Genshin Impact: Kiana's journey to find her wife

Chapter 32

"Hundreds of thousands of lives?!! That's pretty scary.

Amber gasped, hearing this outrageous number, she didn't dare to imagine what kind of hell that situation was, I was afraid that the corpses would be piled up in a mountain.

"Indeed, in our world, collapse is a mechanism that accompanies the development of civilization, a bit like a test."

Kiana nodded, took Amber's small hand, and gently rubbed it a few times, soothing her emotions.

"Test? How could there be such a cruel test, depriving so many innocent people's lives, then the person who arranged this test must be an out-and-out big bad!

Amber slowly recovered from the shock, her eyes mixed with a trace of resentment, she clenched her fists slightly, and said righteously.

"Hmm~ But Honkai is so cruel, if you can't pass this test, the final outcome is destruction, and human beings are drowned in the river of time along with their civilization..." Recalling

the various sufferings that Honkai brought them, Kiana shook her head and smiled bitterly.

Even if Honkai was so cruel, they never gave up hope, and generations of pioneers swung the sword of resistance against the invincible Honkai, at the cost of their own lives....

"Hmm... So are you successful in this era? Defeat this enemy of Honkai~"

Amber saw Kiana caught in the memory, with a faint melancholy in the corner of her eyes, unable to suppress the curiosity in her heart, she asked carefully.

"Neither succeeded, nor failed..." Kiana

looked at Amber in front of her, and said such a thoughtful word, which made Amber confused, blinked her eyes slightly, and looked at her blankly.

"Huh? What do you mean..."


Kiana took a deep breath and sat up straight.

"Only when we truly face the collapse can we deeply appreciate its horror, which is like an invincible true God."

"Just her 12 apostles, the lawyers, who possess the power to destroy the heavens and the earth, we paid a great price to barely defeat them."

"But the last lawyer, the final lawyer, her power far exceeds the sum of the previous 12 lawyers, and our strength in front of her is as worthless as an ant."

Listening to Kiana's story, Amber's heart couldn't help but sink, and she couldn't help but worry about them.

"And how are you going to defeat her?"

Hearing Amber's question, the corners of Kiana's mouth slightly curved, supporting her face with one hand, and smiling slightly bitterly.

"I don't know, I'm afraid no one will know, the ultimate law is immortal, and it is easy to destroy a civilization."

"Those under her control will gradually destroy their humanity, become puppets of decay, and the ultimate lawyers, and we have tried countless methods, but we have not been able to cause substantial harm to them."

Kiana looked down at her hands, her eyes became a little complicated, she didn't know what she was thinking, at least Amber she didn't know at the moment.

"Even she herself can't hurt herself, she can't kill herself."

Amber was a little moved, nodded slightly, and listened to Kiana's pessimistic narration, and her emotions were gradually infected.

"Then since Kiana just said that you did not succeed or fail, presumably things must have turned around."

"Hmm... Indeed, although we can't cause harm to the Law of the End, we can transfer it to a more distant place, and in an accidental experiment, the Law of the End is sucked into a black hole and sent out of my world.

Kiana nodded, and after thinking for a few seconds, she finally blurred the identity of the final lawyer, and she still has to stay in this world for a while.

If you let others know that you are the final lawyer who has destroyed countless civilizations, I am afraid that there will be a lot of trouble, so let's hide this truth for the time being.

"Hmm~ So that's the case, so how is your world now? Losing the disaster of collapse should be much better~"

Hearing Kiana say that the Finalist was sent out of their world, Amber smiled slightly, sincerely happy for them, immediately tilted his head, and asked curiously.

"Hmm~ I don't know, after the final lawyer's station, I left my world, and finally I don't know how long it took, I reopened my eyes, and I had already appeared here."

Kiana looked up into the distance slightly, to be honest, the time flow rate of each world was different, so she didn't know how long it had been now, and she didn't know how long she had been asleep.

How long has Bud Yi lived in this world, since it was sucked in by the same black hole, Bud Yi should also be in this world is not wrong.

Even if the world can't find her, it doesn't matter, anyway, she has an infinite life, as long as the power of the end does not die, she will not die.

Bud Yi also has the power of the Law of Thunder and the mysterious God Killer Armor, and his life is also very long, so there is no need to worry about life.

One day, she will find Bud Yi, and now she hopes that this bomb in her body ~ the power of the end ~ can be a little safer, and don't give her any more moths.

Talking about this, she had to remember the situation when she had just used the power of the lawyer, at that time, her seven emotions and six desires seemed to be suppressed, and the whole person had no desires and no desires, like a puppet.

She knew in her heart that this was the "curse" of Honkai on herself, and the ultimate power was not without a price, and the price was the complete annihilation of her humanity.

Although I don't know why after coming to this world, her lost humanity regained the upper hand and broke the manipulation of Honkai.

But this is a good thing, I finally regained consciousness, and I should pay more attention in the future, and I can no longer be manipulated by the broken will.


Suddenly, Kiana saw Amber reach out and shake it in front of her eyes, and she came back to her senses and looked at her again.

"Sorry~ I just thought about things too much, and I seemed to be distracted."

Amber smiled softly and waved her hand.

"Haha, it's okay, Kiana doesn't have to pay attention to it, the story of your world is really singing and crying, if you have time in the future, you must tell me carefully."

"The human beings who dare to draw their swords against the true gods are already great in themselves, and you must have given birth to many such people in the history of fighting Honkai!"

Listening to Amber's words, Kiana pursed her lips slightly and immediately smiled.

"That's of course, not only our era, but also the pre-civilization era gave birth to countless great warriors, who created a ray of life for our era at the expense of their own civilization."

"Hmm~ These are long stories, and when I have the opportunity in the future, I will tell you slowly!"

Kiana paused slightly, looked at Amber's expectant little eyes, couldn't help but slight up, patted her shoulder, and said so.

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