brat..." Tyene whispered beside her. 

"You just got lucky!" Obara growled, standing up without caring about the blade at her neck and Arya did nothing. "Let's fight again!" She spoke, wanting a rematch after that small disgrace. 

Jon didn't like this hostility and was going to stop the continuation of this, but Obara's sisters were quicker. "Obera get out of there. Now it's my turn to fight against a warrior from the North! I will have to clean up the disgrace you've brought upon us!" Nymeria intervened. 

"No, I want to fight again!" Obara insisted.

"Obera, let your sister fight now. You've had your fight," Oberyn also knew this couldn't end well, so he intervened hoping another daughter could fight better, despite feeling displeasure with Obara's defeat. Obara heard this and left silently with her spear, but clearly frustrated. 

"I will intervene," Seryna spoke beside Jon, and he nodded. 

As Arya was preparing for the girl picking up a scimitar to fight with Arya, Seryna intervened. "Arya, get out of there, now I will fight," she said. 

"Wait... I haven't lost yet!" Arya said stubbornly. 

"Arya," Jon called her with a stern look. Arya saw this and knew she had to obey, stepping out a bit frustrated. 

"His wife is going to fight?" Arianne asked beside her. 

"She's not even wearing armor..." Nyra spoke, and both looked with interest, wondering why she would fight, knowing she was pregnant. 

"You're going to fight?" Nymeria asked surprised while everyone behind her also stared at Seryna moving towards the Artican guards who had a box at their feet. 

"Yes, may I fight a bit too?" Seryna said as she walked up to the box. 

"You can, but aren't you going to wear armor?" she asked, raising an eyebrow, seeing that the woman was still in a casual dress. 

"I don't need it," Seryna spoke arrogantly while taking a huge hammer out of the box, before putting it on her shoulder and beginning to walk towards the circle where the fight would be while everyone looked stunned at the size of the eldenmetal hammer.


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