Gate of Revelation

Chapter 543

New Job

Across the street from One World Trade Center in New York City.

Sitting at a streetside table in a café, Shen looked through the large floor-to-ceiling window at the towering building across the road.

Outside, despite the rain, there were still tourists standing on the sidewalk, braving the weather to snap pictures of the building known as the “Freedom Tower” with their phones. Some daring girls even discarded their umbrellas, letting the rain turn their T-shirts into sheer clothing, taking all sorts of selfies.

“So, if you want to impress a girl, the best gift would be the latest smartphone with a powerful camera — preferably waterproof.”

Shen remarked as he lazily sipped his coffee.

A red-haired waitress in the café seemed to intentionally or unintentionally glance in his direction.

Sitting across from Shen was a young girl of obvious Asian descent, her head lowered, legs together, hands resting on her knees.

“Alright, if you keep sitting like that, everyone in the café will know you’re Japanese,” sighed Shen. “You don’t have to be so formal.”

“Um, well… I mean, I understand,” the girl replied reflexively, then quickly corrected herself, realizing her mistake.

At that moment, the redhead waitress walked over and stood at the table between the two.

“Excuse me, is the coffee still to your liking?” she asked.

“Thank you, it’s delicious,” Shen replied, lifting his head. His smile was the kind that could instantly capture the hearts of girls, with a charm that surpassed ten thousand points.

The redhead waitress seemed momentarily lost in his gaze and chuckled softly. “We have some freshly baked muffins that are quite good. I can bring you a sample to try, on the house.”

As she spoke, the girl winked at Shen.

She was quite pretty, with features not overly delicate, but possessing captivating eyes and… a generous bust.

Dressed in the waitress’s uniform, her legs were straight and slender.

Shen smiled and didn’t refuse her kindness. “Thank you.”

“I’m Nina, by the way,” the waitress took the opportunity to introduce herself. “If you need anything, feel free to call me. I’ll be off in half an hour.”

A minute later, she brought over the muffin — just one, placed in front of Shen.

Shen noticed that beneath the muffin plate was a piece of paper, with a few digits of Arabic numerals peeking out from one corner. It was evidently a phone number.

After completing her tasks, Nina, the girl, flirtatiously winked at Shen and then turned away—she didn’t glance once at the Japanese girl sitting across from Shen throughout the interaction.

“You see, this is one of the reasons I love New York,” Shen chuckled, taking a generous bite of the muffin. “It’s delicious. Don’t you want to try?”

The Japanese girl, watching Shen offer her a piece of the muffin, seemed to stiffen slightly and shook her head. “No, sir, I’m fine.”

“Alright then, let’s get down to business and report on progress,” Shen sighed, appearing somewhat bored.

“Yes!” The Japanese girl immediately retrieved a briefcase from beside her—it was one of those flat, rectangular ones, with an old-fashioned design.

Shen glanced at the bag beside the girl and chuckled, raising an eyebrow. “You certainly have a unique taste.”

“If… if you don’t like it, I can change it immediately!” the girl quickly lowered her head.

“No, I was just making a casual remark,” Shen waved it off. “Please continue. Let’s finish up—sitting like this, I’m afraid you might explode from nervousness.”

“Yes,” the girl was almost on the verge of tears from nervousness, quickly flipping open her folder and pulling out a notebook.

She even took out an old-fashioned pair of black-framed glasses from her pocket, avoiding eye contact with Shen as she began speaking rapidly.

“The response from Auburn Company regarding the industry you’re looking to acquire suggests that they might not be able to offer significant discounts. They mentioned that many others are bidding on the same properties, and if you have concerns about the price, they can provide alternative options. In their words, there are plenty of worthwhile investment properties in New York…”

“No, I want this one,” Shen quickly stuffed half of the muffin into his mouth, cheeks puffed out—a move that didn’t diminish his attractiveness but instead added a touch of cuteness. Evidence of this was the fact that the two girls at the neighboring table were staring at him wide-eyed.

Shen downed the coffee in one gulp, swallowed the muffin, and then sighed before continuing, “Tell them I want this place. As for the price, I don’t care how much others are offering; my bid will always be ten percent higher. Understand?”

“That… that seems… um…” The Japanese girl gulped nervously. “That seems unwise.”

“Just do as I say. Money is just numbers,” Shen shrugged, looking at the Japanese girl’s face, clearly expressing a sentiment of “wealthy and willful.” Suddenly, he smiled and whispered, “Are you secretly calling me a fool in your head?”

“Huh?” The Japanese girl instinctively responded with a Japanese interjection.

But with her looks and a hint of innocence, making such a sound was rather endearing.

“Do you know why I absolutely must buy this property?” Shen suddenly pointed outside the window.

The position his finger pointed to was indeed the “Freedom Tower” in the distance across the street.

The Japanese girl seemed to ponder for a moment before tentatively saying, “Because… it’s the ‘Freedom Tower’? I mean, it’s the One World Trade Center, reconstructed at the original site after the Twin Towers were attacked and destroyed. It’s an iconic American building, widely known worldwide. So, buying an entire floor in such a landmark building, I suppose that’s your goal?”

“You’re partially correct,” Shen smiled. “The key point is that it was completed in 2013, relatively new. If it were just about iconic buildings, the Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center would suffice. But this one is different; it’s freshly built, with all the latest amenities and hardware. Unlike those old buildings that, no matter how renovated, still carry a sense of antiquity. New buildings are comfortable to live in.”

“Huh?” The Japanese girl made a similar sound again but quickly covered her mouth, embarrassed. “Yes, sorry, I misspoke!”

“So, I don’t care about the price and such. Tell my agent that my requirement is to get what I want as quickly as possible, price is not an issue.”


The Japanese girl diligently noted down in her notebook.

“Why don’t you use electronic devices?” Shen looked at the girl’s notebook—it was leather-bound, giving it an old-fashioned appearance.

“Because… digital products are prone to damage,” the Japanese girl replied nervously. “I mean, in case of water damage or malfunction, there’s a risk of data loss. And… I’ve always liked writing by hand since I was young. If you don’t like it, I can switch to using a tablet tomorrow.”

“No need, I was just curious,” Shen yawned. “Is there anything else?”

“Your yacht has arrived; it’s docked at the pier. I’ll send the address to your phone. It’s at your disposal 24/7,” the Japanese girl quickly reported. “I’ve selected the top three companies in New York for planning and arranging high-end parties. Each of them has provided three sets of proposals. I’ll send them all to your email for you to choose from. I’ve also noted down the characteristics of each and what I perceive as their shortcomings…”

“No need for that; just arrange them all,” Shen smiled. “Today is Monday, and I have a month-long vacation ahead. Arrange parties with each of them. Hmm, one party per week, with plenty of time to spare in a month.”

“…Yes, I’ll contact them immediately and arrange your party events,” the Japanese girl took a deep breath, pushed up her glasses, and continued, “Do you have any specific requests I can convey to them?”

“Requests?” Shen seemed to ponder for a moment before smiling. “For a young, wealthy, single, and normal male like myself, what more could I expect from parties? Just a few things.”

“Got it, I’ll note it down,” the Japanese girl picked up her pen to prepare for recording.

“First, the most beautiful women in New York. Second, the finest liquor. And third, arrange some entertaining and fun activities,” Shen shrugged. “That’s all.”

“…Yes,” the girl’s fingers holding the pen seemed to exert great force, but she meticulously recorded each item. “Beautiful women, liquor, and fun entertainment activities.”

“And your customized clothing, the best tailor on Savile Row has been booked, but his schedule…”

“No, you got it a bit wrong,” Shen interjected lightly.


“Schedule,” Shen smiled. “As you work for me, you need to understand a fundamental principle.”


“Schedule,” Shen reiterated. “I’ve paid a hefty price for his service, not to fit into his schedule but to fit into mine. So, I don’t want to hear about his schedule; do you understand? He needs to be at my beck and call whenever I have the time. Otherwise, paying such a high price loses its meaning. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” the Japanese girl sighed.

“Well then… are we done with work?” Shen smiled. He suddenly turned his head and saw that the pretty redhead waitress behind the counter had left, wearing a casual coat and smiling towards their direction.

“Yes, today’s work is all reported,” the girl confirmed.

“Very well,” Shen finished the last sip of coffee from his cup. “So, work hours are over now. There’s one more thing I need you to do.”

“Please tell me!” The Japanese girl immediately straightened up.

“I’ll be leaving here now; my car is parked outside, and I’ll be heading out shortly. What I need you to do is…” Shen looked into the girl’s eyes. “Find the best hotel nearby, preferably within a twenty-minute journey. Then, book the best room for me. My requirement is that when I arrive at the hotel, I can smoothly enter the room simply by stating my name, without wasting time on other tedious details. Oh, and there should be rose petals on the bed, and champagne in the room—Dom Pérignon would be fine; the vintage is up to you. I expect that everything will be prepared by the time I arrive at the hotel twenty minutes after leaving. Understand? As for the hotel address, you’ll send it to my driver shortly.”

“…Yes!” The Japanese girl nodded firmly.

Seeing the girl’s nervousness, Shen smiled reassuringly. “No need to be too tense. It’s your first day working for me; you’ll gradually learn that I’m quite easy to get along with as a boss.”

As Shen seemed about to leave, the Japanese girl suddenly found some courage—perhaps her mind went blank, or some supernatural force prompted her—and she asked, “May I ask you a question?”

“Of course, I’m very friendly with my subordinates,” Shen replied with a smile.

“Why her?” The Japanese girl frowned and glanced at the red-haired girl behind the counter, whose eyes were almost watery. “Although she’s quite pretty, but… as a man of your status, you shouldn’t…”

“Because she has red hair,” Shen replied casually. “It’s a personal preference of mine—I have a preference for women with red hair.”

“…Yes, I’ll remember that. When arranging the party, I’ll include this special preference of yours,” the Japanese girl bit her lip. “One last question… why me?”


“Why me? I mean, why did you hire me, offering a salary that is irresistible? Although I’ve had some experience with wealthy people in my previous jobs, there’s no doubt in my mind that you’re undoubtedly one of the wealthiest figures in the world. And me… While my previous experience in the service industry is decent, I don’t think I’m capable of being your personal assistant. The salary you offered me far exceeds what I believe to be my abilities.”

Shen had initially intended to stand up and leave, but upon hearing this, he sat back down, staring into the Japanese girl’s eyes for a full five seconds. “So, is this why you dressed up like this on your first day of work, to meet me?”

“Huh?” The Japanese girl blushed, feeling embarrassed as if her thoughts had been exposed.

“Your old-fashioned pencil skirt, conservative and outdated suit, deliberately styled hair that adds a touch of old-fashioned arrogance. You even brought along a vintage leather bag from twenty years ago… Let me guess, you didn’t even bother with perfume. Your appearance makes you look twenty years older than you are. What are you afraid of?” Shen’s tone carried a mocking undertone. “Are you worried that I’m the kind of rich playboy who likes to toy with attractive female staff? Worried that I’ll make advances towards you? So you deliberately dressed like this to work for me?”

“…I’m sorry,” Takemoto Shizuka bowed her head.

“No need to apologize, Miss Takemoto Shizuka,” Shen’s finger tapped lightly on the table, a smirk playing on his lips. “I find your approach quite amusing—keep it up.”

“But you still haven’t answered my question, why me?” Shizuka Takemoto gathered her courage to press on. “I’m just an ordinary girl who worked as a flight attendant for a few years. And you, as a big shot, could easily find many more professional and capable people for a personal assistant role—people who are even more attractive than me.”

“…Do you really want to know the answer?” Shen chuckled.

“Please, I must know, I beg you!” Shizuka lowered her head.

“Because you have the worst qualifications and abilities out of all the resumes provided by the agency,” Shen said bluntly.

“What?!” Shizuka Takemoto exclaimed in astonishment.

“So, I suppose… consider it charity,” Shen said, standing up and leaving. Before he left, he turned back and said, “Remember what I instructed you—hotel, room, roses, and champagne. You have less than twenty minutes.”

“Ah! Yes!”

As Shizuka watched her handsome yet friendless young employer wait outside the café with the red-haired waitress, and then the two of them approached a flamboyant and ostentatious George Barton car parked by the roadside, a burly man in a tight-fitting suit got out of the car to open the door for them. After casting a fierce glance around, he jumped back into the driver’s seat, and the car slowly drove away.

Shizuka Takemoto sighed and quickly took out her phone to start searching for nearby hotels.

“Hello… XXX Hotel? I need a luxury suite, the most expensive one… Time? Right now, immediately! Yes, I’ll pay you immediately, and also, I need some arrangements, please take note…”

A few minutes later, after paying a large sum of money from a “dedicated account” via her phone, Shizuka Takemoto breathed a sigh of relief and sent the hotel’s address to a certain phone number saved in her phone contacts.

“All set.” Shizuka Takemoto sighed again, sitting back and zoning out for a moment.

Having this job felt like a dream come true.

Just a few days ago, I submitted my resume to an agency, hoping to find a service-oriented assistant position. I never expected to be hired by such a peculiar boss.

There’s no doubt that this handsome yet friendless young employer is the kind of super-rich magnate you only hear about in legends.

And the salary… it’s at least ten times higher than what I earned as a flight attendant in Japan!

Even on my first day of work, I was given a special account within my work responsibilities. This account is exclusively for covering expenses for this boss.

Like the hotel just now.

And this special account? It’s from Citibank, one of those legendary unlimited credit accounts!

It all feels like a dream.

But… at least the major problem is solved, right?

With that in mind, Shizuka Takemoto picked up her phone and dialed a number.

A moment later.

“Meiko, it’s me! Oh… yes, I’m in New York now… Yes, I’ve found a job… The benefits are amazing… Tell Mom not to worry about money anymore… Ah, what are you saying! That kind of thing will never happen… Don’t worry, I’ll take care of myself! Meiko, you keep pushing forward too!”

“What are you looking at?”

Inside the car, the redhead waitress was leaning close to Shen, her ample bosom pressing against his arm.

Meanwhile, Shen kept glancing back at the coffee shop they had just left, where Shizuka Takemoto was still sitting.

“She’s an interesting girl, isn’t she?” Shen smiled and turned back.

“Where are we going now?” The redhead waitress looked at Shen, seeming a bit awkward. “I… I didn’t realize you were wealthy.”

She glanced at the car they were in.

“So?” Shen gave the redhead a teasing look.

“I… I just wanted to say, I don’t usually do this kind of thing, I… I’m not… I’m not that kind of girl, I just feel… drawn to you,” the redhead stammered.

“Alright, these topics are making things awkward,” Shen said casually. “I’m not in the best mood right now and need to do something fun, and you… happen to have beautiful red hair.”

“Red hair?” The waitress flashed a coy smile. “Do you like my red hair? It’s dyed nicely, right? I just did it the day before yesterday, and I really like it myself…”

With that, she pulled out a mirror and meticulously adjusted her hair.

“…Wait, dyed?”

A few seconds later, a black George Barton suddenly slammed on the brakes and stopped by the side of the road with a squeal.

The door opened, and a redhead girl jumped out of the car. Then the door slammed shut, and the car sped away.

The redhead girl raised her middle finger at the departing car and cursed loudly, “Fuck!! Crazy!! Psycho!!”

“Now where to, boss? Are we still heading to the hotel?” asked the burly man driving in the front seat, his voice deep and gravelly.

“What a pity,” Shen sighed. “My new assistant had already arranged the hotel for me with roses and pastries… but now there’s no lady. You see, it’s such a frustrating situation.”

“…I still don’t understand why you chose an ordinary person as your assistant,” the burly man driving frowned. “She may be pretty, but she’s just an ordinary person.”

“No, no, no, you don’t understand,” Shen chuckled, flashing his pearly whites. “I’ve done some digging, and it seems she has some peculiar connection to someone I’m interested in. So, she’s my prepared bait, bound to attract an interesting fish sooner or later.”

Pausing for a moment, Shen suddenly grinned and said, “Also, did you notice something interesting?”


“This Japanese girl, she doesn’t seem to have any interest in me at all; she’s even on guard against me,” Shen seemed quite amused. “You’ve seen it; I just sit around in the café for a while, and I’ll get several phone numbers. But this Japanese girl, she treats me like I’m some kind of virus, ready to catch her off guard.”

“That’s probably the real reason why you hired her,” the burly man sighed helplessly. “I think it’s your playboy’s challenge mindset at work.”

“Alright, you’re not Tian Lie, so you don’t need to deliberately mimic his tone and joke like that,” Shen suddenly dropped his smile. “Even though you’re quite like him, I brought you here as my driver, but you don’t need to imitate that guy. Understand?”

“… Yes.”

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