Genshin Impact: Villain Life Simulator

Villain Simulator, Ch 23

At this time, far away in Liyue, Ganyu remained completely unaware that the fake news of her "marriage to Lucas" was about to become a major headline in the Adeptus circles.


Meanwhile, Lucas, whose stomach was growling with hunger, had arrived at Chihu Rock.

Though Wanmin Restaurant wasn't as high-end as Xinyue Kiosk or Liuli Pavilion, it was very popular among the common folk. It didn't take Lucas long to find the restaurant.


As soon as he stepped inside, a young girl with blue hair and dressed in red came forward, carrying a tray and greeting him with a bright smile. "Is it just you today?"

The girl appeared to be around sixteen or seventeen, not extraordinarily beautiful, but she had a cute and lively charm. Her curved eyebrows added to her adorable appearance.

Without needing to think much, Lucas immediately recognized this girl as Xiangling, the head chef of Wanmin Restaurant.

What a cute little girl, indeed.

[Wouldn't it be fun to mess with such a cute girl in the simulator, just like you did with Shenhe and Rosalyn?]

The system chimed in with a suggestion.

Hey, hey! Don't suddenly set up a flag like that!

"Yes, it's just me," Lucas responded, ignoring the system's voice. Under Xiangling's guidance, he found a quiet seat and sat down.

After placing his order, Lucas began to observe the restaurant while waiting.

As he watched Xiangling move cheerfully among the customers, Lucas couldn't help but recall the system's earlier words.

If Xiangling were to appear in the Villain Simulator, would something special happen between them, just like with Shenhe and Rosalyn?

Shaking his head to clear the thought, Lucas lightly slapped his cheeks and muttered to himself, "Stop thinking about nonsense. She's just a kid!"

[So, it's okay to have those thoughts as long as she's not a kid?]

The system teased.

"Of course not!" Lucas frowned. "Why is it that other people's systems are obedient, while you're always messing with my mind?"

[Well, go play with other systems then! I'm just here to remind you that the simulator is about to reach an important milestone, so you might want to check it out.]

Is the story finally progressing?

Without hesitation, Lucas opened the simulator. Typically, when the simulator was active, time around him would freeze, so it didn't matter where he used it.


[Age 488: You remain in hibernation.]

[Age 489: A strange sound awakens you from hibernation. You open your eyes and are surprised to see a flash of light. The sealed exit you've been trapped behind for centuries has crumbled. A group of soldiers, all dressed in identical uniforms, enters the cellar, led by a peculiar man.]

[The man immediately notices you, but oddly, he doesn't seem surprised. Instead, he smiles and says, "If I'm not mistaken, you must be the Immortal King who disappeared 450 years ago, correct?"]

[You are stunned to learn that you've been sealed away for 450 years.]

[Faced with this stranger, you are unsure how to respond. You also don't fully understand what he means by "Immortal King."]

[Sensing your confusion, the man patiently explains, "450 years ago, a mysterious figure appeared in Mondstadt who could revive the dead. Facing judgment, he summoned an army of undead and completely destroyed Mondstadt before vanishing… The Fatui have come here to find this person. Rest assured, we mean no harm. We only hope to invite this individual to join us in a grand endeavor."]

[You realize that the person he's talking about is you. But what will you choose to do…?]

[1. Admit your identity.]

[2. Deny your identity.]

At this point, would it even matter to deny it?

Besides, after quietly growing stronger for over four centuries, Lucas figured that even if he couldn't rival the Seven Archons, he should at least have the power of a demigod. Plus, with his near-immortality, there wasn't much to fear.

"Admit it."

[You admit your identity, and the man's eyes light up. He introduces himself as Pierro, the first-ranked Harbinger of the Fatui, also known as the Jester. He invites you to join the Fatui and promises that if you do, the Tsaritsa will grant you any wish you desire.]

[Your choices are…]

[1. Accept the invitation and make a wish.]

[2. Refuse the invitation and eliminate everyone who knows your identity.]


The Fatui?

Lucas was quite familiar with them.

They were the designated villains and scapegoats in Genshin Impact. Although it seemed that the organization wasn't as simple as it appeared, they were undoubtedly portrayed as villains for the time being.

The Villain Simulator seemed to align well with the Fatui's nature.

Given the circumstances, it seemed logical to accept the offer. Rejecting it would lead to a confrontation, but joining the Fatui could provide opportunities, especially since Lucas had his own goals.



[You agree to join the Fatui, but you tell Pierro that your identity must remain a secret. You also ask for their help in finding any clues about Rosalyn, whether she is alive or dead.]

[Though you suspect Rosalyn is likely deceased, you still cling to a small hope. After all, with your necromantic skills, even her grave might hold the key to reviving her.]

[Pierro immediately agrees to your request. However, he smiles and asks for a demonstration of your abilities, wondering if you can truly revive the dead.]

[You scoff at Pierro's request, stating that you can't demonstrate your skills without a corpse.]

["That's easily solved!" Pierro says without hesitation. He orders all of the nearby Fatui soldiers to commit suicide. Before you can react, the soldiers unsheathe their weapons and kill themselves on the spot. Only one young Fatui soldier hesitates, trembling in fear.]

[Pierro, disappointed by the hesitation, personally ends the young soldier's life. He comments wryly, "I've heard that the army of undead you once created followed orders without question. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to achieve that level of obedience. No matter how I train them, there are always moments of disobedience."]

[You feel no particular emotion at Pierro's actions. By killing the soldiers, he ensures that no one else will learn of your identity while also providing you with the corpses you need. It was the correct move.]

[Your long life and solitary existence have stripped you of your humanity. To you, nothing in the world matters anymore—except for Rosalyn.]

[Despite the centuries-long seal, your skills remain sharp. You quickly revive the soldiers as undead and have them follow your commands.]

[Pierro, impressed by your abilities, invites you to travel to Snezhnaya with him. Thus, the two of you, each with your own motives, set off together.]

[Upon leaving the cellar, the sight before you takes you by surprise. What was once the flourishing city of Mondstadt has been reduced to ruins. A massive blue pillar stands before the ruins of the Cathedral of Favonius, splitting the statue of Barbatos in two.]

[From Pierro, you learn about the events that transpired over the past 450 years.]

[After you created the army of undead, they quickly overwhelmed Mondstadt. The last surviving Knight of Favonius, Grand Master Arundolyn, led a small group of survivors out of the city, saving only a few hundred citizens.]

[However, with no one left to command them, your undead army continued to carry out your last order: to kill every living thing in sight.]

[As in the fall of Khaenri'ah, a "Judgment" descended from the sky, obliterating the city and your undead army along with it. The resulting miasma from the countless corpses made the area uninhabitable for hundreds of miles. Only recently has the toxic air begun to clear.]

[After escaping Mondstadt, Arundolyn and the remaining citizens migrated to Liyue. With Liyue's support, they founded "New Mondstadt." While they survived, their new settlement became the weakest of the Seven Nations.]

[Upon hearing this, Pierro once again expresses his admiration for you. After all, you are the one who singlehandedly "destroyed" a nation. However, you feel no joy from his praise.]

[As for the remnants of your undead army, they didn't all perish in the "Divine Punishment." Some managed to escape Mondstadt and have since spread across Teyvat.]

[It was by studying one of these undead that Pierro discovered their potential. After extensive research, he led an expedition to Mondstadt to uncover the source of the undead and unexpectedly found you—their creator.]

[After a long journey, you and Pierro finally arrive in Snezhnaya, a land perpetually covered in snow and ice. The climate is vastly different from Mondstadt, but your body, now immune to heat and cold, feels nothing.]

[Introduced by Pierro, you meet the Tsaritsa, the Cryo Archon and one of the Seven, who surprisingly appears to be a young girl of about ten years old.]

[Despite her youthful appearance, she radiates an overwhelming aura, and even with your considerable power, you cannot afford to be disrespectful.]

[You are formally appointed as the Third Harbinger of the Fatui. Ironically, your code name is "The Doctor," the very nickname you were given when you studied at the Sumeru Academia.]

[The other two senior Harbingers are Pierro, the First Harbinger, and the General, who holds the Second position. Pierro offers to let you take his position as the First Harbinger, but you decline, having no interest in such matters.]



Lucas was genuinely shocked.

The Doctor was "himself"?

While the character of the Third Harbinger, "The Doctor," hadn't yet appeared in the game at this point, he had already been shown in the official manga, where he had the classic appearance of a villain.

Who would've thought that after all this time, he would end up becoming "The Doctor."

However, this did make sense in a way. Whether it was his research into the human body or being exiled as a heretic, his life experiences mirrored those of "The Doctor" in the game.

Of course, since the simulator wasn't identical to the original story, it was likely that the "Doctor" he became in the simulator wasn't directly connected to the canon version.


[Age 490: Unlike Mondstadt or Sumeru, your research in Snezhnaya progresses smoothly. Here, you can conduct experiments openly, and there's never a shortage of fresh bodies.]

[You have no idea where the bodies come from, nor do you care. To you, they are nothing more than tools for experimentation, no different from beakers or scalpels.]


[Age 494: The undead army you created for Snezhnaya is deployed for the first time and proves to be a great success.]


[Age 497: The Fourth Harbinger, code-named "The Pigeon," joins the Fatui. Pierro holds a welcome banquet, but you do not attend.]


[Age 500: You've completely forgotten that you are now 500 years old. The Tsaritsa sends you a gift—a Delusion. You understand that its significance is more symbolic than practical, as neither a Vision nor a Delusion can grant you the kind of power you already possess.]


[Age 506: The Fifth Harbinger, code-named "The Rooster," joins. You know little about him, only that his name is Pulcinella.]


[Age 510: Thanks to the presence of your undead army, Snezhnaya's military power increases dramatically. You become regarded as a "hero" by many in the nation.]

[This feels oddly familiar, as you were once hailed as a hero in Mondstadt.]

[Several high-status women express interest in marrying you, but you politely decline all of them.]

[It's not that your extended lifespan has caused you to lose interest in such matters. In fact, your vitality far exceeds that of an average young man.]

[The Tsaritsa has rewarded you with many attendants for your personal pleasure, and your fame and allure have made many women willingly "serve" you. You don't resist this, seeing it as a necessary outlet for your energy.]

[However, despite all this, you've never developed feelings for any of these women. Your heart remains forever devoted to Rosalyn.]


[Age 515: Pierro brings you an unusual "corpse" and asks if you can revive it. The body appears to be that of a handsome young man, dressed in the style of Inazuma.]

[As usual, you agree to Pierro's request, but upon closer inspection, you're shocked to discover that the "corpse" isn't human—it's a highly intricate puppet.]

[This amazes you. If your power lies in "reviving life," then whoever created this puppet undoubtedly holds the power to "create life."]

[Despite the puppet's complex design, your extraordinary medical skills allow you to successfully "revive" it.]

[Technically, the puppet has no biological gender, as it lacks the reproductive functions of humans. However, since the puppet doesn't possess any of the anatomical features of a male, you decide to refer to it as female.]

[After being revived, she opens her eyes slowly. Her gaze is empty, showing no surprise at being brought back to life.]

[However, she doesn't speak or communicate. You suspect that she may have suffered a traumatic experience before "dying," resulting in temporary psychological shutdown. But you don't mind. You have all the time in the world—time is something you have in abundance.]


[Age 516: Over the next year, observing this puppet girl becomes your "hobby." You notice that she has begun reacting to external stimuli and occasionally watches you as you conduct experiments. She also shows human-like responses, such as "embarrassment," especially when you clean her internal oil tubes with lubricant.]


[Age 517: Pierro frequently inquires about the puppet's progress, but you only tell him to wait. Although Pierro holds considerable authority as the First Harbinger, he respects you and does not press further.]


[Age 518: You continue your experiments with the puppet, setting up unguarded environments to see if she will attempt to escape. Your observations show that she does consider fleeing but ultimately hesitates at the door and decides against it.]

[As a reward for her "obedience," you switch to a new mint-scented cleaning lubricant.]


[Age 519: During an ordinary afternoon tea, the puppet speaks for the first time, asking if she can have one of your pastries. You perform a basic obedience test, offering her a treat in exchange for answering a question. The first question you ask is her name.]

["Scaramouche," she answers.]


Scaramouche? Raiden's discarded puppet, the Sixth Harbinger?

Lucas was quite familiar with this name, as it belonged to Scaramouche, one of the Fatui Harbingers.

Lucas vaguely remembered Scaramouche's backstory—an artificial human abandoned by the Electro Archon, Raiden Shogun, who later had his powers sealed. Wandering Inazuma with only fragments of his consciousness, he eventually became a Harbinger for the Fatui.

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