Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch259- All Together!

Tsunade’s hands trembled at her sides, frustration and anger boiling over. She wanted to lash out, to scream at him, but deep down, she knew it would change nothing. "What the fuck do you want, then?" she snapped, her voice filled with bitter resentment.

Horyu shrugged, his expression indifferent. "I came to save you, but I doubt you want my help," he replied, his tone cold. "Don’t get me wrong—I only feel indebted to Mito-sama. If you want, you can tag along."

Tsunade's eyes blazed with fury. "Get the fuck out. I want nothing from you!"

Before she could continue, Shizune stepped forward, her voice calm but firm. "No, we do want your help," she said, her gaze locking onto Horyu’s. "You clearly have the ability to hunt Specters, so let's travel together and join forces."

Tsunade shot Shizune a glare, her fists clenching, but when she looked at Kenji, she saw the same determination in his eyes. They didn’t have to like Horyu, but they needed him. That was enough.

“Fine,” Tsunade grumbled, her voice thick with reluctance. She didn’t like it, but she couldn’t deny the truth. If Horyu could help them survive this nightmare, she would deal with it. Horyu didn’t let it bother him. He respected Tsunade for what she had done for him in the past—training Hinata and Ino, helping him when he needed it. But now, if she saw him as nothing more than a monster, so be it. He wouldn’t waste time trying to change her mind.

Next on their list was Himawari, the closest to their location. As an Uzumaki with the Yin part of Kurama sealed within her, Himawari had an advantage. She possessed one of the strongest Mind’s Eye of the Kagura, a sensory ability that could detect chakra over vast distances and discern the emotional state of others. That would be invaluable with specters. She was also Kenji’s granddaughter and Naruto’s sister, which added more weight to finding her quickly. Having her with them would make things easier.

Finding Himawari wasn't difficult. She had already locked onto their position and was making her way toward them. To Horyu's surprise, she wasn't alone. Walking beside her were Kakashi and Rin, both looking weary but determined. Obito, however, was nowhere to be seen.

As they drew closer, Kakashi's gaze landed on Horyu. It was a cold, hard look, filled with a silent but intense dislike. Unlike Tsunade, though, Kakashi didn't lash out; his hatred was quietly contained.

Hinata rushed forward, embracing Himawari tightly. “Where is Obito-san?” she asked after they separated, concern lacing her voice.

Kakashi’s jaw tightened, and he exchanged a grim look with Rin before answering. “A strong Specter found us,” he said, his voice heavy with frustration. “Even Himawari couldn’t detect it.”

Horyu mused, "Seems like a Lord Rank Ghost King," his tone laced with dread. The Ghost King was a creature so powerful, it could bypass even the most advanced detection techniques. For Horyu to feel apprehension was rare, but this specter was one of the few that warranted it. "My condolences," he said, addressing Kakashi and Rin with a somber expression.

Rin, however, took a defiant step forward, her eyes blazing with determination. "Obito is not dead," she stated firmly, her voice carrying a conviction that made Horyu pause.

Horyu shook his head slightly. He doubted that even someone as strong as Obito could survive against a Ghost King. But then a thought struck him—if Obito had unlocked the Mangekyo Sharingan, there was a chance he could have escaped. "When did you last see him?" Horyu asked, his curiosity piqued.

Kakashi and Rin exchanged a glance before Kakashi answered, "It’s been a week."

Horyu frowned. A week was a long time to go without any sign of life, especially against an enemy as formidable as the Ghost King. "And how are you so sure he's not dead?" he asked, his skepticism evident.

Rin blushed slightly, then lifted her wrist to show a faint, intricate marking. It was a pact seal, one that Horyu recognized immediately. The seal was formed during a couple’s first intimate encounter, using the blood from a woman's hymen to create a bond between two people. If one of them was in danger, the other would feel a tingling pain. If one died, the pact would break.

"It’s a practical seal," Horyu muttered under his breath, now understanding Rin’s confidence. As long as the seal remained intact, Obito was still alive.

"He's out there," Rin insisted, her voice steady despite the tension in the air. "I can feel it."

Horyu nodded, acknowledging her belief without further argument. He still had his doubts, but the pact seal couldn’t be ignored. "Then he’ll find you," he said simply, turning to lead the group onward.

The pact seal had another utility; it could lead people to each other. Horyu knew that much. However, as he observed Rin, it was clear that even with the seal, she had no idea where Obito was. Himawari, with her exceptional sensory abilities, couldn't detect him either. Horyu considered a few possibilities, but ultimately, he didn't care.

Focusing on others, Horyu made his way through the Stone Country. The terrain here was rough, with jagged rocks and uneven ground that made progress slow. It wasn’t long before he found Shino, slumped against a boulder, breathing heavily. Shino’s kikaichū were gone, but the young shinobi still managed to give Horyu a nod of acknowledgment as he approached. Horyu didn’t waste time with pleasantries. He knelt beside Shino, placing a hand on his shoulder and transferring a surge of healing chakra. The color slowly returned to Shino’s pale face, and his breathing steadied.

“Can you walk?” Horyu asked, his tone brisk.

Shino nodded, pushing himself to his feet with Horyu’s help. “Barely, but I’ll manage,” he replied, his voice weak but determined.

Horyu gave a short nod and helped Shino steady himself. “We need to find the others.”

They moved quickly, leaving the rocky terrain of the Stone Country behind as they headed towards the Lightning Country. The change in scenery was immediate—tall mountains and dense forests replaced the barren rocks, the air charged with static from the frequent lightning storms.

Soon, Horyu found Ino. She was with Choji, Shikamaru, Uzumaki Nagato, Konan, and Yahiko. As Horyu approached, Ino’s eyes locked onto him. Without a word, she broke away from the group and ran toward him. The moment she reached him, she jumped into his embrace, her arms wrapping tightly around his neck. Horyu caught her effortlessly, holding her close as she buried her face in his chest.

“You’re here,” Ino whispered, her voice trembling slightly. There was relief in her tone, but also the weight of everything they had been through. She tightened her grip on him, as if afraid to let go.

After a few moments, Ino pulled back slightly, looking up at him with a tired smile. “I knew you’d find us,” she said, her voice a bit stronger now.

Horyu nodded. “Are you alright?” he asked, as he checked to see if she was injured. Ino nodded, though her eyes betrayed the exhaustion she felt. “We’ve been holding up,” she said, glancing back at the others.

Nagato and the others were visibly relieved when Horyu arrived with his group. The tension in the air eased, and a sense of security washed over them. However, Yahiko's expression was conflicted. He knew about the betrayal Horyu had faced, and he understood that Horyu had been forced into a corner. But the knowledge that thousands of innocent lives had been lost because of Horyu’s actions weighed heavily on him.

As someone who had always fought for the protection of the innocent, Yahiko found it difficult to reconcile Horyu's choices with his own beliefs. He glanced over at Konan, who had always been his reason for fighting. The thought of watching her die, of being helpless to save her, twisted something deep inside him. No matter how much he wanted to condemn Horyu’s actions, Yahiko knew that if he were in Horyu's place, he might have done the same.

“Sometimes,” Yahiko thought to himself, “dying for your loved ones is the easy way. Killing thousands is the harder sacrifice.”

He sighed, his internal conflict unresolved but his understanding of Horyu’s choices a bit clearer. When Horyu looked his way, Yahiko nodded which Horyu returned. With Ino now in the group, Horyu had everyone he cared for by his side.

Then he spoke, his voice calm but carrying the weight of his decision. "I will take you all somewhere safe," he declared, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Then I will return to hunt the specters."

The others were surprised by his words. Some of them, those closest to him, stepped forward to express their desire to assist.

Kurenai, always at his side, looked at him with unwavering determination. "I’m coming with you," she said simply. There was no hesitation in her voice. She had fought alongside him through the darkest moments, and she wasn’t about to let him face this alone.

Ino nodded firmly. "You’re not going back without me. We fight together."

Hinata looked at him with the same resolve. "We’ve made it this far together. I won’t be left behind."

Hanabi stepped forward as well. Her eyes, filled with admiration and a touch of infatuation, met Horyu’s. "I’m not staying behind either."

Karin, who nearly worshipped Horyu for all he had done and the power he wielded, added her voice to the chorus. "You’ll need my abilities," she stated with confidence, leaving no room for doubt that she would be by his side.

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