Genshin Impact: Villain Life Simulator

Villain Simulator, Ch 38

"It's not impossible," Lucas thought. "Even though it costs ten million mora, the money I'm spending here is what I've earned in the simulator, and I'll get to enjoy it myself using the 'immersive mode.' This is a win-win situation." 

However, would this truly count as revenge?

To be honest, this would only be humiliating Barbara by throwing money at her. The perfect revenge should involve leading her step by step into an inescapable abyss, making her completely fall into ruin and become a mere tool for his amusement...

[You're getting quite skilled at this, aren't you?] the system commented sarcastically.

"This is just a simulation," Lucas, now used to playing the villain in the simulator, replied calmly. "I've come to realize that as long as I can separate the simulation from reality, I won't be affected by evil thoughts. It's better to go all in rather than to hesitate inside the simulator."

Exactly, everything in the simulator was fake! It was merely the system's way of trying to corrupt him.


[You smiled and said, "I can make you a popular idol. You don't want to see your sister withering away, do you?" Barbara hesitated for a moment but ultimately rejected your offer.]

[You could tell she didn't trust you, which you had expected. You handed her a business card, telling her to contact you if she changed her mind.]

[Soon after, you organized a free idol concert in Mondstadt's main square, inviting the most popular idol group from your agency. The energy and joy from the performance brought new life to the city, which had been scarred by recent calamities. For the first time in a while, smiles returned to people's faces.]

[Among the audience, you spotted Barbara with a telescope. Her eyes were filled with admiration and longing. You knew your plan was halfway complete.]


[Age 25: You held several more idol concerts, this time ticketed, and they all sold out. The concept of "idols" soon took hold in Mondstadt.]

[Seizing the opportunity, your agency launched an idol talent search in Mondstadt, with tens of thousands of applicants vying for a spot.]

[The selection process had two stages: a preliminary round and an interview. The pass rate for the preliminary round was less than 1%, with only about a thousand applicants making it through.]

[You know from your years in the industry that the path to becoming a successful idol is paved with the failed dreams of countless hopefuls.]

[Sure enough, Barbara Gunnhildr's name appeared on the list of successful candidates. While you could have used your influence to guarantee her success in the final interview, you chose not to.]

[You believed in your judgment—even if this was revenge, you could still recognize that Barbara had the potential to become a top idol.]

[Only 7% of those who made it to the interview passed to the next stage, which took place across eight different groups. As expected, Barbara passed her interview effortlessly.]

[In the end, only 98 applicants passed the interview. After three months of intensive training, only 30 remained for the final assessment—and you were the final examiner.]

[As the creator of the "idol" phenomenon, you were known for your strict standards and exceptional ability to create stars. Many of the hopefuls left your office in tears, and next up was Barbara.]


"Enter immersive mode."


[Successfully entered immersive mode.]

Lucas was now fully accustomed to immersive mode, easily distinguishing between reality and the simulation.

The office door softly clicked shut, and in front of him stood a blonde girl of around eighteen. She wore an idol costume reminiscent of a nun's attire, giving her a pure and innocent appearance. Her white thigh-high socks only added to her charm.

Becoming an idol wasn't just about having beauty or talent; it was about having a quality that made fans feel connected, a certain approachable allure. Barbara possessed this naturally, without the need for training.


"You came after all," Lucas smiled. "Why didn't you contact me directly? You know I could've saved you a lot of trouble."

"I... I didn't want to take shortcuts," Barbara replied, her expression conflicted. After all, the harsh mockery from her childhood had left her with a lingering resentment toward Lucas.

"That's the right choice. If you had tried to take shortcuts, I would've eliminated you without hesitation," Lucas replied, sizing her up, causing Barbara to fidget nervously. "So, why do you want to become an idol?"

"First, I need money. The family's finances are stretched thin, barely enough to keep my sister alive. We need a large sum of mora to wake her from her coma," Barbara said, taking a deep breath before continuing, "Second, since Stormterror's attack, the city has been filled with gloom. I want to bring joy to the people again with my voice. If I become an idol, I can lift their spirits."

Lucas clapped slowly and smiled. "Well said. It seems you've already grasped the essence of being an idol."

"The essence of being an idol?" Barbara repeated, looking puzzled. "What... what is it?"

"It's deception, my dear nun," Lucas said nonchalantly. "The essence of an idol is to craft a perfect lie, to create a persona that everyone will adore."

"But... I wasn't lying! I meant what I said!" Barbara protested. "Those were my true feelings."

"It doesn't matter whether it's the truth or a lie," Lucas shook his head. "What matters is achieving your goal. The idol gains fame, the fans get their joy, and I get my mora. As long as everyone wins, who cares if it's all built on lies?"

"I... I can't accept that!" Barbara, in her innocence, couldn't wrap her mind around such a perspective. To her, the idols on stage were radiant and pure. "Is that what being an idol really means?"

"Oh?" Lucas shrugged. "Alright then, tell me, who's your favorite idol?"

"Alice from 'Slime Marshmallow,'" Barbara replied hesitantly. "She's so cute, playing with slimes, isn't she?"

"Ah, her... A fantastic actress," Lucas smirked. "But in reality, she hates slimes. She gets hives all over her body whenever she touches them. She complains to me about it all the time."

"W-What?" Barbara gasped, shaking her head. "But... but what about Ayase Sakura from 'Good Morning Cat'? Her love for food can't be fake, right? Watching her eat makes me so happy!"

"Do you really think someone can eat that much and stay in shape?" Lucas sighed. "She's always using a purge technique. You know that glove she always wears? It's to hide the marks on her hand from making herself vomit."

Barbara's world was crumbling as she learned that everything she believed in was fake.

"It's all a lie, but it's a beautiful one," Lucas said with a sly smile. "That's why idols are such wonderful things. Smiling as they spin these perfect dreams. Barbara, do you have what it takes to do the same?"

Barbara remained silent for a moment, then, with resolve in her eyes, said, "President Lucas, I've made up my mind. I will become an idol. I'll prove to you that I can succeed without lying."

"I see your determination," Lucas replied with a grin. "In that case, let's begin the final test. Sing your best song for me."

"S-Sing?" Barbara hesitated, the confidence draining from her. 

"Just as I thought," Lucas said coldly. "I've been observing you during training. You work hard, but you have one major flaw—you can't sing solo. You only feel comfortable in a group, isn't that right?"

Blushing, Barbara nodded. "Ever since you criticized me all those years ago, I've been too scared to sing alone. But I'm fine singing in a group."

"If you only sing in a group, you'll never be the star. You'll always be in the background," Lucas said bluntly. "I'm looking for a lead idol. If you can't sing solo, I'm afraid you're out."

"Wait, I-I can do it!" Barbara took a deep breath, tapping her foot to keep rhythm. She started to sing softly, "When the rain falls on your sky, that's me fighting off the clouds for you..."

The song was one that Lucas had personally composed, Let the Wind Tell You.

Despite her nerves, Barbara's natural talent shone through. Her voice was still sweet and captivating, despite the occasional note slipping.


"Alright," Lucas said, waving his hand. "You did it."

"Does that mean..." Barbara asked excitedly, "I passed?"

"Not so fast," Lucas grinned mischievously. "Now take off your top and sing it again."

Barbara was stunned. "What? That's too much!"

"This is nothing," Lucas replied coolly. "On stage, you'll have to face thousands of eyes. This is just to train your composure."

"C-Could that be true?" Barbara, in her naivety, almost believed him.

"Of course it's not true," Lucas said shamelessly. "I'm just seeing if you'll do what I tell you."


Barbara didn't reject him outright. After all, becoming an idol had been her lifelong dream. And more importantly, she needed the money to heal Jean.

"I... I understand." Slowly, Barbara began to undo her collar.

As her clothes fell to the floor, so too did her shattered dignity.

Once more, Let the Wind Tell You filled the room. But this time, the cheerful song was tinged with an undercurrent of sadness.

Lucas didn't bother hiding his enjoyment of the scene unfolding before him.

His revenge plan was proceeding smoothly.

But this was only the first step in Barbara's descent. His ultimate goal was to build her up into a famous idol, only to later reveal all the dirty secrets behind her rise to fame, ruining the Gunnhildr family's reputation for good.

Barbara may have been innocent, but Lucas had no pity for her—she was just another pawn in his game.


[Exited immersive mode. Reentered text mode.]


[Barbara passed the final exam and officially joined your new idol group, Dandelion Song. The group was composed of four members, including Barbara. The leader of the group was a girl from Inazuma named "Raiden Mai" ([Puppet Master] Talent activated).]

["Raiden Mai" was actually a doll you had found in your warehouse. Strangely, you discovered that you could temporarily transfer your consciousness into this doll and control it.]

[You decided to use the doll's body to join the idol group, not only to help boost the group's popularity but also to keep a close eye on Barbara.]

[Even though you're a man, your deep understanding of the industry and mastery of singing and dancing made you a perfect idol producer. More importantly, the doll named "Raiden Mai" had an astonishingly beautiful face and body, making gaining popularity almost effortless.]

[The "Dandelion Song" group project still lacked two members. Though you had plenty of artists to choose from, this was a brand-new group, so you decided to pick fresh talents.]

[Among the candidates, a girl named Lilina caught your eye. Apart from her unpolished "clumsy girl" persona, she belonged to the rare Cat-Ear Tribe. Those adorable cat ears naturally boosted her popularity.]

[Most importantly, she was very understanding. After the audition, she left you a card with the name of a hotel and her room number.]

[That night, after preparing yourself, you went to the room Lilina had reserved. There, the two of you had a deep conversation. She didn't hold back and showed off her advantages, proving her determination to become an idol. You also experienced the incredible stamina and superhuman physicality of the Cat-Ear Tribe.]

[After this "discussion," you agreed to let Lilina join the group. It wasn't just because of her talent; it was also because she was the kind of girl who was easy to control.]

["Favoritism" wasn't a new concept in your industry. After all, there were countless beautiful and youthful girls, and to stand out, they had to pay a price.]

[Of course, you never needed to hint at anything. With your handsome appearance and unique charm, many women offered themselves willingly. You didn't see anything wrong with it, your life philosophy was all about "mutual benefit."]

[Now, with three members confirmed for the group, you needed a musician. You walked the streets of Mondstadt at night, thinking about the final member. That's when you heard a sweet melody from the tavern "Angel's Share."]

[The music was familiar. You entered the tavern and saw a handsome young boy in green, playing the lyre and singing. For some reason, he seemed familiar—almost like the wandering bard who gave you an apple when you were a child.]

[However, you quickly dismissed the thought. That happened 20 years ago, and the bard before you didn't even look 20 yet.]

[You quietly observed him from a corner. You noticed that he seemed to love drinking, though he looked short on money. Seeing an opportunity, you bought him a drink and struck up a conversation.]


"Enter immersive mode."


[Successfully entered immersive mode.]

Standing before Lucas was indeed a face so beautiful it could be mistaken for a girl's. Despite knowing he was a boy, the slight blush from the wine and the mischievous smile made him undeniably charming.

Let's get this straight: first, Lucas wasn't into men.

Second, he was just too cute.

With that voice, face, and aura, not making him an idol would be a waste!

As for his gender?

Did that even matter?

"I'm Venti, a wandering bard... hic!" the boy hiccuped, his sweet, wine-scented breath filling the air as he smiled. "I know you—Lucas, the idol producer, right?"

It wasn't surprising that Venti recognized Lucas. After all, he was somewhat of a celebrity, often featured in newspapers and magazines.

"Since you know who I am, you can probably guess why I'm talking to you," Lucas said, handing him a business card. "So, are you interested in becoming a girl idol?"


Venti almost spat out his drink. "Wh-What? But... I'm not a girl..."

"Who says only girls can be idols?" Lucas's smile was full of subtle traps. "With my expertise, I can make you one of the most popular idols out there."

"I'd rather not," Venti said awkwardly. "Being a wandering bard suits me more."

"In reality, there's not much difference between a bard and an idol," Lucas continued to coax him. "Both sing for a living. The only difference is one performs on a small stage, the other on a big one. One earns more, the other less."

"I think you misunderstand," Venti said, now more serious. "I, Venti, am not someone who can be swayed by money."

"I happen to be on good terms with Master Diluc. This is a lifetime VIP card for free drinks at 'Angel's Share'..." Lucas placed a black and gold membership card on the table, smiling. "Too bad I don't care much for wine."

"Y'know, now that I think about it," Venti's expression suddenly turned serious, "you might have a point. Being an idol isn't so bad after all."

"You're a smart one," Lucas said, quietly slipping the membership card into Venti's hand.

"I... I do have one small request," Venti said, his face flushed. "Could I... not wear a miniskirt?"

Without skipping a beat, Lucas calmly finished his glass of Dandelion Wine, smiled, and replied:


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