Gan Yu is my secretary for the production of Yuanshen at the beginning

Chapter 193


Dazzling thunder light traveled between the clouds, and rolling thunder seemed to explode in the ears.

There was a small sound in the earth, but in the blink of an eye, the torrential rain poured down.

Feilin was lying on the grass, and a piece of blood had gathered under her, and it was smudged by the rain, turning from crimson to red.

She opened her eyes like that, looked up at the low sky, and let the rain wet her.

Deep exhaustion welled up in my heart, and my eyelids were heavy as if they were hanging with lead.

Suddenly, her body was hugged by a pair of hands.

Feilin subconsciously raised her head and saw the familiar young face.

"Lord, Lord Lord..."

Fei Lin's voice was as thin as a mosquito.

Lu Yuan didn't have time to answer, he picked up Feilin and quickly rushed forward.

The next moment, the long black tail smashed down, like a boulder falling.

The body of the Thunder Lord is too big, and even if it moves at will, it will cause terrifying damage to the surroundings.

The fox female assassin Maureen Gray Fox chased after Lu Yuan, and she waved her hand to summon the shadow curtain, covering the figures of the two.

But in an instant, several arcs flickered, and the figures of Lu Yuan and Feilin reappeared.

Lu Yuan helplessly glanced at the fox girl next to him who was in a stealth state, the other party's skills could not be used continuously in a short time, but fortunately, the big guy did not notice his side.

"Go, run down the hill!"

The fox girl hesitated, but still timidly asked her own question: "Lord Lord, how dare you awaken such a monster, are you not afraid that it will attack you first?" The

fox girl remembered the thrilling scene not long ago, and her heart couldn't help but tremble.

"Don't worry, I never do anything I'm not sure about. What's more, there are so many of these aliens, and the targets are obviously more obvious than ours! Lu Yuan said with a smile.

Lu Yuan's eyes condensed slightly, he had received news from the shadow spider not long ago, this undead female lord who suddenly appeared was not alone.

She was followed by the army of the undead, and if she waited for the army of the undead to arrive, it was unknown what the battle would be.

This was something that Lu Yuan had no way to accept.

Lu Yuan stared at the huge figure, just now this giant beast had just been awakened, but he was extremely angry.

But in a moment, it directly devoured tens of thousands of alien soldiers.

It was also with this that the injuries of this giant beast began to heal rapidly.

Now, there are almost no scars on its body, only some blood stains from before.

This made Lu Yuan secretly marvel at the horror of this monster.

"Boom-" The

Thunder Lord just moved his body slightly, and the two arrow towers were squeezed and collapsed by its huge body like a sand castle.

Enid apparently used some kind of skill, and his footsteps rushed towards the skeletal dragon Hazas.

The big scary eyes of the Thunder Lord seemed to be teasing, staring closely at the fast-moving figure, as if they had found some interesting prey.

A continuous arc of electricity flashed, exploding left and right like a whip, splashing dirt.

Enid's figure must maintain high speed while constantly changing direction, otherwise it will immediately turn into a scorched corpse.

Cold sweat continued to flow down Enid's forehead, but she did not dare to relax in the slightest.

"Wha-" A

lightning arrow volleyed into the air, this attack was not aimed at Enid, but flew over her head, and then exploded in front of her, turning into countless arcs of electricity, instantly forming a thunder and lightning cage to surround her.

Enid's eyes widened instantly, his heartbeat stopped almost instantly, and the scythe of death had been raised high.

Thunder dominates those huge blue eyes with electric flashes of light, revealing teasing.

Enid crushed a gem in an instant.

The bone dragon Hazas in the distance was about to slap his claws at Mulan, when suddenly there was a flower in front of him, and there was a sudden light in front of him.

Hazzas's eyes widened, and he seemed a little confused.

Countless tiny arcs of electricity contracted inward like a net, instantly entangled the body of the bone dragon Hazas.

"Roar-" The

intense pain made the soul fire in Hazas's eyes beat, its tough body could not resist this terrifying thunder, its bones began to crack, and its body convulsed like paralysis.

After a few moments, the lightning disappeared.

Hazas's left front paw was directly broken, and there were large cracks on his body, almost making people wonder if it was about to shatter. What is even more tragic is that its two most fragile bone wings are all shattered, and only the roots are broken.

"Roar—" Hazas raised his head and let out an angry roar.

He instantly launched a keel storm, and countless bone chips on the ground shot out towards the Thunder Master, and the dense white bones emitted a sharp roar.

"Snap-" The

dense white bone fragments hit the pitch-black scales like a rainstorm, and under this terrifying blow, the terrifying defense of the thunder lord could not resist, several scales fell, and dark red blood flowed.

This made the Thunder Master, who had been teasing his prey, instantly angry.


It opened its mouth instantly, biting Hazas in one bite.

The tooth-biting sound sounded, Hazas's bones were very hard, even if it was cracked under the thunder grid just now, but the thunder lord could not be crushed in an instant.

It kept chewing in its big mouth, but from time to time gray flames floated out.

Khazas are still resisting.

"Wh-" The

sound of something completely shattering sounded, and the Thunder Lord swallowed instantly, and its wounds began to recover again.

And the next moment, the eyes of the thunder lord instantly fixed on Enid.

Enid instantly sweated, she had been running just now, she would not think that she could resist the other party by relying on Hazas.

But he didn't expect that one of the trump cards in his hand couldn't even block it for a few seconds.

"Roar—" The

Thunder Lord roared, opening his mouth to spit out a ball of electricity.

This electric ball seems to be compressed by thunder, dark purple, constantly shooting arcs in flight, those purple electric arcs plowed, the earth tumbled, and it was scorched black; The trees broke and a fire broke out.

Enid's face changed wildly, and he immediately launched the teleportation.

But in an instant, a fine arc of electricity appeared around her, and she found that she had been locked and could not move!

"Boom-" The

electric ball came quickly, constantly emitting electric arcs, and the fire wave rolled, instantly submerging Enid.

The electric ball bombarded indiscriminately for more than ten seconds.

Enid wasn't even dead, and a thin golden barrier shrouded her flickered for a moment and extinguished in an instant.

Enid's face turned even paler, and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, staining his clothes red.

She was about to crush the teleportation stone in an instant, but a lightning arrow instantly pierced through her chest.

"Wha-" The

lightning arrow instantly exploded, and countless thunder swallowed her body.

A moment later, a charred corpse fell limply.

The torrential rain was as dense as a rain curtain.

"Aang—" The

dragon raised its head and let out a long groan that pierced the cracking stone.

On the pitch-black sky dome, it seemed to respond generally, and countless thunder snakes swam away and fell with a bang.

The dragon bathed in heavenly thunder and soared into the air.

Its huge body covered the battlefield, like the huge body of the mountain, countless thunder entangled, like a thunder god descending into the world.

A group of undead soldiers raised their heads in horror and watched the terrifying monster flying towards them.

The next moment, the huge dragon's mouth opened, like a whale sucking the sea and swallowing, and tens of thousands of troops entered its mouth.

The dragon then flew up, flapped its wings and headed west.

The thunder rolled, and the huge figure quickly disappeared into the rain curtain.

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