Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 87 – Artican Trade in Westeros 14 (Journey to the West 01!).

[Chapter Size: 3200 Words.]


Thrid Person POV

Dorne, 295 AC.


The stars in the sky began to disappear, as the light of dawn approached the Dornish lands, but only with a small glimmer on the sea horizon. Nyra gently opened her eyes while lying on a fabric she had spread out as she spent the night in that garden without anyone knowing, since Jon had ensured there were no interruptions, keeping any drone guards away and telling his guard not to come close.

Both had been carried away by the passion they felt for each other. Nyra had lost a significant political bargaining chip by giving her virginity to this northerner, but she would not regret it, doubting there was another man like Jon in the world, or one who made her feel such intense emotions since she first saw him.

She still remembered, while moaning with pleasure, that Jon wanted to take her as his wife, even now facing some difficulties with trade relations, he would in the future. Nyra wanted to deny this, after all, she also did not want to run away from the family that saved her life when she was just 3 years old in King's Landing, where she would have been brutally killed by Lannister men.

She took a deep breath and saw Jon with his eyes closed while he held her in his arms, her breasts pressing against his body. She looked at him fondly while gently running her hand through his hair, experiencing something she had long desired, and was emotionally happy for it, storing all the memories of that night in her mind.

'I have to go...' She thought with some regret, beginning to move Jon's hands away from her body, starting to get up and put on her dress before the sun rose. She approached Jon one last time and kissed him on the forehead as she started to move away towards a discreet entrance that led to her room, as she had left yesterday, after all, Doran would never leave her unguarded and walking alone in Sunspear.

It wasn't long after she left for Jon to open his eyes, seeing the silhouette in a dress leaving the place. He had been awake the whole time she was conscious, but did not open his eyes because he did not want to make her departure difficult.

Now alone as the first rays of the sun began to appear, and Nyra's soft fragrance lingered in the air, he decided to return as well. He got up, putting on his clothes and burning the fabric with a bloodstain, letting it burn as he walked away from that place, his guard was on watch in the same place as he had settled yesterday and saw his king, greeting him.

"You must be tired, rest a few hours before we depart." Jon said to him as they returned to the castle together.

"Yes, my king. You scared many Dornish who patrolled the area last night." He said as they continued on their way with a smile.

"You can say that, at least I kept some eyes away." Jon admitted with the confusion he caused last night, after all, many sentinels had to deal with hostile snakes, and when they called more people to see what was happening, more snakes appeared, preventing the guards from approaching the water garden. Of course, Doran also knew about it, but knew it was Jon somehow and let the man use that space without approaching, something that would change if he knew his niece was sleeping with Jon that night.

They returned to the castle, and Jon went towards his guard, while his man went to rest in the arctic field and change shifts. Jon opened the door and found Seryna and Ygritte waiting for him, Ygritte seemed comfortable while naked in bed, while Seryna changed her top clothes.

"Good morning, where is Arya?" Jon asked.

"She left as soon as she woke up with your guard to train in archery with the rest of the people." Seryna said while not even looking at Jon changing clothes.

"And you Jon, spent the night fucking that Dornish woman? You reek of her perfume." Ygritte said dissatisfied and nauseated by that smell due to her pregnancy.

Jon sighed, not hiding anything. "Yes, I was with her." He said without any tone of apology or guilt.

Seryna stuffed her breasts with an arctic fabric before turning to him. "I'm not surprised by this, after all, it was quite obvious you wanted her since you saw her, and don't get me wrong, I'm not mad at you, after all, we knew you would have more than one wife," she said, looking at Jon, while he maintained a firm gaze.

"Just don't fuck prostitutes, if you slept with her and she seems suitable, you should bring her with us," Ygritte said from the bed at this moment.

Jon shifted his gaze from Seryna, before turning back to Ygritte and sighed. "You're right, I intend to take her as my wife, but not now. If she truly waits for me, I will do so in the future," he said, after all, he was having his first commercial contact with Dorne, it wouldn't be wise to interrupt this when the fault was his own, but being sure it could change in the future.

Seryna approached. "If that's what you plan, then I will support my husband," she said softly, hoping to be a wife who supports her husband in his decisions.

"So be it, but let's talk to her first when the time comes," Ygritte said in bed before continuing. "Anyway, take a bath, I can't stand this smell, and let's enjoy while your sister is not here after a week, I want to sleep a bit with my husband before not seeing him for moons as soon as I return," she said.

Jon smiled and did so, entering a bathtub while Seryna herself scrubbed him, Jon returned and spent a few hours of that morning having sex with his women, Arya had returned from her training a while later while they remained packing their bags.

"Pack your bags, Arya. You have to be ready before we have our first meal with the Martells," Jon said, and Arya nodded, storing her bow.

After getting ready, they went to the Martells, having a quiet meal and talking about common things and about the trip. Jon exchanged some glances with Nyra but remained neutral as they finished the meal.

"We will miss you, Lord of the Arctic, but our paths are to follow opposite sides, however, I hope we can have some visit from you and can have a strong friendship," Doran said at the end, Jon just exchanged a few words knowing that this was just politics, he never intended to step here again after everything that happened, and neither would Doran like to have him again, after all, he could easily conquer the whole castle.

Thus, Jon left the place with his people and went to the castle entrance with the Arctic group. For the rest of the morning, Jon dedicated himself to organizing his things for the departure from Dorne. He and his men began to pack their belongings, and picking up some products to buy in the kingdom, they mingled with the city, exploring the place, and many tried to seduce and bribe them for information, but were quickly denied by the disciplined men of the Arctic. The armors were polished and carefully packed, the books acquired protected against the wear of the journey, and the gifts and souvenirs distributed among the boxes, ready to be transported to the ships still anchored in the port.

The activity was constant as Jon's men prepared to depart. Some said goodbye to Dornish people after making some friendship among them, despite what happened, everything seemed fine among some, and Jon was not bothered by this.

As noon approached, Jon knew it was time to say goodbye to the Martell family. He dressed appropriately for the occasion, putting on his armor that entered Dorne for the first time, after all, he was not just a noble, he had to represent power beyond wealth. Accompanied by Seryna, Ygritte, Arya, and his two ministers, he headed to the hall where the Martell family waited for the final farewells.

Prince Doran, supported in his chair, offered them a welcoming smile, while his children, Arianne and Trystane, expressed a mix of respect, his last son seemed not wanting to have come. Nyra was also present, her expression was a complex mix of emotions, trying to convey as she kept her eyes on Jon last, with the chance of never seeing him again.

"Prince Doran, it was an honor to be in your land," began Jon, his voice firm, carrying a diplomatic and respectful tone. "I appreciate the hospitality and the partnership we have built. I hope the ties we formed here continue to grow, bringing prosperity to both Dorne and the Arctic."

Doran nodded, his expression serious. "Lord of the Arctic, you have brought many changes during your brief stay with us. Dorne and the Arctic are now connected in ways I never thought possible. May the winds guide you and your ships safely back to your home. We look forward to your men coming to start the construction of the port soon."

Arianne and Trystane offered their farewell wishes, each expressing their respect and admiration for Jon. Nyra, in turn, approached with hesitation, her words an almost inaudible whisper. "I hope our paths cross again, Jon," she said, the promise of an uncertain future shining in her eyes, as Doran was conversing with his ministers diplomatically, Jon passed a note to Nyra, and she hid it in her dress.

With the farewells said, Jon mounted Ghost in his armor after the dwarfs dressed him, his entire group was at the forefront with types of curious onlookers, watching the giants, men, and dwarfs of the Arctic lined up as a powerful squadron ready to face any threat, Jon saw the nobles who had stayed since he had arrived, even the man who tried to push his niece towards him with a look of loss.

"Let's go, to the port!" Jon gave the order, and his entourage made their way back to the port, where the ships awaited them, ready to set sail. They took the same path through the port while the city stopped to watch them, and arrived at the ships quickly, which were now loaded with goods, Dornish and Essosi teachers, with various resources from Dorne.

"Settle in before me, I will organize the men before we depart," Jon said, and his family nodded, heading to the largest ship, the flagship.

Meanwhile, he was already preparing the last details. "How are the other ships?" Jon asked those who were collecting sand.

A Warg responsible for the fleet's communication approached. "My king, they have already joined the fleet and are waiting for us, there has been no attack at sea during this time," he informed Jon, and Jon nodded.

"That's great, now onto our last matter, take me to the ravens you caught from the hidden location after following them," Jon requested one of his men.

They had successfully tracked those tongueless children and, as Jon suspected, they knew how to write and were sending letters to their real recipient. He hadn't bothered with this before, but now it would be a good opportunity.

"My king, we will bring the ravens here," he said, and left, returning with a cage with 3 ravens. Jon looked at the ravens and quickly accessed their memories.

His memory came from a large city, with a grand castle. 'King's Landing...' He saw the raven going to one of the windows of the Red Keep, landing with a scroll and a bald man picking up the scroll and reading it before sending the raven back to the south. 'This must be the Master of Whisperers...' Jon considered getting to know the bald man further, remembering having seen him while in the green vision watching Aerys, this man was with him.

Jon began to forget about it, after all, there was nothing he could do now, except... 'Let's pay a little visit.' He thought, thinking he could be a better spy than cowardly cutting children's tongues before teaching them to write to make them spies.

Jon also wanted to know what the people of King's Landing were like, his father always said Robert was like a brother, Jon had told him to send a decree on his ass, but never got to see the man as he is now, perhaps this is a good opportunity.

Jon opened the cage and released the 3 ravens without his men questioning him, watching them fly away with satisfaction. "Let's head to the ships, release those captured children, after all, they didn't see anything compromising. This is the end of our stay in Dorne," he decreed, and his men quickly nodded in agreement.

After boarding and Jon heading to the main ship, he found Tormund in a bad mood. "Finally! You had me stay here the whole time while you were in that huge sand castle!" he complained, and Jon shrugged.

"You're the guy who spent every day drinking and partying," Jon said.

"You're right, but hearing about all the things you did there, the people in the city call you the wizard of the north," he said, laughing.

Jon left him and went back to the captain. "Lead this boat to the fleet," the man nodded upon hearing this.

Thus, the ships began to leave the port in the middle of the day, the wind blowing favorably, filling the sails, taking the sturdy constructions out to sea while the giants pushed the huge masts with their strength.

Jon remained on deck, watching the coast disappear on the horizon. Thinking of the highs and lows of his time there, hoping he would see Nyra again and even contemplating if he would ever return to Dorne one day, with luck for the Dornish that he wouldn't be their enemy at that time.

Jon's thoughts were interrupted as he heard a sound calling his attention from above, being two eagles approaching.

"So you've finally arrived... did you enjoy the desert?" Jon asked his loyal companions, Phaenix and Bleufire.

Both seemed quite dissatisfied with the heat, preferring the north, but remained calmly flying through the desert after Jon had released them to do as they pleased. He already had many snakes to control and be his spies, besides, he took many of those snakes, placing them on his ships to have their species, after all, their venoms could be used to make medicine and even in his alchemy. Jon continued talking with his eagles while the ships cut through the sea to meet with the fleet.

Back in Dorne, from one of the windows of Sunspear, Nyra clutched Jon's letter while feeling her heart break with his departure as soon as she left the castle, but not completely, for the letter was filled with these words, "Wait for me, and I will come for you in 1 or 2 years."

Even in conflict, she still remained with some hope, remembering Jon's words about being used as a political instrument by her uncle. "I... will wait for him..." she admitted in the end with the uncertainty of the future.

Jon's ships finally approached the enormous Arctic fleet, completing 200 ships again with 50 of them being military, no force at sea could combat him there, and even the ships that passed nearby quickly avoided them, cutting their route to not approach the fleet.

Jon began to organize his plans with the other captains, after all, part of the fleet would head north until Serume appeared showing its tentacles. Jon greeted it and instructed that it would go north protecting 50 ships that would return to the Arctic, after all, there was something much more precious on these ships that Jon needed to protect.

Jon returned to his room at this moment while his wives waited for him. "Ygritte," began Jon, his voice soft but firm, "you know this is for the best. The Arctic is the safest place for you and our child now. I promise I will be by your side before our child is born."

Ygritte nodded, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I know, Jon. I trust you, and I know you're doing what's best for us. Just don't take too long," she said, trying to keep her voice steady.

"Yes, Serume and Ghost will be with you to protect you," Jon said, and she laughed softly.

"You're very protective, going to send even Ghost?" She knew about Serume, but the wolf was news to her.

"Yes, after all, I can trust him to protect our child," Jon said as he kissed her forehead. Jon also hugged her. "I will do everything in my power to return as soon as possible. Take care of yourself and our child," he said.

She nodded as she sealed her lips with his, "You are my heart, and a part of me will stay with you, no matter the distance," she said, and they started to leave the room to accompany her as she was transferred to one of the ships that would return to the Arctic.

As Ygritte said goodbye to Seryna, asking her to take care of their husband, and Arya to kick some southerners, Jon went to Ghost. "Take care of her, buddy, you know what to do," Jon said softly, and Ghost, despite moving away from his master, understood the importance of taking care of his child. Ghost was also the protector of his lineage, like all the wolves that had accompanied the Starks in the past.

After that, Jon watched as Ygritte boarded one of the ships destined to return directly to the north. The ships began to move, and Jon glanced at his wife on the deck looking back at him alongside Ghost, who would not leave her side. Jon finally turned his attention to the fleet. "Let's organize the rest of our journey south!" He declared, and the wargs began to work on all the ships, giving orders to the Arctic sailors.

As the Arctic ships moved away, dividing between those returning home and those following Jon, the sun set on the horizon, marking the end of the day. They continued southward, gaining speed with the evening wind as the dark sky was filled with bright points.

His only order to everyone there was, "Raise the sails! Heading south, we'll skirt around Dorne and sail towards the west of the continent. Follow the flagship to our next destination, the Reach, ruled by the Tyrells."


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