Gap Demon

Gap Demon – Part 0

Part 0 - Alone Till The End





{ Part 0: }




Shouts echo from the entrance of a tight alleyway, and various policemen holding their pistols in hand rush in seemingly after someone.


Further ahead, almost reaching the end of the hallway, was a man wearing a black ski mask, one of whose hands held his ribcage while the other held an empty revolver.


He was running until a few meters back, but the pain from his ribcage was finally starting to catch up. His adrenaline had been running crazy the whole time. It was obvious it would run out sometime.


* Thud * - And now, without the only thing keeping his motivation high he supports his shoulder onto the side of the hallway while breathing heavily.


“ This feels like a fucking joke…. This feels like a fucking joke.... The plan got busted, Jake sold me out, and the cashier was empty.... Haaah - *sigh* - ... And now…” - He looks up ahead, a tall dead end of a brick wall. He might have been able to climb using the pipes but his wounded side said otherwise.


“ Get in and just point a gun, Anthony, then you'll get rich Anthony! The motherfucker was calling it an easy plan and everything. Then a random policeman on duty caught him and sold who we are a moment later. Thank you, Jake, fucking thanks you asshole….”


A man who used to work a regular life in a construction company didn't gain much but was able to live the day by. He got an opportunity from one of his colleagues and seemingly best friend and that led to today, when they attempted to assault a popular store of electronics that was supposed to have a few hundred thousandths in cash.


But life wasn't easy, and unlike what they thought, the place was clean-dry of even one dollar. The cashier even laughed mockingly at them before a shot was heard, and when they noticed a wounded Jake was being held hostage by a policeman and telling him their names. It was all too fast for everyone to process what even had happened.


What followed was all the other three who were inside taking off running in different directions and Anthony, the one now panting in this desert hallway, looked around and ended up running through the back exit before he started being chased by the police.


Running through the streets, he used all the bullets he had to keep the police cars away. The man was good with the gun and no one could say otherwise as he had hit many tires from afar with little to no difficulty.


However, even with his skills, he was still bound to run out of ammo eventually and so when he finally heard a ‘tick’ from his weapon going empty some lucky cop did manage to put a bullet into his chest, which reduced his mobility tremendously.


And now here he was after entering an alleyway he entered in desperation upon hearing shouts from not so far as well as a helicopter surveilling the area.


Supporting himself to the dead end, he rests his back on the wall and slides down to be sitting facing where he knew the police were going to come from.


“ No family waiting for me home. My old job was boring beyond reality and my Boss can suck my dick, Jake, who I thought was my best friend sold us out…. Huh… Hey, it's not looking so good is it?” - Laughing, he raises the mask to show his smiling mouth, pulling a cigar and being quick to light it up and taking a puff.


Breathing the smoke out, he raised the arm holding the revolver. It didn't have any ammo, but if his thought process was right, it might earn him the desired results. - “ Come’on you bastards, do me a favor. I've had enough of this bullshit of a world. “


Still smiling with his cigar by the side of his mouth and ski mask hiding his upper face, which only left his green determined eyes to be seen, he heard a dozen steps hurriedly approaching his location, and when he finally saw them; he didn't have time to think more.


The sight of the man aiming his gun scared some cops enough to shoot on sight, causing the sound of various shots to be heard from an alleyway that day.


Anthony Mathias, age 35. No wife or close relatives.


 Died as a robber in a failed attempt of assault, with nine shots fired at his body.


This should have been where his everything ended, but as if he was still just dreaming, a youthful, angelic female voice spoke playfully into his ears while his conscience drifted across the infinite darkness.








“ Wakey Wakey ~ “

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