Gao Wu: You have the strongest physique? I will cultivate automatically.

Chapter 44

The old man was very happy.

"This is a healing potion. Hurry up and give it to the old men and women." Li Weiyi took out ten tubes of intermediate healing potion from the space ring.

This is a potion for treating martial artists. It is very effective for treating ordinary people. One person only needs to drink a little. Ten tubes are more than enough.

Although Li Weiyi values ​​points, he is not stingy when it comes to spending.

"Thank you! Master Warrior." The girl looked grateful.

"You're welcome." Li Weiyi left the potion and left. The situation was urgent and it was not the time for him to stop.

Li Weiyi went outside and watched the four battlefields nearby. One of the battlefields was the most popular. It was the battlefield between the top martial artists and the top demon generals. Li Weiyi asked himself if he was qualified to participate.

He looked at the other three battlefields. One of the martial artists was in danger. He was a first-class martial artist, and the enemy was a second-class demon general. There was a gap in strength, and he was just holding on.

The sound of the air being torn echoed, and the blood flying knife stabbed at the second-class demon general like starlight.

This was a red-headed sparrow, a C-class demon beast. Its blood was born with the power to control primary flames, which was very difficult to deal with.

Flames kept erupting from its mouth, covering the martial artist. The martial artist could only hold on with defensive martial arts. Facing a flying demon beast, he didn't have much to do. His long-range attack martial arts was too lame.

The flying knife fell on the red-headed sparrow like raindrops, and the huge force knocked it out horizontally, blood bloomed, and Li Weiyi's flying knife left dense wounds on it.

"Chi!" The red-headed sparrow felt pain and cried out in pain.

It turned its head and stared at Li Weiyi, the human who hurt it.

"Chi!" The red-headed sparrow chirped again, and a room-sized fireball spurted out of its mouth.

The fireballs fell like meteorites, rushing towards Li Weiyi.


Li Weiyi shouted angrily, his body wrapped around the hurricane, and his body moved quickly with the hurricane, avoiding most of the fireball attacks.

For some that were really unavoidable, the hurricane could also block part of the power, and then use the titanium body to withstand the bombing of the fireball.

The dense explosions were comparable to the continuous bombing of large-yield bombs. Wherever Li Weiyi passed, it was destroyed by the flames, and it looked like a post-war ruin.

Looking at the red-headed sparrow at an altitude of 100 meters, Li Weiyi could only use Xiao Li's flying knife for long-range sniping. The Zhenshan Seal and Duanjiang Sword Technique were too slow, and the red-headed sparrow could avoid them at will at such a long distance.

The sound of gas explosions rang out one after another, and the flying knife broke through the air, leaving a trail of gas marks, and then fell on the red-headed sparrow.

Blood continued to bloom, feathers fell, and blood splashed. Li Weiyi's flying knife was much more terrifying than a sniper bullet. It had a force of more than 10,000 tons and could penetrate a mountain directly.

The red-headed bird was covered in flames, blocking the bombardment of the flying knife, but the flying knife was too strong and it could not completely defend against it.

The red-headed bird was blasted into dust by the flying knife and could only quickly rise to a higher altitude to temporarily avoid the sharp edge.

Li Weiyi walked out of the flames, and his silver body emitted a dazzling silver light under the reflection of the flames. This kind of range bombing was the least feared by Li Weiyi, and it was not a big threat to him.

"Thank you for saving me, little brother." The scarred martial artist thanked him. His skin had been burned all over his body at this time. If Li Weiyi didn't come again, he would not be able to bear it.

"It's all for Ningcheng." Li Weiyi did not take credit.

He locked his eyes on the red-headed bird hovering above. Out of concern for Li Weiyi, it did not come down, but it did not leave, looking for an opportunity.

After circling for a while, it finally chose to leave instead of getting entangled here.

Li Weiyi turned to another battlefield again. That battlefield was a battlefield between a first-grade martial artist and a first-level demon general. They were still evenly matched.

Li Weiyi found the right opportunity and rushed out from the roof of a building, quickly approaching the Corrupted Crow.

The blood of the Corrupted Crow has a strong corrosive ability. The buildings and the ground in the battlefield where it is located are all pitch black, and the alloys are corroded into pits.

"Mountain Seal!"

Li Weiyi quickly approached the Corrupted Crow, and the house-sized Mountain Seal came down from above the Corrupted Crow with unparalleled power.

The black crow wanted to dodge, but the distance was too close and it couldn't react.

The dark blood burst out from it, forming a corrosion field to block the attack of the Mountain Seal.

The blood on the Mountain Seal was being corroded quickly, but after all, it was calculated without intention. The Mountain Seal, which remained basically intact, fell on the Corrupted Crow and pressed it to the ground.

"Head-smashing Gun!"

The martial artist saw the opportunity and attacked with the long spear in his hand like a snake head. A silver spear light shot straight into the sky and pierced the belly of the rotten crow.

Blood spurted out, and the spear light penetrated the belly of the rotten crow, leaving a big wound.

Li Weiyi kept shooting flying knives in his hand, stabbing its head, making its head bumpy and revealing the skull inside.

His figure fell quickly and landed on the opponent's neck. The rotten crow was attacked one after another, and his head was confused and he couldn't control his body at all.

"One knife cuts the river!"

The knife energy condensed on the alloy knife, and Li Weiyi twisted all the muscles in his body, mobilizing the strength and blood of his whole body.

The long knife slashed horizontally, passing through the neck of the rotten crow, and cut the neck of the rotten crow in half.

Then he slashed again, and the knife energy burst out, completely chopping off the neck of the rotten crow.

The rotten crow fell to the ground, no longer alive.

Li Weiyi, who was bathed in blood, exuded a monstrous bloody aura at this time, like a god or a demon.

The gun-wielding martial artist was frightened by Li Weiyi's momentum and did not dare to come over to say hello for a while.

Li Weiyi's body was surrounded by a hurricane and his body quickly went to other places. The two remaining battlefield monsters here were too strong and he had no way to intervene.

He jumped to the top of the building and overlooked the nearby area. An eighth-grade flying monster was closest to him. He approached quickly with the air wave and pierced the opponent's head with a flying knife, killing the opponent.

Li Weiyi became a rescue star, and he killed flying monsters on the battlefield. At this time, his performance had attracted the attention of the reconnaissance battalion, and his situation was reported.

The battalion commander of the reconnaissance battalion looked at Li Weiyi's performance and wanted to pull him into the legion immediately. Such a person would be a loss to the military if he did not join the military.

"The Little Li Flying Dagger of the subtle level, Li Weiyi, a senior student of Ningcheng No. 5 Middle School, is a talent, a real talent." The battalion commander looked at Li Weiyi's might on the screen, with a burning light in his eyes.

"Battalion commander, the situation at the Zhongcheng Orphanage is urgent, requesting support." A scout reported.

"Send a signal to the nearby warriors." The battalion commander ordered.

Then he took out a communicator and connected it directly to Li Weiyi's earphone.

"Li Weiyi, I am the battalion commander of the Ningcheng Corps Reconnaissance Battalion. The situation at the orphanage six kilometers west of you is urgent. Please go over to support."

"Received!" Li Weiyi's calm response came from the communicator.

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