Gan Yu is my secretary for the production of Yuanshen at the beginning

Chapter 176

Late at night, the wind howled.

Guangyang Pass is built between two mountains, and the terrain is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Before, there were also non-long-eyed humans who tried to retake Guangyang Pass.

But with the sweep of the coalition forces, those organizations have collapsed, and there are no forces around that can threaten Guangyang Pass.

Those remaining humans are too late to hide in the plundering team, and where dare they take the head!

A few werewolf guards were drunk and leaning under the city, they were drunk, and there were many bottles and scraps scattered around, apparently these guys had just been drunk.

The guards were lax, and no patrols came to check, which is why they dared to drink while on duty.

"Open the door! Damn guys, hurry up and open the door!

Suddenly, there was a sharp shout from below the city.

After a few shouts, the guards slowly came to their senses, and they stood up cursingly, and when they looked down at the city, they saw an army of orcs of thousands of people under the city.

"Damn, what are you, don't you know the order, no one can enter or leave after the curfew! Where did it come from, get back out! "

The werewolf guard was already very unhappy because he was woken up, and it was even more unpolite to see that the other party was an orc.

Among foreign races, it is temporary cooperation, there are constant secret fights between each other, and it is common to fight big, as long as it does not evolve into war, those big people will not care.

Now it's just to make some small trouble for the other party, and this werewolf guard doesn't care at all.

The orc army separated, and an orc riding a tall wolf stepped forward.

By the light of the fire at the head of the city, the werewolf guards saw the appearance of this orc general.

Long fangs bulge from the lower jaw, a pair of eyes are full of hideousness, and a scar extends from the forehead to the lower jaw.

The werewolf guards recognized this as the Orc Grand Lord Heclis, who had only led the team out hunting two days ago.

"I am Heclis Blackheart, I just returned from hunting, there is an important military situation, if you delay, I will unscrew your head with my own hands!"

If other small lords, this werewolf guard is naturally not afraid, but if such a big lord offends the other party, he may lose his life!

"Lord Hercules, when you went out, didn't you bring an army of 50,000, how..."

"Hmph, I encountered the genius lord of the human genius Li Hongying in the wild, I went head-to-head with her, although there were some losses, I also captured her alive and was preparing to sacrifice her to Lord Waters!" So hurry up and open the gates for me! Hercules growled.

The werewolf guards saw clearly that in the orc army, thousands of prisoners were indeed escorted.

The humans were tied to one ox cart after another, one by one, very embarrassed, as if they had been tortured.

The most striking is a human woman in front.

Although she is bound by chains layer by layer, it is still difficult to hide her delicate figure, and even because of her curling motion, it highlights her perfect slender legs, combined with her delicate face with heroism, which only makes people feel hot.

Sure enough, it is Li Hongying, who is known as a genius general of mankind!

That's a great deal!

The werewolf guard did not dare to slacken, quickly pushed his companions awake, and raised the heavy city gate with a winch.

He opened not the central gate, but the small door next to it.

If you open the gate directly, I am afraid that it will alarm the city, which is not in line with the rules.

The werewolf guard hurried down to greet him, although this credit had nothing to do with him, but this orc lord had made such a great merit, and it was a great benefit to throw some to him casually.

What's more, he also wanted to see with his own eyes how beautiful the woman who was known as a genius general of mankind really was!

Several werewolf guards stood crowded to the side, nodding their heads and bows, but their eyes were on the human woman who was being held in the prison car.


"Oh, I feel like I can't breathe anymore!"

Several werewolves stared and craned their necks, but they did not see a few orcs secretly leaving the group.

In an instant, several orc warriors rushed forward, and the long swords in their hands pierced the night.

The werewolf guard didn't have time to react at all, and several heads were already flying high.

Blood splattered, and several corpses fell weakly to the ground.

At the head of the city, there were several werewolf guards watching from afar, and they didn't expect such a change to happen, and they were suddenly shocked.

They hurriedly wanted to sound the alarm and warn the defenders in the city.

But a few shadows have already climbed up the wall, waiting for this moment.

Several chains flew out of the shadows, instantly strangling their necks and dragging them to the ground.

The werewolf guards didn't even have time to scream before they slit their throats by the assassins.

The army of orcs entered the city, but immediately divided into several teams.

Before the orc lord Heclis came to the prison car, Li Hongying, who was originally still bound by chains, stood up directly, and the chains fell to the ground with a bang.

"General Li, your fraud orb is really effective, but it is your face that is powerful, you see that the wolves are about to flow out just now, if you shout, I'm afraid they can sacrifice the city!"

The orc lord's words came to an abrupt end.

Li Hongying waved his arm, a cold light flashed, and the entire prison car was directly torn apart.

Li Hongying's eyes stared at the orc lord, and he immediately closed his mouth, he was afraid that this woman would directly split him together.

At this time, other soldiers disguised as prisoners also jumped out and gathered together.

Li Hongying stood in front of them, whether it was an orc or a human, they were silent in front of this slender female lord.

"Keep planning!"

"The third and fourth squadrons attack the lord's mansion, and the third squadron deceives the guards first! This is the top priority! "

Second Squadron attacks south!"

"The first squadron attacks the west!"

"The Hui Qi Guild responded and set fire everywhere in the city!"

"Act now!"

Li Hongying spoke coldly, and everyone agreed in a low voice, and then immediately took action separately.

In the darkness, groups of soldiers scattered in all directions.

Soon, the fire of the lord's mansion illuminated the night, followed by the heaven-shaking gongs and shouts of killing.

Almost the next moment, fires erupted all over the city.

The sound of the horn sounded in the sky, and countless alien races were woken up from their sleep, but they saw that the city was full of firelight, shouts of killing everywhere, and they did not know how many enemies had invaded the city.

In the City Lord's Mansion, Waters Blackheart was awakened by the sound of the trumpet.

For the first time, he just thought that there was a small war, and he was angry because of this.

But the continuous sound of trumpets and shouts of killing made him instantly sober.

He found the voice so close to him!

Waters put on his clothes haphazardly and grabbed his tomahawk.

But the door was kicked open.

Waters reacted extremely quickly, and the tomahawk slashed down with a red mang.

With a tooth-biting sound of gold and iron crashing, the other party took two steps back.

Waters smiled wickedly and strode forward.

But a strong wind came from behind, and Waters quickly rolled on the spot, but the back of the shoulder was still cut by the blade, and it hurt hotly.

This instead inspired Waters' ferocity, and he quickly got up, clenched his tomahawk, and stared at the two in front of him.

Rushing from outside the door was a human warrior with two swords.

The assassin, on the other hand, broke through the window and held a pair of scythes in his hand.

Waters, as the great lord of the orcs, has no lower attributes than ordinary heroes, and has experienced hundreds of battles, although he was attacked by a sneak attack, he quickly stabilized his position, and even began to suppress the other two.

"Hehe, although I don't know who sent you, I will cut off your heads and hang them in the city!" Waters smiled wickedly.

But at this time, there was a dense sound of footsteps in the corridor, and a group of orcs hurriedly arrived.

"Protect Lord Waters!"

An orc hero rushed quickly.

Waters was a little annoyed that these guys had come so late, but for now it was only right to kill these damn humans first, and then go out to deal with the enemy forces outside.

This made him subconsciously ignore the somewhat strange faces of those orcs in the dark night.

Waters rushed towards the human assassin, ready to engage the orc.

But out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the orc accelerated abruptly.

Waters subconsciously dodged to the side, and this action made him dodge the long knife that the other party slashed at his neck.

He didn't have time to get angry, and a poisoned scythe had already cut through his abdomen.

Waters took two steps back, but saw that the three were all with icy smiles.

But the group of orc soldiers turned a blind eye, the crossbowmen were half-crouched, and the cold crossbow arrows aimed at him.

In an instant, Waters understood it all.

Why these humans were able to quietly raid the city?


Waters opened his mouth and roared, charging directly.

Countless crossbow arrows rained out.

With several sounds of flesh and blood tearing, and crossbow arrows pierced his body, Waters was still moving forward, but one step after another, one step was very slow.

The last crossbowman pulled the trigger expressionlessly.

The crossbow pierced the orc's eye socket.

Waters' mouth made a lotus sound, and his burly body fell weakly.

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