Gate of Revelation

Chapter 535

Unexpected Harvest

The Tiger Talisman, Chen Xiaolian originally had it.

However, the problem is that when he obtained the Tiger Talisman initially, the system automatically transformed the Tiger Talisman into the “Bai Qi War Spirit,” and then he acquired Bai Qi himself. Consequently, the Tiger Talisman, as a system item, automatically disappeared.

So now, where to find the Tiger Talisman?


“Mr. Qiu, it seems we have to meet.”

Chen Xiaolian sighed.

He glanced at the time.

From the timeline perspective, it would be some time before he and Miao Yan and others entered the Palace of the King of Qin in the historical process.

He vividly remembered that after he, Miao Yan, and Soo Soo entered the Palace of the King of Qin, they encountered Captain Nangong and the three backup tires. It could be said that the three members of Nangong’s team were probably the first to enter the Palace of the King of Qin.

Then it was himself, Miao Yan, and Soo Soo, and after that, it was Qiu Yun and Alice from the Knights of Darkness Guild’s team.

But… the reality might be different!

At that time, the Qiu Yun who joined the queue was actually an impostor! It was a clone technique used by Qiu Yun, who continuously pretended to follow the team with a paper man.

And the real Qiu Yun…

Chen Xiaolian’s eyes lit up!

According to his judgment, perhaps Qiu Yun was the first among them all to reach the Palace of the King of Qin!

Chen Xiaolian’s reasoning for this judgment was simple: Qiu Yun had made thorough preparations for the Qin Emperor’s Tomb from the beginning, and possessing the Tiger Talisman could prove this point. Moreover, Qiu Yun’s goal had always been Bai Qi!

With Qiu Yun’s intelligence and wit, he would naturally head straight for his goal, aiming to arrive at the Palace of the King of Qin before anyone else and fulfill his own plans!

As for why Qiu Yun didn’t succeed later and waited until so late to take action, it was purely because he couldn’t understand the mystery of the Five Elements Array in the Palace of the King of Qin. In the end, he managed to decipher the operation method of the Five Elements Array by himself.

However, it was highly likely that Qiu Yun’s true self had arrived at the Palace of the King of Qin before anyone else, and this possibility was very high.

Chen Xiaolian had already walked to the end of the side hall, and before him was the huge gate of the palace.

He knew that after pushing open the gate, he would enter the central square of the Palace of the King of Qin.

But since he had made up his mind, Chen Xiaolian retraced his steps.

After glancing at the gate, he smiled faintly, turned around, and walked towards the outside of the Palace of the King of Qin.

A few minutes later.

The massive stone gate of the main hall of the Palace of the King of Qin was pushed open.

A middle-aged man with a handsome appearance stepped into the palace.

Qiu Yun looked up at the empty main hall, and a hint of smugness couldn’t help but appear at the corner of his mouth.

After a quick look around, Qiu Yun immediately walked towards the most conspicuous decoration in the main hall.

That huge tripod!

At the bottom of the tripod were the seal characters “Gongsun.”

“Indeed… it’s here.”

Qiu Yun walked over and lightly touched the giant tripod, feeling the cold touch of his fingertips, couldn’t help but sigh softly.

“I have done so many idealistic things and killed so many people just to get this information.” Qiu Yun’s tone was somewhat complex. “If it weren’t for you, why would I bother? A good team, hm!”

His eyes lit up: “But since all this is true, then, it’s all worth it!”

There was fervor in Qiu Yun’s eyes!

He reached out, and lo and behold, there was a Tiger Talisman in the palm of his hand!

And just at that moment, suddenly, from the corner behind him came a tone full of teasing.

“Mr. Qiu, you’re here early.”

Qiu Yun suddenly heard this voice, caught completely off guard, his body shook abruptly! His heart sank as he turned around in horror, only to see, emerging slowly from the corner, a familiar face.

Qiu Yun’s expression at this moment was truly remarkable!

“You… Xiaolian?!”

Qiu Yun opened his mouth: “How… how are you here? How could…”

But the next moment, Qiu Yun’s expression changed suddenly!

“You… what’s with your attire…”

Qiu Yun’s observation and reaction were indeed very fast, and he immediately noticed something was amiss!

The Chen Xiaolian in front of him was wearing a standard Awakened’s combat armor, and… it looked like a high-quality one!

Moreover, the calmness, the old face between his brows and his demeanor, the indifference and composure revealed, were definitely not what the young rookie he had just recruited should have!

“You’re not Chen Xiaolian! Who are you?! Why do you look like him?”

At the words, Chen Xiaolian shook his head with a sigh, stepping out from the corner.

“Mr. Qiu, I must say, facing you at this moment truly stirs complex emotions within me.” Chen Xiaolian’s tone was sincere. “Actually, all along, I’ve been very grateful to you.”

Chen Xiaolian’s words were genuine.

Although Qiu Yun initially used him, upon reflection, Chen Xiaolian realized that Qiu Yun’s recruitment of him was probably just to acquire another pawn, another expendable piece.

But, it had to be said, Qiu Yun was exceptionally clever. After bringing Chen Xiaolian into the instance, he took quite good care of him along the way. Not only did he give him equipment, but also bestowed skills upon him.

Chen Xiaolian’s early crucial combat skill, the Three Axes of the World, came from Qiu Yun’s assistance.

If it weren’t for later learning Qiu Yun’s true nature, Chen Xiaolian couldn’t help but admit that Qiu Yun’s behavior portrayed him as a leader worth following.

At this moment, his words fell upon Qiu Yun’s ears, leaving him increasingly puzzled and bewildered. But as he saw Chen Xiaolian approaching, Qiu Yun, driven by instinct, subconsciously took two steps back, creating distance, and then instinctively reached out…

Only then did he realize that upon entering the Palace of the King of Qin, all metallic weapons had been confiscated and couldn’t be brought inside!

In the Palace of the King of Qin, metallic weapons couldn’t be retrieved from storage equipment!

And Qiu Yun’s most powerful skill was “Metallic Burst”!

It could be said that within this metal-restricted area, Qiu Yun’s strength had been weakened to its lowest limit!

However, in just a moment of hesitation, Qiu Yun quickly snapped out of it. He immediately lunged toward a bronze lamp pillar in the corner, grabbed it, and with a loud shout, hurled the bronze lamp pillar towards Chen Xiaolian!

Chen Xiaolian had a deep understanding of Qiu Yun. Seeing the bronze lamp pillar flying towards him, although it wasn’t particularly fast, he didn’t attempt to block or catch it…

His first reaction was to swiftly dodge to the side!

Sure enough, the bronze lamp pillar suddenly burst apart!

Chen Xiaolian’s quick actions had already put enough distance between them. Looking back at Qiu Yun, his expression had darkened!

The opponent knew him well!

But… was he really Chen Xiaolian?!

Without waiting for Qiu Yun to dwell on it further, Chen Xiaolian had already charged forward!

Without metallic weapons, Chen Xiaolian was holding a stone spear he had snatched from several terracotta warriors he had intercepted in the corridor earlier!

As the spearhead came crashing down, Qiu Yun’s expression instantly turned peculiar.

As he dodged backward, he shouted, “Splitting Skull? Is this the Three Axes of the World? Are you… are you really Chen Xiaolian?!”

With a stern face, Chen Xiaolian transformed the spear into the second move.

“Ear Digging?” Qiu Yun dodged while shouting, “You really are Chen Xiaolian! You cunning brat! I actually misjudged you! You’re not just a newbie! Pretending to be a sheep to eat the tiger?!”

Chen Xiaolian didn’t bother to explain Qiu Yun’s misunderstanding. He executed the third move, “Ghostly Toothpicking,” once again.

As Qiu Yun dodged once again, displaying considerable agility, he managed to evade Chen Xiaolian’s three moves in succession. However, he saw Chen Xiaolian suddenly stop and retract his spear.

“Kid! What exactly are you plotting! Hmph, coming to my side…”

Before Qiu Yun could finish, Chen Xiaolian sighed, “Mr. Qiu, those three moves just now, consider it me holding back, also considering your previous kindness to me. I owe you that favor for teaching me those three axe techniques, but from now on… the time for leniency is over!”

“What did you say? Time for leniency…”

Qiu Yun’s face changed drastically. He instinctively felt the dangerous aura, then saw Chen Xiaolian’s body sway!

Such speed!

With his enhanced body, Chen Xiaolian’s overall physical qualities were superior to Qiu Yun’s!

It could be said that the “master Qiu Yun” who was once regarded highly by Chen Xiaolian was now nothing more than this in Chen Xiaolian’s eyes, especially considering that Qiu Yun’s famed skill, Metallic Burst, was severely weakened here!

In the entire hall, there was no metallic material to be found.

Seeing Qiu Yun swiftly gesture, two bronze plates flew towards him from the corner. But before the plates could reach his hands, Chen Xiaolian was already by Qiu Yun’s side!

Hand up!

Palm down!

Chen Xiaolian glanced at the unconscious Qiu Yun lying on the ground and sighed.

Opening Qiu Yun’s palm, Chen Xiaolian gently took the Tiger Talisman.

Then he searched Qiu Yun’s body, finally removing a pendant from Qiu Yun’s neck.

“???: Picked up [D] class storage equipment – Ancient Jade Pendant.”

Chen Xiaolian couldn’t help but feel a bit emotional.

[D] class storage equipment…

Although storage equipment was rare in the awakened world, for a renowned expert like Qiu Yun, having only a [D] class storage equipment seemed rather humble.

But it was still good news.

[D] class storage equipment didn’t have encryption function, so it could be forcefully opened once obtained.

After checking the storage jade pendant, Chen Xiaolian froze.

Indeed, it was [D] class, but the storage space inside was very limited.

It was about half the size of a wardrobe.

In Qiu Yun’s storage equipment, there were only some basic provisions, healing potions, food, water, and some simple weapons and tools.

Those weapons and tools were made of metal and couldn’t be taken out. Additionally, there was a pile of metal spheres.

Chen Xiaolian thought for a moment and understood that these metal spheres were the best weapons for Qiu Yun’s skills.

However, in the storage equipment, Chen Xiaolian found something strange.

It seemed to be…

“Is this an equipment?”

Chen Xiaolian immediately summoned it out, and what fell into his hand was a… golden booklet!

About an inch wide, when opened, it revealed a folded sheet… a diagram?

Inside were portraits of people, with faces shrouded in layers of mist, making it difficult to see their features clearly. But faintly visible among them were figures resembling ancient warriors, their forms obscured.

On the cover were three large characters.

“Star Chart?”

Chen Xiaolian held it in his hand, pondering for a moment, then immediately used his own system to search it. Chen Xiaolian was stunned!

“???: Obtained high-grade equipment ‘Star Chart’ (Incomplete). Search result: The main star position is missing. Current rating: A-. Growth potential: S.”

Current rating A-!

Growth potential S?!

Oh my god! Qiu Yun actually had such a good thing in his possession?!!

Chen Xiaolian was instantly ecstatic.

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