Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 265

Chapter 265


He pulls the hammer and in an instant, loads six bullets.

While drawing up mana, he aims the gun outside through the shattered window.

As if waiting for that moment, a figure bounces off the alleyway buildings and walls, approaching rapidly.


Even in mid-air, twisting and turning precisely aiming for the back seat of the truck.

Only his eyes are visible through the pitch-black outfit.

In his gaze, a faint sneer seems to suggest, Do you think you can hit me?

Lennok ignores that look and immediately pulls the trigger.

The revolver, requested to be made by Palmer, was crafted from a material with a high magical conductivity, capable of fully harnessing Lennoks dense mana.

If that hairy craftsman did his job right, it means Lennok can now freely use magic-aided shooting spells, which he couldnt before for fear of damaging the gun.

The moment he pulls the trigger.

Over the long barrel of the revolver, more than six shooting assistance spells spiral and stack up in an instant.

[Aiming Correction: Double Layer]

[Attribute Assignment: Radiation]

[Trajectory Correction]

[Bullet Binding]

[Ricochet Shooting]

[Four-Point Burst]


Lennoks wrist rotates flexibly, emitting flashes in four directions in an instant.

The first bullet, surpassing the speed of sound the moment its fired, pierces the forehead of the leading figure before he can react.


That moment, as it skims the ground and collides on a slope, the second bullet breaks into dozens of metal fragments in mid-air, turning into a subsonic lethal weapon bombarding the pursuers.

The third and fourth bullets, riding the wind, smoothly curve and penetrate the bodies of the halted pursuers.


My legs!!

Impressively, rather than screaming in pain, they focus on their dying moments and understanding the situation, indicating significant training.

Seeing the pursuers like this, Lennok pulls the trigger once more.


The fifth bullet, infused with the power of lightning, spins and races through the air.

At that moment, the two other bullets lodged in the bodies of the pursuers resonate, vibrating in an instant to form a massive triangle.

Within the area outlined by the triangle, a fierce storm of lightning strikes.

[Electrical Resonance]




The magic that knocks down the pursuers trying to regain their senses and wounds in one shot makes the passengers in the truck cheer.


That was amazing!!

Wizard!! Wizard!!

Even those watching from the side are left agape at the magical shooting.

And the feast of lightning magic that completely broke the momentum of the pursuers.

Even without understanding the principles behind it, its not hard to recognize how Lennok is navigating this situation with precise skill and ability.

It was then that Tucker and the other employees, realizing they were in the presence of a renowned freelance wizard known in the field, had smiles blooming on their faces.

Tucker stuttered out rapidly, If we just get to our client, well be safe. Their people will definitely help me out!!


Considering the attack itself is very likely to have involved the machinations of the eight families, its uncertain whether the client will actually protect Tucker.

However, instead of dampening the elevated mood with such words, Lennok placed his finger on the trigger again.

Were not done here yet.


He completely reversed the direction of the barrel and fired the last remaining bullet towards the sky, in front of the truck.

The bullet that shot out from the long barrel of the revolver split into dozens of metal fragments in mid-air, forming a net of lightning around those fragments.


Immediately after, a black figure dropped from the sky and leapt right into the center of the net of lightning.

If he was part of the same group as the pursuers, he too should have been instantly neutralized by Lennoks lightning, losing his combat ability.

But this last figure was different.

Flipping through the air and wielding his blade, he executed a sharp strike that, centered on him, swiftly created a faint gapdemonstrating swordsmanship of such precision that even Lennok had to admire.

Slipping quickly through the cracks, the figure broke through Lennoks encirclement and landed on the trucks bonnet.


As the figures hand blurred, the trucks headlight area was cleanly sliced through, throwing the vehicle off balance.


The impact caused the truck to tilt forward significantly, its front scraping along the alleyway floor to a halt.

The end of a short but intense chase.


As Tucker cringed in shock, the figure, entwined in the net, roared out a powerful voice.

[Who dares to roam the roads without the permission of the Yookryeong family!]

[As the delegate of the Yookryeong, who oversees all passage and traffic within the fortress, I cannot overlook the violence of outsiders! The criminal must step out of the vehicle and show themselves!!]

This is bad.

Tucker trembled as he spoke.

Ive never had trouble with the Yookryeong family before, to catch the eye of their delegate of all things


Mad Manson, a freelancer with a notoriously difficult personality even outside. Of all people


As Tucker began to ramble nervously, sweating profusely, Lennok quietly observed him before sticking his head out of the window.

A young man settled on the hood of the car.

On his head, mechanical parts were proudly mounted, not those of a human.

The man with the robot head, his voice mixed with mechanical tones, bellowed out, then locked eyes with Lennok leaning on the window frame.

[If you comply peacefully, there will be no harm to your body]


The man yelling, the multi-bodied compatible Mad Manson, suddenly fell silent.

Lennok asked,

What are you doing there?


Ugh Boss?

Ah, you know this person?

Confused voices leaked from the subordinates who belatedly followed Manson to assess the damage.

Manson glanced sideways.

[I mistook the person. This isnt the place.]

Excuse me?

But I was sure these were the ones

[Be quiet! Are you saying Im wrong?]

Manson, having laid down his authority, nonchalantly stepped down from the trucks bonnet and cleared his throat.

He, desperately avoiding Lennoks gaze, placed a hand on the still trembling Tuckers shoulder.

[Sorry about that. You can go now.]

Th-thank you?

Manson, without looking at Lennok, muttered as he passed by Tucker who was still failing to grasp the situation.

[You there uh the wizard, you may leave as well if you wish.]




Lennok sighed deeply and nodded.

While its unclear why Manson, who had disappeared after the cartel affair, was acting as a delegate for one of the eight families here, that was a matter for another time.

It was clear this was not the place for such discussions, with all eyes on them.

Tucker, still sweating profusely, looked at Lennok with trembling eyes.

Sir how did this happen?

Im acquainted with Manson. It wont be a big issue.

O-oh!! Thank you, thank you so much!!

As Lennok responded calmly, Tucker, finally understanding the situation, attempted to hug Lennok with his hefty body.

Lennok naturally created a barrier to push away Tuckers embrace, stating calmly,

Id prefer a tangible show of gratitude, not physical contact.

Th-that makes sense. What would you ask for?

Im not asking for much.

Seeing Tucker shrink back, Lennok chuckled.

How about we start by exchanging contact information?

Having Tucker, who runs a trading post within the fortress and deals with the locals, could be a useful card in Lennoks hand.

Rather than demanding material compensation immediately, it would be wiser to watch how things unfold and ask for the most appropriate compensation.

As their conversation continued, the truck, now missing its headlights, started to leave the alley.

Manson, watching the truck depart, muttered quietly.

[Damned. Should I run?]

* * *

You failed?

Yes. The delegate of Yookryeong just let them go.

I thought Yookryeong had already promised cooperation.

A cold voice came from beyond the veil as the man bowed his head.

It seems the delegate and the target knew each other.

Who was the delegate again? I wasnt paying attention to that side, so Im not sure.

It was a freelancer named Manson. Quite well-known outside for his capabilities.


Van of District 49.

Its unlike him to pay attention to external information, but it would be strange not to recognize the voice behind the rumors that have been stirring up the underworld recently.

Hearing that Jianlei, a name only known through rumors, had entered the fortress, he had intended to understand his motives, but things got complicated from the start.

Its unlikely he came just to escort a merchant named Tucker.

I think the possibility is low.

Id like to commend the courage to show up at this time without fear But its fine. In the end, excluding the four families that promised to submit to me, the answer will become clear.

Along with the voice, a yellow brilliance flashed.

It must be one of the Paldoon, Oryun, or Samyoung. Attach a tail to this Tucker and monitor his movements. Do not lose track of the wizard named Van.

Dont you hear me?

At the irritated voice, the man hesitated before continuing.

The thing is after the merchant Tuckers business was concluded, Jianlei seemed to have immediately disappeared.

We are doing our best to track him

It wasnt difficult to guess what would come next.

Only the sound of something breaking filled the room.

* * *

Late at night.

In the back alleys of the streets where everyone has gone to sleep.

A small flame sparked up in a corner where the unusually high walls overlapped, creating shadows.


So, what youre saying is

Lennok, lighting a cigarette and placing it in his mouth, began,

You were out on a business trip because a job with a decent payoff came in, is that it?

[Thats about right.]

After asserting youd join the company following the cartel affair.

[My apologies.]

Manson, without any backtalk, humbly bowed his head to the ground.

Lennok looked down at him for a moment, then asked with a thoughtful expression,

Why didnt you recognize my presence? It seemed like you had no idea who I was until you saw my face.

[My body hasnt been fully adjusted yet, so my senses are quite dull.]

[This, this body is quite good, you know. It might even be helpful to the boss. Heheh.]

Lennok sighed at the sight of Manson, who let out a repulsive chuckle.

As a multi-bodied compatible individual who operates multiple bodies with a single consciousness, Manson possesses the bizarre trait of having his combat abilities and specialized skills vary depending on the body he uses.

Seeing the muscular and well-built young body before him, it was almost certain that Manson chose this body with combat in mind.

Lennok leaned against the wall, crossed his arms, and nodded.

Alright, then explain the internal situation of the fortress. Ive heard theres a fight over the position of head among the eight families. How far has it progressed?

Originally, he planned to gather information by hitting the streets himself, but with Manson positioned as a delegate of the Yookryeong, there was no need to go through the trouble.

However, Manson looked puzzled at Lennoks question.

[Im actually curious myself. Didnt you know everything before entering the fortress? I thought for sure Id be dead the moment I met you.]

What do you mean?

[The struggle for power within the fortress is almost over. Centered around the Ilwon family, four families have sworn allegiance.]


[I thought one of the three cornered families might have called you in as a mercenary Did you enter the fortress without knowing anything?]

I did intend to participate as a delegate. I have personal matters to look into.

Lennok said, pulling a ticket out of his pocket.

The question is which side the Oryun family has taken.

[Oh no]

Manson clicked his tongue as soon as he saw the emblem on the ticket.

[Youve chosen a tough path. Paldoon, Oryun, Samyoung are not on Ilwons side. And among them, Oryun is]

Oryun is?

Instead of answering, Manson got up and turned his head.

[Its nearby. Lets go check it out ourselves.]

Walking past four blocks onto a wide avenue, a palace-like mansion came into view.

A house resembling a palace, with a height of at least five stories and a large courtyard.

The mansion, marked with the large letters Oryun on its gate, seemed to have lost half its functionality, as if it had been hit by a bomb.

The Oryun familys mansion had walls punctured here and there, and the courtyard was in ruins.

Bloodstains and sword marks scattered around evidenced the mansions poor maintenance.

Manson stepped into the mansion without hesitation, but Lennok stopped at the eerie sensation emanating from inside.

Manson turned his head at the sight of Lennok staring intently at the mansion.

[Whats the matter? You came as Oryuns delegate. Even if I were turned away, you wouldnt be.]

Arent you currently Yookryeongs delegate?

[Well, even so, its not like theyd attack a guest outright]

As he said this and reached for the wooden door leading to the main building, Manson suddenly ducked.


A metallic sound, as if a can were being crushed, followed by a metal head falling straight to the ground.

Mansons head rolled towards the wooden door, eventually stopping at someones feet, his gaze meeting Lennoks.



Someone appeared in front of the door, stepping on the head as if waiting for this moment.

I dont know where youve rolled in from.

A young woman in a white martial arts uniform, her deep blue hair tied back, exuding a neat and orderly aura.

Holding a long moon blade, she sharply glared at Lennok.

What business do you have with the Oryun family?

(To be Continued)

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