Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT

Chapter 90 – Artican Trade in Westeros 17 (Journey to the West 04!).

[Chapter Size: 3400 Words.]


Thrid Person POV

Westeros, 295 AC.


As soon as Jon Arryn reported, the room fell silent, while everyone had a moment to themselves to think, after all they had heard. Some were already aware of this group and some of their actions, even the information that the fleet would divide with its own spies, but certainly, there were more details with the accounts from Varys.

"Threat?! Ned's sons are not a threat!!" Robert exclaimed angrily.

"My king, I think you should see the situation as a whole, a fleet emerging beyond the wall is concerning...!" Pycelle advised.

"The boy was just negotiating with those snakes, I don't see what the problem with that is, besides him not bringing the products and ice here, of course." Robert spoke firmly, believing that Ned's sons were not evil or a threat, despite everything.

"The bastard offended you some years ago when you demanded him to come here!" Cersei said, not wanting a Northern bastard wandering around taking Westerosi trade, which could be bad for her family and her father.

"Yes, he deserves a beating, and I'll give it to him when I see him in front of me, but that doesn't mean I see him as an enemy." Robert spoke, still not wanting to see Ned's blood as a threat.

'I'd like to see that...' Jon thought, looking through the raven calmly while listening to the conversation, after all, that fat man no longer had the ideal weight to hold a hammer as he claimed to carry.

"Even so, my king, many might think otherwise, Catelyn Stark certainly declares Jon Snow as a wild kidnapper, since Jon took her daughter to the north of the wall, many nobles began to see her in a better light while Jon Snow, who was once cheered in the North, is highly criticized after the kidnappings, besides many Northern houses now supporting Catelyn, the Riverlands support her in seeing the bastard as an enemy and a kidnapper, the same can be said of our hand's wife, since her niece was taken." Baelish commented calmly with a small smile.

"That's true, Robert, the nobles of the Vale take this as a very delicate matter after the amount of help requested by my wife's sister sent to whoever she could." Jon Arryn spoke, while Baelish gave a small smile, after all, he was trying to pit all the Vale's nobles against Ned's bastard son.

"But Arya Stark is better than ever, the boy's capture of the girl is a farce." Robert said.

"Yes, but many in Westeros will not think so... We have to do something, otherwise the houses of Westeros will see us as a weak power." Varys commented, giving his opinion.

'This guy hates me... but it must be something to do with my magic...' Jon thought.

"But certainly, it wouldn't be very nice to attack the fleet without a good excuse... after all, they are closing a big deal with Dorne, what kind of image would we convey if we attacked them openly?" Renly commented, trying to appear rational, after all, it's always better to have a friend than an enemy.

"They can control giants! They have wealth and goods! Think of what we can gain from this!" Cersei said.

"Do you want me to start a war with Ned's son just out of greed, woman?" Robert retorted.

"Your majesty... the crown's coffers are empty and debts are rising... getting our hands on these resources that Lord Stark's son has, could relieve us quite well from our situation." Littlefinger commented with a cunning tone.

"..." Robert seemed to think a bit about this.

'So they think they can just take my things?' Jon said internally, with a bit of anger now.

Robert seemed to debate between his loyalty to his friend or having an ideal lifestyle for himself if he could get more money. He looked at Jon. "What do you think about this, Jon?" He asked.

"Certainly, many nobles in Westeros do not look kindly upon Jon Snow after what happened with Arya Stark, however, if the news from Dorne reached them, they would be displeased at not being able to have those products. Even if I wanted to seize the fleet, we cannot attack them unless they commit some crime..." Jon said calmly, after all, if they had done this before the negotiations with Dorne, there surely would be no obstacles to them starting an attack against the fleet, but after the negotiations with Dorne, things get more complicated.

"Why wait for them to commit a crime, we should attack them!" Cersei spoke as her brother looked at her with a furrowed brow, she seemed to be making a significant decision for herself.

"It's not so simple to organize a force to face such a force, even if it's more than half the size of the Greyjoy fleet we faced a few years ago." Stannis commented with a stern tone.

"Didn't you hear, the fleet is dividing at this very moment! We can deal with a quarter of it and he has a wildling wife of the bastard? We can use her as a hostage!" Cersei said.

'What is this bitch suggesting!?' Jon got angry hearing that, making even the raven let out a sound.

"A raven?" Ser Barristan commented, looking at the raven while many others did the same, curious about the animal's cry in the middle of the meeting.

"Jon?!" Seryna looked surprised by Jon, feeling his anger in her embrace.

Jon looked at her and sighed a bit. 'Calm down, Jon... It's not as if they could get past Serume and ships that can launch wildfire with harpoons that only giants can handle...' Jon tried to be rational despite the words of the Queen of Westeros certainly still enraging him. "I got angry about something I heard, but I'm calmer now..." Jon said, kissing Seryna's forehead as he returned to listen to the meeting.

"I will not attack a pregnant wife to make her a hostage, I am not a damn Targaryen to kidnap women!!" Robert growled in the room, referring to Rhaegar taking his Lyanna.

They didn't pay much more attention to the raven, I mean, almost everyone, because Varys glanced at the raven while frowning, Jon seeing this decided to remove the raven from there so as not to look suspicious and placed it in a point early from Varys.

"I agree with Robert, we cannot start an attack on them for free, we must wait for them to commit some crime so we can justify this action." The Hand of the King commented.

"Yes, we won't attack them... Not until it's justifiable." Robert concluded while Petyr Baelish, Cersei Lannister, Pycelle, Varys, and even Jon Arryn seemed dissatisfied. Though the first two already had their minds working to change the situation.

"I'm heading back, my whores are still waiting for me in the room!" Robert announced while the others nodded since now they would be discussing less important matters, Jon still kept his raven there while Robert left the place with Ser Barristan Selmy accompanying him.

"Shall we eat something?" Jon on the boat asked his wife for them to go have their first meal.

"Yes." Seryna agreed, getting up from him, and they began to leave the cabin after dressing, going to have their first meal. Jon continued listening to the meeting about some matters and the business he did with Dorne and how the Martell family would impact with these products.

After the small council meeting, Jon had already guided the birds to follow the people he was most suspicious of trying to cause something with him and his people, so one of the ravens followed Cersei, another Baelish with the last following Varys, who looked quite suspicious looking up at the sky.

'He can't be here, can he?' Varys walked through the Red Keep looking up to see if anything followed him, he saw how that raven looked at them in the meeting and it was enough for Queen Cersei to threaten one of Jon's wives for that bird to seem enraged... Varys had noticed everything here as the master of whispers that he was and everything he heard, made him have this quite worrying thought of a man who could control animals and who should be at the southern tip of the continent, now spying on them in an important meeting and if it were true, his fear that Jon could go to extremes, after all, he found someone who could get more detailed and faster information than him, feeling threatened.

'He can't also attack with those animals, can he?! I'm becoming paranoid...' Varys was sweating as he quickened his pace, looking back and at the windows for any animal.

The raven just stayed in a safe place, watching from afar. It was a shame that Jon couldn't control animals from such a distance; he could maintain control over the one he had sent from Dorne, but he couldn't take over the minds of animals from this distance, which would be much more useful to him as he spied on the Red Keep and its secrets. 'Maybe I'll send a clandestine ship with rats next time...' He thought about this idea.

As Varys continued walking, he finally reached his room and, instead of stopping, he went up to a wall, pressing a crank, and a secret entrance appeared as he looked one last time to make sure there wasn't anything.

'Damn... my bird can't enter there...' Jon thought frustrated as the animal hid behind the window, seeing Varys manage to escape.

'Maybe I'll have more luck with the others.' He thought, watching Baelish head out of the castle without caring to look back or up at the sky for a warg following him, after all, he wasn't a man as paranoid as Varys about magic and didn't believe in this nonsense, even with reports from Varys and some prostitutes affirming it in letters with what they heard in the city.

He followed through the wealthy district of King's Landing, surrounded by city patrol guards with a middle-aged and fat man named Janos Slynt, a corrupt man who easily accepted bribes from Baelish while Jon watched them.

Baelish went into one of his brothels and entered, greeted by all the women in the house as the boss, he entered a room which the raven entered unnoticed, landing on top to see everything the man would do.

Baelish went to the window and closed it, leaving the room dark with only a lamp, he took a parchment and a quill and ink, and began writing a letter to Gulltown.


Dear Lord Gerold Grafton of Gulltown,

I hope this missive finds you in good health and prosperous. The purpose of this letter is to discuss matters of urgent importance and potential mutual benefit to our respective positions in the Kingdom of the Vale and even in the noble politics of Westeros as a whole.

As you well know, the stability of our kingdom and neighboring kingdoms is of utmost importance, not just for peace, but also for the prosperity of trade and the security of our lands. However, we have been observing, with increasing concern, movements at sea that threaten this stability. Reports have reached me of suspicious activities on the Artican route, suggesting the possibility of raids on ships passing by there.

Therefore, I propose that we take measures to ensure that such reports not only are confirmed but also become widely known, especially to the eyes of our King. Such action, I believe, will serve as the necessary catalyst for a direct intervention by the throne, uniting the kingdoms against a common enemy and, consequently, strengthening our position.

To this end, I suggest that your lordship organize a controlled situation in which a small number of our own ships are "attacked" and "raided" on the Artican route. These acts, although regrettable, would be merely a stage to draw the King's attention and ire, leading him to take the measures we desire.

I assure you that this plan will not only create a common enemy but also allow us to maneuver the pieces of our political board in such a way that we benefit from this situation. Our influence will grow exponentially as we position ourselves as the defenders of the kingdom against this new threat, real or not.

I understand that this request is of great magnitude and not without risks. However, I assure you that all details will be meticulously planned to ensure the success of the operation and the safety of all involved. Furthermore, I will personally guarantee adequate compensation for any inconveniences or losses that may occur.

I ask that you consider this proposal with the urgency and seriousness it deserves. I firmly believe that, through our cooperation and ingenuity, we can turn the tide in our favor, solidifying our position and influence for many years to come.

I eagerly await your response, hoping that we can discuss the next steps of this potentially fruitful partnership.

With the highest regards,

Petyr Baelish, Master of Coin.


He looked at the letter with satisfaction, imagining the gears turning in his head, getting the king to take action against the Artican route could create a certain chaos from which he could profit and set his plans into motion. After all, he had only two goals: the Iron Throne and having Catelyn by his side or her daughter, who is the spitting image of her mother.

Jon was unaware of this man's real motivations, because he would laugh at him, but he certainly saw the letter while the raven was perched on a wooden beam above Baelish. 'So this is what he wants to do... it doesn't matter to me, but I will surely eliminate this man if he causes too much trouble. It's a shame I couldn't do it, since I already have how to put a knife in the bird's claws.' Jon thought calmly, already knowing this man would be a problem, but unable to deal with him now.

After Baelish rolled up the scroll and took a raven from a cage hidden in his office, he placed the scroll in its claws and let it fly into the sky as soon as he reopened the window.

Jon saw the man summon someone as soon as the raven flew, the door opened, and a red-haired woman appeared. "Take off your clothes." Baelish commented to the prostitute, who nodded, taking off her clothes and standing naked in front of him.

'Why does this woman remind me of Catelyn...' Jon seemed shocked, since he didn't know the depth of Baelish's ambition for Catelyn Stark, and this shocked him quite a bit. 'I don't want to see this...' Jon thought and commanded the raven to leave the room unnoticed, while Baelish lay down with the prostitute wearing a Catelyn Tully cosplay.

The last raven followed Cersei Lannister. She entered the room while her brother followed her to the door. "You stay here, I'll be alone!" She said and started to enter while he looked disappointed.

Cersei didn't stop in the room, because she entered a secret entrance in it and began to follow the corridors. Jon was quicker this time and as Cersei didn't expect to be followed by an animal, Jon entered with her through the secret entrance and followed her silently as she walked holding a candle lantern to see in the absence of sunlight in that passage. She went to a door, putting on a cloak to cover her head and look like a servant without showing her queen's dress under that cape.

She walked through the corridors as the secret door closed and entered a room, there was a young blond-haired man. "Who?!" The young man was startled by the door opening and saw the queen with wide eyes.

'These people are more cunning than the next...' Jon didn't know who was the most scheming person after seeing the last 3, but he didn't finish watching the queen approach.

"Queen Cersei!" The young man exclaimed.

"Be quiet!" She hissed, and the boy, who looked like a coward in Jon's opinion, kept quiet.

"W-What can I do for you, my queen?" He asked, stuttering as she closed the door behind him.

"Very simple... I want you to send this letter to one of the royal guards, they will know what to do." She spoke, sitting at the desk and handing over a letter.

'What's this, she already had a letter ready...?' Jon wondered in surprise, after all, he had followed her here and knew she hadn't stopped to write any letter.

What he didn't know was that the queen was already aware of the Artican fleet with some spies; she was ready to act as soon as her spies told her of the movements. She just had to add a few more things, and seeing that the fleet would pass in open sea in front of King's Landing, it was time for her to act soon.

"Yes-Yes!" He said a bit frightened, getting ready to leave, but Cersei stopped him.

"Not yet, Lancel." She said with a seductive smile, "You will do this for me, but not for free." She spoke.

Lancel Lannister was Cersei's cousin and the king's squire, alongside another cousin, Tyrek Lannister. He didn't seem to be seeing the queen for the first time as she removed the cloak that made her look like a servant and then her dress, standing naked in front of the boy.

"I want you to fuck this queen, cousin." She spoke with a small smile.

Lancel nodded as he took off his clothes. 'What's this, they sleep together like this? Is the king being cuckolded by the queen's cousin?' Jon was a bit surprised but also increasingly disgusted with these people; betrayal and schemes were something that filled the atmosphere of this fortress.

Jon didn't pay more attention as the two had sex, focusing instead on eating with Seryna and Arya at a table set for him on the boat.

It was only after the act between them that Jon followed Lancel while Cersei dressed and left the room, but before following the boy who had sex with the queen, Jon wanted to take a little revenge for what she had said in the meeting, and his raven flew close to her while dropping poop in the air. The queen couldn't react before the poop landed on her face, leaving her disgusted and dazed looking up for the culprit, but the raven had already gone following the boy.

Jon followed the boy until he delivered the letter to one of the White Cloaks who read the letter and nodded, pocketing it.

Jon wanted to know what that was about, so he left the queen and the squire aside, focusing only on the man. Nothing else happened while Jon did some activities on his ship; the 2 ravens stayed flying over King's Landing, getting familiar with the city. Meanwhile, the last one followed the man until the end of his shift, who, while changing places with another White Cloak, left the Red Keep and went to the harbor with the letter, Jon followed the man until he spoke with the city patrol, it was almost wolf hour at this time.

"Should we summon some pirates to attack these ships with giants?" The man seemed surprised.

"Yes, this is the queen's order!" The White Cloak spoke.

"Ser Meryn Trant, this seems mad, you know that, don't you?" The guard spoke.

"You just follow orders, without question!" Ser Meryn Trant spoke with a stern tone.

"Alright... We'll send 30 pirate ships, that's all we can." The patrolman spoke.

Ser Meryn Trant bid farewell, and the man returned to his patrol, keeping the letter.

'So they think they can attack 50 ships with 30, Serume will take care of them, and I will be in his mind at that moment.' Jon said with a bit of anger as he prepared to sleep with Seryna, who was waiting for her husband to return to bed. Jon was angry, after all, Ygritte was the target of this attack, but he knew he couldn't do anything right now and had absolute confidence in his strength to protect his queen, not to mention his Kraken that could devastate any force at sea.


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