Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch255- Prey

Hello you all! My new fanfiction, "Marvel: Familia System," is now out. You can find it on my profile or search by name. Please add it to your reading lists and give it a chance. I really enjoyed writing it and hope you'll like it as well. Thanks!

The specter glanced down at the seal now glowing on its chest, a sense of dread creeping into its core. "What... what did you do?" it asked, its voice faltering.

Horyu's smile didn't waver. "Since you enjoy playing with your prey, I thought I'd give you a taste of your own medicine. That seal is a taunting fuinjutsu I crafted during my free time. It enrages the target, clouding their judgment and driving them to attack whatever is in front of them."

The specter's eyes widened in terror as it felt something stir within it—an unfamiliar, uncontrollable anger. The Tranquilizer Demon, known for its calculated and methodical cruelty, was suddenly gripped by a raw, seething rage. It was a feeling entirely foreign to the creature, which thrived on calm, controlled malice.

"Now, you'll start to feel the urge to attack me," Horyu continued, his voice cold and mocking. "And the more you resist, the stronger that urge will become. But there's a problem, isn't there? Your abilities are powerful, but the conditions are strict. If you attack me, you'll freeze in place, unable to move. And that seal will keep making you angrier, pushing you to attack again. You'll freeze even more, until you lose your mind entirely. Then, you'll burst apart from the sheer force of the conflicting energies."

The specter's terror was palpable as it realized the trap it had fallen into. The urge to strike at Horyu was growing, an uncontrollable force bubbling up inside it, but it knew that acting on that urge would be its undoing.

"No… this can't be," the creature muttered, its voice trembling. It could feel its control slipping, the seal's influence overwhelming its ability to think clearly. The specter's eyes darted around, looking for a way out, but there was none.

Horyu's smile faded, replaced by a cold, merciless expression. "I have no intention of harming you," he repeated, his voice low and menacing. "On the contrary, I've given you power. Now, use it to try and hurt me. Let's see who wins this little game of yours."

The specter's body began to tremble, its mind tearing itself apart under the conflicting urges. It tried to resist, but the seal's power was relentless, driving it closer and closer to the edge. The Tranquilizer Demon's once calm and calculated demeanor was replaced by wild, desperate eyes.

As the rain continued to fall around them, the specter let out a strangled scream, its will finally breaking. It lunged at Horyu, its claws outstretched, but just as it moved, its body froze mid-attack, the curse of his ability taking hold. The creature's form began to convulse, the conflicting energies tearing it apart from within.

The creature looked at Horyu with sheer terror in its eyes. "I... beg... you... free... me," it pleaded, its voice choked with the fear that was quickly transforming into agony.

Horyu's expression remained cold and unyielding as he watched the specter's desperation unfold. The seal he had placed on the creature was working as intended, amplifying the conflicting emotions within it. The specter's once calm and calculated demeanor had crumbled, leaving behind a creature driven to the brink of madness by its own rage.

The specter's body convulsed as the internal battle raged on, its limbs twitching uncontrollably. A strangled scream escaped its throat, a sound that echoed through the rain-soaked landscape. It tried to move, to lash out at Horyu, but the seal had done its work—any attempt to attack only further immobilized it, trapping it in a cycle of torment.

"You wanted to play with your prey," Horyu said, his voice as emotionless as the gaze that bore into the specter. "Now, you get to experience what it feels like."

The specter let out another scream, this one filled with a mixture of pain and horror. The seal's power was relentless, driving the creature to the edge of sanity. Its glowing eyes bulged, the green light within them flickering as the creature's energy began to wane. The once formidable Lord-Rank Specter was now a pathetic shadow of its former self, reduced to a writhing, helpless mass.

"Please... I... can't... bear... it," the specter gasped, its voice breaking as it begged for mercy. The pain was overwhelming, searing through its very essence. Each moment was an eternity of suffering, the rage inside it fueling the seal's destructive power.

Horyu stepped closer, his expression unreadable as he watched the specter's final moments. The creature's body began to break down, its form flickering and distorting as the energy within it was consumed by the seal. It let out one last, ear-piercing scream as its form shattered, dissolving into a cloud of dark mist that was quickly swept away by the wind.

Horyu stood there, unmoved by the specter's demise. The rain continued to fall around him, washing away the last remnants of the creature that had once been a terrifying force. He turned away from the spot where the specter had perished, his focus shifting back to Hinata and Hanabi.

The two sisters were watching him with a mixture of awe and fear, still struggling to comprehend the power Horyu had just displayed.

The hold of the creature's power vanished, and at the same time, Horyu released his Sage Modes, returning his appearance to normal. The ghostly pallor faded from his skin, and the dark marks around his eyes disappeared, leaving him as the familiar Horyu the girls knew. His eyes softened, the intense glow fading, replaced by the usual calm crimson of his Sharingan.

Hinata and Hanabi, no longer under the specter's oppressive influence, immediately rushed to him. They lunged forward, tears streaming down their faces, and clung to him as though their lives depended on it. The adrenaline and fear that had been holding them together finally broke, leaving only the raw emotion of the ordeal they had just survived.

Hinata buried her face in Horyu's chest, her body shaking with silent sobs. "Horyu," she whispered, her voice trembling, "I thought… I thought we were going to die."

Hanabi, usually so composed, was no different. She clung to his side, her hands gripping his shirt tightly as she tried to steady her breath. "It was so terrifying," she admitted, her voice small and filled with the fear she had been suppressing. "I couldn't move… I couldn't do anything."

Horyu didn't say anything at first. He simply held them, his arms wrapping around both sisters, offering the only comfort he could. His presence, solid and warm, was the anchor they needed after the nightmare they had just endured. The rain continued to fall around them, but in that moment, it was just the three of them, together and safe.

After a long moment, Horyu finally spoke, his voice quiet but firm. "You're safe now. It's over." His words were simple, but they carried the weight of a promise, one that both Hinata and Hanabi knew he would keep.

The girls nodded against him, their tears gradually subsiding. They pulled back slightly, just enough to look up at him, their eyes still red and swollen but filled with relief. Horyu met their gazes, his expression softening. "I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner," he said, his tone genuine. "But I'm here now, and I won't let anything happen to you."

Hinata managed a small, shaky smile, wiping at her eyes with the back of her hand. "Thank you, Horyu," she said softly. "You came back to me, just as you promised you would."

Hanabi, still clinging to his side, nodded in agreement. "We're so glad you're here."

Horyu gave them a faint smile in return, his usual stoicism cracking just enough to show the care he held for them. "We still have to find the others," he reminded them, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "Can you both keep going?"

Hinata and Hanabi nodded, their determination returning as they straightened up, wiping away the last of their tears. "We can," Hinata said, her voice stronger now. "We'll stay together."


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