Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]


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In another region, a group of shinobi from Konoha, Cloud, Stone, Mist, and a contingent of samurai gathered, navigating the dark corridors of an underground prison. The oppressive atmosphere was thick with the stench of mold and dampness, and the dim torches lining the walls cast eerie shadows. The air was tense, every step echoing ominously as they advanced deeper into the labyrinthine passages. Itachi was at the lead, as it was Konoha who found the intel. Beside them, the Cloud shinobi moved with palpable tension. Darui, their leader, glanced warily at the Konoha group.

"This is all because Konoha let things get out of hand," he muttered under his breath.

The comment didn’t go unnoticed by Kurotsuchi, the Stone ninja, who nodded in agreement. "This whole mess could have been avoided if you had kept a tighter leash on your people."

Itachi remained stoic, his expression unreadable as he led the way. "We are here to rectify the situation," he said calmly, not rising to the bait. "Let's focus on the task at hand."

A Mist ninja snorted. "Rectify? More like clean up the mess you made."

The narrow corridors twisted and turned, each corner revealing more of the same damp, oppressive environment. The sound of dripping water echoed through the passageways, adding to the eerie atmosphere. Itachi's Sharingan scanned every shadow, every potential threat, ensuring they were not caught off guard.

As they moved deeper, a sense of unease settled over the group. The oppressive atmosphere seemed to weigh heavier with each step. The walls were lined with iron-barred cells, most empty but some holding figures that stirred and watched the group with hollow, lifeless eyes.

Darui's eyes narrowed as he observed the surroundings. "This place gives me the creeps," he muttered.

Kurotsuchi nodded in agreement. "Typical Konoha intel. Lead us into a place like this without proper backup."

A Konoha shinobi, unable to hold back, snapped, "You think we like this any more than you do? We're all in this together, so stop acting like you're above it."

Darui's eyes flashed with irritation. "Watch your tone. We're here because your village couldn't handle its own problems."

Before the argument could escalate, Itachi intervened, his voice calm but firm. "Enough. We can't afford to let our differences divide us. Focus on the mission."

The group pressed on, tension simmering just below the surface. The narrow corridors twisted and turned, each step echoing ominously in the damp, oppressive environment. The walls were lined with iron-barred cells, their occupants watching silently with hollow, lifeless eyes.

As they reached a larger chamber, the five Daimyo were huddled in a corner, shivering from cold and fear. At first, they recoiled, but recognition of the headbands brought a spark of hope to their eyes.

"Are you here to save me?" the Fire Daimyo asked, his voice trembling.

"Finally, you're here," the Lightning Daimyo said, his tone desperate.

"You've gotta get me outta here," the Water Daimyo declared, his eyes wide with panic.

"Please, get me out of here," the Wind Daimyo added, scanning the group for any familiar faces.

"They've got us held hostage," the Earth Daimyo said, his voice barely a whisper.

Itachi stepped forward, his Sharingan eyes scanning the room for any threats. "We're here to get you out," he assured them, his voice calm and steady. He motioned for the others to stay alert. "We need to move quickly. This place is crawling with traps."

Darui moved to assist the Lightning Daimyo. "Stay close to us," he instructed. "We'll get you out safely."

A week later, the Daimyo had returned to their posts, and the villages were making strides towards recovery. The wounds of war were still fresh, but efforts to rebuild were in full swing, including the restoration of the Sand Village with the remaining members. The captured Tailed Beasts, still sealed within Hirato, could not be extracted, leading to demands from the villages for their return. Hashirama stood firm, stating, "I gave them to you, and now I have taken them back. They will be returned in due time." Despite their dissatisfaction, the other villages had no choice but to accept this temporary peace.

Horyu, along with several key figures, gathered in a secluded valley away from Konoha. This was the chosen site for the ritual. Hashirama, Tobirama, and Mito were present to oversee the proceedings. Shisui, Kurenai, and Horyu himself were to participate as replacements for Madara. Naruto, Himawari, Kakashi, Obito, Rin, Nagato, Yahiko, Konan, and Uzumaki Kenji, the next head of the Uzumaki clan and grandfather to Naruto and Himawari, stood with Mito’s group. Tsunade, Itachi, Jiraiya, and Sasuke were also present as witnesses. 

The atmosphere was heavy with anticipation and unspoken emotions. Horyu observed the scene, his expression unreadable. This ritual, years in the making, was their best hope for sealing the specters and securing peace. The participants formed a circle around the ritual site, their faces reflecting a mixture of determination and apprehension.

Hashirama stepped forward, his presence commanding. "Today, we stand on the brink of a new era. The specters have manipulated us for too long. This ritual will sever their influence and bring true peace to our world."

Tobirama added, "The path ahead will not be easy. Sacrifices must be made, but the future of our world depends on our success today."

Mito's gaze swept over the assembled shinobi. "Remember, we are here to protect our future. Stay focused and trust in each other."

As the ritual began, the air crackled with energy. Shisui, Kurenai, and Horyu positioned themselves at the points of the intricate seal pattern etched into the ground. Horyu's Sharingan flared to life as he stood next to Kurenai. Shisui's presence, though strained from recent battles, was steady. He felt regret for his actions. He controlled half of Konoha's upper council and caused the deaths of the Fourth Hokage and his wife, Kushina. At the time, he convinced himself that he was doing the right thing to protect his brethren, the Uchiha, but he realized the error of his ways. He could have done a better job. He even offered himself to be sacrificed, but Mito kindly smiled and said he wasn't enough and he should redeem himself by living.

Naruto and Himawari watched Mito with tear-filled eyes. The knowledge of her impending sacrifice weighed heavily on them. "Grandma Mito," Naruto began, his voice breaking, "there has to be another way."

Mito shook her head gently. "This is the path we must take, Naruto. Our world depends on it. You must be strong."

Horyu felt the weight of the situation pressing down on him. This was no time for hesitation. "Let's begin," he said, his voice carrying the gravity of the moment.

Sasuke stood to the side, his face a mask of jealousy and resentment. Despite his talents, he had always felt overshadowed by Horyu. Jiraiya, who had taken Sasuke under his wing during Shisui's control, now had second thoughts about his decision. Seeing his disciple still wallowing in jealousy despite all his teachings, made Jiraiya sigh. 'I shouldn't have chosen him. He is not fit.'

As the ritual progressed, Horyu's chakra surged, intertwining with Shisui's and Kurenai's. The seal on the ground began to glow, pulsating with raw energy. Horyu could feel the immense power coursing through him, amplifying his senses and heightening his awareness. He glanced at Kurenai, who nodded, her expression resolute.

Mito began folding hand seals and chanting, her voice steady and commanding. The words of the incantation resonated through the valley, creating a rhythmic pulse that synchronized with the glowing seal. The air grew thick with chakra, the very atmosphere vibrating with energy.

A soft gasp escaped from Kurenai's lips as Horyu turned to support her. She struggled to stay on her feet. Frowning, Horyu quickly scanned the surroundings. Mito, too, was frowning as she looked at her hand, then to Tobirama. "NO!" she yelled, her voice filled with urgency and fear.

Horyu turned, locking eyes with Tobirama, whose gaze was filled with hatred directed at him and Shisui. Realization hit Horyu like a bolt of lightning. Something was wrong with the ritual. His eyes flared with the Sharingan as he quickly analyzed the seal and every part of the ritual. Time seemed to stretch as he broke down each component, searching for the problem. And then he found it.

"Fucker," he cursed under his breath. Horyu, Kurenai, and Shisui were the intended sacrifices, not Mito. The pieces of the puzzle fell into place—Madara's mistrust of Tobirama, the reason he abandoned the plan, and many other details. He tried to break free, to pull Kurenai away, but it was all in vain. Life force was seeping out of their pores, weakening them.

"I will make you regret this, TOBIRAMA!" Horyu yelled, a scroll appearing in his hand. It was the ["Illusionary Realm Pass": This item creates a temporal bubble where time in the real world is frozen. Horyu can spend up to 7 days training inside this illusionary realm, with only a second passing in reality. This allows for intensive training and skill development without losing any real-world time.] One of the first rewards Horyu earned from the System but had never used.


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