Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V13 – Chapter 156 Quest

“Secretary of Defense Grayson Norman came out yesterday and explained of a cat-and-mouse chase between Russian and American submarines in the artic. Since the region has become more available for commercial shipping. NATO, Russia, and China have been competing for control in the region.

The Russian Akula-class submarine was harassing a South Korean tanker. The Department of Defense send a Virginia-class USS Indiana intercept and guarantee navigation of freedom in the arctic waters.

Secretary of State Bobby Gates reinstated the need for a strong US presence in Greenland, acting as a staging ground for the artic. He also stated for the need for the US to purchase the island to guarantee the artic will remain free and within western international norms. – Syx Digital News



--- Farmhouse, between Alnus and Deabis ---

March 9th, 2026


Once the HUMVEE stops, Lillie Hauroth opens the door and jumps out of it. Once she lands on her hands and knees she starts kissing the ground. "Air! I never thought I will be so happy to see the ground."

"That was not natural!" Vauo Durgu says as he gets out of the second vehicle, the French Peugeot P4.

"It might not be natural, but I have to admit, it is quick," Karther Jagith said as he gets out of the HUMVEE. "It should have taken us two days to get here."

Corporal Myuute Luna Sires gets out of the driver's side of the HUMVEE and walks over to Lillie.

She hears Myuute’s bird-like feet and then feels her hand on her back. "You will be fine. You are just car sick. It happens to some people while sitting in the back."

She feels dizzy and throws up.

She then sits up on her knees and catches her breath. "I am sick? So, I need a potion or-?"

Myuute chuckles and pats her on the back. "No potion. That isn't standard equipment. You just need water."

She quickly reaches for her canteen and drinks about a third of it. She feels her stomach begin to feel better and no longer feels warm. "I think I am feeling better. I can't believe you people are willing to get sick like that."

"It is just motion sickness," Myuute states again. "Only a few get it, including me." She then stands up. "Alright, gather up."

She sees Gorgth walk up to her and helps her up. "Thank you."

"Anytime," Gorgth said with a smile, patting her on the back. "Just hold onto my armor until you are back on your feet."

She smiles and nods. She grabs his arm and looks at Myuute.

"I know you all already know this but I want to say it again so there are no confusions," Myuute said. "Someone has been stealing the farmer crops and asked us for help. Unless we find out that the person who is stealing his crops is hostile, we take them in alive."

"It is a snatch and grab quest?" Karther replies. "It is the most basic quest out there. We could handle this easily."

Myuute looks at Kather. "I know your party is capable of something this alone. I will be acting more of an observer. Now Karther, please come with me to the farmer."

She watches as both of them walk over to the farmhouse and talk to the head of the household. She then looks around to get an idea of what is around her.

She sees the other French AMP driver having a smoke, minding his own business. She sees tall green crops stretching out for leagues. She then sees these rows of trees with Bumbleberries, pink apple-like fruits.

"What do you think we will find?" she asks.

"It is probably just some bum," Gorgth replies. "I am expecting nothing eventful."

 "I do not believe we are facing an individual," Liz said. "If it was just one man then the farmer would have never noticed a crop or two missing."

"I don't know," she replies. "I came from the city."

Vauo walks up, hand on his chin. "I have to agree with our Lizard friend. I doubt it is a Demi-Human otherwise good chance they would have murdered the farming family. Depending on the type of race, it could be between three or five raiders. How long has this been going on?"

She pulls out the quest from her bag and begins to read it. "It says three weeks. Maybe longer. But he only posted this five days ago."

"That means whoever is doing this isn't that hostile so far," Gorgth said. "So, no Goblins or Ogres."

"Don't forget Gorgth," Harthdru Falith says. "Good chance these Other Worlders have already purged the major Demi-Humans like Goblins. We must keep that in mind. We might not be fighting a standard enemy. Either a recent or something knew that is not normally from these lands."

As all the Adventurers debate on what they might face and how to respond, she stands there smiling. She is happy that they are finally out of Alnus and on a real quest. Things have been getting tense in Alnus so coming out here seems to be a big relief.

She turns around as she hears both Myuute and Karther walking to them.

"It is your show Karther," Myuute said.

Karther nods and walks up to address his party. "Ok Adventurers. We just talked to the head of the house. He said they had another raid on his crops last night. There is a raid every three days but in different locations. It seems random except for one fact."

"What is that sir?" she asks.

Karther then points the mountain range. "They always head east to those hills."

"Our quest is a search and snatch now sir?" Gorgth asked.

"Correct," Karther replies.

"What are we facing?" Harthdru asks.

"No idea," Karther answers. "But one of the kids did see what looks like a tall beast. It is a kid after all so take that knowledge as it is. Be ready for anything."

"How do you want to do this?" she asks.

Karther takes a look around. "Harthdru and Vauo. I want both of you to scout the area first. See if you can collect clues and the best direction. Gorgth and I will go take a look at where the attacks happened. Lillie, you will be looking around with Myuute. Liz, see if there is a curse placed on these lands. Once The scouting team finds tracks we regroup and go on the attack."

She watches as everyone groups together and leaves. She then looks over to the green Siren woman called Myuute. "I guess we are partners today."

"Let's take a look around," Myuute said and starts walking away.

She catches up and walks beside her.

As they go on patrol, she notices that something is bothering her. During her short period in Alnus, she has been struggling to understand why so many people want to go there. Besides the better treatment of women, she doesn't see anything special.

"Mind if I ask you something... Corporal?" she asks, still learning how their ranks are. She finds their ranks confusing compared to the Guild system.

"Yes," Myuute said. "What is it?"

"What is a Siren doing there in Alnus?" she asked. "Most Sirens stay close to the mountains or in major cities."

"That is a funny story," Myuute said. "I once was an Imperial soldier(1)."

She stops and looks at her, shocked by that answer. "You once fought for the Empire? Do they know that? How are you not imprisoned or something?"

"I wanted more in life and the best way was enlisting," Myuute said. "Because of my wind abilities, they accepted me."

She thinks about what Myuute said. Gorgth would be shocked to hear a statement like that. If she once was an Imperial soldier and now works for the Other Worlders.

"How did you end up here?" she asked.

Myuute was about to respond but then smirk. "I was about to say battle, but it was a slaughter."

"I was there when the Americans first came through the Gate," Myuute explains. "Ten thousand Americans defeated an Army of one hundred thousand in one night. I barely got out alive only because I was in the read guard. I was watching the hill and just saw legions be torn apart."

"Ten thousand?" she asked. Speaking more to herself.

"Then I fought them at Italica and that was a strange event," Myuute says. "I saw firsthand of their power and I was taken, prisoner. I bet you can imagine what was going through my mind. Their flying machine easily took out our group."

She knows what Myuute means. If the opposing army wasn't slaughtered, it is the norm to be enslaved by the victor, the right of conquers allows this. It was one of the reasons why she wanted to be an Adventurer rather than a soldier.

She remembers storyies by Gorgth from his time in the Imperial Army. The things he and other soldiers under his command have done. Based on his stories, it never was pretty the losing side.

"So how did you end up here?" she asked, interested in her story.

"To be honest Rory vouched for me," Myuute said. "Basically, all they wanted to know if they could trust me. It was far easier than I expected to integrate with them. My army skills gave me the experience I needed to join the Alnus Military Police. And now I have a mate. Things have gone pretty well… oh sorry, I didn't mean to ramble."

She is shocked to hear that. She can't believe that an Imperial soldier was able to be so well into the Other Worlders society and yet Karther’s Adventurer party has struggled.

"Something wrong?" Myuute asked.

"Yes," she replies. "I don't understand? You are an ex-Imperial soldier? How are these Americans and Alnus locals ok being around an Imperial soldier, their enemy but we Adventurers, legit heroes, seem to be despised. I mean, we are Adventurers and we are supposed to be the heroes. People are supposed to like us because we save the day. It has never been this hard before. Do they even know?"

There is a short silence between the two women.

Myuute nods her head as she collects her thoughts. "Yes they do and no one cares. You will be shocked by how many ex-Imperial soldiers living in Alnus or helping NATO fight against the Empire."

"Alnus has become a fresh start for a lot of people. For a lot it has been the first time they feel free, feel alive. Let me ask you what you think Lillie, why are you people here?" Myuute continues.

She looks at her. "For honor, glory, and profit. To live free of our own choices."

"Well yeah," she replies. "We want to be the first here. I cannot believe things are so different."

"If you people want to work in Alnus you will have to adopt," Myuute said. "You Adventurers are used to having people adore you, but the old ways are ending. In the beginning, Alnus was just a refuge while the Other Worlders waged their war against the Empire. Now it has become more, something special. We all know you resent or even hate us and yet you want people to ask for your help."

She was about to respond but could not find the words. Myuute is correct, they have not made a good first appearance. They are so used to be treated like heroes just by walking into town. "Maybe if today's quest works out, we can start anew."




"So, four leggers?" Karther asked.

The party scout Harthdru kneels next to tracks. He is studying the recent attack on farming crops.

"Yes boss," Harthdru said. He then points into the forest. "If they have been attacking consistently then that means they shouldn't be far. Tracks say this way."

"Then we go that way," he said. "Liz, get the two women. We should hurry."

He then looks to the team High Elf, Vauo. "I want you to take the point. I was not both of you to guide us. I want to be the one who ambushes."

Once Lillie and Myuute arrive they all move through the forest, following the tracks.

No one speaks as they move through the forest, taking everything seriously. While in towns and at Guild Posts, he and the rest of the party are loud, expressive, and celebrating the time but out here during a quest they are professional.

He didn't become a rank 3 Silver or S Rank for being sloppy. He has had so many close calls over the years. He Ranked up from nothing to this.

He has seen things, experienced so much what Falmart has to offer, the good and bad. While he doesn't understand the kind of worth these Other Worlders come from, Falmart is a harsh world with threats around every corner.

As Gorgth puts it the Empire maintains order and stabilization throughout the lands. Keep invaders out, keep vassals in their place. They deal with bigger threats.

Which is fine with him, he never wanted to be a soldier. Unlike the other Guilds where they deal more on the economic side, the Adventurers deal with the smaller threats of Falmart.

The Army won't send a force to deal with bandits, or a small Goblin tribe, or basic escorting missions. They won't help track down missing people or snatch runaway slaves and more. That is why the Adventurer Guild was created, to help those people.

That is why townsfolk always had so much respect for Adventurers. He remembers going to towns after a successful quest and taverns offering free beer, the brothel women offering their services for free just for the gossip rights, which usually means higher prices for other clients.

He grew to love that respect but more importantly, he loves this lifestyle. Being out in the woods, hunting for food, going to new places. Every day is new and special, until recently.

Karther stops as Harthdru and Vauo stop. They look around to stay in the landscape.

Vauo Durgu is a rank 5 Ruby. Long ago when he was a Rank 8 Steel. They had a quest together to save this village girl from bandits. A simple enough quest however they had to fight the bandit leader, a Minotaur. It was a brutal fight, but they killed them and saved the girl. After that, they went their way for a few years until they party up again. Since then he has been a loyal archer.

Harthdru Falith is a rank 6 Emerald. While not the best fighter he is an amazing scout. Elves are known to be able to be great trackers, able to see the smallest of details and move swiftly. Many Elves don't like him because he batters at being an Elf then most Elves. They meant during a quest to raid some ruins against a Vampire Den. His ability to find traps and navigate through uncharted areas prevented his Party from being killed. Since then he kept him around.

He walks up to Harthdru. "What is it?"

"I saw something," Harthdru replies. "Vauo walking over to that brush."

"The enemy?" he asked.

"No," Harthdru replies. "We are safe. But it is worth seeing what it is."

He sees Vauo walking back from the brush with someone green in his hand. "What is it?"

"Looks like crept stem roots," Vauo said. "This definitely came from the farm from last night's raid."

"Alright let's go," he said.

As he watches Vauo and Harthdru move away, following the new tracks he looks to Liz. "Liz. I want you to hang back when we find them. Good chance they are either in a cave or an underground den, depending on what creature we are facing. Use your magic if we need support."

"Yes Karther," Liz said.

Liz is a Lizard humanoid race, rank 5 Ruby who came from the Empire occupied part of the Western Desert. The Party calls him Liz because his tribal name is too long and complicated to say. He went to Rondel to the Mage Academy. He got three degrees in magic, specializing in many different types. Anytime he feels like he needs an outside opinion he always goes to him.

Gorgth walks up to him. "Planning a full assault?"

Gorgth Braoen is the rank 4 Bronze Party Paladin, being the most physically strongest Adventurer in the group. He was in the Imperial Army for twenty-five years. He recruited him into the Adventurers seeing that he has a lot of experiences in dealing with monsters and savages like Warrior Bunnies. He knows he needed someone like him into the group, the professionalism, the contacts, training, and experience. He has acted like the wise old man in the group and a strong sense of honor.

"If it is a cave then maybe," he said as he places his hand on his chin, thinking.

"Are you trying to impress the Siren?" Gorgth asked. "If you were you, I recommend you ignore her."

He waves Gorgth off. "Not at all. I am trying to think about what the best way is to keep her safe. It would be awfully bad if we go back to Alnus with her as a corpse." He then looks at Gorgth. "I will make a final decision when we get there but no matter what we need to act fast."

"It will be best if we go in together first," Gorgth recommends.

"Agreed," he said and looked to Lillie and Myuute.

Lillie Hauroth, rank 7 Sapphire is the youngest member of the Party. He picked her up in Knappnai when she worked as a brothel girl. She had so much adventure within her and showed so much interest in the world. While he normally does not care about the opinion of a brother girl, he could not help but feel that she was wasted as one, so he sponsored her into the Guild and trained her. However, to this day she does not know that he had to pay her mother a small fortune for her to release her. Not because her mother loved her but because she felt she should be compensated for lost future revenue from her daughter's body. She thinks highly of her mother so he never felt like he could tell her the truth. She has been a great support within the Party, is the most positive one out of the group. When Gorgth joined the Party, he became a father figure for her.

"I want both of you to stay in the rear," he orders. "You are our backup if anything goes wrong."

"No," Myuute said. "I am staying close. Wherever you go I go."

He takes an annoyed breath but accepts. He doesn't like the idea that someone outside the Guild is giving him orders. He hates bureaucracy, especially State governments. The only reason he puts up with the Guild is that they give him the distance he wants. "Ok. Both of you stay behind me and Gorgth."

He doesn't hate Myuute, he just hates what she represents.

He loves being free. The ability to take any job he wants, to see who he wants. To move around and do his job as he wants. He likes the frontier feeling. He does not care about the war between the Empire and the Americans. He despises politics and sees it as a waste of time. As long as he gets to do as he pleases and be free, he doesn't care who is in power.

He heard rumors that the Other Worlders are anti-slavery but he didn't take it seriously, not until he saw them take Lillie’s slave by force(2). While he doesn't care about the slavery topic, a slave whore and a free whore feels the same way, it was the principle that offended him. If they were going to force their will on an ancient institution like that, what else are they going to interfere in?

In Alnus, he saw the worse. Lillie was correct when they were about to go on their new quest(3). Alnus is safe, civilized, happy, and protected. Everyone living and working together, ignoring the mighty military base next to the town. What he saw that Adventurers were no longer needed. These Other Worlder's world view and values will make his lifestyle obsolete.

The little time he has spent in Alnus has shown him that these people will one day move through Falmart and make the continent peaceful and stable. There will be no need for the Adventurer Guild and no place for a man like him, who wants to live his life on his terms.

He starts to move again, following Vauo and Harthdru. It takes about an hour until they get to the end of the tracks.

He quietly moves through the forest brush, being quiet and stealthy. He moves right up to Harthdru. "What do you see?"

"They are in there," Harthdru said softly.

He looks in that direction and sees a cave. He expected a cave, being a good shelter.

If it was a single attack, he would have assumed it would be a camp in the open, a group of people just passing by. The fact there was more than one attack on the farmhouse means whoever this group is, they had to be close and hiding. He has done this quest dozens of times.

"Ok," he said. "Going with the first plan. You two and Liz stay back and act as support. The rest will go inside."

As he sees his party members move into position, he sees Gorgth pull out his shield and heads to the cave. He moves into formation, by his side. Both women move up behind.

He pulls out a torch and lights up. "Lillie, can you carry this?"

"Yes boss," Lillie said as she takes the torch.

He then sees this strange-looking light coming from behind him. He looks over to Myuute and sees her holding a strange small object in her hand.

"It is a flashlight," Myuute said with a smile. "I had the same reaction. It is brighter than a torch and more focused."

"Wow," Lillie says.

Gorgth glances back. "I can think of a few times that would have been useful."

He thinks about the time he had to fight Vampires and the times he had to go into Goblin and Orc dens. "No kidding."

"Can I use that… flashlight?" he asked, somewhat nervous in using the strange-looking torch.

"Sure," Myuute said as she hands him the flashlight.

She explains how to use the flashlight and he uses it to see farther down the cave. He has to admit the device is very helpful.

They keep moving through the cave. He started to wonder if the creature they are hunting was still here but he saw more crops. They looked fresh and knew they were getting close.

"They are close," he said. "When we were engaged Gorgth take your shield and ram it. I will go in for the first attack and Lillie, stay behind me and do the second attack."

As he spoke an arrow hits and bounces off Gorgth’s shield.

"We have contact," Gorgth said.

Myuute pushes herself through them. She forms a whirlwind around her hand and pushes it out past them. A gust of wind pushes down the cave, stopping another arrow.

Seeing that gust of wind would stun the enemy he sees the opportunity to advance safely. "Advance!"

He rushes forward with Gorgth as he keeps pace.

Just as planned, Gorgth rushes up and rams into the creature. Loud noises can be heard as the creature falls to the ground.

He comes around holding his sword out, getting ready to strike. The torch Lillie is holding lights up the area better. As he swings his swords down at the creature, he realizes it is a medium-size Centaur.

He stops his sword and takes a closer look.

He sees the Centaur laying there. It looks terrified of him. The creature has scares and cuts all around him. Around where the human chest connects to the horse's body is bruised, like he was being used are a plow-mule.

"Boss," Lillie said as she walks past him. "Two more."

He looks over to where Lillie is looking at and twos two child-size Centaurs. The two look like they’ve been abused. He then notices that all three of them are all naked by Centaur standards.

"They don't seem hostile, boss," Gorgth said.

Myuute walks passed them. "They are ex-slaves. They must have been stealing the crops for food."

"Then we should take them back to their owner," he said.

"I will go tell the others," Lillie said.

The medium-size Centaur gets up and shyly backs away. "Don't take us back. He will hurt us more."

He looks back to the bigger Centaur. "It is not our place."

Myuute looks at him, angrily. "Are you kidding? Do we have to have this conversation again? We do not support slavery!"

"That is what our parents said," the Centaur said. "Father said there was a place far away from where we would be free."

"Look Myuute, this is the real world. Not your fantasy land in Alnus," he states. "There are laws I have to follow. Any escaped slave must be returned to their owners or brought to the Slave Guild. It is both Imperial and Guild Law."

"I don't care," Myuute said. "I don't care about those laws. We are on the border of the US and Elbe territory. The US doesn't recognize any form of slavery laws and the Elbe abolished the Adventurer and Slave Guilds from their lands."

"And if we let them go then we could be demoted and fined by the Guild," he states, not happy with the situation. He was hoping it was just some monster that they could kill. This got to be far more complicated than he wanted. He expected something like this would happen but not this early.

"Centaur," Gorgth said. "Where are your parents and where did you come from?"

"We came from across the Blue Sea," the Centaur said. "Father died protecting us while we escaped on the boat. Mother is hunting right now."

Gorgth looks at Myuute. "Do you see the crisis you people are creating?"

"What?" Myuute asked, struggling with how this is still a topic.

"The farmlands past the Blue Sea are vital for the agriculture economy," Gorgth explains. "You already cut Elies from the Falmart economy. People are going to starve to death because of a lack of food. If the slaves leave the farmlands, imagine all the wasted crops sitting there. People will starve because you crashed the economy."

"Hey! They are people your bas-," Myuute was saying before Gorgth stops her.

"I am not done women," Gorgth said. "You people claim to be passionate but look at what you are doing. Look at these three. Their father is dead, and they have to steal for food. If we didn't come here, they probably would have died before they made it to Alnus. Imagine thousands of other slaves do the same thing. Most will get caught and either brought back to their masters to be punished. Many will be killed and sent to the mines. And those are the lucky ones. Most will just die trying to get this far. Your calls for freedom will get slaves killed."

He sees Myuute standing there, unable to find a response. He remembers when they were at Populis he saw Demi-Humans and Darklings rushing to NATO controlled territory(4).

He hears footsteps and turns around. He sees Liz and Lillie walking up.

"What do we have here," Liz asked. "Three Centaur's."

"Yes," he said. "They are runaway slaves."

"Which we are taking to Alnus," Myuute orders.

He looks at her and tries to decide what to do. He doesn't care about the slave laws except for the fact that the Slave Guild pays well to bring back runaway slaves. The best way to keep the system in place is to incentivize people to return runaway slaves and the Adventurer Guild made lucrative arrangements to include slave-hunting quests.

They could easily overpower Myuute and the other French AMP wouldn't know until it was too late. However, that is not why he is here. The Guild might fine him but that probably will be it if they ever find out.

"We are taking the Centaurs back to Alnus for treatment," he orders and then looks to Gorgth, knowing he will protest. "I have never dropped a quest for personal gain. We follow what we agreed to."

He looks back at Myuute and sees something different in her eyes. A little bit of respect which he was not expecting. "Liz and Lillie. Get the children and let's escort them out of this damn cave."

It took some time to get the three Centaurs out of the cave. They are all weak and tired with one of the children having a broken leg.

Once outside he lets Myuute and Liz patch up the three Centaur's with the few bandages they have. Myuute also needed time to talk to her commanders to get a CH-47 Chinook to help transport them back to Alnus. They are to hurt too talk that far and too big to fit in the vehicles so other transportation needed to be arranged.

After an hour he is eating some of his rations as he waits. He had to calm Gorgth down, seeing his patriotic side coming out. He had to remind him that he is not an Imperial soldier anymore but ad Adventurer. He also explained that while he agreed with what Gorgth said, this was not the time or place for such a topic.

He then sees Lillie walk over with her usual smile on her face. "Are they ready to walk?"

"Almost there," Lillie said. "I just want to let you know that I think you made the right decision."

He looks at her and then continues to eat. "It wasn't that ago that this was easy. Why did it have to get so complicated?"

"I understand," Lillie said. "I miss just not worrying about the world and stargazing. Wondering what the gods are thinking."

"That sounds like worrying to me," he replies. He then smiles at her after seeing her smile. "I meant what I said back there. I have never compromised on a quest for personal gain. I promised to do this quest and we will see it through."

"And hopefully this will lead us with more proper work," Lillie said.

He nods hearing that. "Hopefully or otherwise all this was for nothing."

As he walks with her, he notices something from the corner from his eye. He grabs Lillie and tackles her on the ground.

He looks up and sees this large Centaur pass over them.

The Centaur lands on the ground next to Myuute. She turns around with fear in her eyes.

Seeing that Myuute is in danger he quickly gets up. "Vauo! Fire!"

He sees Vauo quickly shoot an arrow into the back of the large Centaur, making it scream and start trampling around. Myuute gets knocked back by the Centaur.

Liz places an energy shield to protect Myuute from the kicking, knowing one decent kick she would be badly hurt or killed.

"Gorgth, muscle it down." He orders.

Gorgth rushes up and gets on the back of it, trying to wear it out.

He rushes up with his sword. "Vauo. One more shot. Go for the leg!"

Vauo fires another shot into the Vauo Centaur leg making it scream. He used a special poison that helps paralyze creatures.

The Centaur slowly stops moving and begins to wobble from the poison. From its weakened state Gorgth brings the Centaur down to the ground.

He walks up and gets ready to kill the Centaur. "You tried to kill us you bastard." He walks up to it and places his foot on its hand and ready to chop its head off.

"Wait!" Myuute yells as she slowly gets up, coughing.

Lillie rushes up to her and helps her up.

"It attacked us," he says.

"It is their mother stupid," Myuute said, still dizzy.

He looks at Myuute and then at the children. The children Centaur look scared.

He then looks back down at the Centaur and see bruises and cut marks all around her. Just like her kids, she is also naked by Centaur standards, which allows him to see the deep cuts from hard labor or torture.

He takes a frustrated breath and backs away.

Myuute walks over as she catches her breath. "What were you all thinking? She clearly was trying to protect her children. You didn't have to go so extreme."

He looks at her pissed and places his figure on her chest, showing that he is not scared. "Look. She attacked and it looked like she was going to kill you. If we get back to Alnus with you dead, then all of us would probably be hung or crucified.

"They don't do either of those," Myuute corrects.

He rolls his eyes in frustration. "I don't care! Whatever their punishment system is. Your life was more important. If you died, then we are held responsible. I was not taking risks."

He then walks away as he hears the Chinook sounds in the distance. "Liz. Harthdru. Both of you help her bring the mother with us."






Alnus Map:

Elies Map:

  • Chapter 26

Used the Adventurer ranking system from Goblin Slayer

  • Chapter 135
  • Chapter 153
  • Chapter 119











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