Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch208- Another Attack!

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At this time, Bee called out to A, "Brother, 6 Uchiha attacked the village and are fighting Yugito." A's rage peaked instantly as he glared at Sarutobi. "Konoha is shameless!" he roared. The memory of the Sand Village incident flashed in his mind. Six powerful Uchiha had attacked and kidnapped Gaara. Later, Shukaku had appeared in the Rain Country, causing a massacre that left thousands of civilians dead. Bee and Yugito Nii had barely managed to subdue Shukaku, with Yugito sustaining serious injuries. She was now back in the village, recuperating and protecting it.

A’s fury was palpable, his chakra flaring around him like a storm. "You dare attack my village behind my back?" he growled, his eyes blazing with wrath. "This is the same treachery you pulled with the Sand!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi met A's furious gaze calmly. "Raikage, we did not authorize any such attack. We are here to defend our own borders, not to engage in deceitful tactics."

A's fists clenched, lightning crackling around his body. "Your words mean nothing! This treachery will not go unpunished."

Bee, standing beside his brother, was also tense but more controlled. "Brother, let's deal with these shinobi first. We'll address Konoha's actions after."

A nodded, his expression fierce. "Fine. But know this, old man, Konoha will pay for its treachery." With that, he charged towards back to Cloud.

In the Cloud Village, the battle was fierce. Six figures, each bearing the unmistakable three-tomoe Sharingan, converged on Yugito Nii, the Jinchuriki of the Two-Tails. Their synchronized movements and seamless coordination made them a formidable force, moving with an eerie precision.

Yugito stood her ground, her eyes narrowing as she assessed her opponents. The air around her crackled with energy as the Two-Tails’ chakra began to seep through her skin, manifesting as a fiery blue aura. "Six Uchiha? They must be crazy to think they can take me down," she muttered, her voice laced with determination.

The six Uchiha didn't respond. They moved as one, their Sharingan eyes gleaming with a cold, lifeless intensity. One of them launched forward, a kunai in hand, aiming straight for Yugito's heart. She sidestepped gracefully, her enhanced reflexes allowing her to evade the attack easily. Another Uchiha came from her left, swinging a sword in a wide arc. Yugito ducked and countered with a swift kick, sending her attacker sprawling.

"Two down, four to go," she thought, but the downed Uchiha rose almost immediately, their bodies moving with a disturbing lack of natural fluidity. "These aren't normal," Yugito realized, her mind racing to find a strategy.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!" one of the Uchiha shouted, and a massive ball of flame hurtled toward her. Yugito retaliated with her own jutsu. "Water Style: Water Wall!" she called out, summoning a barrier of water that absorbed the flames, creating a cloud of steam that enveloped the area.

Using the steam as cover, Yugito leapt into the air, her claws elongating as the Two-Tails' power surged within her. She descended upon her attackers with a ferocity that sent two of them crashing to the ground, their bodies twitching as they tried to rise.

"Lightning Style: Thunderclap Arrow!" another Uchiha yelled, sending a bolt of lightning through the steam, aiming to strike her down. Yugito twisted mid-air, narrowly avoiding the attack, and landed with a graceful crouch. She needed to end this quickly. Their coordinated attacks were wearing her down, and she couldn't afford to let them drag this out.

Summoning more of the Two-Tails’ chakra, Yugito unleashed a wave of blue flames that swept across the battlefield, incinerating everything in its path. The six Uchiha moved to evade, their Sharingan predicting her movements with unnerving accuracy. They split into pairs, flanking her from both sides and above.

"These bastards are relentless," she growled, her eyes darting between her opponents. She formed a series of rapid hand seals. "Ninja Art: Beast Wave Palm!" A powerful shockwave erupted from her palm, striking two of the Uchiha and sending them flying. She turned to face the remaining four, her breathing heavy but steady.

"Wind Style: Gale Palm!" Another Uchiha unleashed a gust of wind, aiming to unbalance her. Yugito countered with her own wind technique, neutralizing the attack and creating an opening. She dashed forward, claws slashing through the air, and landed a series of blows that left two more Uchiha incapacitated.

Only two remained now. They stood side by side, their Sharingan eyes locked onto her. "It's time to end this," she declared, her voice a low growl. She gathered all the chakra she could muster, preparing for one final attack.

"Two-Tails' Chakra Mode: Full Release!" Yugito roared, her body engulfed in a blazing aura of blue flames. The ground beneath her cracked and shattered as she charged forward, moving with a speed that the two Uchiha couldn't match. She struck them with all her might, her claws tearing through their defenses and reducing them to lifeless husks.

As Yugito prepared to celebrate her hard-fought victory, a chilling voice interrupted her moment of triumph. "A perfect Jinchuriki is indeed different," the voice said, dripping with sarcasm. Yugito turned sharply, her senses heightened, only to see a figure draped in a cloak. All she could discern were a pair of glowing purple eyes, exuding an eerie, otherworldly presence.

To her horror, the six Uchiha she had just defeated began to rise, their bodies moving with an unnatural, puppet-like fluidity. Their eyes, once gleaming with the Sharingan's crimson hue, now mirrored the purple of the cloaked figure.

"Sorry, A and Bee are rushing back. I need to end this quickly," the cloaked figure stated, his tone indifferent as the six Uchiha launched their renewed assault, this time with greater power and coordination.

Yugito braced herself, her body tensing. "Who are you?" she demanded, her voice a mixture of anger and fear. But the figure didn't respond. Instead, the six Uchiha attacked simultaneously, their movements synchronized to an uncanny degree.

Yugito realized the six Uchiha were being controlled by the cloaked figure. Their movements were too precise, too coordinated, for them to be acting independently. As they advanced, their overwhelming strength and speed became clear.

One of the Uchiha transformed their arm into a cannon, firing a barrage of chakra blasts. Yugito dodged, her agility saving her from the brunt of the attack, but the sheer force sent her skidding backward.

She retaliated with a powerful swipe of her claws, sending waves of blue flames towards her attackers. The Uchiha evaded with mechanical precision, their movements synchronized. Another Uchiha manipulated gravity, pulling her towards them with an irresistible force.

"Almighty Push!" The force hit her hard, slamming her into the ground. She struggled to rise, but the attacks kept coming. Lightning bolts crackled through the air, aimed at draining her chakra. Yugito countered with bursts of flames, but the relentless assault was taking its toll.

"Enough!" she roared, summoning a massive surge of the Two-Tails' chakra. She enveloped herself in a cloak of blue flames and charged forward, her speed and power amplified. She struck down one Uchiha, only to see him rise again almost immediately.

The cloaked figure stepped forward, his presence ominous. "Universal Pull," one of the Uchiha whispered, and Yugito felt an irresistible force dragging her towards the Uchiha. She struggled, trying to resist, but the combined strength of the Rinnegan's pull was too much. She was slammed into the ground in front of the six Uchiha.

Panting, she looked up defiantly. "I won't go down easily," she snarled, her eyes blazing with determination.

The six Uchiha raised their hands in unison, and a powerful sealing technique began to take shape. Yugito felt her chakra being drained, the Two-Tails' power slipping away. "No... I can't... fail..." she muttered, struggling against the seal.

But the Rinnegan's power was absolute. The seal completed, and Yugito collapsed, unconscious, her chakra completely suppressed. The cloaked figure nodded in satisfaction. "Mission accomplished. Let's move."

He and the six Uchiha vanished, leaving behind a battlefield littered with destruction and a single fallen warrior.

When A and Bee arrived, all they could see was devastation. The landscape was a charred and smoky ruin, buildings reduced to rubble, and the scent of burnt earth heavy in the air and bodies of both Cloud shinobi were scattered across the battlefield.. A's eyes widened in fury as he took in the scene. "KONOHA!" he roared, his lightning chakra crackling fiercely around him. The ground beneath his feet trembled from the sheer force of his rage.

Bee, more composed but equally concerned, scanned the area. "Calm down, bro. We need to find Yugito," he said, his voice steady despite the chaos around them.

A turned to him, his eyes blazing. "How can I calm down? Look at this destruction! They've taken her, I can feel it."

Bee placed a hand on A's shoulder. "We need to stay focused. Let's search for clues and see if we can track them."

The brothers moved through the wreckage, their sharp eyes searching for any sign of Yugito or the attackers. They found traces of battle everywhere – scorch marks from powerful jutsu, craters from explosive tags, and scattered weapons. It was clear that a fierce fight had taken place.

As they approached the center of the village, they found a group of injured Cloud shinobi. A kneeled beside one of them, a young Chunin who was barely conscious. "What happened here?" A demanded, his voice a low growl.

The Chunin coughed, wincing in pain. "Six...Uchiha...they attacked...Yugito-sama...they took her..."

A's fists clenched, and he stood up, his body trembling with barely contained rage. "Damn those Uchihas! They will pay for this," he snarled, his eyes blazing with determination.


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