Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V13 – Chapter 162 Day at the Park


--- Earth, Philadelphia, City Park ---

March 19th, 2026


Sharpe is walking through the city park. Selina has been begging him to take everyone to the park to see the ducks.

She watches as Selina pulls on Tuka's arm to the fence.

Selina stops and points to the pond. "Do you see? There's like a dozen of them!"

"I see Selina," Tuka said. "They are cute."

"No wait," Selina yells.

"Selina," he said. "Calm down."

Selina looks at him and laughs. "Sorry, dad. But look, when they go underwater, they stick up their butts into the air. It is so cute and funny! Watch."

He stands there and watches how excited Selina gets when the duck head goes underwater.

Tuka stands there and laughs with Selina, commenting on how silly the animal is.

He is happy that Tuka has stepped up in being friends with Selina, becoming more like a big sister, just like Lelei and Rory. All four of them are more like sisters than coworkers.

As Selina starts to lecture Tuka about the duck’s feet and how flat they are, he looks over to his right and sees Yao standing there.

Yao is looking around as she takes everything in. Her eyes show that she is still struggling to accept how different Earth is.

"How do you like?" he asks.

Yao looks at him and lowers her ears. "So far everything looks nice. I am surprised by how many people there are and how tall some of your buildings are. But I don't like the grey of the buildings. I am sorry."

"That's fine," he replies. "You don't have to like everything here."

"Except for those bird things?" Yao asks as she points to Selina.

He looks back and sees Selina following a duck, making quack sounds. "Yeah. You better like them otherwise Selina will be upset."

"See!" Selina says as she follows a duck. "They make these cute quack sounds. Quack!"

"Selina," he said, his tone warning her

Selina stops and looks at him. "Hey, daddy! Can we get a duck as a pet, please? I promise to water it, give it sunlight, and..."

Hearing that he rubs his nose. He can hear Tuka and Yao holding back their laughter. "Selina… that is a plant. Not a pet.".

Selina stands there realizing she said the wrong thing. "Oh… but my point still stands."

He crosses his arms. "If you finish your homework tonight, I will get you a stuffed duck toy."

Selina gets excited at the idea of getting a stuffed duck. She then grabs Tuka’s arm and starts pointing at other ducks with different colors and shapes.

To this day he finds it strange that he adopted a kid, especially someone from an alien planet. While he never would change that fact in a million years, he still has difficulty seeing himself as a father. For so long being a soldier was enough but now he feels like he missed out.

He looks over to Yao. He sees her watching Selina's excitement. "I think this is the first time you smiled since arriving."

"I am sorry," Yao replies. "I never meant to be rude."

He takes a breath as he collects his thoughts. "I know. Things are just different."

"I was watching you all during breakfast and it was so strange," Yao said.

"Because one is an adopted princess, the other is an Apostle of Darkness, the other is a mage and last is a refugee High Elf?" he sums up.

Yao nods. "That is also strange, but it also reminded me of my village. I always played with the children while the men went hunting or trading. But now so many of them are dead."

He takes a deep breath and looks back at Selina and Tuka. "Losing people, I know it sucks Yao. It is never easy."

Yao looks at him. "How did you handle it?"

He remains silent for a moment as he thinks. "When I figure that out, I will tell you. All I can do is stay around people I care about and rely on them."

He looks back at her. "And don't tell them I said that."

Yao tilts her head confused. "I don't understand. Why wouldn't you want them to know you love them?"

"Spend a week with Rory and you will understand," he replies.

Yao chuckles after hearing that. "You're interesting. You are far nicer than before, after getting to know you."

"I get that a lot," he replies. He then hears yelling his name. He sees her waving and he waves back. "You see all these people? No one is owned by anyone else so no more of this being my slave stuff."

"I understand," Yao replies. "However, I am your slave until the debt is repaid. I do promise not to strip in public this time."

After hearing that he places his hand on his forehead and shakes his head. "Why are women so complicated…" he mumbles.

He then hears Rory and Lelei walking up. "Hi girls, how are you doing?... wait… where is Sarah?"

Rory and Lelei look at each other and giggle.

"That is not good," he states.

"We ditched Sarah," Rory said in a prideful tone. "And before you start lecturing us, she deserved it!"

"Sarah wanted to go on the subway and Rory said no," Lelei comments.

"I refuse to," Rory responds in a defiant tone. "I do not trust Hardy."

"Sarah did convince her to come down but when Sarah got on the train Rory grabbed me and ran back upstairs." Lelei said

He looks at both of them and realizes he is going to get yelled at. "What was wrong…"

"Yeah well we had other plans," Rory responds. “And she deserved it.”

“She is still pissed we caught you all mating,” Lelei states. “SHe has been plotting her revenge ever since.”

"Lieutenant Colonel," Lelei said. "We noticed a few same-sex people holding hands. Is this common?"

"Well yes," he answered. "While they represent a fraction of the population, they are allowed to get married just like anyone else."

"That creeps me out," Rory replies and glances around.

He understands why Rory said that. She told him how Hardy molested her long ago because of some sickness Gods have on Uros. He knows Rory doesn't think ill of people who live that lifestyle, she just had a bad experience.

"Hey Rory, not all gay couples are like Hardy," he said, trying to ease her concern. "They are just like normal people."

"I know," Rory replies. "I have seen this all the time in Falmart so I am fine. But they are allowed to marry?"

"I do find it strange," Lelei replies. "Back in Rondel conducting sex with the same sex was consider normal, a game that people of status did. But no one would marry the same sex though, that wouldn't make sense. How do you have babies and expand your family bloodline?"

"Well, on Earth we do," he responds, trying to end the topic. "As Peter Griffin once said, if they want to be miserable like everyone else, why the hell not."

He chuckles after hearing that, remembering that Family Guy episode. That episode is what makes him support same-sex marriage. Let people live the way they want, as long it doesn't;t harm you. Love is more important.

Then he sees both Rory and Lelei glaring at him. "What?"

"Men," Rory says. "They never understand."

"You think it is miserable to hang around us?" Lelei adds.

"What… wait, what?" he asks, completely confused about what is going on. "What did I say?"

"Rory! Lelei!" Selina yells and then rushes over. "Come see the ducks!"

"Let's go Lelei," Rory said. "Let's go to the fun zone and play with the duckies."

He watches Lelei and Rory go hang out with Selina and Tuka. He is confused about what just happened, trying to figure out if they believed he was insulting them.

He looks back to Yao and sees this puzzled look on her face. "Are you confused like me?"

"Oh no," Yao said. "I fully understand why they are mad at you. They are punishing you by not telling you."

He blinks, confused. "Ok… so what is on your mind?"

Yao crosses her arms. "I was just thinking about how my Apostle used my people. We are very loyal and worshipped Hardy for thousands of years and she used us for her own games. But our enemy Emroy and Rory came to our aid. It makes no sense."

"I don't know what to say," he responded. "Relations between different gods in your world don't make much sense to me. However, you will find that Rory doesn't care about such things. Selina worships Miritta, Lelei worships La or Ra or whatever it is. Tuka follows…"

"Lunaryur?" Yao corrects.

"Yes," he said. "Thank you. But yeah, most of Rory’s friends back at base follow Emroy and she doesn't care. To her and the rest, people were in danger and that was enough."

He then hears Rory calling his name. He looks over and sees about a dozen people around them. Adults and children. All of them are looking at the Girls, especially Tuka.

Two adult men and one adult woman look at him.

"Are you with them?" the woman said. "Oh, you are a soldier?"

"Stay close to me Yao," he said and walked up to the crowd. "Yes, I am. We are all on Leave from the other world. I am showing our friends around."

He can hear the civilians talk among themselves. Some seem excited to meet the Girls while others are concerned.

He then sees Selina walk over to his leg and grabs his pants. He places his hand on her shoulder. "It is ok Selina."

He looks out and sees Tuka talking to some of the civilians, showing off her ears. He is impressed by how well Tuka is handling this crowd, being very positive, non-threatening, and diplomatic. The civilians around her look amazed by seeing an Elf for the first time.

"I think I have seen you in the news," a man said, looking at Rory. "I cannot believe the military is using children as soldiers."

Rory looks directly at that man. "Good sir. I am nine-hundred and sixty-two years old. I have fought hundreds of battles."

The civilians around her loom at her impressed.

"I am the Apostle of Death and War. I spread the will of Emroyl," Rory said.

Then this young adult asks her a question. "Why are you helping us? Shouldn't you be fighting us or are you those Alnus people? If you represent war and death it sounds like you should be on the enemy team."

Rory smirks. "I got those questions when I first meant your soldiers. I find it humores how narrow your kind sees such things. We might be from there however we are enemies of the Empire. My alliance with you people was earned by trust, values, and blood."

"If you are so powerful what do you want from us?" someone asked. "What are your goals?"

"To spread your values to my world," Rory replies. "One of my other representations of Emroy is love. Love rules all, to go to war you fight for what you love. YOu must be willing to die for what you love. Love makes you do many insane things. I wish to spread love to all because only love is worth fighting and killing for."

Rory then pulls out her Halberd and swings it around but in a safe manner, just showing off to the crowd.

Everyone steps back and watches. Some are amazed while others are concerned. But the event seems positive so far.

He watches Rory and can tell she has done this a lot. He sees that her message had a positive effect on the growing crowd. The men enjoy seeing a sexy badass female warrior and the woman loving the message about spreading love to a world of evil.

"Please don't feel threatened," Tuka said in a warming voice. "We are your friends and also enemies of the Empire. We have the same goals and dreams of being free and defeating the ones who attacked you." She then looks at him. "Sharpe?"

"You're all doing fine," he replies.

He looks over to Lelei and notices that she is just standing there talking to a few people. However, she looks nervous, being careful.

"I know you," this teenage boy said. "I saw a feed with you in it. The blue hair. You are what they call a mage? Magic-user?"

Lelei looks over to him, looking for support.

He nods, letting her know it is ok.

Lelei looks back. "Yes, I am a magic user however I am still in training."

A few more civilians walk over to Lelei after hearing the word magic. She begins talking about magic and how it works.

The woman gets closer to him. "I see this little one next to you. Is she your daughter?"

"Yes," he replies.

"They let you take your daughter into combat?" the woman asks. She isn't lecturing or angry, more trying to understand.

"Of course not," he replies. "She was taken by the Empire and I freed her. Then I adopted her. She stays in Alnus with everyone else."

"Aww," the woman says, loving the knight in shining armor story. "What is your name?"

Selina looks up at him nervously, looking for approval and security. She then looks back at the lady. "My name is Selina Mir Sharpe."

"What a cute name," the woman says. "This is my daughter Madison."

As Selina and Madison talk, sharing stories and then starts talking about all the different birds. Selina seems confused on what to do, probably because she has struggled to make friends in Alnus.

“Aww,” the mom said. “They seem cute. I bet she doesn’t have many friends here in Philadelphia?”

“No,” he replies. “And from her experience being a slave, she struggles in making other friends. We only have been able to come here a few times now.”

“I am sorry,” the mother said. “Being a single parent can be hard. Does she have a mother?”

He thinks on that question for a moment. “My girlfriend Sarah.” It sounded strange saying that to a stranger and wonders if this is how it is supposed to feel. “She is trying to teach her how to read, write and all that.”

“That is sweet,” the mother responds. “Sounds like you are lucky.” She then reaches into her purse and pulls out a note and pen. She then writes something down. “When you guys are back in town maybe Selina and Madison can have a girl play date? It is good for her to make friends here.”

He wonders if he should take the note, trying to decide if he should trust her. Then he remembers Sarah and the rest of the Girls telling him to be more trusting and open to people. He reaches out and takes the note. “I will consider that. Thank you.”

The mother smiles. “By the way. Thank you for your service. We all appreciate everything you all are doing there. And hearing that you saved this girl and seeing your friends there really help show we are doing a good thing.”

He looks over to the Girls as they continue to show up and have fun with the other civilians. Some are telling stories about battles against the Empire while others still show some tricks. He can see a lot of patriotism in the crowd. “Thank you.”

As the mother leaves he sees Yao being very friendly to a dozen children which surprised him. He realized that he misjudged her, being far more child friendly than he thought.

He sees Tuka using her spirit magic and takes some of the water from the pound. She then does some basic tricks with the water. Just enough to entertain the children.

Lelei then starts this fire magic and starts doing all these tricks with it. She then starts mixing in some other types of magic like energy.

He looks at Rory and sees the competition impulse in her eyes. Not wanting to be outshined by the others she starts doing tricks with her weapon. She is showing off her super-human abilities like speed, strength, and flexibility.

He watches, enjoying the show.

"Very impressive. I never expected you to take the father's job. Especially after what happened."

He hears this woman to his left with a Russian accent. He closes his eyes and takes a breath. "Well, the fun lasted. What do you want? agent Ivashina Yurievna."

Yurievna walks up beside him and watches the Girls do tricks for the civilians, all having a good time. "That is no way to treat an old friend. After everything we have been through?"

"Were not friends," he replies in an annoyed tone. "And why is the SVR(1) here?"

"Don't play dumb," Yurievna said. "I have been authorized to make a trade with you and your people."

He looks directly at Yurievna. "Hell no. There is no way I'm dealing with a Ruskie."

Yurievna chuckles and crosses her arms. "We worked together once before. You showed my supervisors that while you are a trade American Cowboy, you are responsible. one"

He glares at her and looks away. "Only because I had no choice. If we didn't work together then that Soviet-era mini-nuke would have gone off by those Insurgents."

He thinks back to that mission. It was still early on in his Delta Career. When the Soviet Union fell in 1991 many of their nuclear stockpiles went missing. For the past four decades, SOCOM(2) has been secretly trying to recover any missing Soviet WMPs on the black market.

Yurievna chuckles a little. "And that is why I am here. My country has been quiet on matters with the Gate, playing a wait and see game."

"I know," he replies. "We have been wondering why you Ruskies have been quiet."

While the Chinese make a daily speech about how the Americans are keeping the Gate to themselves and demanding a role on the other side of the Gate. Of course, the Americans reject, claiming China's intentions as evil.

"Here is the thing Sharpe," Yurievna continues. "My country is willing to continue looking the other way as long as we get something."

"And that something is?" he asks, more out of curiosity than seriousness.

"My country wants the DNA of Rory, Lelei, and Tuka," Yurievna said.

He looks directly at Yurievna, his first reaction was hitting her, and it took a lot of discipline not to. "Hell no."

Yurievna looks at him and smiles. "You have changed. That outburst wasn't out of duty but fatherly protection."

While he does not understand the science behind Rory's super-human abilities, Tuka's long life, and Lelei's ability to use magic he fully understands the potential of it all. He wonders if the Russians learned from DARPA experiments on the Girl's DNA.

"The answer is no," he says again and looks at her. "This conversation is over. Period."

He turns around and starts walking away.

"The Chinese have agents in Alnus," Yurievna said.

He stops and looks at her. The CIA and NSA had worked very hard to make sure no foreign agents sneak into Alnus.

"I see that I have gotten your attention now," Yurievna said.

"Are you saying you want to trade Chinese agents for the Girls blood?" he asks.

"Look, Cowboy," Yurievna said. "My country opposes your rule over the world. You meddle in everyone's business and push your moral crusade on others. However, that doesn't mean we want China to replace you on the world stage. China is invading our backyard and that is not acceptable."

Yurievna then walks up to his side. "As I said, my country has been quiet so far and the last thing your people need right now is harassing you. It is not like we are asking for the bodies. And besides, my country promises you and your people that we will not make a move against them if you accept the deal. Trust me, that is a good deal."

He understands the deal. It is a simple but deep offer. What makes the offer simple is that the US gives Russia something which allows them to stand up to China. In return, they continue to remain quiet on matters with the Gate. It is a good backdoor deal and if he supports it, he is sure his superiors will highly consider it.

There is one problem though and he will not let that pass. While she didn't say it directly, she actually threatened the Girls. "No."

"What?" Yurievna asks, confused by his response.

"I said no," he says again. "And the next time you threaten them I will make sure what happened in Thailand looks like a dress rehearsal."

Yurievna places her hand on her head and shakes it. "You damn Americans. You are such a stubborn person. And I am a Russian so that is saying a lot."

He then hears Rory heels walk up.

"Jackson," Rory said in a jealous tone.

He looks at Rory and was going to tell her to leave. He then saw her eyes and can tell she is not happy that he is talking to another woman, which gave him an evil idea.

He smirks, getting an evil idea. "Nothing Rory. This fine lady here was just asking me on a date. She just gave me her phone number" He then shows the note from the other lady.

"What!" Rory yells and then looks at Yurievna. "He does not belong to you so now get out of here before I slice you into two!"

Yurievna holds up her hands and backs away. "Wow, girl. I am sorry. I am… going to leave now."

Once Yurievna leaves he looks down and sees Rory pointing at him angrily.

"And you Jackson!" Rory states.

He claps her hand and then fist bumps, which confuses her. "Thanks for bailing me out Rory. As a reward, I will let you play with a stick. Now let’s go find Sarah before she gets pissed." He thinks, winks at her and walks to the other Girls.

Rory stands there confused. "What just happened?"



--- Fort Minick, Training Grounds ---

March 19th, 2026


Bozes Co Palesti is rushing through the trial. She is with all the other Rose Knights.

As per Sharpe's instructions, they are following the training regimen. Today's lesson is carrying a log in groups of four.

In the morning they had to find a tree and cut it. Then they had to cut it into smaller logs and carry them back to base.

The catch is that they must travel four kilometers through a forest. When they get back to base Chief Master Sergeant Carlos Cruz must inspect the log to see if it was heavy and long enough. If not, they would have to do it again, the next day.

She knows this because this is the Rose Knights second attempt at this type of training, failing yesterday. Carlos said this type of training is to teach them teamwork, good field judgment and to figure out how is the best way to follow orders.

As they run, she sees the finish line. "Oh boy, there is the finish line!"

She looks back. "Come on girls. We are almost there!"

"By the gods yes!" Panache Fure Kalgi said, pleased by the news. "I am gonna go to sleep after this."

"Come on Hamilton!" Beefeater E Caty orders. "Don't falter now."

She looks over to Beefeater’s team and sees the three Knights with her. Hamilton is struggling, panting heavily.

"I am trying," Hamilton said, trying not to let the team down.

"Knock it off girls" she orders. When Princess Pina is not here, she is in charge of the Rose-Order Knights and unlike Pina, she lets everyone knows not to make her mad. "And Hamilton Uno Ror. Don't falter otherwise we all have to redo this again."

They all push forward and cross the finish line.

She and her team drop the log and start catching their breath. She looks around and sees the other teams doing the same thing. "We did it, girls!"

"Excuses me," Jalin said.

She looks at him and then the other girls on the team they all start laughing. She can see the confusion on Jalin's face. "And boys."

She then sees Carlos walk over. As he walks over she has noticed that he has this tense look about him. He always seems to be angry and sometimes she wonders if he hates the Rose Knights.

"Attention Knights," she orders.

She and everyone else stand tall at attention. Over the past few weeks, they have learned many basic things like standing at attention, bed making, the NATO alphabet, types of vehicles and country flags, and more.

While the physical side of the training has been annoying she has started to like the school work. The other day she saw two Italian Agusta A129 and two American AH-64 Apaches on patrol.  She was so happy that she could identify them.

Carlos walks past her and starts inspecting the logs. He is very quiet as he walks past everyone. He then stops and looks at everyone.

"This is better than last time but not good enough," Carlos said. "You will report to Trainer  Grey for sword combat practice and tomorrow morning you will try this again."

She hears many of her Rose Knights growl in anger and disappointment. One of them complains at the idea of doing this again.

"With all due respect Chief Sergeant but this is ridiculous," she said. "Inside my armor is soaked, it will take many baths to get the smell off me."

"If you did what you are supposed to do the first time then you wouldn't have done it again," Carlos said.

"We are not even sure what we did is wrong," she responds, getting angry. "You have been very vague about what we have to do."

"Because in combat you will not always have clear directions," Carlos said. "There will be times you must rely on your own judgment."

"Here is the thing," Beefeater said. "You and Sharpe act like we never saw combat before. We have drawn blood already."

"She is right," Panache adds. "We have been training in all of our lives. We won all of our battles. Why do we have to do this? I understand the classes but this is degrading and insulting."

"This is Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe lesson," Carlos said. "This is the training regiment set by your leader to get you ready for war."

She knows why Carlos brought up Sharpe's name. He is trying to calm everyone down. After the events of Legrath and saving Princess Selina both Vanguard-7 and the Rose Knights have gained a new sense of trust and respect.

"And yet he is not here," Panache comments. "We are out here sweating tits and he's on Earth."

She looks at Panache. Out of everyone in the Knights she has struggled the most to adjust. She came from a very wealthy and powerful Noble family and now she is a traitor. While she has warmed up to the Other Worlders she still isn't a fan of what they represent. She is only here because of her extreme loyalty to Princess Pina.

Hamilton walks up to Panache. "Knock it off. Sharpe has been very kind to us and gave us a home after our banishment."

Panache crosses her arms and looks down at Hamilton. "You are only saying that because he helped heal you and your fucking one of his soldiers. Besides, some of us gave up a lot to be here. None of us would have been banished if we stayed in Sadera."

"Panache you still bringing that up?" Beefeater comments. "Let it go. You had your chance to go back so stop bitching."

"That is an Other Worlder word," Panache replies, looking away pissed.

"I know," Beefeater replies. "It fits you so well. when you get like this."

She can understand Panache's feelings. Most of the Knights have been disowned by their families and have nowhere to go.

She learned a while ago her father publicly disowned her on the Senate floor. While in public she has shown no drama, it has affected her in private.

"Knock it off," she orders. "We are not some gossiping girls in the market. We're Knights. We all wanted this." She then looks at Carlos. "And fine, we will do it again."

"I don't think it will be necessary."

Hearing that she looks to the left and sees Captain Yoji Itami walking up. She smiles, glad to see him.

In the beginning, she had mixed feelings about him but he has proven to be a nice commander. He doesn't rule with an iron fist and doesn't make them follow such strict rules. While he is new he has been far easier to get along with.

"I think this log training is finished," Itami said.

Carlos looks at him and salutes. "Captain. They didn't live up to expectations."

Itami looks at the logs and back at Carlos. "They seem heavy enough to me."

"With all due respect sir if you don't push then they will end up soft," Carlos responds. "Sharpe orders are clear."

"Sharpe isn't here," Itami replies. "And I don't think he intended to drill them to death. And besides, they have already been through a lot so they’re not green like the ones you're used to trainingg. Now go help train the Legrath group."

She can see the frustration look in Carlos's eyes. He salutes again and then walks away.

She walks up to Itami smiling. "Thank you. I think he hates us."

"Hmm?" Itami said, confused. "He doesn't hate you. He is just extreme "

"Why are Carlos and Sharpe pushing us so hard?" she asks.

"Because they have been through hard times," Itami answers. "I am here to balance them out and besides, there is no point pushing you all away just because of training unrealistic."

Nikolasha Le Mon places her arm around her. "Remember Bozes. You are already taken." She then looks closely at Itami. "I wish you were our leader."

"What? Why? Itami asks, confused.

Shandy Gaff Marea starts laughing. "Well for one thing you are cuter."

"And you are nicer," Margarita Boro Auspex said.

"It does appear that you would be a better leader than Sharpe," Panache said. "None of this idealism crap."

She watches the situation unfold and sees many of her Knights start to swarm Itami. She then looks to Jalin as he rolls his eyes and talks to the other two male Knights.

She giggles and looks back to her female nights. "Captain Itami. Once we are done with sword training you like to hang out at the lounge? I think we will be interested in seeing some of your picture stories. I heard you had different tastes than Sharpe."

"You mean movies?" Itami asked. "Ahh, I guess but I have to admit, I usually prefer reading manga than watching anime. Less of a chance of it ending on a cliff hanger."

She can see her Knights get excited going on a date with Itami. They all cheer and are no longer full of energy in doing their swordsmanship training. As they all walk away, she walks up to Itami. "Hello, Captain."

"What is up Bozes?" Itami said. "Are you not going?"

"In a bit," she replies. "I just wanted to know why have you been nice to us? This isn't the first time you helped us."

"It is no problem," Itami said, rubbing his hand behind her head. "Just doing my job."

"Just your job?" she asks.

"Well yes," Itami replies. "As I said before I am here to balance Sharpe and Carlo."

"I see," she said. "Well, I just wanted to say thank you. The Knights sometimes wonder if you guys are just trying to make us quiet."

"Not at all," Itami said. "But I get the impression that you all don't like your leader. I thought you all liked each other."

She shrugs. "We will do it, it is just… I don't know. Regardless of what Panache says we know he will fight for us. We just get the impression; we just don't like how he works. That's all. We would like you to be our commander though. I do think we can work well together. Sometimes we debate how things would have been if we ran into you and not Sharpe."

Itami shrugs his shoulders, not wanting to respond. "Since you got me into this date night, are you coming?" He says, trying to change the subject.

She smirks. "Nope. Vanguard-2 coming back from patrol. I got my own date tonight with Charles Johnson." She starts walking away. "Thank you again and think about what I said about being our commander."






Alnus Map:

Elies Map:

(1)SVR = Foreign Intelligence Service (Russia)

(2)SOCOM =  United States Special Operations Command











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