Gap Demon

Gap Demon – Part 3

Gap Demon - Part 3: A Recognizable Little Street.










( Part 3; 10:40 pm - Z City -  1st Person: Pov Yukari )


Stepping out of my gap/boundary, my surroundings seem to dramatically and immediately change to be much livelier.


My powers appear to have taken me to be above a store named ‘ Random Play ‘. Also, the road down to the street is unconventionally tight, but that might be how roads around these parts are.


There's a stand selling journals and other papers that A Sleeping Dog is currently running?…. It looks like to be a husk…. I… really thought it would be harder to locate where I was at, but it seems I'm quite lucky.


‘ Amazingly my memory and thought speed have gotten quite good after turning into Yukari, I mean so given I know exactly where I'm at… Sixth Street. This section must be where New Eridu is located. The little I played of the game is still remarkably vivid in my head.


But putting that aside, knowing where I am makes me wonder what those two are even doing in this Universe. It seems a tad bit too late to give them a visit, so I might as well give a look around.’ - Sighing, I flap my fan closed before walking into yet another gap that opened by my side.


Walking out into one of the alleyways that are interconnected to the main road leading to Random Play, I start making my way further inside the main street, looking around for anything that could catch my attention.


 Soon I arrive beside a ramen shop named Waterfall Soup, unfortunately, I have no money in me right now and the place seems closed given how late it's.


As for the money part? It shouldn't be a big problem for someone who can teleport anything anywhere as they wish, getting some money wouldn't be too hard, but for now, I'm not hungry, so I will just carry on walking through the area.


Glancing by my shoulder, I see a closed coffee shop, Coff Cafe. Yeah, everything is around here like just like in the game, the arcade and if I follow the street a bit more there's that 24/7 supermarket with three little creatures dancing in front of it, seemingly already tired of their work… Bangboos, as they call them.


Hiding my smile behind the fan I had once again opened to keep walking through the somewhat empty streets, besides the occasional drunkard giving me a look here and there not much happened during my little leisure stroll.


 It's surprisingly pleasant to move around with this dress and high heels, I very much thought there would be a higher learning curve to such things.


Right now I'm in front of the subway stairs spinning my umbrella in place, pondering if maybe I should take a trip and see where it gets me- * BOOOOOOM!! * - “ Huh? “


I hear a thunderous explosion from the main street I was on just a few minutes ago, without anyone noticing I enter one of my gaps and teleport above the ramen shop. The street now appeared to be completely empty after that loud noise.


Looking down, I see a giant humanoid red ant, about three meters tall. The huge thing was attempting to grab the little doggy who was taking a nap by his stand. The little place he was running now had been reduced to nothing but a pile of debris and scattered newspapers.


The dog, which, if I'm not wrong is named Howl, dodges out of the way of a claw-like hand from the Monster Ant-Man before barking back at it, the monster hisses as if telling the dog to shut up.


Frowning at the situation, I wave my fan away from my mouth, moving directly toward the ant before pulling to my right as if performing a cutting motion. 


 “ Begone, bug. “ - In the blink of an eye a dozen gaps full of menacing red eyes come into being everywhere crossing its body and soon pieces of its body start falling to the ground as nothing more than purplish blood-soaked chunks of bug meat due to me closing the gaps with bits of his body still inside of them.


Hiding my smile using my fan once more, it seems I can use these gaps as if I were some sort of off-brand Sukuna exactly as I was expecting from my previous tests. 


And it doesn't appear to have any drawbacks to just be using this much, I know my instincts tell me I can pull some higher-level absurd doings, but this usage of Gaps seems to be quite effective so far, so let's keep it as my main way of engaging.


“ Oops, I almost forgot about the main victim….” - Glancing down, I see the dog and some other people who were probably hiding, all surrounding the monster’s remains. Howl was just barking as if mocking the monster, all while some other civilians discussed rebuilding his little stand.


It seems the good boy is okay, better to just leave like this for today and find somewhere or something to get through the night. 


With my grin hidden by the fan, I turn around opening a gap, ready to leave. But not before exchanging a few words with my little audience. - “ I will see you two tomorrow~ Phaethon.“ 


Happy that I had played the game quite a bit back then, I can feel my overwhelming coolness raise my joy over the top, and so I teleport away.


‘ I Wonder if I can find those dangos somewhere around Sixth Street…’












{ Meanwhile: Inside Random Play }


* BAM! * - “ SHE KNOWS WISE! OR BETTER, SHE KNEW WE WERE WATCHING?!?” - Closing the small gap she had opened on the door to watch the woman above the ramen shop, a short blue-haired girl slid down on the door, falling to her butt.


Another one sighs further inside the store, massaging his temples, his gray hair moving around a bit as he watches his sister anxiously try to calm down. - “ Calm down. She said she'd come back tomorrow, Belle. But she did help Howl, didn't she? So we can hope she’s not a bad person, right?” 


Hearing her brother make an effort to think optimistically, the younger girl suddenly springs up as if regaining her full energy. - “ You're so right! Someone who helps Howl can't be that bad of a person!” 


With her newly acquired courage, she moves to open the door again, giving her brother a smile before continuing. - “ I will see what the others are going to do about Howl’s stand, I’ll be right back in a few!”


Quick to run off, Belle leaves her worried brother to just sigh once more at his sister's antics. - “ Let's just hope all she wants is to make a request, Supernatural people are always tough to deal with…


 But maybe…. 


Yeah, having some extra security would also be good, should we call the Cunning Hares? I'm sure Nicole would be up for a good sum of money or a discount on the sum she owes us.”


Awkwardly smiling, the gray-haired man shakes his head and wanders away from the entrance to make his call. He would have to negotiate a price, and he knew what type of woman the one he was about to call was.

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