Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch215- Something is Wrong!

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Outside the rock wall, hidden in the shadows, Hirato and Black Zetsu looked conflicted.

“That is Hashirama Senju. What is he doing here?” Hirato asked, his voice tinged with surprise and concern. Even Zetsu looked wary. “Should we leave corpses and leave?”

Hirato shook his head, annoyed. “They have black receivers. It’s a small piece, but if they notice, they can track it back to me, or learn my methods.” Clicking his tongue in frustration, he turned to Zetsu, who grimly said, “Hashirama Senju is not to be underestimated.”

Hirato's eyes flickered at black shadow of Zetsu. He knew the legends—Madara was defeated by Hashirama. Zetsu, being "Madara's will", carried that fear deeply. Hirato's mind raced. He couldn't afford to underestimate the situation.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, the six Uchiha coordinated their attacks with an unnatural precision. Each movement was fluid, their actions synchronized as if they shared a single mind. The Iwa shinobi, despite their numbers, struggled against the relentless assault. The Jinchuriki of the Four-Tails and Five-Tails fought fiercely, their chakra beasts roaring and clashing with the Uchiha's combined might.

Mei's Lava Release surged forward, creating a molten wave aimed at the Uchiha. Oonoki followed up with his Dust Release, a deadly beam that disintegrated everything in its path. Hanzo, moving with deadly efficiency, engaged in close combat, his chain scythe flashing through the air.

The Uchiha countered with Fire and Lightning techniques, creating a storm of elemental energy that clashed violently with the Jinchuriki's and Kage's attacks. The battlefield became a chaotic dance of fire, lightning, and molten rock.

Hirato looked conflicted. "Hashirama doesn't seem to be willing to reveal his identity. If he doesn't use Wood Release, I might pull my forces back," he murmured to Zetsu.

Zetsu nodded. "Don't reveal your Mangekyo Sharingan. He will recognize it as Madara's and relentlessly chase after you."

Hirato understood the caution. "The Rinnegan is equally dangerous to reveal." He was annoyed by the constraints. "Let's use the Animal Path. I have a plan," Zetsu whispered his strategy.

Hirato smiled. "That will work."

On the battlefield, the six Uchiha were giving the allied forces a hard time. The constant movement, coordination, and precision of their attacks left the Jinchuriki and Iwa shinobi struggling to keep up. Suddenly, one of the Uchiha stepped forward, his hands moving in a familiar set of seals. "Summoning Jutsu!"

A massive plume of smoke erupted, revealing the giant, fearsome form summoned creatures, A giant drill-beaked bird, a massive multi-headed dog, a colossal snake-tailed chameleon, a towering panda, a gigantic ox, a huge rhino, a vast crustacean, and an enormous centipede appeared, their sheer size and power shifting the battle's dynamics. The battlefield was now a chaotic mess of attacks and evasion, with the Jinchuriki and their allies trying to counter the new threat.

The battlefield erupted into chaos. The Jinchuriki of the Four-Tails and Five-Tails unleashed their full power, transforming into their tailed beast forms to counter the monstrous summons. Lava and steam burst forth from the Four-Tails, its massive form clashing with the multi-headed dog. The Five-Tails, covered in dense, white fur, charged at the giant rhino, its brute strength shaking the ground with each step.

Mei's eyes narrowed as she saw the giant summons. "This just got a lot more complicated," she muttered. She formed rapid hand seals and unleashed her Lava Release: Melting Apparition Technique, sending streams of molten lava towards the giant panda. The molten stream hissed as it struck the panda, but the beast withstood the attack, its hide barely singed.

Oonoki floated above the battlefield, assessing the situation. "We need to take down those summons first," he declared. "They're too dangerous to leave unchecked." He formed a hand seal and used his Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique, disintegrating the giant crustacean in a blinding flash of light.

Hanzo engaged the giant centipede, his chain scythe slicing through its armored segments with deadly precision. Each strike was calculated, aiming for the creature's weak points. "These beasts are resilient," he grunted, narrowly dodging a swipe from the centipede's tail.

The cloaked figure, watching from the sidelines, finally stepped in. His movements were swift and decisive. "I'll handle the chameleon," he announced, forming a series of hand seals. "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" A massive dragon made of water surged forth, clashing with the snake-tailed chameleon. The two forces collided, water and scales thrashing violently.

A, crackling with lightning and anger, charged forward. "Where is Yugito? What have you done to her?" he roared, his voice echoing across the battlefield. Bee followed right after, his movements swift and deliberate, adding to the chaos.

The six Uchiha shared a glance, their eyes narrowing as they synchronized their movements. They weren't ordinary shinobi, and their coordination was unsettling. Bee's massive form moved with surprising agility, his swords flashing in the sunlight as he targeted the nearest Uchiha. "Eight-Tails Lariat!" he shouted, his attack aiming to crush the enemy with sheer brute force.

The Uchiha dodged effortlessly, their Sharingan predicting his movements. Another Uchiha launched a counterattack, wind roaring in his hand. "Wind Screen!" he yelled, aiming for Bee's attack. Bee barely managed to evade, the wind grazing his side.

"These guys are tougher than they look," Bee muttered, his eyes scanning for the next move.

Meanwhile, Renji, Kurotsuchi, and Akatsuchi engaged the other Uchiha, their combined efforts creating a flurry of attacks and counterattacks. Renji, the Takikage, moved with a mix of speed and precision, his earth-based jutsu clashing with the Uchiha's fire techniques. Kurotsuchi and Akatsuchi supported him, their unique abilities adding pressure on the Uchiha.

"Earth Style: Mountain Jutsu!" Renji called out, raising massive chunks of earth to hurl at the Uchiha. The ground shook as the rocks flew, forcing the Uchiha to scatter.

Kurotsuchi followed up with her Lava Style, spewing molten rock that splashed towards the enemies. "Lava Style: Quicklime Congealing Technique!" The molten rock solidified rapidly, creating barriers and obstacles for the Uchiha.

A and Bee noticed this coordination, their expressions grim. "They're seeing through each other's eyes," A growled, his lightning chakra flaring. "We need to disrupt their formation."

Bee nodded, his swords spinning in a deadly dance. "Got it, bro. Let's break their sync."

As the battle raged on, the six Uchiha were gradually forced into a more defensive position. The combined efforts of so many strong Shinobi began to take a toll. The Uchiha's movements, though precise, were becoming more predictable under the relentless assault.

A charged forward again, his body a blur of lightning. "Liger Bomb!" he roared, slamming into the ground with immense force. The shockwave sent the Uchiha flying, breaking their formation momentarily.

Bee took advantage of the disruption, his swords flashing in a rapid succession of strikes. "Octopus Hold!" he shouted, ensnaring two of the Uchiha in a crushing grip. "Now, Bro!" he called out.

A didn't hesitate. He surged forward, his fist crackling with energy. "Lightning Straight!" The punch landed squarely, sending the two Uchiha crashing into the ground.

Meanwhile, Renji, Kurotsuchi, and Akatsuchi focused on the remaining three Uchiha. "We need to keep the pressure on," Renji said, his eyes narrowed in concentration. "Earth Style: Bedrock Coffin!" Massive slabs of rock rose from the ground, encasing the Uchiha and restricting their movements.

Kurotsuchi followed up with her Lava Style, creating a molten barrier that trapped the Uchiha within the rock prison. "They won't be getting out of that easily," she muttered, her eyes gleaming with determination.

Akatsuchi added his own earth-based techniques, reinforcing the barriers and adding weight to the containment. "We've got them now," he said, his voice firm.

Hashirama, who had been observing the battle with a discerning eye, suddenly spoke with urgency. "Open it. Something is wrong!" Before anyone could act, his chakra flared, an overwhelming presence that suffocated the weaker shinobi. The earth split open, revealing the hidden scene beneath.


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