Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V13 – Chapter 165 Fan Stories I

This is the result of the recent Fan story contest.



--- Elies Region ---


March 24th, 2026


Of music and war



Like smoke follows after fire, war and music are one and the same. The marching feet are the beating of drums, the clashing of steel is the strumming of the lyre, it is well known that great music comes from war.


While the human musicians of the Empire may try to find music in any aspect of life the composers of Lunaryur know the truth, only the best music is found in battle.


‘A an dú min Oibel’ by the wood elf Lierin Magrie, depicting the siege of Oibel in which one hundred elvish soldiers held off against an Orcish brigade for an entire week.


Or ‘The dance of the red-stained desert’ by the siren Adorise which interprets the year of Khan from the Ticaret conglomerate. It is a piece that many consider to be among the best music pieces ever produced, though I am more partial to the works of Magrie.


Opinions aside, it is known to the composers of Lunaryur that war breeds good music. This is why I, Vamir Krisnelis, worshiper and composer of Lunaryur, find myself in the lands of the Empire or to be more correct in the lands of the Other Worlders. 


Amid this unusual conflict, I intend to produce the next masterpiece and have my music composed in the grand halls of The Eklivana.


“You there”.


Vamirs inner monologue was cut off by shouting from in front of him, as he turned his focus back he saw a small squadron of imperial soldiers ‘great just what I needed’ he thought to himself.


“What business do you have so far into these lands, all citizens are to be stopped at the outpost” the squadron captain spoke.


‘Ah yes the outpost, getting past them was easy with a little magic’ Vamir thought to himself. “Well if you must know”, he said pulling out the mark of Lunaryur, “I am a composer of Lunaryur on pilgrimage and on the grace of the high priestess Ithronel Admys I ask that you grant me passage”.


Vamir had said this line countless times, mostly to humans who didn’t understand the meaning of this mark, throwing around a righteous aura and a few fancy words usually got him passage wherever he needed.


Today however was not one of those days “ehhh I know you guys” a man behind the captain said. “You're the guy with the fancy instruments who travel around the empire looking for music”.


‘Ah, an educated man’ with a pleased voice Vamir spoke: “why yes I am a-”


He was cut off by the man but with a much more nastier voice “And I also know you betrayed us at Blire”


Now it was time for another to speak up “yeah one of you ‘pilgrims’ decided to up and tell those traitors how we planned to attack”


‘Oh bother’ Vamir thought as the man kept rambling about the Blire incident, ‘while it did happen he seems entirely uninformed that the church already paid compensation’.


By now a few of the soldiers had made their way to Vamir’s sides, and as the tension kept rising a soldier on his right decided to rush at him. While Vamir was no soldier he was an elf and he did know magic and chanting in elvish he shot a spear of fire at the man. “Ech -o naur”


The spear hit him right in the chest sending him to the ground. His victory was short-lived as a gauntleted fist came colliding with his face and he too was sent to the ground and he stayed there as a captains boot was pressed against his back.


“Well then lads, I wouldn’t call today's patrol a complete loss, we managed to find a spy who attacked us unprovoked” he looked over to one of his men who was checking the fallen soldier but he only shook his head.


“You hear that elf, you killed an imperial soldier.” the captain raised his foot only to bring it down “we’ll have our fun with you yet”. 


He picked the Vamir up by his collar and brought him to chest height, “Right someone get the-” he was cut off with a bang from the tree line and a blistering pain went through Vamir’s leg causing him to fall down again, “shit they followed us get-” another bang and the captain simply fell dead.


As the soldier around him panicked with their captain dead, Vamir was left in shock ‘to cause death so suddenly even quicker than the bow, I had only heard rumors but such a thing to be real’.


When reality finally caught up with Vamir he finally realized he was now alone as the soldiers had been routed and the bangs were much closer now. With the body of the captain on top of him and the pain in his leg he tried to get up, he was a musician and a mage, not a warrior, he kept at it until he felt another pair of hands join in moving the body.


As the body moved off him he turned over and saw two people in strange armor kneeling over him. Before he could speak the two took him under his arms and began to drag him.


“Get him to the tree line” the one with a short grey beard spoke.


As the three reached the trees they put him up against a tree and one of the two left to join a few others who were holding their long sticks in the direction of the imperial soldiers. “Medic”, the one who had stayed with him called out, and only moments later another strange soldier joined him.


“One through the leg”, the man said to the ‘medic’.


“Ceasefire” all of a sudden the bangs stopped and the soldiers lowered their sticks. “All units fall back to point Charlie” while Vamir was distracted by who he presumed was these soldiers commander coming towards them that he didn't feel the bandage around his leg until it was tightened and he winced at the pain.  


“Come on Jensen lets go”, he said putting his arm around Vamir’s while the medic ‘Jensen’ got his other arm. 


It took 15 minutes of escorting until they came to a clearing in which they were confronted by another group of soldiers and after a few more commands they got into the strange metal carriages that Vamir had heard of.


He along with Jensen got into the back of the metal carriage and the captain got into the front and he could hear him speak into a small black box, “Vanguard command this is vanguard 4 lead, were coming back, the patrol commander was dealt with but we couldn't get all of them because they had taken a civilian hostage and I made the call to engage”


Vamir couldn’t make out any more as the engine of the vehicle started and he turned his attention back to Jensen who had his leg and was using a small blade to cut off his trousers. As he got a look at his leg wound he looked up to Vamir “Well looks like it was through and through, nothing some painkillers and time won’t fix”.


Vamir had no time to ask what painkillers were as the car began to move and he jolted in shock. When he calmed down he saw that they were now moving and that Jensen relatively unfazed by the movement, began wrapping his leg. 


“You are Other Worlders yes, where are you taking me?”, Vamir finally said.


“Yup, we're Americans, I’m Sergeant Jensen Prichards. As for where we’re taking you, we’ll be dropping you off at our outpost for the region, a place called Fenar“ Jensen finished tying the bandage and Vamir winced at the small pain “once your there you can get this looked at and if your interested in going to Alnus just follow the stream of refugees”.


The way Jensen said it dinged at Vamirs pride. “I shall have you know I am no refugee, I am Vamir Krisnelis a proud follower of Lunaryur and practitioner of the arts”, he said in a very noble tone.


“So, what like a pilgrim?” Jensen asked, with a flat tone completely ruining Vamir’s moment.


“Yes, a pilgrim”, Vamir answered. 


“Hey Pawlowski”, Jensen said, drawing Vaimr’s attention to a man sitting in the front seat. “Apparently our elf friend here is a pilgrim”.


“Pilgrim of what?” Pawlowski asked, “don’t tell me you follow that Taylin fella”.


“As if I would associate with someone so boorish” Vamir took offense but calmed down knowing these Other Worlders probably knew nothing of Flamarts religions. “No, I am a follower of Lunaryur, Patron of the gifted, and all things creative and God of music and arts. I am on pilgrimage to these lands so that I may create music from the ongoing war between you Other Worlders and the empire”.


“So you're a musician?” Jensen asked.


“I am a composer first and foremost, but I can play music as is my natural skill as an elf” Vamir boasted.


“What do you play then”, Pawlowski asked. From his satchel Vamir pulled out a small leaf amulet which confused both soldiers until Vamir chanted a small elvish phrase.


“Ni méra ana túc- lindele”, after this chant the amulet began to glow and expand until it reached a much bigger size almost as long as his arm. When the object stopped glowing it revealed an ornate piece of wood with holes located at equal points down its spine. Despite its rustic look it was hard to deny it wasn’t a fine piece of work.


“That was cool”, Jensen said, “is it a flute?”


Vamir was about to say something when the radio sounded out. “Vanguard lead this is vanguard alpha we just saw glowing from your vehicle is everything ok”.


“We’re ok Vanguard alpha, just our elf friend showing us some magic”, Pawlowski said into the radio.


“Copy that” when Pawlowski finished he looked up to see the confused face of Vamir.


“It's a radio that lets us communicate over long and short distances” Pawlowski answered before Vamir could even speak.


“Well then, to answer your question, J-Jensen was it”, Jensen nodded. “Well this instrument is of special craft and it is far more special than a common flute”


“Well, could you give us a demonstration?” Pawlowski asked.


“I would be more than happy to play for you as recompense for saving my life from those imperial thugs, but I ask I perform when we have arrived and without this carriage as the noise it makes is rather unsettling” Vamir said.


Both the soldiers looked at each other and shrugged “musicians vanity” Pawlowski said.


The rest of the trip wasn’t long depending on who you were, for Jensen it was quick as the super nerd turned soldier got to meet and talk to a real elf. For Vamir it couldn't have been longer, being bombarded by questions from Jensen wore on his patience.


When they arrived the few people in the town gave way to the cars as they made their way to the town center and once there the cars stopped. Vamir was more than happy to stretch his legs again although he was painfully reminded that he had in fact been shot, but was fortunate enough to be caught by Jensen who then led him to go and see a doctor.


Vamir was let out after an argument with the doctor over the fact that he didn’t need an ‘antibiotics’, and that as he was a wood elf he was naturally resistant to infection anyway. Eventually, the doctor caved and simply redressed the wound and sent Vamir on his way.


It didn’t take long for Vamir to find Jensen and his squad again as they had set up where most soldiers went, the inn. Once Jensen noticed Vamir approaching he stood and raised his mug, “ah our elf friend has arrived, how's the leg”. 


“Just fine thank you”, Vamir said, hiding his annoyance at the brashness of Jensen. “I believe I said I owed you a song”, this got the attention of a few of the bar patrons who knew by his clothing that Vamir was a follower of Lunaryur.


“Alright then, play away”, Jensen said and Vamir smirked, clearly these Other Worlders knew nothing of Lunaryur or her composers. They were in for a surprise and Vamir always loved showing off.


Confusingly to the soldiers some of the locals started to clear some space around Vamir as he took out the instrument from before. Vamir got onto one of the tables as a few more people gathered around, and he sat down crossing both legs.


As Vamir put the instrument to his lips he thought to himself, ‘while anyone can become a follower of Lunaryur, only true devoted worshipers can do this’. As soon as Vamir put his lips to his instrument the atmosphere in the bar changed catching the attention of everyone.


The tune he started with was soft and very melodic, the aura in the room began to pick up as he kept on. When Vamir finally picked up his pace and started the next part of the song, the purpose of the space that was created came to light.


In the middle of the circle, magic started to gather and slowly something started to glow and it went higher and higher eventually making the form of a woman. She had an ethereal glow to her body and her face was blank like a mannequin, once she was fully formed, she began to move, much to the shock of Jensen and his squad.


The ghostly woman began to dance around the circle and the eyes of everyone in the bar was captivated by her. Her movements were elegant and matched the music perfectly, at times her dance seemed to defy gravity but she perfectly moved to keep going.


As the music finally reached its peak the woman stood tall and her body began to peel away into butterflies that dissipated as they flew away. As the music finished everyone in the bar found themselves silent for a moment all of them feeling a sense of calmness before someone started clapping and then the whole room burst into cheers.


While playing his music, Vamir had made the projection of the ethereal woman as well as casting some effect magic that would calm and rejuvenate all those who were listening. 


This was the ability of Vamir’s instrument, unlike most flutes this one was a magic flute, something that was only given to true devotees of Lunaryur. As the name suggested the flute acted like a wizard's staff but where normal staff could cast any magic with moderate success, a magic flute specialized in casting illusion and effect magic.


The secrets of musical instruments were guarded very closely by followers of Lunaryur, and while the empire and other states had tried to replicate or steal the magic it hadn’t worked. Vamir had even received a letter from a friend which said high priestess Ithronel Admys had been approached by the empire to join in the fight against the Other Worlders and had turned them away.


The position of most in the church was not to be involved in war but to follow and draw inspiration from it. This opinion was also Vamir’s position and he was quite happy to stay on the side and watch.


The remainder of the night seemed to blend together as a combination of casting the fireball earlier, getting hit in the face, and using magic to perform had drained Vamir. After the room calmed down Vamir managed to find the owner of the inn and get a room with a discount thanks to the performance.


Waking up Vamir found himself in a less than luxurious room, not that he wasn’t used to it him being a traveler meant staying at some less than reputable places. After getting himself presentable he began to check through his satchel, something he had learned to do from his previous experiences.


What he saw or rather didn’t see made his face pale. “Where in Uros is my music book” Vamir shouted as he began to tear apart the room looking, after a minute of frantic searching he paused for a moment. ‘Wait that Jensen fellow asked me about my music and I showed him that book, I must have left it there’ Vamir thought as he began to tidy the room and left in a hurry for where they had stopped yesterday  


Vamir approached the town center and found the strange carriages were still there but with Jensen nowhere in sight, once inside he approached a man in a light green uniform like Jensen had under his vest. “Excuse me, sir, I’m looking for a man named Jensen and another called ‘Palawski’”, Vamir tried his best to pronounce the other man's name.


When the man didn’t respond Vamir grew annoyed, was he ignoring him? “Don’t you think it's rather rude to ignore someone”, Vamir spat, this seemed to grab the man's attention and he turned around taking out something from his ears and was surprised to see a scowl on Vamir’s face.


In an apologetic tone, the man spoke “oh sorry I didn’t hear you I was listening to music”. The man then seemed to think for a moment, “oh yeah your that elf that performed last night, I was there and I have to say it was a very melodic piece.”


Vamir’s scowl lessened at the praise, if there was a way to an elf's good side it was through flattery. “Ah yes you must be here for this”, the man said as he reached over to a desk upon which sat a familiar book.


“Thank Lunaryur” Vamir’s attitude did a full 180 as he hugged the book closely. 


The man smiled, “yeah I figured a musician like yourself would rather lose a leg than lose your songbook”, he said.


“You couldn’t be more right”, Vamir said, placing the book in his bag. That was when his elf ears picked up music it was very faint and when he focused he found that it was coming from the buds he had taken out of his ears. “You said you were listening to music, do you mean through those?” Vamir said, pointing to the white buds.


“Oh, oh yeah these are earbuds and they play music from this”, he said pulling out a small device with a black screen. “On this device, I can record and listen to music as much as I want to, like a book but just for listening to music”


The man took hold of the bud and held it out to Vamir, “here put it to your ear, I always wondered what a native musician would think of our music” he said. Vamir took hold of the bud and brought it closer to his ear “it's a piece called ‘ride of the Valkyries’ by Richard Wagner”.


Vamir finally placed the bud in his ear and was shocked to find himself hearing a full orchestra. After his shock wore off Vamir listened intently to the music half as a lover of music and half as an analyzing composer assessing another work.


This was clearly music of war, each instrument seemed to work in tandem to create a feeling of courage and inspiration. The image that this music put into Vamir’s head was one of a gallant charge of soldiers, and to Vamir the image a piece of music gave was half the battle.


The music's feeling then changed to apprehension for a moment but not long before going back to its original feeling, and the shift back only seemed to amplify the feeling in Vamir’s heart. As the song came to a close Vamir could do little but wish for more, ‘this song at the very least is deserving of a place in the halls of The Eklivana’ he thought.


Vamir took out the bud from his ear and handed it back to the man, “well I must say it is an incredible piece”, Vamir said while keeping a straight face, his elven pride not letting him show his true appreciation. “Though I must ask, the name of the piece ‘ride of the valkyries’, I assume valkyries are warriors of your culture”


The man chuckled slightly “I’m glad you like it, it's one of my favorites”, the man said, and after a pause, he continued. “As for the valkyries, well they are a group of female warriors from Norse mythology, they are sad to behold beautiful wings and travel to each battlefield selecting the warriors who died bravely so that they can move on to Valhalla, the Norse afterlife for the brave” 


“Ah as I assumed it is a music piece of war”, Vamir said causing the man to look confused. “Don’t worry it isn’t an insult, it is of wide belief between the composers of Lunaryur that the best music comes from war, as the great composer Lierin Magrie said ‘it is the work of we few composers to show the glory and honor of war’”.

After Vamir finished his small rant he looked back to the man who was thinking. “I thank you for keeping my book safe and showing me that my decision to come here was not without fault, sir...”


“Oh uh James, James Owen-Jones” James scratched his neck releasing he hadn’t given his name yet. “But there's no need for the sir part”.


“Well, thank you James”, Vamir said as he turned around to leave.


“I disagree” Vamir only got a few steps before James stopped him. Vamir turned around quizzically, “From my experience war very rarely involves glory and honor. Even so I disagree music and war work together”


Vamir fully turned around to face James as he went on. “When there is war there is also an increase in music, yes, but it isn’t or shouldn’t be because they go together. Rather when war comes music rises to face it, where war leaves wounded and tired music comes along to heal and inspire. Music can be about war, but it can also be about remembrance, companionship, and love”.


“I mean no offense to you or those but as the American composer Leonard Bernstein said ‘This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before’” with that James finished and the two stood a few meters apart staring at one another.


“James” someone shouted from another room and James turned to leave but not before nodding to Vamir.


Vamir stood silent for a moment, he was feeling so much more than he expressed, he had just found that these people had a wealth of culture behind them. Alongside that they had a viewpoint completely new to Vamir, in his head, Vamir had dismissed James’ opinion but as with the spreading of all ideologies, the seed of an idea had been planted.


Placing his hand over his heart he muttered a small prayer to Lunaryur. To Vamir his journey here had been rough, no small number of strangers and even friends had tried to discourage him from going to Alnus, ‘it was too different’ they said.


They were right, the people from another world were different, but at this Vamir only steeled himself as now his task was clear. If the music he had been shown was anything to go by then this new culture would be as rich and full as Falmarts.


As these two cultural giants inched toward each other, as an elf, composer, and follower of Lunaryur, Vamir wanted to be right in the middle and maybe just maybe compel these giants to lift one another up instead of tearing the other down.


“To Alnus then”, Vamir said to himself. 




Written by Hocky12, the winner of the Fan Story contest. Check out his Fallout story, Fallout: Our never-ending war.






--- Sadera, Akusho --- 

March 11, 2025



Thaddeus was walking down the streets, well, if you could even call them streets, in Akusho, the slums. He hated being here, the war was going badly for the empire, he saw right through their propaganda. Shortages were growing, people are losing their jobs, and the amount of robberies have skyrocketed due to the city guards being called to the frontlines. However, he had a job to do, and he wasn’t going to fail now.


When he had first set his eyes on the capital of the empire, he thought it was beautiful, that nothing could rival it. He was proven wrong when he learned about the slums and seeing the otherworldly cities with his own two eyes. He adjusted his belt to make his sword more visible, warding off potential muggers. 


The place is different than before, it has become even more populated and dense, and the stench of unwashed peasants is almost unbearable. But he carried onto his destination. 


Soon reached the sewers, where the waste of hundreds of noblemen dumb their royal shits and pisses into, and the smell was enough to make you puke. He tied a water-soaked cloth to his face, to dampen the stench, and he went inside. 


After he reached an intersection, he turned left. But after lighting up his torch and looking at the walls, “shit” he said. Wrong way, he went back to the intersection and this time turned right. Eventually he lit his torch again and scanned the walls, and there it was. A circle carved into the wall. Nothing suspicious, but he knew the true intent of it. 


He went up to it and knocked in a specific pattern. And the secret door slid open, disguised as the sewer walls. He walked inside and was greeted by his boss, Aurelius.


“Good to see that you’re alive my boy!” he exclaimed happily, “come have a seat at the table with us and has a beer,” he said, practically scooping the younger man up and plopping him at a random seat around a table, and he tossed him a bottle of beer.


Thaddeus took the beer and took a long swig and sighed when he was done. 


              “So, I take it you know what you’re here for right?” asked Aurelius, while he was looking at the reports from the other agents.


 “Yes sir,” Thaddeus replied. Being a Royal guard has its perks, mainly listening to his plans to thwart the Other Worlders and the talks of secret weapons and diplomatic talks. “Zorzal was talking about how he could use the ogres as distractions while stealth archers catch the enemies by surprise, killing as many of them as they could. The archers are also ordered to not capture any otherworldly weapons, as the last guy got his head blown off.” 


“Fucking idiots honestly,” replied Aurelius. “The empire still thinks they could win. After losing countless men to the Other Worlders, he thinks throwing even more med to their meaningless deaths would solve anything?” He angrily ranted. 


The war has taken a toll and everybody living on Falmart, directly or indirectly. Many families lost their children and husbands, and some starve in the streets as basic food like bread skyrockets. Aurelius’s drug, brothel, and slave businesses suffer as nobody wants to buy them anymore. The only people aren’t affected are the noblemen, stuck up man-children who do nothing but argue over meaningless subjects but also drink wine until they can no longer stand.


“I personally think the empire has started a war that it cannot even wish to end.” Said Aurelius


“Sir, if you don’t mind me asking, do we have any chance against the Other Worlders and their weapons?” Asked Thaddeus. 


“The cult says that they have found the artifact they were looking for, with it in their possession, they should be unstoppable, well, so they claim.” Replied Aurelius.


The cult, a bunch of crazy crackheads who don’t worship the current gods but instead they worship a being called Y̷̡̝͎̳̻̰̥̔͐̀̍̓̐͠e̴̱̯̰͔͔̥̪͌̈́̆͗͐͒e̷̡͉̟̱̺͐͂l̶̗̥̦̯̰͎̞͙̀o̵̮̐̍̀́̍ņ̸̦͍̗̗̦̜̪̓ ̴̛̬̥̰̭̝͍͋M̷̬̠̲͙̻̟̃̉̋̚̚4̶̹̜͇̰̞̞͐̃͊̓̎̈́ḱ̶̤̔̉̈́̄̓̀e̴̹̺̭̎r̶̰̈́̌̿̀̈́ who they claim created everything. 


“Well… what does the artifact even do?” 


“The only thing they told me was our glorious leader in red shall be back amongst the land of the living once again.” 




Written by DemonWasAlreadyTaken. Check out his Gate: The New Era story




--- Grasslands of Head-hunting Rabbits ---

October 23rd, 2022- May 18th, 2025

The Failed Royal Rescue


Shortly after the fall of the warrior bunnies, Tyuule was framed by Zorzal as traitor to her people who sold her own people to save herself. To make sure she did not scream his deception, he gagged her mouth so she couldn’t reveal the truth. Zorzal’s goal of framing Tyuule was not only to destroy her reputation but to lure more Warrior Bunnies to be captured and enslaved in case some of them went after Tyuule for revenge.

True to her intention, Deliah was the first one to go after Tyuule for her supposed treachery.

As she infiltrated the Imperial camp to kill her treasonous queen, Zorzal was raping Tyuule in his tent. She screams at Zorzal for betraying the deal of leaving her people alone in exchange she would submit herself to him. Zorzal boasted loudly that playing the mind game with savages like her was fun and exciting and he cherished the despair of Tyuule of watching her home burned and her people being slaughtered and enslaved while they all blamed her for it.

Unknown to him, Deliah heard everything and she changed her objective to save Tyuule and her people in order to wave guerrilla campaigns against the Empire in the long term and flushed them out of the land.

Unfortunately for Deliah, several mind-controlled bunnies within the camp detected Deliah presence and attacked her causing her to be exposed. As she was surrounded by both imperial troops and her brainwashed brethren and was about to be captured as she couldn’t bring herself to harm her kinds and she was outnumbered, Tyuule used the distraction of Zorzal and broke free from his bonds and rammed herself at the formation of imperial troops creating an opening for Deliah to escape.

As she escaped, she screamed that she would rescue Tyuule someday when she gathered enough of her people to reorganize the Warrior Bunnies army to get revenge on the Empire.

For past three years, Deliah tried her best to rescue and reorganize her people but failed miserably since she just only one against a whole Empire. She sadly gave up and winded up in Italica and served in Formal clan as maids and bodyguards.

Despite this she tried her best to tell the truth about Tyuule circumstances to her people but not all of them forgave Tyuule or believed her words, only a few like Mamina still loyal to her queen and took pity for Tyuule.

Her chance finally came when the US arrived.



Written by Tomrichman




July 18th, 2025

The Unlikely Moles


People says family bond is the strongest bond of all and it can transpire above all forms of loyalties. This is clearly applied to Myui’s older sisters Elle and Loui. These two girls were married to House Roen and Misshan to secure necessary connections, relationships and supports from higher nobles within the Imperial court, which is a norm in the noble society.

The two sisters strictly followed this rule and committed themselves to their husbands and the houses they were married into for the sake of Formal clan. However, due to the patriarch rule, they were demanded to be loyal to their husband’s houses at foremost.

When Italica was on the verge of being attacked by NATO, they pledged with their husbands to send troops to Italica but due to Molt’s scorch earth tactic they refused.

When Italica broke away from the Empire and being an official part of NATO, the two women disgust at Myui treason action against the Empire but at the same time took pity of her as they thought NATO forced her to betray Italica to the Empire

However, things changed when Myui secretly sent a letter delivered by the faithful Formal butler Batholomew to them about the true circumstances of Court Formal death, the sisters at first didn’t believe the content fully but they knew how their father was always at odd with Imperial government so they investigated themselves

When Herm returned to Sederan, the sisters visited Herm and drunk him with alcohols in which he slipped his tongue about his murder of Formal

The sisters swore revenge against the Empire, but their husbands discovered their intent and savagely brutalized them and forced them to denounce Myui. Batholomew caught wind of the situation and informed Myui in which Myui contacted with Stanford about this

The CIA then dispatched to contact with two sisters and they agreed for them to bug Court Roen and Missham estate as well as sending secret messages to the CIA about troop movements of the Imperial force through their husbands, making them one of the CIA moles within the Empire



Written by Tomrichman






Alnus Map:

Elies Map:






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