Genshin Impact: I spread the elves to Teyvat

Chapter 478

The Valley of Shenyu thousands of years ago.

At this time, the Shenyu Valley was surrounded by a dense mist.

The trees are tall, and the weeds on the ground are much taller than a human head.

The wild animals on the land are also quite strong, and there are many bloodthirsty mountain spirits and wild monsters, and the human race here almost survives in the cracks, and must pray for the protection of the demon god to avoid extinction.


That is, on this day.

The demon god served by the human race of Shenyu Valley went crazy and summoned the monstrous sea.

In the invasion of a hundred-meter wave.

Shenyu Valley is like a dangerous boat, which will be swallowed up by the waves at any time~.

At this time.

The three immortals under the Demon God Throne carried the banner of resistance.

A white snake is entangled in the true body of the demon god in the Great Wave.

A koi fish is draining its immortal power to complete the mysterious ritual.


At the right time.

A space-time tunnel that does not belong to this world line has emerged in the sky.

The spirit abyss that had just been drilled out, saw that the koi fish had completed the throwing ceremony, and the immortal power could not maintain its float in the air, and it sank straight into the huge waves.

Witnessing this scene, even after thousands of years, Ling Yuan couldn't control his emotions and screamed loudly.

“... Lingyuan?"

The koi immortal in the fall has a blurred vision, and can only look for traces of his best friend from the direction from which the voice came.

"You, you're not... Responsible for stabilizing Shenyu Valley and preventing Shenyugu from falling into the abyss... And to protect the humans?"

The koi immortal named Fujin muttered.

The next moment.

Falling Fujin, he felt that he had fallen into a powerful arm bend.

"Caught you. "

The warm and magnetic voice chuckled.

"Huh?" is a male voice that Fu Jin has never heard and cannot recognize.

didn't wait for Fujin to ask and thank you.

In the blink of an eye.

It was supposed to fall into the waves and the floating brocade of the abyss.

But all of a sudden he came to the sky.

Away from the eye of the storm and out of the waves, you'll find yourself in a safe zone near the Time Tunnel.

"Thank you, store manager!"

Before he could return to his senses, he heard his best friend Ling Yuan sincerely thank someone from the bottom of his heart.

"No thanks. The male voice continued to laugh, "Anyway, after you sign the contract, it's just an employee benefit that is not worth mentioning. "

"So, let's go back?"

"Now you've saved your best friend. "

"That White Snake Medicine Monarch, since it has not fallen, let's not interfere. "

Hear the words.

Lingyuan is indispensable.

Following Fang Ye, without any nostalgia, he went back to the time and space tunnel.

As a result, this space-time tunnel, only in the sky above the Shenyu Valley thousands of years ago, suddenly disappeared without even leaving any traces.

It's as if time and space have never been disturbed.


The living Shenyu Valley!

For Kunjun, Agour, and Egria, who stayed where they were.

Just a snap of a finger.

The space-time vortex reappeared.

Then, Fang Ye returned with Lingyuan.

By the way, there was also a carp that didn't hold up the human form and was lying in the crook of Fang Ye's arm.

The eyes of this carp are very human and intelligent.

She struggled in the crook of the store manager's arm.

But it seems to be exhausted, and after some hard work, it is useless, and in the end it is still lying flat and swinging.

"Store manager, do you want to be so efficient?"

The dove smacked.

Kunjun and Egolia looked at the koi curiously:

"This is the Koi Immortal?"

The little koi still has the strength to speak, and he said weakly at the moment: "Just call me Fujin." "

The voice fell.

The fish eyes of the floating brocade burst out with a great color of astonishment.

"What's wrong?" said Jimei Lingyuan, sensing her unusual emotions. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Fu Jin was silent for a moment before he said slowly:

"Uh... I don't know how to tell you. "

"I seem, aware of the presence of another self?"



In the Shenyu Valley, there is a cave blessed land called Jinluoting.

A beautiful Hanfu woman.

Suddenly raised his head in astonishment, his eyes were full of doubt, and he said to himself:

"What is this other self-origin aura? Hey, could it be because my immortal power has not recovered for thousands of years, and I have fallen into some kind of visual illusion root?"

This woman is a floating brocade in the form of a human.

Thousands of years ago.

With the end of the revolt.

Fujin, who exhausted his immortal power, did not fall after falling into the abyss.

Instead, he climbed ashore and retreated in Jinluo Court to recuperate and slowly recover. []

The number of times Fu Jin left the Jinluo Court was very small.

In other words, Fu Jin is a carp cultivated into an immortal, and his heels are very poor, and he is at the bottom among the immortals, and he can't leave Qingshui for a long time.

Even, during the Demon God War years.

As an immortal, Fu Jin has always heard about the prosperity of Liyue Harbor, and asked Ah Ping to take her to Liyue Harbor in a teapot, but it was not until the great change in Shenyu Valley finally failed.

"Let's go check it out. "

Fu Jin stood up from the clear water of the Jinluo Garden, and left the cave once rarely, heading towards the place where the origin sense existed.

Soon, in the distance, I saw a woman wearing the same costume on the ground.

Looking up.

The current floating brocade was shaken, and goosebumps were irrepressibly spread all over the body:

"It's really another me?Why is this happening?!"

And on the ground.

Fu Jin, who was brought back by Fang Ye and Ling Yuan from thousands of years ago, barely recovered his human form, said in a helpless and distressed tone:

"Look, that's me, too. "

Ah Jiu, Kun Jun: Meow meow?

Egria: Ahh

Fang Ye spread out his hand and looked at the bewildered Ling Yuan:

"Didn't you say that Fujin has fallen? What is the situation of this Fujin in the present world? "

Ling Yuan said confusedly: "I don't make it." "

A streamer of light rushed in.

The floating brocade of the present world, the convergence of the immortal family's escape technique, and the past body of the self at close range, eyes blazing at each other.

"Are you me?"

"Yes, I'm you too. The floating brocade of the past body helplessly explained the cause and effect.


The current world Fujin's mouth opened wide, and his face was full of shock: "Ling Yuan, you signed a contract to let this era founder take you to the time and space thousands of years ago to save me?"

Ling Yuan felt a sense of shame that he had done useless work, and complained:

"Yes, Ling Yuan, you are obviously still alive, but why didn't you contact me after all these years?"

The present world Fujin sighed and held his forehead:

"I have lost too much immortal power, and even the origin has lost a lot, and over the years, I can only shrink back in the cave and slowly recover an inch. "。

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