Gate of Revelation

Chapter 549

Find a Professional

Forty-five minutes.

Only forty-five minutes had remained for preparation.

This was no ordinary instance; not even the highest difficulty instance could have compared to the situation at that moment.

It was a dire situation!

Although every Awakened had experienced life and death trials to some extent, living in this game, undergoing instance after instance, had been akin to subjecting one’s life to repeated tests.

Adventure? It had become routine.

But that kind of dire situation had been different.

Zero City had turned into a death trap!

“No time for idle talk,” Bluesea had grabbed War Angel’s shirt collar, swiftly saying, “The contingency plan? As the guardian armed forces of Zero City, hadn’t the Angel Corps made any worst-case scenario contingency plans? Hadn’t you ever anticipated the possibility of Zero City being breached or infiltrated?”

“…We had,” War Angel had forcefully pushed away Bluesea’s hand, “We had made several contingency plans—though none of us had ever thought there would come a day when they’d be put into action!”

Pausing for a moment, War Angel had said coldly, “Bluesea, right then, I needed your full cooperation.”

“What else can we do? Fine! You’ll have the same command over Blade Mountain Flame Sea Guild as I do! From now on!” Bluesea gritted his teeth fiercely.

“So, Angel Corps, everyone! Now execute… Plan Number Thirteen!! Repeat, Plan Number Thirteen! This is not a drill! Actual combat, Plan Number Thirteen!!”

War Angel jumped onto his mech, roaring through the loudspeaker.

“Plan Number Thirteen… Hmph, what an auspicious number,” Bluesea muttered under his breath, his face turning iron-grey.

Soon, the Angel Corps in the square began to move swiftly.

Truly worthy of being Zero City’s guardian force, the Angel Corps responded very quickly. The tanks of the Angel Corps on South Street had already disregarded everything and rushed onto the central square, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake as they trampled over the surrounding steps, sculptures, and greenery.

More than twenty armored vehicles formed a semi-circular defensive position, their cannons aimed at the teleportation array in the center of the square.

In the distance, a dense buzzing sound could be heard. In less than five minutes, a multitude of combat aircraft had swiftly circled overhead, filling the sky above the square.

Dozens of variously colored sentinel mechs occupied key positions around the square, especially on several high points and surrounding elevated platforms and buildings, all of which were occupied by firepower.

Dozens of Angel Corps members had swiftly dashed onto the square, each taking out oval-shaped metal objects from their storage equipment and carefully installing them at various positions on the square.

Fifteen minutes had already passed!

“Bluesea,” War Angel pulled Bluesea aside, glanced at the busy crowd, lowered his voice, and said quickly, “This is the first line of defense. However, the terrain here is too open. Our plan is to deliver a frontal assault to the invaders with firepower here, causing them a certain amount of damage.

But this terrain isn’t suitable for sniping.”

“The second step, we will deploy the second line of defense in the most suitable defensive terrain within Zero City.”

“The most suitable defensive terrain?”

War Angel looked up towards the south…

That was the core position of Zero City, the prototype building of the Elder Council.

“The Elder Council building is circular… A circular formation is the most suitable defensive formation, and the materials used for the Elder Council’s building are known to be the best and most durable. The terrain is also most suitable for defense. From a defensive perspective, it is sufficiently three-dimensional, allowing for crossfire from multiple angles. My people have already begun setting up the second line of defense at the Elder Council.”

“So, the first line of defense won’t hold for long, right?”

“That’s for sure,” War Angel glanced at Bluesea, “But I need time, time to fight. So…”

“I understand.” Bluesea struggled internally for a moment, “I’ll have my people cooperate with you.”

Soon, aircraft from Blade Mountain Flame Sea Guild descended, and more than a dozen fully armed Awakeneds arrived behind Bluesea, all of them wearing A-grade protective suits.

“This is the most elite combat team under my command. There are only two such teams in Blade Mountain Flame Sea Guild. Now I’m handing them over to your command.”

Bluesea turned to look at Thunder Squad, focusing on a middle-aged man leading the team, “Yang Yi, from now on, you’ll take orders from War Angel!”

Yang Yi was a man with a chiseled face, standing rigidly straight, “War Angel, all sixteen members of Thunder Squad report to you. Our expertise lies in being the tip of the spear! All members are technologically inclined, equipped with electromagnetic and energy weapons. We excel in frontal assaults and sniping. Additionally, we have four A-grade combat fortress units! At full power, we can withstand A-grade attack intensity for ten minutes.”

“Very good,” War Angel exhaled, pointing towards South Street, “Now, you’ll stay here on standby. I expect your weapons to be calibrated immediately, ready for combat at any moment.”

“What’s our mission?”

“In a moment, when the enemy invades, you’ll serve as the first reserve team. If the first line of defense is overwhelmed, you must immediately step in and use your utmost abilities to eliminate any enemies appearing in the center of the square! Indiscriminate coverage attack!”

“Indiscriminate coverage attack?” Yang Yi frowned.

“Yes, if we fail, there may be friendly forces left on the square, but at that point, there’s nothing we can do. We must inflict maximum damage on the enemy with the fiercest firepower while delaying their advance.

Moreover… once the square is compromised, from here to the Elder Council building, the entire South Street will become the second battlefield. I expect you to delay the enemy’s advance here at all costs, giving our forces stationed at the Elder Council time to fortify their defenses… Now, you may begin preparations. Remember, the entire South Street is yours!”

Yang Yi raised an eyebrow and glanced at Bluesea, “Commander, I need to add two more squads.”

“Let the Sixth and Ninth Squads be under your command,” Bluesea replied without hesitation, “I believe you understand War Angel’s instructions. Once the square is compromised, you must use all means to delay the enemy’s advance on South Street! Any enemy approaching the Elder Council is your sniper target.”

“I’ll do my best.” Yang Yi gritted his teeth, then turned resolutely and walked away, followed by the dozen or so men behind him, all of them showing no fear.

War Angel glanced deeply at their departing figures, “Bluesea, I’m starting to regret now.”

“Regret what?”

“I should have ignored those ridiculous rules when those bastards were ostracizing you and lent you a hand. Now it seems that Blade Mountain Flame Sea Guild are more reliable than those regular teams.”

The square and the surrounding streets had descended into chaos.

The crowded outsiders on North Street had already been dispersed.

Soon, the news spread like wildfire, the news of Zero City being invaded spreading among the crowd like a plague.

The crowd went into a frenzy!

Some people crazily rushed forward, attempting to break through the cordon, but War Angel wasted no time in suppressing them. Several experts from the Angel Corps stepped forward and immediately killed several people who attempted to breach the cordon.

Then a team of sentinel mechs drove the crowd back towards North Street.

Some people simply left the streets, scattering into the buildings on both sides, attempting to find alternative routes.

“Shouldn’t we… do something about these people?” Chen Xiaolian frowned as he glanced at the chaotic North Street, “These people are Awakeneds too. If they organize themselves to fight…”

“It’s too late,” Bluesea shook his head, “We don’t have much time left, just over twenty minutes now. These are just a bunch of random individuals. It’s impossible to organize them into a fighting force in such a short time. Even if we forcibly gather them together, who can guarantee that they won’t quickly fall apart or mess things up during combat? We need highly organized combat personnel! Even if there are some capable individuals among them, those who don’t follow orders are of no use at this time. And…”

Bluesea stopped abruptly in his speech.

Chen Xiaolian suddenly understood Bluesea’s intentions!

These people… couldn’t be organized, so it was better to let them fend for themselves.

Moreover, once the enemy invaded Zero City, these people could still serve as useful cannon fodder.

Their random running around might attract the invaders’ firepower, diverting them to various locations. If the invaders wanted to eliminate these outsiders, it would take them some effort and time, which would buy precious time for the defenders of Zero City who were holding the last line of defense at the Elder Council.

Although such actions were cruel and ruthless, but…

Chen Xiaolian sighed.

“Alright, the defense of the central square can only be taken this far for now. I must go to the Elder Council immediately… Even if those fools are despicable, they shouldn’t continue being foolish at a time like this. They must still be arguing at the Elder Council. I must go there immediately and get them to organize their respective teams to prepare for resistance.”

Bluesea glanced at Chen Xiaolian at this point, “What about you? Come with me. It might be the safest place left.”

Chen Xiaolian glanced at Bluesea and suddenly said, “You go ahead… I’ll find you later.”

Guan Shan couldn’t help but interject, “Little Face! Are you out of your mind? Where else can you go now?”

“I’ll go to the Elder Council. There’s still twenty minutes left,” Chen Xiaolian shook his head, his expression determined, “I’ll make it to the Elder Council before the battle starts.”

Bluesea gave Chen Xiaolian a deep look, “Alright, you always have some strange secrets… I won’t ask you about them now… But if you can do anything, Chen Xiaolian, you’d better do it quickly. We don’t have much time left. Guan Shan, you stick with Xiaolian. Whatever he needs, you help him out.”

With that, Bluesea leaped onto a nearby aircraft and swiftly flew towards the Elder Council.

Guan Shan glanced at Chen Xiaolian, whose face was very pale, then took a deep breath, “Little Face, what do you…”

But Chen Xiaolian turned to look at the central square.

Various combat equipment had already filled the entrance of South Street, forming a semi-circular defensive formation. The surrounding high points were also fortified with firepower, and there were even combat aircraft in the sky.

The crowd on North Street had been dispersed, but some stubborn Awakeneds hadn’t left. Instead, they had walked to the nearby Love Sea Beach.

These people sat directly on the ground, beginning to prepare their combat equipment.

There were all kinds of magical equipment, swords, shields, armor, technological equipment, firearms, energy weapons, and a variety of other items, including combat fortresses.

Clearly, these Awakeneds also understood that running away was meaningless… Where else could they run to?

They might as well prepare for battle here.

And the Angel Corps was not idle either. Some peripheral combat personnel of the Angel Corps, upon seeing these Awakeneds who hadn’t fled, simply approached them one by one, temporarily organizing them and setting up a loose second line of defense around the square.

Time, there were still nineteen minutes and thirty-seven seconds left.

“Where do we go now?” Guan Shan asked Chen Xiaolian.

But Chen Xiaolian didn’t answer.

Guan Shan looked at the heavily guarded central square and couldn’t help muttering, “I’ve never seen such a scene… The entire Angel Corps mobilized, such a powerful firepower defense line! Little Face, do you think we can defend Zero City?”

Chen Xiaolian hesitated, glancing at Guan Shan. Though he didn’t want to extinguish the flickering flame of hope in the young man’s eyes, Chen Xiaolian decided not to lie.

“I don’t think… we can,” Chen Xiaolian shook his head, then turned and walked away, quickly leaving along North Street.

Guan Shan ran behind Chen Xiaolian, “Why? Why are you so pessimistic about us?”

Chen Xiaolian remained silent.

He looked at the futuristic buildings on both sides that appeared neat and orderly.

This was Zero City, everything was as astonishing as when he first arrived here!

A powerful city, a group of powerful residents, highly organized with formidable force.

But all of this…

Suddenly, an image flashed in Chen Xiaolian’s mind.

The town he had entered in the Punishment Instance…

The town!

The town belonging to the “Conqueror” team!

The one that turned into a battlefield ruin, littered with destroyed combat weapons, equipment, flying combat vehicles, mechs, tanks, all kinds of magically enhanced weapons, everywhere reduced to rubble!

Just like having a “home” of their own.

Just like a team with highly organized and formidable force.

But… ultimately, it was destroyed!

The “Caesar” who ended up sitting in the safe house, leaving behind only a pile of bones, was the leader of the Conqueror team.

Perhaps, this was just another cycle?

Chen Xiaolian shook his head vigorously.

He glanced at Guan Shan running beside him.

Guan Shan: “Why don’t you believe in us? Zero City has so many experts, with its major permanent teams and the Angel Corps! In terms of combat power, even if all the Awakeneds in the world were combined, they wouldn’t match the strength of Zero City.”

“Trust me, I know a similar story, a situation similar to yours, but it ended in destruction,” Chen Xiaolian said coldly, “We shouldn’t be holding out hopelessly at this point. Instead, we should continue to seek opportunities. It’s time to find a way to leave Zero City in these final moments! Holding out is futile.”

“Then where are you going now?”

“To find someone,” Chen Xiaolian said icily, “In the command hall of the Elder Council, I saw too many fools. I think relying on those fools from the major permanent teams to defend Zero City is hopeless. However, fortunately, in the hall, I saw someone clever, someone truly intelligent. Rather than relying on those foolish elders from the major permanent teams, I prefer to find that clever person.”

“You mean… that…”

“Gibbs,” Chen Xiaolian said lightly, “He’s a technician from the Angel Corps, and judging by his level, he should be quite high-ranking. He’s likely responsible for monitoring the advanced technology of the ‘Zero City external passage system’. If anyone in this city knows the exits to the outside world best, this guy would definitely be ranked first!”

Pausing for a moment, Chen Xiaolian quickly turned at an intersection in the street, “He left too late to escape through the ‘main gate’, so he must still be in the city! Finding him, we need to involve the most professional person for the job!”

“Gibbs?” Guan Shan was puzzled for a moment. “But how do we find him?”

“When he left the hall, I planted a little ‘toy’ on him,” Chen Xiaolian said with a slight smile. Then, he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

The two of them ran for more than 500 meters in one breath, a distance that wasn’t much for two physically enhanced individuals.

Ahead of them was a low-density area of buildings, with a structure resembling a sailboat standing out prominently.

“What is this place?”

“This is… huh? This is a property of the Rodria Team. Many members of the Rodria Team have houses here.”

Chen Xiaolian frowned at Guan Shan’s words. “A senior technician from the Angel Corps, after resigning, ends up in the residential area of the Rodria Team members? That’s interesting.”

As he spoke, he raised his wrist and glanced at his storage wristwatch. “Up ahead… should be on the fourth floor… Huh? He’s heading out? He’s coming out!”

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